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Re: residual capsule

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Hi Terri, I see that Lany's website is still not back up, and I usually refer to her site for the list of questions to ask doctors about explant. I am not sure what would be different between a general surgeon and a plastic surgeon regarding the surgery, but I will say that I've heard sometimes the general surgeons are more careful to do this correctly, because they are looking at this through different eyes than a plastic surgeon, and are sometimes more willing to spend the necessary time to clean things out well. I would make sure the surgeon totally understands your concerns about getting all of the scar capsule and even ask to see the remnants that she gets out of you. Is she going to send the residual capsule to pathology? I would recommend that they analyze it for bacteria and fungus and silicone. I am not sure if scraping will be necessary, but perhaps the doctor

and Dr. Kolb should get together on the phone and have a discussion regarding this aspect of the surgery. She just needs to make sure she is looking for all of it and finding it and getting it out. Drains would probably be a good idea I would think, but I am definitely no expert on this, and this is another thing that Dr. Kolb can advise her on if she is willing to talk to her. It never hurts to get additional opinions on this from those who have done it alot. How many explants or surgeries of this kind has the surgeon done? Let us know how it goes...oh, I'm sure you have seen this, but just in case you haven't here is a list of questions from http://www.breastimplantsupport.org/forum3/280.html Patty QUESTIONS FOR SURGEONS FOR REMOVAL OF IMPLANTS Ask if he/she is familiar with 'the en bloc procedure' for removing implants. Ask how many procedures of this nature he/she has performed, and when the last one was performed. Have the plastic surgeon explain, step-by-step, how the procedure will take place. Begin with how you will be "prepped." for surgery. Ask if it would be possible for you to view some "before and after" photos of explantation surgeries he/she has performed. If the plastic surgeon did not mention drains in the explanation of how the procedure will be done, ask if he/she will use drains to prevent accumulation of fluid and

infection. Ask how long the surgery will take. Ask how long initial recovery will take. Ask the length of time it will be until you are able to function independently at home. Find out how long you will need someone to stay with you after surgery. It is advisable that someone stay with you for the first 24 hours and possibly a little longer. depending upon your recovery progress. Ask how long it will be before you can resume normal activity. Everybody recovers at different rates, but most women are 'out-of-commission' for about two weeks, and cannot raise their arms above their heads for a month or longer. Find out how long you are not to lift anything heavier than three pounds, how long you should not drive,

and how long should you wait to participate in any strenuous activities such as jogging, sex, exercising...etc. . Ask what size he/she expects you to be after the surgery. Ask If he/she will prescribes antibiotics after surgery to prevent the complication of infection. Discuss all post-op medications he will use and what their purposes are. Ask if it would be possible to fill them the day before surgery to provide the convenience of them being available directly following surgery. Ask if he/she will film the surgery on video. If so, request a copy for yourself. Ask whether or not you

need to supply a blank tape. If this is not possible, ask if you may provide a camera to have the surgery photographed. Ask what type of bandage he/she will use and how long it is to remain on. Ask when you will need to start wearing the sports bra. Ask for the phone numbers you will need to get in touch with him/her after-hours. Request that any cysts or other suspicious tissue be sent to the pathologist for examination and report. Tell him/her that you would like to have any removed suspicious tissue and cysts

returned to you with your implants. You may wish to have another pathologist examine them at a later date. Explain that you wish to have your implants returned to you. Ask which pathology service he/she uses and ask for their contact information. Ask him/her the proper procedure to use to ensure that your implants are returned to you. Explain that you would like to request copies of the Operative Report and the Pathology Report from this surgery. Ask about proper procedure to ensure that you receive these copies.

<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><> Once You Have Selected a Plastic Surgeon and Have Set a Surgery Date, Be Sure to Discuss the Following With Your Doctor: List all Medications that you take, including the strength and frequency that you take them. Inform your doctor of any drug allergies that you may have. (Also, let your doctor know if you are allergic to latex or talc.)Make a list of all of any symptoms you may

have, include dates that they began, and how they have progressed since they began. Include a history of all surgeries you have had. The most recent operative report (if there has been more then one surgery) will contain helpful information about your implants, such as: the manufacturer, the model number, the lot number, and the will indicate how the implant was positioned. (Include any pathology reports that you might have.) Also take your original augmentation operative report with you. This gives the surgeon even more information on your surgery. Also, bring any recent MRI, mammogram, xeromamogram, or ultrasound reports. If you have had any recent lab work, bring these results with you, even though, your doctor will

probably have them repeated prior to surgery. A comparison of the most recent lab work and the lab work he will do will be helpful to your doctor. Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote: Patty,Do you know any specific questions I should ask the general surgeon on Friday? I am going in to schedule then, she did biopsy remeber it came back negative for cancer. But I guess being a general surgeon versus a

PS I Should start by asking where she will go in, Hope fully same scar, have you heard of anybody else experience with surgeon other than Ps and how they do it, I mean do they scape the breast tissue, will I have a drain agian I wonder, what do you think I should ask? it is only the left breastThank you, AlohaTerri P

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Hi Theresa, this is Maritza, i/ve beem reading all the emails, a have an appt with my plastic surgeon, yo have them renoved, but i keep getting such pain in my neck and upper back and also my lower back i've been experiencing numbness in my lower back and like as if i have been lifing weights, also this dry cough but when i take a deeo breath i feel a wheezy sound at times my arms a shoulder hurst even mu scalp the itching that i been having in my scalp it's just too much, even if i touch my skin it hurts wht so much pain everywhere? i hust cant take this help me please, i know my plastic surgeon wont put two and two together , my symptoms vs the saline, because i have been going to him and he would always tell me the saline does not have nothing to do with the numbness i started to have in my left arm, unitl now that he saw my greast ans said oh yeah they are leaking. thank you for the information you can give me everything everypain

it's all in my left side as my l is the one that has been leaking Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote: Patty,Do you know any specific questions I should ask the general surgeon on Friday? I am going in to schedule then, she did biopsy remeber it came back negative for cancer. But I guess being a general surgeon versus a PS I Should start by asking where she will go in, Hope fully same scar, have you heard of anybody else experience with surgeon other than Ps and how they do it, I mean do they

scape the breast tissue, will I have a drain agian I wonder, what do you think I should ask? it is only the left breastThank you, AlohaTerri P

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Be careful how your plastic surgeon removes them, most do not do it properly.


At 06:50 PM 9/20/2006, you wrote:

>Hi Theresa, this is Maritza, i/ve beem reading

>all the emails, a have an appt with my plastic

>surgeon, yo have them renoved, but i keep

>getting such pain in my neck and upper back and

>also my lower back i've been experiencing

>numbness in my lower back and like as if i have

>been lifing weights, also this dry cough but

>when i take a deeo breath i feel a wheezy sound

>at times my arms a shoulder hurst even mu scalp

>the itching that i been having in my scalp it's

>just too much, even if i touch my skin it hurts

>wht so much pain everywhere? i hust cant take

>this help me please, i know my plastic surgeon

>wont put two and two together , my symptoms vs

>the saline, because i have been going to him and

>he would always tell me the saline does not have

>nothing to do with the numbness i started to

>have in my left arm, unitl now that he saw my

>greast ans said oh yeah they are leaking.


>thank you for the information you can give me

>everything everypain it's all in my left side as

>my l is the one that has been leaking

> Peake <peaketeresa@...> wrote:


>Do you know any specific questions I should ask the general surgeon on

>Friday? I am going in to schedule then, she did biopsy remeber it came

>back negative for cancer. But I guess being a general surgeon versus a

>PS I Should start by asking where she will go in, Hope fully same scar,

>have you heard of anybody else experience with surgeon other than Ps

>and how they do it, I mean do they scape the breast tissue, will I have

>a drain agian I wonder, what do you think I should ask? it is only the

>left breast

>Thank you, Aloha

>Terri P




>Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com.

><http://us.rd./evt=42974/*http://www./preview>Check it out.


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