Guest guest Posted July 17, 2001 Report Share Posted July 17, 2001 I have muscle aches, tired, just don't feel that well. One doctor I went to said that what I had was either fibro, rhuematoid arthritis or hypothyroidism...because thyroid causes the same symptoms..I have too many to list. But my fingers have lost some feeling. I tend to think I have a thyroid problem, been tested numerous times! Had my adrenal function was fine..but I agree hormones play a big factor in candida...2 days before my cycle...I start having a big flare like all this is starting all over again. I guess some women have to use the mycelex, gynelotrimin(sp) or monostat every single month to keep things under control. moons --- Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free. Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( Version: 6.0.264 / Virus Database: 136 - Release Date: 7/2/2001 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2001 Report Share Posted July 17, 2001 That is one thing the doctors didn't do. They keep checking my thyroid level and said it was normal...surprise surprise. I started adding small amounts of kelp to my diet and had my thyroid was retested and they told me I was on the verge of HYPER I just can't win. I didn't notice feeling any better either. THe last dr. I went to checked my thyroid, said I didn't have R/Arthritis and concluded I had fibro. I had heard fibro COULD be triggered by candida and/or thyroid. That is when I decided to put my self on this diet(8/2/2000) I still don't feel that much better. whining moon...LOL ---Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.Checked by AVG anti-virus system ( 6.0.264 / Virus Database: 136 - Release Date: 7/2/2001 Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2001 Report Share Posted July 17, 2001 Anyone with burning hamstrings/back > of thighs and/or intermitent burning/tingling/numbness in toes/feet/hands??? Yes, I had all those symptoms plus lower back pain and burning in my knees. I used kombucha tea (you make it at home), lots of water and a straight chiropractor and less than a year later it all cleared up! There is hope! -adele Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted March 21, 2004 Report Share Posted March 21, 2004 Jeri, I guess we've got quite a bit in common. I have read a lot of stuff about fibromyalgia, but have not been to a doctor who specializes in it for a diagnosis (for various reasons). My internist prefers to think the symptoms are all attributable to the scoliosis, and since I'm getting treatment that helps, I haven't pursued the issue. I've seen one book by a fibromyalgia specialist that's all about " post-traumatic " fibromyalgia, and in one book by the same author I did read something about scoliosis patients having apparent " concommitance " with fibromyalgia, meaning that they haven't proven a cause-effect relationship, but the two conditions coexist at a disproportionate rate. But then newer information on fibromyalgia tends to focus on immune system dysfunction, which I don't think I have. So it's confusing to me whether the experts are clear on diagnostic criteria and causes. I suspect it is a syndrome, a set of symptoms, which may have differing causes. So it may be somewhat true that it is a " wastebasket diagnosis " , or that it is frequently misdiagnosed, or whatever. My internist's reluctance to call it fibromyalgia may have something to do with the reluctance of insurance companies to pay for its treatment. Sorry, Jeri, but I guess this is my long-winded way of saying, " I don't know " . Sharon Fibromyalgia symptoms Sharon-- Your post (below) sounds amazingly like what I've experienced. I've had fibromyalgia-like symptoms (with all the trigger points) for 5-10 years, and now that I think about it, first noticed that I couldn't stand straight without flexing my knees at about the same time. The lying on my back or stomach situation is EXACTLY the same as yours! Would you help me understand where the fibro symptoms come from? Is it real fibromyalgia? I am terrifically grateful for this group! I have my first appointment with an adult scoliosis/spine degeneration specialist on Monday 3/22. I am feeling more and more confident that I'll ask at least some of the right questions. Jeri Harrinton Rods 1980 Fused from neck to hips ***** ***** ***** ***** I've had trouble lying on my back with knees unbent ever since my surgery, and sleeping on stomach was out too, ..... By the time I learned about flatback syndrome and made the connection with my mysterious, fibromyalgia-like symptoms, I was already quite noticeably pitched forward. So which came first, the symptoms or the visible signs? I can't say for sure. Support for scoliosis-surgery veterans with Harrington Rod Malalignment Syndrome. Not medical advice. Group does not control ads or endorse any advertised products. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 15, 2006 Report Share Posted July 15, 2006 You absolutely reflect a well-know pattern of symptoms that we recognize as implant caused. Where are you? We have a list of doctors who know how to remove implants properly. Lynda At 11:53 AM 7/15/2006, you wrote: >I am new to this group and found it doing yet more research on my >symptoms. I had saline implant surgery in 1998. I started experiencing >fatigue about 3 years ago around my time of the month. As time went >on, my symptoms progressed to include joint pain, flu like symptoms, >and numbness of my hands for longer periods of time (6 months >sometimes). I have gone to 5 or 6 different doctors trying to find out >what is wrong with me. I have been told that there is nothing wrong >with me, that I am depressed, that I had Lyme Disease (treated for >that for 9 months), and now I am currently being treated for >hypothyroidism (which I think is valid). Since nothing has made me >feel better, it finally dawned on me to check out the link to my >breast implants. Has anyone else experienced this slower progression >of worsening symptoms? > >Thanks for any help and/or advice > > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 15, 2006 Report Share Posted July 15, 2006 Welcome to . . . If you'll read through the files, you'll find that your diverse symptoms fit the profile of implant related illnesses only too well. You will need to have your implants PROPERLY removed to experience real relief . . . You'll likely need to do some detoxing . the bad news is that it will take time, discipline and patience. . The good news is that you can feel much, much better. Hugs and prayers, Rogenefunx2sweet <funx2sweet@...> wrote: I am new to this group and found it doing yet more research on my symptoms. I had saline implant surgery in 1998. I started experiencing fatigue about 3 years ago around my time of the month. As time went on, my symptoms progressed to include joint pain, flu like symptoms, and numbness of my hands for longer periods of time (6 months sometimes). I have gone to 5 or 6 different doctors trying to find out what is wrong with me. I have been told that there is nothing wrong with me, that I am depressed, that I had Lyme Disease (treated for that for 9 months), and now I am currently being treated for hypothyroidism (which I think is valid). Since nothing has made me feel better, it finally dawned on me to check out the link to my breast implants. Has anyone else experienced this slower progression of worsening symptoms? Thanks for any help and/or advice Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 15, 2006 Report Share Posted July 15, 2006 Welcome indeed You sound just like me...... Please read all the stories here as you are a carbon copy of most......especially mine.... please ask any questions as I.we will be happy to answer and try to help - removal the proper way is KEY getting better as well.... good luck and god bless!!!! my story is at thanks!!! shari Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 15, 2006 Report Share Posted July 15, 2006 Yep sure have...gets worse as time goes on not better. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 16, 2006 Report Share Posted July 16, 2006 Fun, Your symptoms sound just like mine did. Slowly getting worse. I felt like I had flu all the time. Had fibro, shooting pain down both arms, numb neck, back of head and shoulders and much more. Had my explant done by Dr. Kolb in Atlanta on May 3rd, 2006. ALL of the above symptoms are gone. I still have other health issues but they are slowly getting better. I just couldn't believe that it could be my implants for years but than when I got so sick this past Christmas and stayed that way I finally though people on this site figured out this must be it. Plus Dr. Kolb's help. Anyway, welcome to our site. We will help and support you in anyway we can. If you want start getting well you'll need to have your implants taken out. I had saline implants was a breast cancer patient and I don't miss them at ALL!!! Blessings, Penni fibromyalgia symptoms I am new to this group and found it doing yet more research on my symptoms. I had saline implant surgery in 1998. I started experiencing fatigue about 3 years ago around my time of the month. As time went on, my symptoms progressed to include joint pain, flu like symptoms, and numbness of my hands for longer periods of time (6 months sometimes). I have gone to 5 or 6 different doctors trying to find out what is wrong with me. I have been told that there is nothing wrong with me, that I am depressed, that I had Lyme Disease (treated for that for 9 months), and now I am currently being treated for hypothyroidism (which I think is valid). Since nothing has made me feel better, it finally dawned on me to check out the link to my breast implants. Has anyone else experienced this slower progression of worsening symptoms? Thanks for any help and/or advice Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 16, 2006 Report Share Posted July 16, 2006 For me... (Implanted 1997, again in 1999.) It took a few years after implants for the SERIOUS pain and fatigue to set in, then once it did -every doctor I saw said "Fibromyalgia" and "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome." (Even ones who didn't believe in Fibro.) I was diagnosed around age 25. (I'm 31 now.) First by my doctor, then she sent me to a rheumatologist (because she knew no one would take it seriously otherwise), then orthopedists, neurologists, etc, etc... so it is possible. They know by checking trigger points all over your body, their response to pain, and by descriptions of your pain. One way that isn't scientific, but may give you an idea yourself is to gauge how you feel pain. It turns up the "volume" on pain, so to speak. If someone were to "tap" your leg... most people feel just a little smack. If you have Fibromyalgia, it feels like a burning "punch." I don't know if that works for everyone, but that's definitely one of the first things I noticed and heard the analogy in a newspaper article once. Talk to your doctor about it if you have tender areas and they are sensitive to pain. Fibromyalgia will usually make your shoulders, neck, and limbs have gnawing, burning pains and you also might have an increase in headaches and bladder problems. It seems to be very common among women who are symptomatic from breast implants to have not only Fibromyalgia and flu like symptoms (myself included), but also much greater health issues that can be pinpointed to having evolved since being implanted... so you're right to connect the two. Most of us were healthy before we got implanted, then it all went downhill from there. This is a GREAT forum to learn about the connections between health and saline (or silicone) implants -so you've came to the right place. Keep reading... Brigite PS: Be aware that even if you have "Saline" implants -they are encased in the same toxic Silicone that was in implants that were banned. That's what this whole message board is about! In a message dated 7/15/2006 2:33:52 PM Eastern Standard Time, funx2sweet@... writes: I am new to this group and found it doing yet more research on my symptoms. I had saline implant surgery in 1998. I started experiencing fatigue about 3 years ago around my time of the month. As time went on, my symptoms progressed to include joint pain, flu like symptoms, and numbness of my hands for longer periods of time (6 months sometimes). I have gone to 5 or 6 different doctors trying to find out what is wrong with me. I have been told that there is nothing wrong with me, that I am depressed, that I had Lyme Disease (treated for that for 9 months), and now I am currently being treated for hypothyroidism (which I think is valid). Since nothing has made me feel better, it finally dawned on me to check out the link to my breast implants. Has anyone else experienced this slower progression of worsening symptoms? Thanks for any help and/or advice Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 16, 2006 Report Share Posted July 16, 2006 I consider myself lucky that I got sick right away, because it seems more confusing when you're fine for a few years and then start having symptoms. My body said " tilt " right away. I remember one of my first symptoms was shooting pains down my arms, but that was right after the surgery so I figured it was just because it was pushing on nerves, but then I started getting heartburn, my lymph nodes swelled up, and then my joints swelled about a month later. A few months later my fingers and toes became numb, and then underneath my toenails felt like someone was sticking nails in them, then came the bone pain, brain fog, daily headaches, high blood pressure. That was enough fun for me, and after six months I had them explanted by Dr. Feng. Sis --- In , " funx2sweet " <funx2sweet@...> wrote: > > I am new to this group and found it doing yet more research on my > symptoms. I had saline implant surgery in 1998. I started experiencing > fatigue about 3 years ago around my time of the month. As time went > on, my symptoms progressed to include joint pain, flu like symptoms, > and numbness of my hands for longer periods of time (6 months > sometimes). I have gone to 5 or 6 different doctors trying to find out > what is wrong with me. I have been told that there is nothing wrong > with me, that I am depressed, that I had Lyme Disease (treated for > that for 9 months), and now I am currently being treated for > hypothyroidism (which I think is valid). Since nothing has made me > feel better, it finally dawned on me to check out the link to my > breast implants. Has anyone else experienced this slower progression > of worsening symptoms? > > Thanks for any help and/or advice > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 16, 2006 Report Share Posted July 16, 2006 Something else about fibromyalgia . . . A sleep disorder goes hand-in-glove with FM . . . They did a study where they deprived a group of people of sleep for an extended period . . . They all developed FM symtoms . . . After catching up on their sleep, some kept the FM symptoms. FM appears to have a number of causes . . . Accidents, emotional trauma, injuries, stress, illness. . . the thing they have in common is the likelyhood that a person will be sleep deprived for a period of time . . . Those prone to FM will continue on with FM symptoms, while the others will bounce back. With FM, the tissue that covers the muscle becomes very taut . . . This squeezes the muscle and thus pulls on the joints. . . Causing both joint and muscle pain. . . The points pressed to diagnose FM are those points where a group of muscles tie to the bones. . . With deep massage, the therapist stretches this membrane. Initially the massages are very painful . . . To me, it feels as though I'm being cut with a knife. But only for a moment, then blessed, long lasting relief follows. Understanding this can help one overcome FM symptoms. . The key is, first getting a good nights sleep. The body repairs the muscles during sleep. . . Secondly is to keep moving and stretching those muscles. The worst thing someone can do is to go to bed. Inactivity makes the muscles tighter and the pain worse. . . So, regardless of how bad you hurt, you must keep moving . . . Ideally, you'll establish an exercise routine and graduall increase the time and intensity until all FM symptoms are in remission. Heat, massage and diet are also very important too! . . . Trigger point injections can help numb the painful points . . . However, I don't like the idea of being injected with a poison, regardless of how diluted it is . . . Botox! There may be times when this is the only thing than can break the cycle of pain so one can get moving again though. I've learned to manage my FM until not even my massage therapist can tell I have it. . . If I fail to follow my "program" . . . diet, sleep, exercise, massage, stress reduction, etc. It can come back with a vengence! . . For anyone dealing with FM, there are some excellent book that can help you understand that, to manage it, you have to play an active role. . . There are not pills that can fix the problem . . they only mask the symptoms. Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 16, 2006 Report Share Posted July 16, 2006 If I have already said any of this ---I apologize for the repeat. I have Fibromyalgia really bad, and peripheral neuropathy. CYMBALTA took out almost all of my leg pain. It did nothing for my upper body, or depression, though... and it took a good 6-8 weeks or more to get into my system. I stayed so nauseated I felt "green" until I got used to it. Then, after being on it a while I had to quit because I couldn't afford it. But anyway, it's something that works if you don't mind using a prescription drug for relief until you can find relief some other way. Also, in the winter time ---a heated MATTRESS COVER helps. A heated BLANKET didn't do anything for me but make me sweat, but the mattress cover (even on low) seemed to relieve a lot of my musculoskeletal morning stiffness and pain. I have a tanning bed, which also provided relief for Fibromyalgia and Arthritis, but that's no longer an option with my skin reacting to sun so badly. (You can find older ones for a few hundred bucks. My mom in law gave me her old ones when she got a new one. ) My dermatologist said a lot of his patients even use them with sunscreen for muscle/joint pain relief (instead of to tan). That still doesn't work for my skin, though, so it's a no go. (I miss it!) It's not the healthiest option, but it is instant relief. Everyone's comments about pain relief after explant motivates me so much!!! Brigite Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2006 Report Share Posted July 17, 2006 Hi! You bet I have experienced those symptoms and more! I'm sure you have read some of the messages so far...well, there's just a ton of symptoms that we all share. You definitely sound like most of us. I'm glad you found this site -- it has helped me immensely. Everyone is loving and supportive, and are willing to share their experience, strength & hope. Take good care of yourself, Sunny --- In , " funx2sweet " <funx2sweet@...> wrote: > > I am new to this group and found it doing yet more research on my > symptoms. I had saline implant surgery in 1998. I started experiencing > fatigue about 3 years ago around my time of the month. As time went > on, my symptoms progressed to include joint pain, flu like symptoms, > and numbness of my hands for longer periods of time (6 months > sometimes). I have gone to 5 or 6 different doctors trying to find out > what is wrong with me. I have been told that there is nothing wrong > with me, that I am depressed, that I had Lyme Disease (treated for > that for 9 months), and now I am currently being treated for > hypothyroidism (which I think is valid). Since nothing has made me > feel better, it finally dawned on me to check out the link to my > breast implants. Has anyone else experienced this slower progression > of worsening symptoms? > > Thanks for any help and/or advice > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2006 Report Share Posted July 17, 2006 Brigite, If you ever get a chance to get or use a far infrared sauna, check it out. . . Studies show that peripheral neuropathy improves with as little as one treatment. . . The only thing I've heard of that actually improves nerve function, rather than mask the symptoms. Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2006 Report Share Posted July 17, 2006 Rogene, Thanks for the info and suggestion. I actually checked to see if any of our day spas around have infrared saunas. They don't, but I realized it would cost a lot even if they did, because at one it was $30 to use their whirlpool. It makes me sick, because my inlaws just sold a dayspa not too long ago ---and had been about to put in a sauna had they kept it! LOL My luck... Brig In a message dated 7/16/2006 11:05:13 PM Eastern Standard Time, saxony01@... writes: Brigite, If you ever get a chance to get or use a far infrared sauna, check it out. . . Studies show that peripheral neuropathy improves with as little as one treatment. . . The only thing I've heard of that actually improves nerve function, rather than mask the symptoms. Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2006 Report Share Posted July 17, 2006 My doc has recommended PT for Fibromyalgia. My husband is also supposed to have PT for his hamstring ---can't afford it. It racks up. Good suggestion, though. You're right! Brigite In a message dated 7/17/2006 8:30:21 AM Eastern Standard Time, saxony01@... writes: Brig, Medicaid/Medicare will pay for a limited number of physical therapy visits. . . SOME therapy clinics are using infrared to treat PN . . Maybe you could find one that offers infrared treatment and get referred there. You can buy the infrared pads online . . even then, they're pretty expensive. They look like a heating pad. Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 17, 2006 Report Share Posted July 17, 2006 Brig, Medicaid/Medicare will pay for a limited number of physical therapy visits. . . SOME therapy clinics are using infrared to treat PN . . Maybe you could find one that offers infrared treatment and get referred there. You can buy the infrared pads online . . even then, they're pretty expensive. They look like a heating pad. Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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