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Re: Tim I am not happy with you

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Joanne and Tim,

I know that part of my illness was brought on by being under much mental stress

but I too believe that most of fibromyalgia is physical as well.  Trauma of

mental and physical aspects were definitely what brought mine about.

Tim,  I never did see you post what your fees are.  If anyone is interested in

your therapy that will be the first thing that they want to know.




To: " fibromyalgiacured " <fibromyalgiacured >

Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2012 7:45 PM

Subject: Tim I am not happy with you



behind the scenes here you are causing a lot of upset and sadness. Only men

think Fibromyalgia is primarily a psychological illness, women believe it is a

physical illness with some psychological aspects like all illnesses

My husband and dad have severe disabilities and need a lot of care, some of that

is because they are severely ill and some of it is because they are men and they

expect women to take care of them. When I blow a gasket they get of their

severely disabled backsides and go and do what they are supposed to do. Women

are not like this, women even when they are poorly carry on working and doing

all they need to do until they collapse. Then when somebody helps them, which is

often rare, they are very appreciative. It is only when women get to a certain

age that they see that being appreciative to men who think they are batty in the

way you do can be a very unhealthy thing. This is how women get hood winked into

the whole psychology thing in the first place and this is how they get stuckf in

the system and how they end up abused by male doctors and the like.

I have been supportive of you so far because I myself know I have PTSD and that

NLP and the other therapies you have mentioned can be helpful for this, but now

I am sorry I have said this too you because others here now think I share your

view that this illness is psychological, when I most definately do not share

this view. in fact only a few days ago I stated there is no such thing as a

psychological illness and I still stand by that statement

I explained to you only a few days ago that Fibro is caused by poor nutrition

and toxicity. It is actually men that are in charge of our government and our

farming and our supermarkets, they are also in charge of our health service and

it is men, in general that invent all these toxins that are poisoning women. So

long as men like you persist in insisting that these illnesses that

predominately affect women are primarily psychological then these men that are

inventing these thing that are poisoning us are going to be able to continue to

get away with it

Also, when women, like myself say, Fibro can be triggered by stress and that

this aspect of the illness needs to be supported, as long as people like

yourself are saying the things that you are saying we that do actually

understand the psychological aspects of this illness cannot help these people

The main psychological problem I have had with this illness is that time and

time again I was drawn in by the psycho babble of people like yourself and as I

have said in other posts these people kept me locked in my distress. I did at

the start give you the benefit of the doubt because a friend here did point out

that in the past I have often promoted NLP and similar therapies as useful tools

for helping people overcome carb addiction and other issues that are sometimes a

feature of this illness. Now that you have been here persisted in repeating your

position which you have been told by many here is not correct I feel I now have

to make it very clear that I do not agree with your nonsense

As I said in my first post to you please go and learn about the physiology of

this illness. the people that can teach you about this are Bee Wilder, Natasha

McBride, Donna Gates, Sally Fallon. Note, these are all women, and all

of them believe poor quality food and toxins are behind this illness. If I was

you I would stop reading literature written by men regarding this illness until

you have fully absorbed what these women are saying

Thank you


PS Please go and cause your bother somewhere else


To: fibromyalgiacured

Sent: Sunday, 15 January 2012, 20:11

Subject: Re: Tim Testimonies


Hi Judy,

I hear what you're saying and can understand that you do not believe it is a

psychosomatic problem. When you talk about disease you have to question what

came first, the chicken or the egg? Meaning… how does a healthy body become

unhealthy? You could have an accident. You could be exposed to some kind of

chemical or radiation. Most of the time, from what I work with, it is

emotionally based. Emotions govern your unconscous mind, the part of you that

governs your body. The mind has over 50 chemicals that it releases... Disease

cannot exist within the body unless there is dis ease in the mind. I have cured

many things including one case of HIV, and even when I tell that story it's hard

for me to believe it. There is another therapist that went through the first

school I attended, his name is Steve Parkhill, he wrote a book called Answer

Cancer. He has around a 75% success rate in curing cancer and he only works

with hospice patients. Hard to

believe that isn't it?

What I do isn't bio feedback at all. What I do is all emotional based. With

hypnotherapy you use something called age regression. I target the feeling

causing FM. To do this I use something called Parts therapy. We all have

different parts of ourselves; we all have conversations in our own minds. For

instance when the alarm goes off in morning a voice in your head or a part of

you wants to hit snooze or just unplug the clock altogether but another part of

you chimes in and says, " Hay, you'd better get up, you have to get out the

door! "

So one way I target the " Part " causing FM is that I build a case like a lawyer.

I say that there is a part of you that wants to be completely free from FM!

This part of you wants to have lots of energy and wants to be completely free of

FM! I then have the person describe the part, I have them give it a shape, a

feeling, and a name. Then I call out the FM part. I have them give it a shape,

a feeling, and a name. Then I ask it questions, build the feeling (affect

bridge), and follow it back to the first time they ever felt the feeling. Now

no one ever goes to the first time they ever felt that way but we do find it

rather quickly.

So my client is now reliving the event. Most initial events are between the

ages of 0 and 7 years old. After conducting thousands of sessions I began to

see certain patterns. Not everyone falls into a specific pattern of course but

for FM I have had a lot of people end up in a scene where dad was leaving the

family. The child didn't think that they would ever see dad again. This is a

big emotional disconnect. I worked with a person in Florida about 4 years ago,

her initial event was that she got sick and her mom usually took care of her.

This time her dad dropped her off at her grandparents house and mom went to the

hospital to give birth to her younger sister. When mom returned with the new

child mom never told my client that she loved her anymore, mom only told the new

child this.

So anyway this process isn't a monitoring of physical reactions linked to

emotions like bio feedback, it is changing perceptions and emotions at the deep

levels of the mind. Sometimes we have to do more work and take care of people

who have hurt the person, this is a take off from Gestalt Chair Therapy. I also

sometimes use timeline therapy to find the cause which is NLP or

neuro-linguistic programming.

Fibro may not always be an emotional response from the subconscious but I know

it is in a lot of cases.

Tim Bartley


> I’ve been reading all these emails with an open mind and am finding

that I am agreeing with you to a certain extent. While I disagree that

Fibromyalgia is a psychosomatic illness, I do believe that the mind can

exacerbate an illness or help to control it. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

in 1994 after waking up one morning unable to move because of pain and stiffness

throughout my body. I learned later that I had spinal stenosis and have since

had two surgeries to repair my lower vertebra.


> Yes, I suppose I could have blamed my Fibromyalgia on stress as I had five

young children, was working full time and was also helping my elderly parents.

However, I was also fighting physical illness as I had to have my gall bladder

removed, I developed Mono and then became Hypothyroid. In 1987 I’d had an

extremely emotional year with my mother having a stroke, my father having a

heart attack and my oldest daughter having to have a Caesarian with her first

child on the same day my mother went to a nursing home.


> I attribute my Fibromyalgia however to my physical problems rather than the

mental as I’ve always considered myself a strong woman who came from a

long line of strong women. My mother’s mother had 14 children and lived

to be 94. I’ve always considered her to be my role model. I asked her

once how she did it and she said, “You don’t think about it, you

just do it.�


> I was fortunate when I was first diagnosed that there was a really good

Fibromyalgia support group in my area. There was also a woman who was teaching

Biofeedback Training. I definitely think that this helped me, especially in the

way of learning that I could take control of my Fibromyalgia instead of letting

it control me. Unfortunately my Fibromyalgia did continue to progress and three

years ago I was mostly bedridden and had to use a walker just to get around the

house. Then through the internet I learned about a drug call LDN, (Low Dose

Naltrexone). I decided to try it as I figured that I had nothing to lose.

I’d already tried all the other drugs normally prescribed by doctors and

they all gave me worse side effects. Within 2 weeks I started to notice an

improvement in my Fibromyalgia symptoms. Then they gradually begin to improve

even more until I was able to put my walker away after being on LDN for 6



> LDN is a drug that helps the body produce endorphins, the body’s own

natural pain killers. It also helps to boost the body’s immune system.

This is why I say that Fibromyalgia isn’t psychosomatic. It is more of a

Neuro-immune disease. Because of nutritional deficiencies the nerves

don’t work correctly. For me, strengthening my immune system with LDN and

a chemical free diet (no processed foods) has really made a difference in my

life. I now live a pain free, mostly normal life again.


> I do have one question for you. After reading your information on your

website, I was wondering if your technique was similar to Biofeedback training

and if not what the difference might be?


> Judy H

> To Health Through Knowledge

> Started taking Low Dose Naltrexone on January 20, 2009 for

> Fibromyalgia, Restless Legs Syndrome, Hashimotos Thyroid and PCOS

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/LDNforFibro/


> From: eastlookdrive

> Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 2:45 PM

> To: fibromyalgiacured

> Subject: Re: Tim Testimonies



> Hi ,


> The article that I posted does not imply that you or anyone with FM has any

kind of mental disorder; on the contrary your mind is working as designed. No

one can live in this world without picking up psychosomatic problems. I have

personally been cured of a chronic sinus problem and a heart condition that

lasted 15 years.


> Let me explain how it works a little bitÂ…


> When you were born the slate was clean. As you grow up you hit events where

you are first introduced to a negative emotion. [i.e. the first time a child

finds herself alone in a crib, no one seems to be aroundÂ… abandonment!!!] In

my training this is known as the (ISE) or initial sensitizing event. As you

progress through life you hit other events that feel the same way, (SSEs) or

subsequent sensitizing events. Your subconscious mind holds these feelings and

as you continue to hit these SSEs the feeling magnifies.


> Have you ever heard the saying " Time heals all wounds? " That's true with your

conscious mind but it's the opposite with your subconscious mind. As you hit

these SSEs the feeling gets bigger. Another way to think of it is when you hit

the first event it's like a seed being planted in your subconscious mind. Then

as you keep hitting other events that feel the same way it's like someone taking

out a watering can and watering that seed. The seed turns into a tree, and then

into a really big tree. Once it gets big enough you get symptoms. Your

unconscious mind governs you physically and is a slave to the emotions that are

building in the subconscious mind. So you end up getting pain and fatigue or



> Everyone's minds work this way. What I do when working with people is much

like detective work. We track down where the feeling first was encountered and

we neutralize the feeling there. Once this is done the unconscious mind is still

reacting off of the feelings in the subconscious mind but the feelings have

changed. Therefore the fatigue and pain go away.


> This is the mind, body connection. If you feel sad the body produces tears.

Anger causes increased breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. Embarrassment,

blood rushes to the face. The feeling of fear causes adrenaline push, hairs

stand on end, heart rate increase, possible urination, and sweating, possible

freeze in place. Stress causes skin disorders, stomach ulcer, high blood

pressure, fatigue, heart disease and SO many more physical problems.


> Fibro is just like this. In fact I also help people with IBS, RLS, CFS,

osteoarthritis, and migraine headache. Also when people have pseudo disorders it

is usually psychosomatic. I believe that every feeling causes a physical

reaction but you don't notice most of them.


> God bless you,

> Tim Bartley






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I believe that as my body heals, and my mind can begin to relax I would try

Tim's services. This, even as I have embarked on one of the most restrictive

diets known to man. I believe the mind is part of everything. I was very strong

in the mind when this all began. We have probably all been abused by the

pschiatric community,and will never be rendered well by those who preyed upon

us. I won't fractionize what Tim is doing to heal as part of traditional

pschiatry. Stick with the subconscious arena and delete the psychiatric word out

of your diction would be my advice in his career and endeavor. Is that

impossible? You're pushing buttons that you of all people should know shouldn't

be pushed to validate your healing ability. The pschiatric community's dealing

pills is a farce for most people. Although it's safe to say they can provide

relief to many. Bandaid with side effects is what I'd call it. Problem is their

pills cause folks to kill themselves

and probably burn in hell as a consequence. That's scairy to most of

us..REALLY scairy!

You don't sound like you are preying.....just a bit unweathered as most all of

us are. You're dealing with folks here and else where that have a lot of

knowledge built up over years of us being drawn out on a dry eraser board as

worth " X " amount of dollars to allopathic and naturopathic modes of medicine.

This Lady whom is head of the Fibro Org. sounds like she has the key to the

opium den for you. Many of us have given up on the likes of Orgs., and

newsletters years ago. I trulyhope you hit pay dirt and people are healed.

I'm guessing it is going to be related to where they are in body and soul. Tim

I'm not trying to bitch you out...really. You sound defensive and a little short

on confidence. Do your healing, and get on with it. Bring your sucesses, in

total, to the table. Have former clents all in. Market yourself. I'm sure in

your Org./ article you will..so we will wait. For those of us on medications

please don't get down on the meds., because

they're being called poisons etc. If you're willing to heal through this form

of diet and love all relationship...for now treat the meds as sacred if you

must. Nothing wrong with that. No reason to feel bad every time you take them.

Do the diet, surround yourself with love, learn to love back...and eventually

you'll go off the meds VERY SLOOOOOOOWLY!

Love You All


in Abq.


To: " fibromyalgiacured " <fibromyalgiacured >

Sent: Sunday, January 15, 2012 6:45 PM

Subject: Tim I am not happy with you



behind the scenes here you are causing a lot of upset and sadness. Only men

think Fibromyalgia is primarily a psychological illness, women believe it is a

physical illness with some psychological aspects like all illnesses

My husband and dad have severe disabilities and need a lot of care, some of that

is because they are severely ill and some of it is because they are men and they

expect women to take care of them. When I blow a gasket they get of their

severely disabled backsides and go and do what they are supposed to do. Women

are not like this, women even when they are poorly carry on working and doing

all they need to do until they collapse. Then when somebody helps them, which is

often rare, they are very appreciative. It is only when women get to a certain

age that they see that being appreciative to men who think they are batty in the

way you do can be a very unhealthy thing. This is how women get hood winked into

the whole psychology thing in the first place and this is how they get stuckf in

the system and how they end up abused by male doctors and the like.

I have been supportive of you so far because I myself know I have PTSD and that

NLP and the other therapies you have mentioned can be helpful for this, but now

I am sorry I have said this too you because others here now think I share your

view that this illness is psychological, when I most definately do not share

this view. in fact only a few days ago I stated there is no such thing as a

psychological illness and I still stand by that statement

I explained to you only a few days ago that Fibro is caused by poor nutrition

and toxicity. It is actually men that are in charge of our government and our

farming and our supermarkets, they are also in charge of our health service and

it is men, in general that invent all these toxins that are poisoning women. So

long as men like you persist in insisting that these illnesses that

predominately affect women are primarily psychological then these men that are

inventing these thing that are poisoning us are going to be able to continue to

get away with it

Also, when women, like myself say, Fibro can be triggered by stress and that

this aspect of the illness needs to be supported, as long as people like

yourself are saying the things that you are saying we that do actually

understand the psychological aspects of this illness cannot help these people

The main psychological problem I have had with this illness is that time and

time again I was drawn in by the psycho babble of people like yourself and as I

have said in other posts these people kept me locked in my distress. I did at

the start give you the benefit of the doubt because a friend here did point out

that in the past I have often promoted NLP and similar therapies as useful tools

for helping people overcome carb addiction and other issues that are sometimes a

feature of this illness. Now that you have been here persisted in repeating your

position which you have been told by many here is not correct I feel I now have

to make it very clear that I do not agree with your nonsense

As I said in my first post to you please go and learn about the physiology of

this illness. the people that can teach you about this are Bee Wilder, Natasha

McBride, Donna Gates, Sally Fallon. Note, these are all women, and all

of them believe poor quality food and toxins are behind this illness. If I was

you I would stop reading literature written by men regarding this illness until

you have fully absorbed what these women are saying

Thank you


PS Please go and cause your bother somewhere else


To: fibromyalgiacured

Sent: Sunday, 15 January 2012, 20:11

Subject: Re: Tim Testimonies


Hi Judy,

I hear what you're saying and can understand that you do not believe it is a

psychosomatic problem. When you talk about disease you have to question what

came first, the chicken or the egg? Meaning… how does a healthy body become

unhealthy? You could have an accident. You could be exposed to some kind of

chemical or radiation. Most of the time, from what I work with, it is

emotionally based. Emotions govern your unconscous mind, the part of you that

governs your body. The mind has over 50 chemicals that it releases... Disease

cannot exist within the body unless there is dis ease in the mind. I have cured

many things including one case of HIV, and even when I tell that story it's hard

for me to believe it. There is another therapist that went through the first

school I attended, his name is Steve Parkhill, he wrote a book called Answer

Cancer. He has around a 75% success rate in curing cancer and he only works with

hospice patients. Hard to

believe that isn't it?

What I do isn't bio feedback at all. What I do is all emotional based. With

hypnotherapy you use something called age regression. I target the feeling

causing FM. To do this I use something called Parts therapy. We all have

different parts of ourselves; we all have conversations in our own minds. For

instance when the alarm goes off in morning a voice in your head or a part of

you wants to hit snooze or just unplug the clock altogether but another part of

you chimes in and says, " Hay, you'd better get up, you have to get out the

door! "

So one way I target the " Part " causing FM is that I build a case like a lawyer.

I say that there is a part of you that wants to be completely free from FM! This

part of you wants to have lots of energy and wants to be completely free of FM!

I then have the person describe the part, I have them give it a shape, a

feeling, and a name. Then I call out the FM part. I have them give it a shape, a

feeling, and a name. Then I ask it questions, build the feeling (affect bridge),

and follow it back to the first time they ever felt the feeling. Now no one ever

goes to the first time they ever felt that way but we do find it rather quickly.

So my client is now reliving the event. Most initial events are between the ages

of 0 and 7 years old. After conducting thousands of sessions I began to see

certain patterns. Not everyone falls into a specific pattern of course but for

FM I have had a lot of people end up in a scene where dad was leaving the

family. The child didn't think that they would ever see dad again. This is a big

emotional disconnect. I worked with a person in Florida about 4 years ago, her

initial event was that she got sick and her mom usually took care of her. This

time her dad dropped her off at her grandparents house and mom went to the

hospital to give birth to her younger sister. When mom returned with the new

child mom never told my client that she loved her anymore, mom only told the new

child this.

So anyway this process isn't a monitoring of physical reactions linked to

emotions like bio feedback, it is changing perceptions and emotions at the deep

levels of the mind. Sometimes we have to do more work and take care of people

who have hurt the person, this is a take off from Gestalt Chair Therapy. I also

sometimes use timeline therapy to find the cause which is NLP or

neuro-linguistic programming.

Fibro may not always be an emotional response from the subconscious but I know

it is in a lot of cases.

Tim Bartley


> I’ve been reading all these emails with an open mind and am finding

that I am agreeing with you to a certain extent. While I disagree that

Fibromyalgia is a psychosomatic illness, I do believe that the mind can

exacerbate an illness or help to control it. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

in 1994 after waking up one morning unable to move because of pain and stiffness

throughout my body. I learned later that I had spinal stenosis and have since

had two surgeries to repair my lower vertebra.


> Yes, I suppose I could have blamed my Fibromyalgia on stress as I had five

young children, was working full time and was also helping my elderly parents.

However, I was also fighting physical illness as I had to have my gall bladder

removed, I developed Mono and then became Hypothyroid. In 1987 I’d had an

extremely emotional year with my mother having a stroke, my father having a

heart attack and my oldest daughter having to have a Caesarian with her first

child on the same day my mother went to a nursing home.


> I attribute my Fibromyalgia however to my physical problems rather than the

mental as I’ve always considered myself a strong woman who came from a

long line of strong women. My mother’s mother had 14 children and lived

to be 94. I’ve always considered her to be my role model. I asked her

once how she did it and she said, “You don’t think about it, you

just do it.�


> I was fortunate when I was first diagnosed that there was a really good

Fibromyalgia support group in my area. There was also a woman who was teaching

Biofeedback Training. I definitely think that this helped me, especially in the

way of learning that I could take control of my Fibromyalgia instead of letting

it control me. Unfortunately my Fibromyalgia did continue to progress and three

years ago I was mostly bedridden and had to use a walker just to get around the

house. Then through the internet I learned about a drug call LDN, (Low Dose

Naltrexone). I decided to try it as I figured that I had nothing to lose.

I’d already tried all the other drugs normally prescribed by doctors and

they all gave me worse side effects. Within 2 weeks I started to notice an

improvement in my Fibromyalgia symptoms. Then they gradually begin to improve

even more until I was able to put my walker away after being on LDN for 6



> LDN is a drug that helps the body produce endorphins, the body’s own

natural pain killers. It also helps to boost the body’s immune system.

This is why I say that Fibromyalgia isn’t psychosomatic. It is more of a

Neuro-immune disease. Because of nutritional deficiencies the nerves

don’t work correctly. For me, strengthening my immune system with LDN and

a chemical free diet (no processed foods) has really made a difference in my

life. I now live a pain free, mostly normal life again.


> I do have one question for you. After reading your information on your

website, I was wondering if your technique was similar to Biofeedback training

and if not what the difference might be?


> Judy H

> To Health Through Knowledge

> Started taking Low Dose Naltrexone on January 20, 2009 for

> Fibromyalgia, Restless Legs Syndrome, Hashimotos Thyroid and PCOS

> http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/LDNforFibro/


> From: eastlookdrive

> Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 2:45 PM

> To: fibromyalgiacured

> Subject: Re: Tim Testimonies



> Hi ,


> The article that I posted does not imply that you or anyone with FM has any

kind of mental disorder; on the contrary your mind is working as designed. No

one can live in this world without picking up psychosomatic problems. I have

personally been cured of a chronic sinus problem and a heart condition that

lasted 15 years.


> Let me explain how it works a little bitÂ…


> When you were born the slate was clean. As you grow up you hit events where

you are first introduced to a negative emotion. [i.e. the first time a child

finds herself alone in a crib, no one seems to be aroundÂ… abandonment!!!] In

my training this is known as the (ISE) or initial sensitizing event. As you

progress through life you hit other events that feel the same way, (SSEs) or

subsequent sensitizing events. Your subconscious mind holds these feelings and

as you continue to hit these SSEs the feeling magnifies.


> Have you ever heard the saying " Time heals all wounds? " That's true with your

conscious mind but it's the opposite with your subconscious mind. As you hit

these SSEs the feeling gets bigger. Another way to think of it is when you hit

the first event it's like a seed being planted in your subconscious mind. Then

as you keep hitting other events that feel the same way it's like someone taking

out a watering can and watering that seed. The seed turns into a tree, and then

into a really big tree. Once it gets big enough you get symptoms. Your

unconscious mind governs you physically and is a slave to the emotions that are

building in the subconscious mind. So you end up getting pain and fatigue or



> Everyone's minds work this way. What I do when working with people is much

like detective work. We track down where the feeling first was encountered and

we neutralize the feeling there. Once this is done the unconscious mind is still

reacting off of the feelings in the subconscious mind but the feelings have

changed. Therefore the fatigue and pain go away.


> This is the mind, body connection. If you feel sad the body produces tears.

Anger causes increased breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. Embarrassment,

blood rushes to the face. The feeling of fear causes adrenaline push, hairs

stand on end, heart rate increase, possible urination, and sweating, possible

freeze in place. Stress causes skin disorders, stomach ulcer, high blood

pressure, fatigue, heart disease and SO many more physical problems.


> Fibro is just like this. In fact I also help people with IBS, RLS, CFS,

osteoarthritis, and migraine headache. Also when people have pseudo disorders it

is usually psychosomatic. I believe that every feeling causes a physical

reaction but you don't notice most of them.


> God bless you,

> Tim Bartley






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