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Re: Re: Tim Testimonies

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Good for you, in reading scripture, forgiving, keeping hopeful and in grace, 

following a healthy regimen, using natural supplements for pain and energy,

having the support of wonderful friends, and this support group has given me

renewed life.

I, for one, know that many times when you go back to the stew of problems, the

muck can stick and some therapists help you to wallow for quite a time and not


you an inkling of how to get out of the muck. Their job is to write down your


and see what happens next. Yes, you are correct about how the mind but if you


yourself to be a slave to your emotions, use my recipe....it works. Ask Joanne,

we are

a small group of oldies here in this site. We have a story of success. Just

follow the

course and the new fibromyalgians here will find the truth.

The prescription above has got my slate not only clean, but healthy, filled with


energy, with the old joy and happinessto share with others. 

Hope ya got what I'm talkin' about,


To: fibromyalgiacured

Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 2:45 PM

Subject: Re: Tim Testimonies


Hi ,

The article that I posted does not imply that you or anyone with FM has any kind

of mental disorder; on the contrary your mind is working as designed. No one

can live in this world without picking up psychosomatic problems. I have

personally been cured of a chronic sinus problem and a heart condition that

lasted 15 years.

Let me explain how it works a little bit…

When you were born the slate was clean. As you grow up you hit events where you

are first introduced to a negative emotion. [i.e. the first time a child finds

herself alone in a crib, no one seems to be around… abandonment!!!] In my

training this is known as the (ISE) or initial sensitizing event. As you

progress through life you hit other events that feel the same way, (SSEs) or

subsequent sensitizing events. Your subconscious mind holds these feelings and

as you continue to hit these SSEs the feeling magnifies.

Have you ever heard the saying " Time heals all wounds? " That's true with your

conscious mind but it's the opposite with your subconscious mind. As you hit

these SSEs the feeling gets bigger. Another way to think of it is when you hit

the first event it's like a seed being planted in your subconscious mind. Then

as you keep hitting other events that feel the same way it's like someone taking

out a watering can and watering that seed. The seed turns into a tree, and then

into a really big tree. Once it gets big enough you get symptoms. Your

unconscious mind governs you physically and is a slave to the emotions that are

building in the subconscious mind. So you end up getting pain and fatigue or


Everyone's minds work this way. What I do when working with people is much like

detective work. We track down where the feeling first was encountered and we

neutralize the feeling there. Once this is done the unconscious mind is still

reacting off of the feelings in the subconscious mind but the feelings have

changed. Therefore the fatigue and pain go away.

This is the mind, body connection. If you feel sad the body produces tears.

Anger causes increased breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure.

Embarrassment, blood rushes to the face. The feeling of fear causes adrenaline

push, hairs stand on end, heart rate increase, possible urination, and sweating,

possible freeze in place. Stress causes skin disorders, stomach ulcer, high

blood pressure, fatigue, heart disease and SO many more physical problems.

Fibro is just like this. In fact I also help people with IBS, RLS, CFS,

osteoarthritis, and migraine headache. Also when people have pseudo disorders

it is usually psychosomatic. I believe that every feeling causes a physical

reaction but you don't notice most of them.

God bless you,

Tim Bartley


> Okay, I can't keep my mouth shut any longer. Old Tim seems to have given


> all a ride to insult and waste of time.


> I am one to say if someone claims something and presents the great


> program with juicy and colorful words and doesn't hand us the facts...there


> something smelly in the kitchen. He has a thing with psycho trauma issues


> (we have discussed before) but has shown no patients to share or give


> support to hisprogram. When this happened before in this site


> we are able to recognize them.


> Yes, many here have had a traumatic experiences that


> may have begun our illness. But it is THE DARN PAIN, FATIGUE, SWELLING,


> RASHES, ETC. ETC. ETC.. that needs the cure.


> For some of us  this disease made its appearance after a surgery, accident,

or even after

> a third child. Some others have other origins to this illness. Does this make


> us a group of psycho traumatic dummies...bah humbug!


> There is always an origin of physical illness, the KEY is to find the complete

> cure where doctors cannot help us or won't(like mine). 


> What we have found here in the site is a natural health cure with no one


> giving us some psycho mumbo jumbo of the ailment. We know we are going


> through the stresses of life, who isn't???

> What we need is acknowledge the fact that whatever began our illness,

> has us in a roller coaster ride and we need to put on the brakes. Do we have


> a crazy family causing this? Do we have relatives causing us grief? Do we have

> friends, employers, co workers causing headaches? Do we have alcohol or


> drug related relatives, friends, or situations??? SO WHAT!? There are plenty


> in the world that do have this same thing. There are some of us who are more


> physically Sensitive to the world's stress, or drugs, or environment, or



> In this little area of ours,  we learn to


> encourage, support, and learn from one another to lead a wholesome healthy


> life through diet, attitude, prayer, and wonderful friends.


> Positive support and HOPE are Key Factors to the road of Healing. We have been


> blessed to have more in this site than others. God Bless Us All!

> Now this was a free consultation....You did have to pay for all that talk.


> May we encourage one another to a more positive outlook and learn the healthy


> to live, and enjoy Life once again.


> Love to all,






> ________________________________


> To: fibromyalgiacured

> Sent: Friday, January 13, 2012 6:54 AM

> Subject: RE: Re: Tim Testimonies




> >>>Tim sounded like he had the cure for fibro. If so...why not share his

client's testimonials?


> With all due respect, Tim sounded to me like just another in a very long line

of slick pitches from thinly credentialed self-described 'experts' jumping on

the bandwagon to make $$ off the ill and desperate. I am still, at this point,

willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and allow that perhaps he genuinely

believes his method is a cure based on his clearly limited understanding of FMS

and based upon a few success stories from his clientele. Perhaps he really has

had clients report full relief from their fibro symptoms, but without full

background details and case histories verifiable by reliable third party

sources, we AND HE have no way of determining the degree of truth to this

so-called cure. We cannot know whether these clients had been diagnosed by

recognized criteria or had self-diagnosed after a few months of feeling off. We

cannot know whether the root cause of their conditions were also addressed or

even guess at the root cause of

> each individual's condition -- and I do believe that fibromyalgia is a not a

specific disease in and of itself, but a syndrome, a set of symptoms produced by

various other conditions. I believe this because researchers have been able to

produce fibromyalgia symptoms in healthy test patients through sleep

deprivation, and because effective treatments vary so greatly among patients.


> And without a dialogue with Tim, we cannot begin to determine whether he's a

genuine resource or a slick pitch artist -- and I say this with the experience

of 20 years of fibro and a background as a journalist, research analyst, and

author who's been active on the internet for a very long time. Yes, I'm

professionally trained to be skeptical, and my professional history has

reinforced that skepticism. That's been a very useful tool in managing my fibro

and dealing with the root causes of my symptom since I was diagnosed ---- and

actually, in even obtaining a diagnosis beyond, " here, take this pill. It should

make you feel better. " I've gone from being unable to hold a pen long enough to

write a single check, unable to walk half a block, to being able to carry a 50

lb. bag of feed or a bale of hay easily.


> I do hope Tim will step up and participate for the benefit of those who might

find his treatment helpful. I've personally found a great deal of relief and

greater control over fibro management through a similar form of therapy which is

directed at the stresses the unconscious mind carries. Had that been the root

cause of my fibro, I'd be cured. Had diet been the root cause, I'd also be

cured because I've done the whole ketosis, low carb, and several others directed

specifically at known gut issues and intolerances. Because of those treatments,

I'm significantly improved. I'm not cured, though, and still am choosing among

the therapies that seem to be a proper match.


> P



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>>>Fibro may not always be an emotional response from the subconscious but I

know it is in a lot of cases.

Tim Bartley - wow. Is your mind really that closed to facts about FMS that

don't fit your current perception?



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Thank you for explaining your beliefs and your process. I’ve read this over

several times and I still don’t think this applies to me. I do agree that the

mind is a powerful thing and in some cases may cause a person to become

physically ill. However, I’ve seen enough and felt enough illness in my life

to say that most illnesses are not caused by mental stress. I don’t believe

there is any chance that my Fibromyalgia was caused by any dis ease. I’ve

thought long and hard about my situation and know mine had a physical base.

As for Hypnotherapy, I totally disagree with the use of it. I’ve looked into

it and I don’t like the idea of anyone being able to go into another persons

mind. I’m sure you mean well, but I feel that there are much better things we

can do for our bodies and our minds than to look to the problems we’ve had in

our past. I feel that it is much more important for humans to look towards the

future and do what we can to make our future better than it was in the past.

This would include taking care of our physical bodies by getting the proper

nutrients in them, taking care of our mental health by realizing that we do have

control over our thoughts and desires, and last but not least taking care of our

spiritual health.

I do believe that your way might help some people understand themselves better,

and even reverse some of their symptoms. But I’ve lived with Fibromyalgia long

enough to know that your methods would make no difference to me. I do wish you

good luck in your endeavors, however.

Judy H

To Health Through Knowledge

Started taking Low Dose Naltrexone on January 20, 2009 for

Fibromyalgia, Restless Legs Syndrome, Hashimotos Thyroid and PCOS


From: eastlookdrive

Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2012 2:11 PM

To: fibromyalgiacured

Subject: Re: Tim Testimonies

Hi Judy,

I hear what you're saying and can understand that you do not believe it is a

psychosomatic problem. When you talk about disease you have to question what

came first, the chicken or the egg? MeaningÂ… how does a healthy body become

unhealthy? You could have an accident. You could be exposed to some kind of

chemical or radiation. Most of the time, from what I work with, it is

emotionally based. Emotions govern your unconscous mind, the part of you that

governs your body. The mind has over 50 chemicals that it releases... Disease

cannot exist within the body unless there is dis ease in the mind. I have cured

many things including one case of HIV, and even when I tell that story it's hard

for me to believe it. There is another therapist that went through the first

school I attended, his name is Steve Parkhill, he wrote a book called Answer

Cancer. He has around a 75% success rate in curing cancer and he only works with

hospice patients. Hard to believe that isn't it?

What I do isn't bio feedback at all. What I do is all emotional based. With

hypnotherapy you use something called age regression. I target the feeling

causing FM. To do this I use something called Parts therapy. We all have

different parts of ourselves; we all have conversations in our own minds. For

instance when the alarm goes off in morning a voice in your head or a part of

you wants to hit snooze or just unplug the clock altogether but another part of

you chimes in and says, " Hay, you'd better get up, you have to get out the

door! "

So one way I target the " Part " causing FM is that I build a case like a lawyer.

I say that there is a part of you that wants to be completely free from FM! This

part of you wants to have lots of energy and wants to be completely free of FM!

I then have the person describe the part, I have them give it a shape, a

feeling, and a name. Then I call out the FM part. I have them give it a shape, a

feeling, and a name. Then I ask it questions, build the feeling (affect bridge),

and follow it back to the first time they ever felt the feeling. Now no one ever

goes to the first time they ever felt that way but we do find it rather quickly.

So my client is now reliving the event. Most initial events are between the ages

of 0 and 7 years old. After conducting thousands of sessions I began to see

certain patterns. Not everyone falls into a specific pattern of course but for

FM I have had a lot of people end up in a scene where dad was leaving the

family. The child didn't think that they would ever see dad again. This is a big

emotional disconnect. I worked with a person in Florida about 4 years ago, her

initial event was that she got sick and her mom usually took care of her. This

time her dad dropped her off at her grandparents house and mom went to the

hospital to give birth to her younger sister. When mom returned with the new

child mom never told my client that she loved her anymore, mom only told the new

child this.

So anyway this process isn't a monitoring of physical reactions linked to

emotions like bio feedback, it is changing perceptions and emotions at the deep

levels of the mind. Sometimes we have to do more work and take care of people

who have hurt the person, this is a take off from Gestalt Chair Therapy. I also

sometimes use timeline therapy to find the cause which is NLP or

neuro-linguistic programming.

Fibro may not always be an emotional response from the subconscious but I know

it is in a lot of cases.

Tim Bartley

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I am still so curious to know what your fee is.




To: fibromyalgiacured

Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 11:09 AM

Subject: Re: Tim Testimonies


Hi Judy,

I respect your viewpoint. If I could control people through hypnotherapy I'd be

rich. People would be sending me checks all the time. Then others would

realize you can control people and they would become hypnotherapists. Pretty

soon we would all be controlling each other for our own personal gains. Believe

me, I can't control anyone. I can't even change them in the way they want to be

changed, it's just not like that.

I think I've stated the information that I wanted to relate to this group. Take

it or leave it, it's just information for your consideration.

If anyone would like to talk further or have any questions feel free to contact


Thank you,

Tim Bartley


> Thank you for explaining your beliefs and your process. I’ve read this

over several times and I still don’t think this applies to me. I do agree

that the mind is a powerful thing and in some cases may cause a person to become

physically ill. However, I’ve seen enough and felt enough illness in my

life to say that most illnesses are not caused by mental stress. I don’t

believe there is any chance that my Fibromyalgia was caused by any dis ease.

I’ve thought long and hard about my situation and know mine had a

physical base.


> As for Hypnotherapy, I totally disagree with the use of it. I’ve looked

into it and I don’t like the idea of anyone being able to go into another

persons mind. I’m sure you mean well, but I feel that there are much

better things we can do for our bodies and our minds than to look to the

problems we’ve had in our past. I feel that it is much more important for

humans to look towards the future and do what we can to make our future better

than it was in the past. This would include taking care of our physical bodies

by getting the proper nutrients in them, taking care of our mental health by

realizing that we do have control over our thoughts and desires, and last but

not least taking care of our spiritual health.


> I do believe that your way might help some people understand themselves

better, and even reverse some of their symptoms. But I’ve lived with

Fibromyalgia long enough to know that your methods would make no difference to

me. I do wish you good luck in your endeavors, however.


> Judy H

> To Health Through Knowledge

> Started taking Low Dose Naltrexone on January 20, 2009 for

> Fibromyalgia, Restless Legs Syndrome, Hashimotos Thyroid and PCOS

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/LDNforFibro/



> From: eastlookdrive

> Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2012 2:11 PM

> To: fibromyalgiacured

> Subject: Re: Tim Testimonies



> Hi Judy,


> I hear what you're saying and can understand that you do not believe it is a

psychosomatic problem. When you talk about disease you have to question what

came first, the chicken or the egg? MeaningÂ… how does a healthy body become

unhealthy? You could have an accident. You could be exposed to some kind of

chemical or radiation. Most of the time, from what I work with, it is

emotionally based. Emotions govern your unconscous mind, the part of you that

governs your body. The mind has over 50 chemicals that it releases... Disease

cannot exist within the body unless there is dis ease in the mind. I have cured

many things including one case of HIV, and even when I tell that story it's hard

for me to believe it. There is another therapist that went through the first

school I attended, his name is Steve Parkhill, he wrote a book called Answer

Cancer. He has around a 75% success rate in curing cancer and he only works with

hospice patients. Hard to believe

that isn't it?


> What I do isn't bio feedback at all. What I do is all emotional based. With

hypnotherapy you use something called age regression. I target the feeling

causing FM. To do this I use something called Parts therapy. We all have

different parts of ourselves; we all have conversations in our own minds. For

instance when the alarm goes off in morning a voice in your head or a part of

you wants to hit snooze or just unplug the clock altogether but another part of

you chimes in and says, " Hay, you'd better get up, you have to get out the

door! "


> So one way I target the " Part " causing FM is that I build a case like a

lawyer. I say that there is a part of you that wants to be completely free from

FM! This part of you wants to have lots of energy and wants to be completely

free of FM! I then have the person describe the part, I have them give it a

shape, a feeling, and a name. Then I call out the FM part. I have them give it a

shape, a feeling, and a name. Then I ask it questions, build the feeling (affect

bridge), and follow it back to the first time they ever felt the feeling. Now no

one ever goes to the first time they ever felt that way but we do find it rather



> So my client is now reliving the event. Most initial events are between the

ages of 0 and 7 years old. After conducting thousands of sessions I began to see

certain patterns. Not everyone falls into a specific pattern of course but for

FM I have had a lot of people end up in a scene where dad was leaving the

family. The child didn't think that they would ever see dad again. This is a big

emotional disconnect. I worked with a person in Florida about 4 years ago, her

initial event was that she got sick and her mom usually took care of her. This

time her dad dropped her off at her grandparents house and mom went to the

hospital to give birth to her younger sister. When mom returned with the new

child mom never told my client that she loved her anymore, mom only told the new

child this.


> So anyway this process isn't a monitoring of physical reactions linked to

emotions like bio feedback, it is changing perceptions and emotions at the deep

levels of the mind. Sometimes we have to do more work and take care of people

who have hurt the person, this is a take off from Gestalt Chair Therapy. I also

sometimes use timeline therapy to find the cause which is NLP or

neuro-linguistic programming.


> Fibro may not always be an emotional response from the subconscious but I know

it is in a lot of cases.


> Tim Bartley







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Maybe he wants to do that privately for now.

Personally, I want to make sure we straightened out calling fibro people

psych cases in an article first. If he posts his fees now, then that will

bring in a whole other discussion and we might lose ground on how he

intends to present our condition to the world.


On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 12:43 PM, Lovell Whisenant


> **



> Tim,

> I am still so curious to know what your fee is.


> Thanks,

> Lovell



> ________________________________


> To: fibromyalgiacured

> Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 11:09 AM


> Subject: Re: Tim Testimonies




> Hi Judy,


> I respect your viewpoint. If I could control people through hypnotherapy

> I'd be rich. People would be sending me checks all the time. Then others

> would realize you can control people and they would become hypnotherapists.

> Pretty soon we would all be controlling each other for our own personal

> gains. Believe me, I can't control anyone. I can't even change them in the

> way they want to be changed, it's just not like that.


> I think I've stated the information that I wanted to relate to this group.

> Take it or leave it, it's just information for your consideration.


> If anyone would like to talk further or have any questions feel free to

> contact me.


> Thank you,

> Tim Bartley



> >

> > Thank you for explaining your beliefs and your process. I’ve read this

> over several times and I still don’t think this applies to me. I do agree

> that the mind is a powerful thing and in some cases may cause a person to

> become physically ill. However, I’ve seen enough and felt enough illness

> in my life to say that most illnesses are not caused by mental stress. I

> don’t believe there is any chance that my Fibromyalgia was caused by any

> dis ease. I’ve thought long and hard about my situation and know mine had

> a physical base.

> >

> > As for Hypnotherapy, I totally disagree with the use of it. I’ve

> looked into it and I don’t like the idea of anyone being able to go into

> another persons mind. I’m sure you mean well, but I feel that there are

> much better things we can do for our bodies and our minds than to look to

> the problems we’ve had in our past. I feel that it is much more important

> for humans to look towards the future and do what we can to make our future

> better than it was in the past. This would include taking care of our

> physical bodies by getting the proper nutrients in them, taking care of our

> mental health by realizing that we do have control over our thoughts and

> desires, and last but not least taking care of our spiritual health.

> >

> > I do believe that your way might help some people understand themselves

> better, and even reverse some of their symptoms. But I’ve lived with

> Fibromyalgia long enough to know that your methods would make no difference

> to me. I do wish you good luck in your endeavors, however.

> >

> > Judy H

> > To Health Through Knowledge

> > Started taking Low Dose Naltrexone on January 20, 2009 for

> > Fibromyalgia, Restless Legs Syndrome, Hashimotos Thyroid and PCOS

> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/LDNforFibro/

> >

> >

> > From: eastlookdrive

> > Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2012 2:11 PM

> > To: fibromyalgiacured

> > Subject: Re: Tim Testimonies

> >

> >

> > Hi Judy,

> >

> > I hear what you're saying and can understand that you do not believe it

> is a psychosomatic problem. When you talk about disease you have to

> question what came first, the chicken or the egg? MeaningÂ… how does a

> healthy body become unhealthy? You could have an accident. You could be

> exposed to some kind of chemical or radiation. Most of the time, from what

> I work with, it is emotionally based. Emotions govern your unconscous mind,

> the part of you that governs your body. The mind has over 50 chemicals that

> it releases... Disease cannot exist within the body unless there is dis

> ease in the mind. I have cured many things including one case of HIV, and

> even when I tell that story it's hard for me to believe it. There is

> another therapist that went through the first school I attended, his name

> is Steve Parkhill, he wrote a book called Answer Cancer. He has around a

> 75% success rate in curing cancer and he only works with hospice patients.

> Hard to believe

> that isn't it?

> >

> > What I do isn't bio feedback at all. What I do is all emotional based.

> With hypnotherapy you use something called age regression. I target the

> feeling causing FM. To do this I use something called Parts therapy. We all

> have different parts of ourselves; we all have conversations in our own

> minds. For instance when the alarm goes off in morning a voice in your head

> or a part of you wants to hit snooze or just unplug the clock altogether

> but another part of you chimes in and says, " Hay, you'd better get up, you

> have to get out the door! "

> >

> > So one way I target the " Part " causing FM is that I build a case like a

> lawyer. I say that there is a part of you that wants to be completely free

> from FM! This part of you wants to have lots of energy and wants to be

> completely free of FM! I then have the person describe the part, I have

> them give it a shape, a feeling, and a name. Then I call out the FM part. I

> have them give it a shape, a feeling, and a name. Then I ask it questions,

> build the feeling (affect bridge), and follow it back to the first time

> they ever felt the feeling. Now no one ever goes to the first time they

> ever felt that way but we do find it rather quickly.

> >

> > So my client is now reliving the event. Most initial events are between

> the ages of 0 and 7 years old. After conducting thousands of sessions I

> began to see certain patterns. Not everyone falls into a specific pattern

> of course but for FM I have had a lot of people end up in a scene where dad

> was leaving the family. The child didn't think that they would ever see dad

> again. This is a big emotional disconnect. I worked with a person in

> Florida about 4 years ago, her initial event was that she got sick and her

> mom usually took care of her. This time her dad dropped her off at her

> grandparents house and mom went to the hospital to give birth to her

> younger sister. When mom returned with the new child mom never told my

> client that she loved her anymore, mom only told the new child this.

> >

> > So anyway this process isn't a monitoring of physical reactions linked

> to emotions like bio feedback, it is changing perceptions and emotions at

> the deep levels of the mind. Sometimes we have to do more work and take

> care of people who have hurt the person, this is a take off from Gestalt

> Chair Therapy. I also sometimes use timeline therapy to find the cause

> which is NLP or neuro-linguistic programming.

> >

> > Fibro may not always be an emotional response from the subconscious but

> I know it is in a lot of cases.

> >

> > Tim Bartley

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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I also respect your viewpoint but we will have to agree to disagree. As for your

original intent, your article for the magazine “Fibromyalgia and Chronic

Painâ€, congratulations on having the opportunity to write about your work. The

problem with the Fibromyalgia community is that because it can’t be

“diagnosedâ€, because there is no test for it, we’ve been labeled as having

a psychosomatic illness (With the meaning that it’s all in our heads). Before

the drugs came out for treating Fibromyalgia, doctors wouldn’t even admit that

it existed. We were, and still are, told that it’s a made-up illness.

“Fibromyalgia isn’t real. It’s just an excuse for lazy people to get out

of doing things or get drugs.â€

This really hurts us mentally because we know the pain and exhaustion is real.

We have to live with it.

I’ve read over your article on your website http://nomorefibro.org/ . The

first thing that bothers me is in your first sentence. You call Fibromyalgia a

“problemâ€. A problem doesn’t make people bedridden or put them in

wheelchairs. A disease or physical illness does. I think you need to find a more

meaningful word.

As for the rest of the article, in order for people with Fibromyalgia to take

you seriously, you will have to win us over to your way of thinking first before

you call our illness anything. You will need to explain how you can help us

without telling us we have a Psychosomatic, Psychogenic, or Somatoform illness.

We hear or see the word ‘Psycho’ and we tune you out immediately.

I see also that you include Migraines, IBS, CFS, RLS and osteoarthritis as

responses to emotion. I might possibly agree with you that our minds can react

to the pain, etc., of these, but I really doubt that you will find any person

who has one of these who will agree with you that their emotions cause these

illness. You might as well tell people that all illnesses are caused by

something that happened to them when they were a child. They’re going to think

you’re crazy.

It’s okay for you to think any way you want, but you are writing to have

people listen to you. I would suggest that you change your viewpoint slightly by

telling people that how you work can help their mind and emotions to help heal

them. We already have Fibromyalgia so it doesn’t really matter at this point

what caused it. What we want is something that can help us feel better, get

better. I agree that diet is extremely important for any illness, but that is a

totally different subject than what you are offering. Possibly you could take a

stance of offering the opportunity to strengthen the mind in order to help us

cope with our debilitating pain and exhaustion and you would get some who might

listen. Then you could bring out the body-mind connection.

One last suggestion. Keep it simple. Most people aren’t interested in all the

technical stuff. They don’t care so much about how something works, but that

it does work.

Hope some of my suggestions help you.

Judy H

To Health Through Knowledge

Started taking Low Dose Naltrexone on January 20, 2009 for

Fibromyalgia, Restless Legs Syndrome, Hashimotos Thyroid and PCOS


From: eastlookdrive

Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 11:09 AM

To: fibromyalgiacured

Subject: Re: Tim Testimonies

Hi Judy,

I respect your viewpoint. If I could control people through hypnotherapy I'd be

rich. People would be sending me checks all the time. Then others would realize

you can control people and they would become hypnotherapists. Pretty soon we

would all be controlling each other for our own personal gains. Believe me, I

can't control anyone. I can't even change them in the way they want to be

changed, it's just not like that.

I think I've stated the information that I wanted to relate to this group. Take

it or leave it, it's just information for your consideration.

If anyone would like to talk further or have any questions feel free to contact


Thank you,

Tim Bartley


> Thank you for explaining your beliefs and your process. I’ve read this

over several times and I still don’t think this applies to me. I do agree

that the mind is a powerful thing and in some cases may cause a person to become

physically ill. However, I’ve seen enough and felt enough illness in my

life to say that most illnesses are not caused by mental stress. I don’t

believe there is any chance that my Fibromyalgia was caused by any dis ease.

I’ve thought long and hard about my situation and know mine had a physical



> As for Hypnotherapy, I totally disagree with the use of it. I’ve looked

into it and I don’t like the idea of anyone being able to go into another

persons mind. I’m sure you mean well, but I feel that there are much better

things we can do for our bodies and our minds than to look to the problems

we’ve had in our past. I feel that it is much more important for humans to

look towards the future and do what we can to make our future better than it was

in the past. This would include taking care of our physical bodies by getting

the proper nutrients in them, taking care of our mental health by realizing that

we do have control over our thoughts and desires, and last but not least taking

care of our spiritual health.


> I do believe that your way might help some people understand themselves

better, and even reverse some of their symptoms. But I’ve lived with

Fibromyalgia long enough to know that your methods would make no difference to

me. I do wish you good luck in your endeavors, however.


> Judy H

> To Health Through Knowledge

> Started taking Low Dose Naltrexone on January 20, 2009 for

> Fibromyalgia, Restless Legs Syndrome, Hashimotos Thyroid and PCOS

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/LDNforFibro/

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His fee is listed on his website: http://nomorefibro.org/

Judy H

To Health Through Knowledge

Started taking Low Dose Naltrexone on January 20, 2009 for

Fibromyalgia, Restless Legs Syndrome, Hashimotos Thyroid and PCOS


From: Lovell Whisenant

Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 11:43 AM

To: fibromyalgiacured

Subject: Re: Re: Tim Testimonies


I am still so curious to know what your fee is.




From: eastlookdrive <mailto:eastlookdrive%40yahoo.com>

To: mailto:fibromyalgiacured%40yahoogroups.com

Sent: Monday, January 16, 2012 11:09 AM

Subject: Re: Tim Testimonies

Hi Judy,

I respect your viewpoint. If I could control people through hypnotherapy I'd be

rich. People would be sending me checks all the time. Then others would realize

you can control people and they would become hypnotherapists. Pretty soon we

would all be controlling each other for our own personal gains. Believe me, I

can't control anyone. I can't even change them in the way they want to be

changed, it's just not like that.

I think I've stated the information that I wanted to relate to this group. Take

it or leave it, it's just information for your consideration.

If anyone would like to talk further or have any questions feel free to contact


Thank you,

Tim Bartley


> Thank you for explaining your beliefs and your process. I’ve read this

over several times and I still don’t think this applies to me. I do agree

that the mind is a powerful thing and in some cases may cause a person to become

physically ill. However, I’ve seen enough and felt enough illness in my

life to say that most illnesses are not caused by mental stress. I don’t

believe there is any chance that my Fibromyalgia was caused by any dis ease.

I’ve thought long and hard about my situation and know mine had a

physical base.


> As for Hypnotherapy, I totally disagree with the use of it. I’ve looked

into it and I don’t like the idea of anyone being able to go into another

persons mind. I’m sure you mean well, but I feel that there are much

better things we can do for our bodies and our minds than to look to the

problems we’ve had in our past. I feel that it is much more important for

humans to look towards the future and do what we can to make our future better

than it was in the past. This would include taking care of our physical bodies

by getting the proper nutrients in them, taking care of our mental health by

realizing that we do have control over our thoughts and desires, and last but

not least taking care of our spiritual health.


> I do believe that your way might help some people understand themselves

better, and even reverse some of their symptoms. But I’ve lived with

Fibromyalgia long enough to know that your methods would make no difference to

me. I do wish you good luck in your endeavors, however.


> Judy H

> To Health Through Knowledge

> Started taking Low Dose Naltrexone on January 20, 2009 for

> Fibromyalgia, Restless Legs Syndrome, Hashimotos Thyroid and PCOS

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/LDNforFibro/



> From: eastlookdrive

> Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2012 2:11 PM

> To: mailto:fibromyalgiacured%40yahoogroups.com

> Subject: Re: Tim Testimonies



> Hi Judy,


> I hear what you're saying and can understand that you do not believe it is a

psychosomatic problem. When you talk about disease you have to question what

came first, the chicken or the egg? MeaningÂ… how does a healthy body become

unhealthy? You could have an accident. You could be exposed to some kind of

chemical or radiation. Most of the time, from what I work with, it is

emotionally based. Emotions govern your unconscous mind, the part of you that

governs your body. The mind has over 50 chemicals that it releases... Disease

cannot exist within the body unless there is dis ease in the mind. I have cured

many things including one case of HIV, and even when I tell that story it's hard

for me to believe it. There is another therapist that went through the first

school I attended, his name is Steve Parkhill, he wrote a book called Answer

Cancer. He has around a 75% success rate in curing cancer and he only works with

hospice patients. Hard to believe

that isn't it?


> What I do isn't bio feedback at all. What I do is all emotional based. With

hypnotherapy you use something called age regression. I target the feeling

causing FM. To do this I use something called Parts therapy. We all have

different parts of ourselves; we all have conversations in our own minds. For

instance when the alarm goes off in morning a voice in your head or a part of

you wants to hit snooze or just unplug the clock altogether but another part of

you chimes in and says, " Hay, you'd better get up, you have to get out the

door! "


> So one way I target the " Part " causing FM is that I build a case like a

lawyer. I say that there is a part of you that wants to be completely free from

FM! This part of you wants to have lots of energy and wants to be completely

free of FM! I then have the person describe the part, I have them give it a

shape, a feeling, and a name. Then I call out the FM part. I have them give it a

shape, a feeling, and a name. Then I ask it questions, build the feeling (affect

bridge), and follow it back to the first time they ever felt the feeling. Now no

one ever goes to the first time they ever felt that way but we do find it rather



> So my client is now reliving the event. Most initial events are between the

ages of 0 and 7 years old. After conducting thousands of sessions I began to see

certain patterns. Not everyone falls into a specific pattern of course but for

FM I have had a lot of people end up in a scene where dad was leaving the

family. The child didn't think that they would ever see dad again. This is a big

emotional disconnect. I worked with a person in Florida about 4 years ago, her

initial event was that she got sick and her mom usually took care of her. This

time her dad dropped her off at her grandparents house and mom went to the

hospital to give birth to her younger sister. When mom returned with the new

child mom never told my client that she loved her anymore, mom only told the new

child this.


> So anyway this process isn't a monitoring of physical reactions linked to

emotions like bio feedback, it is changing perceptions and emotions at the deep

levels of the mind. Sometimes we have to do more work and take care of people

who have hurt the person, this is a take off from Gestalt Chair Therapy. I also

sometimes use timeline therapy to find the cause which is NLP or

neuro-linguistic programming.


> Fibro may not always be an emotional response from the subconscious but I know

it is in a lot of cases.


> Tim Bartley







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