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Support Group Messages 9.18.2006 McDonough on Sally Kirkland's Radio Show Monday Morning (today)

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Dearest Support Group,

I'm a bit swamped right now ... but wanted to get these important messages out to you asap.

If you have written a support request that I haven't yet circulated ... please re-send!

Also, I believe that McDonough will be joining Sally Kirkland on her radio show this morning (Monday, 9/18/2006) at 10 am Pacific time. Click

here to listen live or hear the show archived. There are also the two recent shows I did with Sally linked there.


God's blessings on us all.

Love from Ilena



From: shellie beverlin <




ilena.rose@...Date: Sep 16, 2006 1:31 AMSubject: My Website Litigation

Hi Elena: I know I first contacted you when I was being sued back in December 2003 for the writing and publishing of my website

www.victimtwice.com. I have had very expensive years fighting for my website against an attorney that I honestly believe is nuts and this battle is only costing him his time (as he pointed out to me on several occassions). I bet he is shocked that I am still in the fight since he told me he would shut me down long ago since he believed I would not be able to afford the attorney fees to keep the fight going. I am emailing you because I am in desperate need of all the sister's prayers. I am going to trial October 2 representing myself against Mr. Deratany and his attorney. I shutter to think what the outcome will be. I will tell you this I will fight with everything I have in me. My site has been help to so many woman. I get hundreds and hundreds of emails from woman thanking me for my site. There are so many that I have directed to your support site. Woman that have been through similar things that I have been through that I continue to corresponnd with. Woman that have needed guidance on how to try to hold a doctor responsible for harming them. The one that broke my heart was a woman, (one of six children) that lost her mom to breast implant related issues. I helped her find an attorney to look into the matter. I could go on and on. My site must remain up as it truly is a public service site. I brings me great joy to help so many woman that have been harmed. This fight has been worth it just knowing how much I have helped other. I am in desperate need of prayers. I also wondered if you might have a media person that you could recommend (preferable a woman) that might be intersted in covering this story. It is going to prove to be very interesting and I am sure the court will screw me. I am hoping to get national attention at some point. Many attorneys that specialize in freedom of speach issues say that there is nothing wrong with my site and this is 100% a powerful, evil, bully trying to take way my right to freedom of speach because I can't afford to buy it. It is a shame that I live in America that that is what this boils down to. Any leads would be appreciated because I sure want some witnesses as to what travesty I am sure my day in court will become. A non biased personfrom the media would be awesome. I also think a person from the media would be appalled by this silencing of my voice. God bless you Ilean for all you do. I can't tell you how many woman thank me for directing them to your group. I hope all is well with you. Shellie


From: A. Winters Esq. <




Ilena Rose <ilena.rose@...


Date: Sep 15, 2006 5:03 PM

Subject: FYI

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FYI Ilena ---

I posted this:

I understand that Dow is considering allowing women in the settlement program as a late registrant, even if they had not registered by the 'drop dead' deadline.

This is not a given, and there has NOT been a decision on this. However, if you had Dow, are sick, and had not previously registered, it may be worth your while to write a letter to the Claims Administrator Austern, and ask to be let in. You will probably need to explain why you were unaware of the settlement or had been unable to register in a timely fashion.

I thought this was worth mentioning. Don't give up hope, ladies....


From: jana diederen <



| Mailed-By:

Ilena Rose <ilena.rose@...


Date: Sep 15, 2006 9:52 AM

Subject: circulation email

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Can anyone help me find:

1.) Doctors specialed in treating silicone posioning?

I have spoken with Kolb via phone and mail, and have seen Feng in 95/96 and am currently getting back in touch with her. Is there anyone else? International as well as national.

2.) LAW firms or attry. specialing in representing silicone poisoning clients

willing to LITIGATE. International as well as national.

3.) Mediations specialist with a background in silicone (Breast implant) posioning.

4.) Where can I donate my body post-mortem for furture study regarding silicone posioning? I would like to get this set-up legally as soon as possible.

5.) Who can I contact regarding medical studies. I want to be studied, my medical diagnosis' need to be documented and used to determine what the effects of silicone are on the human body.

Thank you so much for your time and energy.


Jana Diederen


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