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Re: Just venting....not ranting

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Dawn, good for you! One of my favorite sayings is, " Be the change

you want to see in the world " - Mahatma Ghandi, I believe. You sat

there and bravely spoke the truth about implants...think of all the

seeds you planted! We never know when they will grow in these women,

especially when watered with follow-up prayer. I believe very firmly

that when we just be ourselves and speak the truth, God will put the

people in our paths that need to hear what we say, or for us to hear

what they say. We are all teachers and students simultaneously.

I really respect you for what you did. Keep up the good work...if

we all speak out as a group we CAN make big changes :)

Love & Healing,

Sunny :)


> At a party last night with my neighbors on the block. It's a very


> knit group of families. My girlfriends on the block all knew when

I was

> getting my implants -- they were all excited for me. One neighbor


> them already and, with the exception of a switchout in size due to


> rupture from trauma, she has experienced no problems and is


> breastfeeding a daughter. My other four neighbors all want them.


> were very curious when I went through my implant surgery last


> Well, I told them all they are coming out next week and why. My


> with the implants is treating me like I am nuts, which is okay -- I


> that her daughter does not have problems with having been

breastfed. A

> few others are fine-- I don't need them to be supportive, but they


> -- mostly sympathetic. One had already made an appt with a doc for


> consultation and has cancelled it and won't get them because of my

> experience (Yay! I helped someone!)


> But my one friend is getting them next year. She told me what a


> it is that I am getting mine out, what a waste of money, and that


> doesn't care if I have problems. She's getting them at all costs.


> said she won't be the kind of woman who has problems ( which is


> what I told myself ) as it is probably a personality type and


> in the head anyway. I wanted to shake her until her teeth


> She's got a nice husband, and two kids, plus she runs a business

that is

> becoming very successful. I'm going to print out a few things for


> in a month or so, before the boobie greed hits her full force and


> starts the research stage -- that's the point where we all became


> and ignored our gut instincts, right?


> All night long she kept saying -- but you LOOK great now, why would


> want to go back to what you were? I was quite flat and droopy.

> How can you hear the kind of stuff I told her last night ( all the


> pain, urgent care visits, cardiac problems, not being able to work,

> CONSTANT pain, that fake sickening feeling when my muscles flex,

(did I

> mention the constant pain?)low grade fevers, (which I had last

night, on

> my birthday!), not being able to get up easily from the lawn chair,


> being able to straighten my knees, and of course, the unremitting,

> constant pain, and all of this coming on suddenly to a previously

> perfectly healthy athlete's body.




> It's easy to dismiss me as a mental case when there is an


> beautiful woman sitting next to me with a lovely boob job,


> saying that she hasn't had a problem, and they were the best thing


> has ever done.



> Arrrrrrggghhhhhh!

> Dawn


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I so know how you feel about people not taking our sickness serious. I guess we all learn the hard way sometimes. I wish I had talked to these women I would have never risk my life that is for sure. IT'S ONLY SALTWATER that is laughable my implants had stuff floating around in them when they were removed. How terrible to think we are so misguided about the whole salt water thing. I heard that so much it makes me sick. I know one thing to be true that implants are the biggest scam for money I have ever seen in my life. Just don't look back Dawn follow your heart and gut feelings. I am only one of so many who's life was destroyed by implants. Good Luck to you.


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Dawn, Thank goodness at least one of your friends is listening! . . . . All you can do is to tell them about the implant problem - the rest is up to them! . . . I just wish someone had even hinted how dangerous implants are . . . Never, never, never would I have gotten them. A good response to the question about why you would have then removed is simply to say that, one's priorities and values change dramatically once one gets sick from implants . . . That you hope she doesn't have to learn that lesson the hard way. That, should she have any problems, you'll be there for her. Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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Hi Dawn,

It's unfortunate that so many put blinders on when it comes to

implants. I had a bad feeling about the immune problems before I

got them, and had I heard someone's story such as yours, I wouldn't

have done it. I had a friend who had them for 20 years (salines,

the same pair!) and she said she had no problems and loved them.

That started me down the road towards implants. The night before my

surgery, I was lying in bed and I heard a woman's voice say very

clearly " don't have the surgery, you're going to get sick " . I wish

I had listened to her, whoever she was.


--- In , Dawnsusan <dawnsusan@...>



> At a party last night with my neighbors on the block. It's a very


> knit group of families. My girlfriends on the block all knew when

I was

> getting my implants -- they were all excited for me. One neighbor


> them already and, with the exception of a switchout in size due to


> rupture from trauma, she has experienced no problems and is


> breastfeeding a daughter. My other four neighbors all want them.


> were very curious when I went through my implant surgery last


> Well, I told them all they are coming out next week and why. My


> with the implants is treating me like I am nuts, which is okay --

I pray

> that her daughter does not have problems with having been

breastfed. A

> few others are fine-- I don't need them to be supportive, but they


> -- mostly sympathetic. One had already made an appt with a doc

for a

> consultation and has cancelled it and won't get them because of my

> experience (Yay! I helped someone!)


> But my one friend is getting them next year. She told me what a


> it is that I am getting mine out, what a waste of money, and that


> doesn't care if I have problems. She's getting them at all

costs. She

> said she won't be the kind of woman who has problems ( which is


> what I told myself ) as it is probably a personality type and


> in the head anyway. I wanted to shake her until her teeth


> She's got a nice husband, and two kids, plus she runs a business

that is

> becoming very successful. I'm going to print out a few things for


> in a month or so, before the boobie greed hits her full force and


> starts the research stage -- that's the point where we all became


> and ignored our gut instincts, right?


> All night long she kept saying -- but you LOOK great now, why

would you

> want to go back to what you were? I was quite flat and droopy.

> How can you hear the kind of stuff I told her last night ( all the


> pain, urgent care visits, cardiac problems, not being able to


> CONSTANT pain, that fake sickening feeling when my muscles flex,

(did I

> mention the constant pain?)low grade fevers, (which I had last

night, on

> my birthday!), not being able to get up easily from the lawn

chair, not

> being able to straighten my knees, and of course, the unremitting,

> constant pain, and all of this coming on suddenly to a previously

> perfectly healthy athlete's body.




> It's easy to dismiss me as a mental case when there is an


> beautiful woman sitting next to me with a lovely boob job,


> saying that she hasn't had a problem, and they were the best thing


> has ever done.



> Arrrrrrggghhhhhh!

> Dawn


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Hi Dawn, I am glad you were not afraid to speak up. It is really sad that so many people don't comprehend our sicknesses....we look fine, so they assume we are fine, even when we are dying inside ! It's so tragic. It's just one of those things in life....there are so many people through the years that have been trampled upon in one way or another. Feelings ignored, suffering overlooked, pain swept under the rug, neglected, and minimized. It happens way too much. I don't think the other person realizes just what they are doing. I hope that your neighbors will eventually be able to have compassion about your situation and see what you've gone through. Keep speaking up, gently, with hope that at the right time, common sense will prevail, a light bulb will go off, and they will change their minds about breast implants. PattyDawnsusan

<dawnsusan@...> wrote: At a party last night with my neighbors on the block. It's a very close knit group of families. My girlfriends on the block all knew when I was getting my implants -- they were all excited for me. One neighbor has them already and, with the exception of a switchout in size due to a rupture from trauma, she has experienced no problems and is currently breastfeeding a daughter. My other four neighbors all want them. They were very curious when I went through my implant surgery last year. Well, I

told them all they are coming out next week and why. My friend with the implants is treating me like I am nuts, which is okay -- I pray that her daughter does not have problems with having been breastfed. A few others are fine-- I don't need them to be supportive, but they are -- mostly sympathetic. One had already made an appt with a doc for a consultation and has cancelled it and won't get them because of my experience (Yay! I helped someone!)But my one friend is getting them next year. She told me what a shame it is that I am getting mine out, what a waste of money, and that she doesn't care if I have problems. She's getting them at all costs. She said she won't be the kind of woman who has problems ( which is exactly what I told myself ) as it is probably a personality type and partially in the head anyway. I wanted to shake her until her teeth rattled. She's got a nice husband, and two kids, plus she runs a

business that is becoming very successful. I'm going to print out a few things for her in a month or so, before the boobie greed hits her full force and she starts the research stage -- that's the point where we all became deaf and ignored our gut instincts, right?All night long she kept saying -- but you LOOK great now, why would you want to go back to what you were? I was quite flat and droopy.How can you hear the kind of stuff I told her last night ( all the docs, pain, urgent care visits, cardiac problems, not being able to work, CONSTANT pain, that fake sickening feeling when my muscles flex, (did I mention the constant pain?)low grade fevers, (which I had last night, on my birthday!), not being able to get up easily from the lawn chair, not being able to straighten my knees, and of course, the unremitting, constant pain, and all of this coming on suddenly to a previously perfectly healthy athlete's

body."IT'S JUST SALTWATER!!!!"It's easy to dismiss me as a mental case when there is an absolutely beautiful woman sitting next to me with a lovely boob job, shrugging, saying that she hasn't had a problem, and they were the best thing she has ever done.Arrrrrrggghhhhhh!Dawn

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