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Dietary Supplements Are Safe! We Can Make Them Even Safer.

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The links aren't going to work on this, but you can find info with a web search! . . . Please support tightening safeguards on supplement! - Rogene Note: forwarded message attached.Date: Tue, 4 Jul 2006 07:58:09 -0400 (EDT)From: Citizens for Health <info@...>rschorer@...Subject: Dietary Supplements Are Safe! We Can Make Them Even Safer. Dietary supplements are safe. Senate Bill 3546 makes them even safer. For release: 7/4/06 Citizens for Health today commended Senators Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and Durbin (D-Ill.) for introducing Senate Bill 3546, the “Dietary Supplement and Nonprescription Drug Consumer Act,” a bill that will require manufacturers to notify the FDA of all serious adverse events (AEs) for over-the-counter (OTC) drugs and dietary supplements reported to them. Joining with other consumer groups and trade associations in supporting this bill, Citizens for Health also thanks the dietary supplement industry for having

set a good example over the years by working hard to voluntarily log and submit the small number of serious adverse events (side effects) that may or may not have been definitively associated with the use of dietary supplements, but which have been submitted in good faith regardless. Not only does the bill show a serious commitment to consumer safety and protection by the dietary supplement industry - it also includes appropriate safeguards so that unjustified burdens are not placed on these responsible companies. Show your support of Senate Bill 3546 today! This bill emphasizes how

well-regulated the dietary supplement industry actually is and how committed supplement companies already are to safety and to making the existing regulations work more effectively. Citizens for Health looks forward to the passage of this bill in the Senate and encourages the House of Representatives to take similar steps. The bill was expected to go to the Senate floor for a vote in mid-July. Ask your Senators to co-sponsor S. 3546 today! Please also ask your Representative to support the House version of this when it is introduced. Check out The Council for Responsible

Nutrition's Myths & Facts about Mandatory Adverse Event Reporting for Supplements. To view our privacy policy, click here. You are being sent this alert because you signed up for occasional updates on issues of importance to the natural health community. To unsubscribe, click here.

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