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Raw Food Diet

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Thanks for Sharing Haninda I will check it out it sounds very interesting.!! Also for anyone who is interested in the Raw Foods Way It took me a year to even attempt looking into it , I find it quite fascinating though here are some of the top recipe books, I have gone to Raw food pot lucks met many interesting people there also, Here are three books Raw the uncook cook book by no, or Dining in the Raw by Rita Romano or The complete book of Raw Food written by the worlds top raw chefs, (My Favorite )you learn about sprouting and enzymes and nutrients in their purest forms in most of these books.

Shereehspl28@... wrote:

In a message dated 4/23/2004 9:29:40 AM Eastern Standard Time, powerp818@... writes:

Just when I think I have heard it all. you come in and push it a step further and it makes me laugh and even opens my mind up further to more possiblities.

Thanks Sheree,

I guess this is the one place where I am not considered too extreme!

I thought I would give some more info on where I got this raw meat idea. I bought the cook book "Nourishing Traditions," which is not a candida cookbook, but one that deals with how the ancient, and some current, tribes survived in total health. It was fascinating to read, since she covered tribes and cultures that live in all parts of the globe, how they stayed healthy, and how they treated their food. It even covers fasting, something almost all cultures used to do.

It is written by Sally Fallon, and is a great resource if you want to push the envalope of current thinking.


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  • 2 years later...

I can't remember his name right now - - He has to be in his nineties . . . health and exercise guru clear back in the '50's. He STILL looks great! He and his wife have been eating raw foods all these years! He can exercise alongside anyone! Rogene

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Jack LaLane?


> I can't remember his name right now - - He has to be in his nineties . . .

> health and exercise guru clear back in the '50's. He STILL looks great! He and

> his wife have been eating raw foods all these years! He can exercise alongside

> anyone!


> Rogene





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I did a double take - I subscribe to Raw Food lists, so I was surprised to see it noted here. Alissa Cohen is great. So is Zavasta www.beautifulonraw.com and Shazzie www.shazzie.com - the most famous raw food advocate would be Wolfe (has many sites but one of them is www.davidwolfe.com.) Also, another living foods diet (with some cooked foods and a Christian perspective) is www.hacres.com. I have just about every raw food uncook book out there, and some are quite complex. I think we can all agree that getting more live, fresh, organic fruits and veggies is helpful even if we aren't 100% raw - so a simple book for adding more into your diet is by Cornbleet called 'Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2

people' - it doesn't call for dehydrators - just a good blender. There is a zucchini soup that is amazing - it has olive oil and avocado and cayenne etc. and is so easy. Her site is http://www.learnrawfood.com/books.htm. It can also be purchased on Amazon. Another woman who had horrible health problems (particularly from Depro-Provera) chronicles her issues at http://www.rawandjuicy.com/ I had the pleasure of seeing and speak and sample some of their goodies. If you are interested, the meet up groups have raw potlucks and events in most major cities - I have gotten some great tastings by attending these :)http://rawfood.meetup.com/ There are also other health meet up groups - I found alot of people who were recovering from cancer or fibromyalgia, etc, as well as holistic healers etc. The atmosphere is definitely supportive of those going against the grain of western medicine. And VERY supportive of implant removal. :) <waltjenking@...> wrote: Here is a website I just found that people might be interested...it's about eating raw foods..... http://www.alissacohen.com/testimonials.html __________________________________________________

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LOL you guys are so cute! He is the juiceman, and I always watch his infomercials - he and his wife are so darling and full of energy. There was also Dr. Norman who lived to be around 118 supposedly - he pioneered alot of the juicing. auntsisnj <auntsisnj@...> wrote: Bindi,I just looked at the site! Very interesting!! Your mom used to collect nude photo's of Jack LaLanne? I can see why!!Sis>> Do you mean Jack LaLane? Omigod, I remember him. He is really into juicing and raw foods. I remember my mom collecting naked photos of him when he was young-- boy was he hot-- you can see some of them here(it's a long link, just click anywhere). They aren't risque at all, just photos of very buff men's bodies. Bindi> http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.v-m-p.org/images/lalanne/JackLaLanne-rw01-nude-pole.jpg & imgrefurl=http://www.v-m-p.org/lalanne01.html & h=1010 & w=794 & sz=495 & hl=en & start=2 & tbnid=MBSgCrwGG6g0sM: & tbnh=150 & tbnw=118 & prev=/images%3Fq%3Djack%2Blalanne%2B%26svnum%3D50%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26rls%> > Re: Raw Food Diet> > > > I can't remember his name right now - - He has to be in his nineties . . . health and exercise guru clear back in the '50's. He STILL looks great! He and his wife have been eating raw foods all these years! He can exercise alongside anyone!> > Rogene> > > > > > > >

> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------> > > No virus found in this incoming message.> Checked by AVG Free Edition.> Version: 7.5.432 / Virus Database: 268.15.18/586 - Release Date: 12/13/2006 6:13 PM>

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WOW...he was HOT!!!! He's still hot! Thanks for the eye candy, Bindi.....hee hee. My fiance walked in when I was looking at his nude shot! It was quite funny...he couldn't stop staring at him either :) auntsisnj <auntsisnj@...> wrote: Bindi,I just looked at the site! Very interesting!! Your mom used to collect nude photo's of Jack LaLanne? I can see why!!Sis>> Do you mean Jack LaLane? Omigod, I remember him. He is really into juicing and raw foods. I remember my mom collecting naked photos of him when he was young-- boy was he hot-- you can see some of them here(it's a long link, just click anywhere). They aren't risque at all, just photos of very buff men's bodies. Bindi> http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.v-m-p.org/images/lalanne/JackLaLanne-rw01-nude-pole.jpg & imgrefurl=http://www.v-m-p.org/lalanne01.html & h=1010 & w=794 & sz=495 & hl=en & start=2 & tbnid=MBSgCrwGG6g0sM: & tbnh=150 & tbnw=118 & prev=/images%3Fq%3Djack%2Blalanne%2B%26svnum%3D50%26hl%3Den%26lr%3D%26rls%> > Re: Raw Food Diet> > > > I can't remember his name right now - - He has to be in his nineties . . . health and exercise guru clear back in the '50's. He STILL looks great! He and his wife have been eating raw foods all these years! He can exercise alongside anyone!> > Rogene> > > > > > > >

> > ---------------------------------------------------------------------> > > No virus found in this incoming message.> Checked by AVG Free Edition.> Version: 7.5.432 / Virus Database: 268.15.18/586 - Release Date: 12/13/2006 6:13 PM>

Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.

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, Thanks for all the info. I will check it all out. I probably won't go 100% raw, but I don't do a lot of veggies so if I can add them to my diet in a way that I will eat them, that would be great! Emeraldkittee <emeraldkittee@...> wrote: I did a double take - I subscribe to Raw Food lists, so I was surprised to see it noted here. Alissa Cohen is great. So is

Zavasta www.beautifulonraw.com and Shazzie www.shazzie.com - the most famous raw food advocate would be Wolfe (has many sites but one of them is www.davidwolfe.com.) Also, another living foods diet (with some cooked foods and a Christian perspective) is www.hacres.com. I have just about every raw food uncook book out there, and some are quite complex. I think we can all agree that getting more live, fresh, organic fruits and veggies is helpful even if we aren't 100% raw - so a simple book for adding more into your diet is by Cornbleet called 'Raw Food Made Easy for 1 or 2 people' - it doesn't call for dehydrators - just a good blender. There is a zucchini soup that is amazing - it has olive oil and avocado and cayenne etc. and is

so easy. Her site is http://www.learnrawfood.com/books.htm. It can also be purchased on Amazon. Another woman who had horrible health problems (particularly from Depro-Provera) chronicles her issues at http://www.rawandjuicy.com/ I had the pleasure of seeing and speak and sample some of their goodies. If you are interested, the meet up groups have raw potlucks and events in most major cities - I have gotten some great tastings by attending these :)http://rawfood.meetup.com/ There are also other health meet up groups - I found alot of people who were recovering from cancer or fibromyalgia,

etc, as well as holistic healers etc. The atmosphere is definitely supportive of those going against the grain of western medicine. And VERY supportive of implant removal. :) <waltjenking > wrote: Here is a website I just found that people might be interested...it's about eating raw foods..... http://www.alissacohen.com/testimonials.html __________________________________________________

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, my goal is to be eating 80% of my food raw. I'm getting

there! My daughter-in-law got a recipe book last year as a gift.

When she went to cook a new recipe, she noticed it was all raw food

recipes...she wasn't too keen on that! lol So I borrowed it...wow,

so many neat ideas. I need a blender so I can have some fun...right

now I use a little hand blender...it fits inside a jar or large cup.

Living in a cold climate always makes it more challenging to eat raw

foods. I just cook up some buckwheat (the vegetarians' meat!!) and

it seems to put the warmth on my ribs!

Thanks for the website...I'll do more research...it's fun!


Sunny :) xo

--- In , <waltjenking@...>



> Here is a website I just found that people might be

interested...it's about eating raw foods.....






> http://www.alissacohen.com/testimonials.html


> __________________________________________________


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Did you click on page 2, where he's posing naked with another guy? Maybe I will print out one of those racy gymnastic shots and blow it up and put it up on the wall. Better yet, a screensaver!

Remember his TV show, where he wore those tight jumpsuits and did calesthenics? Jumpsuits were hot in the 70's!


Re: Raw Food Diet> > > > I cant remember his name right now - - He has to be in his nineties . . . health and exercise guru clear back in the '50's. He STILL looks great! He and his wife have been eating raw foods all these years! He can exercise alongside anyone!> > Rogene> > > > > > > > > > ---------------------------------------------------------------------> > > No virus found in this incoming message.> Checked by AVG Free Edition.> Version: 7.5.432 / Virus Database: 268.15.18/586 - Release Date: 12/13/2006 6:13 PM>

Everyone is raving about the all-new beta.

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.5.432 / Virus Database: 268.15.19/587 - Release Date: 12/14/2006 7:28 PM

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hi ,

I know what you mean - I find I naturally want to eat more raw in

the summer. That is why I am so crazy for cayenne in these raw

soups that Cornbleet does - it warms me up so much, and I am

always cold too. And just the variety of organic produce

unfortunately goes down in Chicago in the winter.

One thing I have really enjoyed, as I cannot tolerate dairy, is

making my own nut milks. If you have a powerhouse blender (Vita mix

is wonderful and they offer a payment plan since it's expensive) you

can soak some (raw, unsalted/unroasted) almonds overnight and then

add water and blend. You strain it with a nutmilk bag (or

cheesecloth, but that was a disaster for me when I tried this

method, lol!!) - I add a bit of vanilla and agave syrup then and use

it over fruit or cereals. I have done it with cashews and brazil

nuts as well, and I was rather proud of myself. :)

I got my nutmilk bags from www.oneluckyduck.com.

I have been behind on my emails due to work, but it sounds like you

are just soaring, and getting the right info and having the right

attitude - I'm so proud of you :) We are so happy you are here!

> >

> > Here is a website I just found that people might be

> interested...it's about eating raw foods.....

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > http://www.alissacohen.com/testimonials.html

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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