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Lung pains-Anyone else have this?

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In a message dated 9/3/2006 9:34:34 PM Eastern Standard Time, dusty.com@... writes:

Do you also have shallow rapid breathing along with the fluttering

These are the same symptoms when I go into a panic attack

This just made me think to ask...

OUTSIDE of panic attacks --- do any of you have pain in your lungs? I've had pain behind my right breast in my upper lung for about the past 6 months. It's fairly new.

When I first was implanted 9 yrs ago, I had breathing problems for over a year. My lungs were so restricted that it showed up on xray, and were so to the point they didn't even respond to nebulizer treatments. I was treated for asthma (that has since gone away, and I had chronic bronchitis and sinusitis that I had more of the year than not. I had a cyst in one sinus and a polyp in another. I was on a host of drugs, (Ceftin, allergy meds, inhalers), and these things gradually eased up after a few years.

Now, I'm having this lung pain pretty bad. It isn't food related, it isn't gas, it isn't acid reflux, it isn't anxiety. I've never been a smoker, or around smoke other than as a small child. I don't feel it's allergens, because I don't have nasal symptoms. I don't THINK it's heart related, because I can actually feel the soreness in my chest wall if I press it. (I used to head to the ER every time I had panic attacks --- worrying I was having a heart attack. A doc once told me if you press on your chest and there's soreness -it's your lungs and not your heart, and to use that as a basic measure when I wasn't sure which was which.)

It's pain that comes worse when my lungs are full -especially if I take a deep breath. When I lay flat, it's worse. At night, some nights, I lay there almost in tears because it hurts so bad to breathe if I breathe in too much.

My doctor is sending me for a chest xray, and pulmonary tests as well as a sleep study. (I'm familiar with each, because my dad is dying of these types of issues.) The cartilage on my ribs STAYS inflamed (and have for about 7 years), but it's another symptom that I'm not sure if it could be related or not.

Anyone else have lung issues?(Again, I'm not referring to any kind of panic or anxiety attack. It's something physical.)

I've heard of lung problems with SILICONE, but not SALINES... ?

Thanks in advance!

Prayers to all,

Brigite :)

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