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Getting my implants out

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I desperetly need to get my implants out, they are saline and i have

had them for over 11 years. I am so sick and getting so broke from

surgerys and hospitalization, medicines and loss of work. I was

looking into Dr. in Grand Rapids where i live and also Dr.

Lugane Feng in Ohio who was recommended to me by Diane. Anyone with

any info on these to physicians please let me know also how do i know

i am getting my implants back for sure and where to i store them in

case i decide to ever get a lawyer.

Thanks and God Bless

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Hi...this is Sunny here praying for a speedy explant for you.

I had my poison bags for 20 yrs. - bi-lumen - saline outer/silicone

gel inner. I had them taken out on July 26 of this year. Healing

very quickly and gratefully! I'm just glad to be alive and am

actually going to skate and play hockey with my grandchildren this

winter!! Wooo Hoooooo!


Sunny :) xo


> I desperetly need to get my implants out, they are saline and i have

> had them for over 11 years. I am so sick and getting so broke from

> surgerys and hospitalization, medicines and loss of work. I was

> looking into Dr. in Grand Rapids where i live and also Dr.

> Lugane Feng in Ohio who was recommended to me by Diane. Anyone with

> any info on these to physicians please let me know also how do i


> i am getting my implants back for sure and where to i store them in

> case i decide to ever get a lawyer.

> Thanks and God Bless


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Welcome Coffee! Dr. may be an excellent doctor. However, Dr. Feng has been removing implants right for years. You can count on her! For your implants to be valid as evidence, you need to get your report on them before taking custody of them yourself. . . Your surgeon will order a pathology report on them - but then, to get a detailed report, you can send them to Dr. Blais in Canada. . . We haveinfo on him in the Files section . . .But Dr. Feng will know how to get them to him. Hugs and prayers, Rogenecoffeedecaff <coffeedecaff@...> wrote: I desperetly need to get my implants out, they are saline and i have had them for over 11 years. I am so sick and getting so broke from surgerys and hospitalization, medicines and loss of work. I was looking into Dr. in Grand Rapids where i live and also Dr. Lugane Feng in Ohio who was recommended to me by Diane. Anyone with any info on these to physicians please let me know also how do i know i am getting my implants back for sure and where to i store them in case i decide to ever get a lawyer.Thanks and God Bless

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Hi there,

Dr. Lu Feng in Ohio is highly recommended on this site, due to her knowledge and expertise in getting implants taken out correctly. You would be in great hands with her care.

Dr. Feng's website is www.drfeng.com

To my knowledge, we only have one explanting doctor listed for Michigan, and I believe that one was recently added. You may want to give them a call. I have no information on Dr. in Grand Rapids. We are always looking for good explanting doctors, so if you do have an explant by this doctor and it turns out well, we'd like to know.

If you go to Dr. Feng, she will take care of all your concerns in a professional manner and give you the implants properly stored and provide the information you need about them.

If you go to anyone else that is local, you are going to have to do some leg work to make sure that the explant is going to be done properly. Most doctors do not perform an en bloc removal or a total capsulectomy. We highly recommend a total capsulectomy at the minimum on our group, for the best chance at healing. It is just too risky to allow doctors to be cavalier about not removing the capsule.

We can understand and empathize with you in your situation regarding the suffering from illness and the financial distress of not working and having to pay for all of the medical care. It is not right what has been done to us, but you are not alone. There are many, many women who have suffered similarly.

We can offer encouragement and support for you through this difficult time. There are many of us who were desperately ill and have recovered. It takes time, effort and a bit of knowledge, but you have a good chance at getting your health back once the implants are removed!

Take care and let us know how we can help you further,


Getting my implants out

I desperetly need to get my implants out, they are saline and i have had them for over 11 years. I am so sick and getting so broke from surgerys and hospitalization, medicines and loss of work. I was looking into Dr. in Grand Rapids where i live and also Dr. Lugane Feng in Ohio who was recommended to me by Diane. Anyone with any info on these to physicians please let me know also how do i know i am getting my implants back for sure and where to i store them in case i decide to ever get a lawyer.Thanks and God Bless


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Oops! I guess it would help if I gave you the doctor's name and address on our list for Michigan!


Dr. Fanny DelaCruz M.D. F.A.C.S. West Bloomflield Plastic Surgery Center 7091 Orchard Lake Road Suite 200 West Bloomflield, Michigan 48322-3654


FAX: 248-737-0858http://www.plasticsurgery.org/md/DELACRUZ.htm

Getting my implants out

I desperetly need to get my implants out, they are saline and i have had them for over 11 years. I am so sick and getting so broke from surgerys and hospitalization, medicines and loss of work. I was looking into Dr. in Grand Rapids where i live and also Dr. Lugane Feng in Ohio who was recommended to me by Diane. Anyone with any info on these to physicians please let me know also how do i know i am getting my implants back for sure and where to i store them in case i decide to ever get a lawyer.Thanks and God Bless

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