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Re: Tim I am not happy with you - My reply

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Why aren't you happy with me? I posted here only to share a article I wrote

and to share information that many people may have never heard. I am not asking

anyone for anything.

What I do is not psychology and I agree with you that a LOT of people who go

into those fields have a lot of problems themselves. I am working with a woman

right now who is pulling out her pubic hair, hates herself and her mother, has

panic attacks, and a few other problems. She has a Masters in psychology, this

isn't the first person I've worked with in that field who has major problems.

My sister-in-law has a PhD in psychology; she is the most un-normal person I


What I do is give the person a new point of view to start off with. My role

after that is guiding their mind to where it needs to go in order for the

healing to take place. They heal themselves. I facilitate them going to where

they need to go and offer a different point of view.

As far as God goes I think you need to connect with him, talk to him. When

you do don't just ask for what you want, first express your gratitude for the

things that you do have, including FM. It's all a learning experience. We all

signed up for earth school and we knew it wasn't going to be easy, if it were

easy then we wouldn't learn anything. When you express your gratitude make sure

you feel it, don't just use words, that won't work. The other side works more

off of emotion and imagery than direct words. After you have stated your

gratitude then ask for what you want. Be very specific. They are very literal

in interpretation. If you do this you might think you're taking to the wall but

after a while you will be connected, you'll know that you are, and whatever you

are asking for will manifest into your reality.

In general in our culture we have been deceived. Twenty five percent of all

TV commercials are drug commercials, " Ask your doctor. " This is BIG business.

The drug companies cannot patient their drug unless it is first placed into the

holy grail of physiological BS book (The DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual

of Mental Disorders). Every year they add another 5 or 10 " disorders " to this

book. Guess who sits on the board and decides what goes in? You guessed it,

the psychiatrists who are affiliated with the drug companies. I work with

people with emotional, habitual, and physical problems… they are all the same.

They are caused by unresolved emotion in the subconscious mind and labeling

people is not only incorrect in the labeling but it is wrong to do as the person

either feels the need to live up to or down to the label. Most of the time when

someone comes to me with a label, i.e. depression, it turns out to be a

different emotion, like grief or fear. SO… much of the labeling is wrong, it

is wrong to use so many drugs and ignore the mind and ignore nutrition.

Big business controls our tainted food supply. We kill 10 billion animals a

year, if you eat animals you get cancer and heart disease. The feed for these

animals, mostly corn based (which is wrong because cows are supposed to eat

grass), this feed would end world hunger if we instead fed it to the staving

people and not to the cattle. PLEASE EVERYONE WATCH THIS MOVIE! (FORKS over

KNIVES) It's all about the proper nutrition. It is on Netflix or you can rent

it at your local video store – ForksOverKnives.com. You have to watch this

movie! It documents healing, very sick people becoming well very fast due to a

change in what they eat. I cannot recommend this any higher.

Anyway, I kind of was all over the place there. If anyone does read my

article please let me know what you thought. I have a few weeks to edit it and

I really don't know if I wrote it in a way that expresses the correct

information. I was given 1,000 words and I found it very difficult to explain

what I do in that short amount. Mostly I think people need to understand

themselves. Once you understand how we develop problems like FM you can then

understand how we get rid of them.

Lastly I'm not here to sell anyone anything. I am not proclaiming I am an

expert. I simply have dedicated myself to a healing modality that is widely

unknown and have found that it heals FM, among other things. I feel like I am a

mad scientist hidden behind a curtain who has discovered something and am trying

to tell a world, a world that is not ready to hear. Our society/culture is

about drugs and doctors, anything else doesn't fit in.

Have a great day,

Tim Bartley

> >

> > I’ve been reading all these emails with an open mind and am finding

that I am agreeing with you to a certain extent. While I disagree that

Fibromyalgia is a psychosomatic illness, I do believe that the mind can

exacerbate an illness or help to control it. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

in 1994 after waking up one morning unable to move because of pain and stiffness

throughout my body. I learned later that I had spinal stenosis and have since

had two surgeries to repair my lower vertebra.

> >

> > Yes, I suppose I could have blamed my Fibromyalgia on stress as I had five

young children, was working full time and was also helping my elderly parents.

However, I was also fighting physical illness as I had to have my gall bladder

removed, I developed Mono and then became Hypothyroid. In 1987 I’d had an

extremely emotional year with my mother having a stroke, my father having a

heart attack and my oldest daughter having to have a Caesarian with her first

child on the same day my mother went to a nursing home.

> >

> > I attribute my Fibromyalgia however to my physical problems rather than the

mental as I’ve always considered myself a strong woman who came from a

long line of strong women. My mother’s mother had 14 children and lived

to be 94. I’ve always considered her to be my role model. I asked her

once how she did it and she said,  " You don’t think about it, you

just do it.�

> >

> > I was fortunate when I was first diagnosed that there was a really good

Fibromyalgia support group in my area. There was also a woman who was teaching

Biofeedback Training. I definitely think that this helped me, especially in the

way of learning that I could take control of my Fibromyalgia instead of letting

it control me. Unfortunately my Fibromyalgia did continue to progress and three

years ago I was mostly bedridden and had to use a walker just to get around the

house. Then through the internet I learned about a drug call LDN, (Low Dose

Naltrexone). I decided to try it as I figured that I had nothing to lose.

I’d already tried all the other drugs normally prescribed by doctors and

they all gave me worse side effects. Within 2 weeks I started to notice an

improvement in my Fibromyalgia symptoms. Then they gradually begin to improve

even more until I was able to put my walker away after being on LDN for 6


> >

> > LDN is a drug that helps the body produce endorphins, the body’s own

natural pain killers. It also helps to boost the body’s immune system.

This is why I say that Fibromyalgia isn’t psychosomatic. It is more of a

Neuro-immune disease. Because of nutritional deficiencies the nerves

don’t work correctly. For me, strengthening my immune system with LDN and

a chemical free diet (no processed foods) has really made a difference in my

life. I now live a pain free, mostly normal life again.

> >

> > I do have one question for you. After reading your information on your

website, I was wondering if your technique was similar to Biofeedback training

and if not what the difference might be?

> >

> > Judy H

> > To Health Through Knowledge

> > Started taking Low Dose Naltrexone on January 20, 2009 for

> > Fibromyalgia, Restless Legs Syndrome, Hashimotos Thyroid and PCOS

> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/LDNforFibro/

> >

> > From: eastlookdrive

> > Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 2:45 PM

> > To: fibromyalgiacured

> > Subject: Re: Tim Testimonies

> >

> >

> > Hi ,

> >

> > The article that I posted does not imply that you or anyone with FM has any

kind of mental disorder; on the contrary your mind is working as designed. No

one can live in this world without picking up psychosomatic problems. I have

personally been cured of a chronic sinus problem and a heart condition that

lasted 15 years.

> >

> > Let me explain how it works a little bitÂ…

> >

> > When you were born the slate was clean. As you grow up you hit events where

you are first introduced to a negative emotion. [i.e. the first time a child

finds herself alone in a crib, no one seems to be aroundÂ… abandonment!!!] In

my training this is known as the (ISE) or initial sensitizing event. As you

progress through life you hit other events that feel the same way, (SSEs) or

subsequent sensitizing events. Your subconscious mind holds these feelings and

as you continue to hit these SSEs the feeling magnifies.

> >

> > Have you ever heard the saying " Time heals all wounds? " That's true with

your conscious mind but it's the opposite with your subconscious mind. As you

hit these SSEs the feeling gets bigger. Another way to think of it is when you

hit the first event it's like a seed being planted in your subconscious mind.

Then as you keep hitting other events that feel the same way it's like someone

taking out a watering can and watering that seed. The seed turns into a tree,

and then into a really big tree. Once it gets big enough you get symptoms. Your

unconscious mind governs you physically and is a slave to the emotions that are

building in the subconscious mind. So you end up getting pain and fatigue or


> >

> > Everyone's minds work this way. What I do when working with people is much

like detective work. We track down where the feeling first was encountered and

we neutralize the feeling there. Once this is done the unconscious mind is still

reacting off of the feelings in the subconscious mind but the feelings have

changed. Therefore the fatigue and pain go away.

> >

> > This is the mind, body connection. If you feel sad the body produces tears.

Anger causes increased breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. Embarrassment,

blood rushes to the face. The feeling of fear causes adrenaline push, hairs

stand on end, heart rate increase, possible urination, and sweating, possible

freeze in place. Stress causes skin disorders, stomach ulcer, high blood

pressure, fatigue, heart disease and SO many more physical problems.

> >

> > Fibro is just like this. In fact I also help people with IBS, RLS, CFS,

osteoarthritis, and migraine headache. Also when people have pseudo disorders it

is usually psychosomatic. I believe that every feeling causes a physical

reaction but you don't notice most of them.

> >

> > God bless you,

> > Tim Bartley

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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A number of things you say here make sense, I do have some comments.

Firstly, if you want to discuss and sort out the article, which is quite a

big topic, then I suggest you avoid the diet topic for now because that

will create a whole other discussion with much disagreement. I think your

priority is the article isn't it? Besides, it's too confusing to have two

really big topics in one email. Much better to have a different thread on

that (and preferably after this topic is sorted - the psych stuff is a big

one for us and very stressful for people with fibro).

When you write an article you want it to be easily understood. It's

important to remember that you won't be there to explain it to the reader.

When you look at how much you're trying to explain your meaning to us then

you'd have to think about changes to what you've written.

Please think about some of your own comments. In the email below you said

labels like depression or any other labels are not good. So, please

understand that when you list psychogenic, psychosomatic and somatoform,

your are again labeling us. Do you realize that you are also actually

diagnosing us? You don't know any of us personally and really aren't in a

position to diagnose.

These are difficult labels to live with because then people don't take us

seriously. We have to live with this condition you don't. You wanted our

input and it would really help avoid further stress if you didn't label us

with a psychological diagnosis.

It's so frustrating, you wouldn't say cancer is psychological would you? Or

maybe you would, I don't know. Regardless, if your reader is upset because

they feel they've been labelled, dismissed, trashed then it will be

difficult for them to hear what else you have to say.

I suggest removing that entire section where it's basically saying we are

psych cases and instead just focus on how the therapy can help people with

physical conditions. Once that has been adjusted I'd be happy to look at

the article again.

(It is also hard for many FM people to follow, understand and retain

anything if you're covering too much ground like this email side-tracking

into diet. You've been given 1000 words, but it doesn't mean you have to

use all that, often less is more).

Please please please think about removing that whole section where you

diagnose us. Again, you're not living with this illness so you won't have

to deal with the consequences that we have to face when yet another article

shows up labeling us.


On Mon, Jan 16, 2012 at 11:53 AM, eastlookdrive wrote:

> **



> Why aren't you happy with me? I posted here only to share a article I

> wrote and to share information that many people may have never heard. I am

> not asking anyone for anything.


> What I do is not psychology and I agree with you that a LOT of people who

> go into those fields have a lot of problems themselves. I am working with a

> woman right now who is pulling out her pubic hair, hates herself and her

> mother, has panic attacks, and a few other problems. She has a Masters in

> psychology, this isn't the first person I've worked with in that field who

> has major problems. My sister-in-law has a PhD in psychology; she is the

> most un-normal person I know.


> What I do is give the person a new point of view to start off with. My

> role after that is guiding their mind to where it needs to go in order for

> the healing to take place. They heal themselves. I facilitate them going to

> where they need to go and offer a different point of view.


> As far as God goes I think you need to connect with him, talk to him. When

> you do don't just ask for what you want, first express your gratitude for

> the things that you do have, including FM. It's all a learning experience.

> We all signed up for earth school and we knew it wasn't going to be easy,

> if it were easy then we wouldn't learn anything. When you express your

> gratitude make sure you feel it, don't just use words, that won't work. The

> other side works more off of emotion and imagery than direct words. After

> you have stated your gratitude then ask for what you want. Be very

> specific. They are very literal in interpretation. If you do this you might

> think you're taking to the wall but after a while you will be connected,

> you'll know that you are, and whatever you are asking for will manifest

> into your reality.


> In general in our culture we have been deceived. Twenty five percent of

> all TV commercials are drug commercials, " Ask your doctor. " This is BIG

> business. The drug companies cannot patient their drug unless it is first

> placed into the holy grail of physiological BS book (The DSM - Diagnostic

> and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). Every year they add another 5

> or 10 " disorders " to this book. Guess who sits on the board and decides

> what goes in? You guessed it, the psychiatrists who are affiliated with the

> drug companies. I work with people with emotional, habitual, and physical

> problems… they are all the same. They are caused by unresolved emotion in

> the subconscious mind and labeling people is not only incorrect in the

> labeling but it is wrong to do as the person either feels the need to live

> up to or down to the label. Most of the time when someone comes to me with

> a label, i.e. depression, it turns out to be a different emotion, like

> grief or fear. SO… much of the labeling is wrong, it is wrong to use so

> many drugs and ignore the mind and ignore nutrition.


> Big business controls our tainted food supply. We kill 10 billion animals

> a year, if you eat animals you get cancer and heart disease. The feed for

> these animals, mostly corn based (which is wrong because cows are supposed

> to eat grass), this feed would end world hunger if we instead fed it to the

> staving people and not to the cattle. PLEASE EVERYONE WATCH THIS MOVIE!

> (FORKS over KNIVES) It's all about the proper nutrition. It is on Netflix

> or you can rent it at your local video store – ForksOverKnives.com. You

> have to watch this movie! It documents healing, very sick people becoming

> well very fast due to a change in what they eat. I cannot recommend this

> any higher.


> Anyway, I kind of was all over the place there. If anyone does read my

> article please let me know what you thought. I have a few weeks to edit it

> and I really don't know if I wrote it in a way that expresses the correct

> information. I was given 1,000 words and I found it very difficult to

> explain what I do in that short amount. Mostly I think people need to

> understand themselves. Once you understand how we develop problems like FM

> you can then understand how we get rid of them.


> Lastly I'm not here to sell anyone anything. I am not proclaiming I am an

> expert. I simply have dedicated myself to a healing modality that is widely

> unknown and have found that it heals FM, among other things. I feel like I

> am a mad scientist hidden behind a curtain who has discovered something and

> am trying to tell a world, a world that is not ready to hear. Our

> society/culture is about drugs and doctors, anything else doesn't fit in.


> Have a great day,

> Tim Bartley



> > >

> > > I’ve been reading all these emails with an open mind and am

> finding that I am agreeing with you to a certain extent. While I disagree

> that Fibromyalgia is a psychosomatic illness, I do believe that the mind

> can exacerbate an illness or help to control it. I was diagnosed with

> Fibromyalgia in 1994 after waking up one morning unable to move because of

> pain and stiffness throughout my body. I learned later that I had spinal

> stenosis and have since had two surgeries to repair my lower vertebra.

> > >

> > > Yes, I suppose I could have blamed my Fibromyalgia on stress as I had

> five young children, was working full time and was also helping my elderly

> parents. However, I was also fighting physical illness as I had to have my

> gall bladder removed, I developed Mono and then became Hypothyroid. In 1987

> I’d had an extremely emotional year with my mother having a stroke,

> my father having a heart attack and my oldest daughter having to have a

> Caesarian with her first child on the same day my mother went to a nursing

> home.

> > >

> > > I attribute my Fibromyalgia however to my physical problems rather

> than the mental as I’ve always considered myself a strong woman who

> came from a long line of strong women. My mother’s mother had 14

> children and lived to be 94. I’ve always considered her to be my

> role model. I asked her once how she did it and she said,  " You

> don’t think about it, you just do it.�

> > >

> > > I was fortunate when I was first diagnosed that there was a really

> good Fibromyalgia support group in my area. There was also a woman who was

> teaching Biofeedback Training. I definitely think that this helped me,

> especially in the way of learning that I could take control of my

> Fibromyalgia instead of letting it control me. Unfortunately my

> Fibromyalgia did continue to progress and three years ago I was mostly

> bedridden and had to use a walker just to get around the house. Then

> through the internet I learned about a drug call LDN, (Low Dose

> Naltrexone). I decided to try it as I figured that I had nothing to lose.

> I’d already tried all the other drugs normally prescribed by doctors

> and they all gave me worse side effects. Within 2 weeks I started to notice

> an improvement in my Fibromyalgia symptoms. Then they gradually begin to

> improve even more until I was able to put my walker away after being on LDN

> for 6 months.

> > >

> > > LDN is a drug that helps the body produce endorphins, the

> body’s own natural pain killers. It also helps to boost the

> body’s immune system. This is why I say that Fibromyalgia

> isn’t psychosomatic. It is more of a Neuro-immune disease. Because

> of nutritional deficiencies the nerves don’t work correctly. For me,

> strengthening my immune system with LDN and a chemical free diet (no

> processed foods) has really made a difference in my life. I now live a pain

> free, mostly normal life again.

> > >

> > > I do have one question for you. After reading your information on your

> website, I was wondering if your technique was similar to Biofeedback

> training and if not what the difference might be?

> > >

> > > Judy H

> > > To Health Through Knowledge

> > > Started taking Low Dose Naltrexone on January 20, 2009 for

> > > Fibromyalgia, Restless Legs Syndrome, Hashimotos Thyroid and PCOS

> > > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/LDNforFibro/

> > >

> > > From: eastlookdrive

> > > Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 2:45 PM

> > > To: fibromyalgiacured

> > > Subject: Re: Tim Testimonies

> > >

> > >

> > > Hi ,

> > >

> > > The article that I posted does not imply that you or anyone with FM

> has any kind of mental disorder; on the contrary your mind is working as

> designed. No one can live in this world without picking up psychosomatic

> problems. I have personally been cured of a chronic sinus problem and a

> heart condition that lasted 15 years.

> > >

> > > Let me explain how it works a little bitÂ…

> > >

> > > When you were born the slate was clean. As you grow up you hit events

> where you are first introduced to a negative emotion. [i.e. the first time

> a child finds herself alone in a crib, no one seems to be aroundÂ…

> abandonment!!!] In my training this is known as the (ISE) or initial

> sensitizing event. As you progress through life you hit other events that

> feel the same way, (SSEs) or subsequent sensitizing events. Your

> subconscious mind holds these feelings and as you continue to hit these

> SSEs the feeling magnifies.

> > >

> > > Have you ever heard the saying " Time heals all wounds? " That's true

> with your conscious mind but it's the opposite with your subconscious mind.

> As you hit these SSEs the feeling gets bigger. Another way to think of it

> is when you hit the first event it's like a seed being planted in your

> subconscious mind. Then as you keep hitting other events that feel the same

> way it's like someone taking out a watering can and watering that seed. The

> seed turns into a tree, and then into a really big tree. Once it gets big

> enough you get symptoms. Your unconscious mind governs you physically and

> is a slave to the emotions that are building in the subconscious mind. So

> you end up getting pain and fatigue or whatever.

> > >

> > > Everyone's minds work this way. What I do when working with people is

> much like detective work. We track down where the feeling first was

> encountered and we neutralize the feeling there. Once this is done the

> unconscious mind is still reacting off of the feelings in the subconscious

> mind but the feelings have changed. Therefore the fatigue and pain go away.

> > >

> > > This is the mind, body connection. If you feel sad the body produces

> tears. Anger causes increased breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure.

> Embarrassment, blood rushes to the face. The feeling of fear causes

> adrenaline push, hairs stand on end, heart rate increase, possible

> urination, and sweating, possible freeze in place. Stress causes skin

> disorders, stomach ulcer, high blood pressure, fatigue, heart disease and

> SO many more physical problems.

> > >

> > > Fibro is just like this. In fact I also help people with IBS, RLS,

> CFS, osteoarthritis, and migraine headache. Also when people have pseudo

> disorders it is usually psychosomatic. I believe that every feeling causes

> a physical reaction but you don't notice most of them.

> > >

> > > God bless you,

> > > Tim Bartley

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

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Now you are telling us not to eat meat but this is another thing men tell women

not to do but they do it themselves


To: fibromyalgiacured

Sent: Monday, 16 January 2012, 16:53

Subject: Re: Tim I am not happy with you - My reply


Why aren't you happy with me? I posted here only to share a article I wrote and

to share information that many people may have never heard. I am not asking

anyone for anything.

What I do is not psychology and I agree with you that a LOT of people who go

into those fields have a lot of problems themselves. I am working with a woman

right now who is pulling out her pubic hair, hates herself and her mother, has

panic attacks, and a few other problems. She has a Masters in psychology, this

isn't the first person I've worked with in that field who has major problems.

My sister-in-law has a PhD in psychology; she is the most un-normal person I


What I do is give the person a new point of view to start off with. My role

after that is guiding their mind to where it needs to go in order for the

healing to take place. They heal themselves. I facilitate them going to where

they need to go and offer a different point of view.

As far as God goes I think you need to connect with him, talk to him. When you

do don't just ask for what you want, first express your gratitude for the things

that you do have, including FM. It's all a learning experience. We all signed

up for earth school and we knew it wasn't going to be easy, if it were easy then

we wouldn't learn anything. When you express your gratitude make sure you feel

it, don't just use words, that won't work. The other side works more off of

emotion and imagery than direct words. After you have stated your gratitude

then ask for what you want. Be very specific. They are very literal in

interpretation. If you do this you might think you're taking to the wall but

after a while you will be connected, you'll know that you are, and whatever you

are asking for will manifest into your reality.

In general in our culture we have been deceived. Twenty five percent of all TV

commercials are drug commercials, " Ask your doctor. " This is BIG business. The

drug companies cannot patient their drug unless it is first placed into the holy

grail of physiological BS book (The DSM - Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of

Mental Disorders). Every year they add another 5 or 10 " disorders " to this

book. Guess who sits on the board and decides what goes in? You guessed it,

the psychiatrists who are affiliated with the drug companies. I work with

people with emotional, habitual, and physical problems… they are all the same.

They are caused by unresolved emotion in the subconscious mind and labeling

people is not only incorrect in the labeling but it is wrong to do as the person

either feels the need to live up to or down to the label. Most of the time when

someone comes to me with a label, i.e. depression, it turns out to be a

different emotion, like

grief or fear. SO… much of the labeling is wrong, it is wrong to use so

many drugs and ignore the mind and ignore nutrition.

Big business controls our tainted food supply. We kill 10 billion animals a

year, if you eat animals you get cancer and heart disease. The feed for these

animals, mostly corn based (which is wrong because cows are supposed to eat

grass), this feed would end world hunger if we instead fed it to the staving

people and not to the cattle. PLEASE EVERYONE WATCH THIS MOVIE! (FORKS over

KNIVES) It's all about the proper nutrition. It is on Netflix or you can rent

it at your local video store – ForksOverKnives.com. You have to watch this

movie! It documents healing, very sick people becoming well very fast due to a

change in what they eat. I cannot recommend this any higher.

Anyway, I kind of was all over the place there. If anyone does read my article

please let me know what you thought. I have a few weeks to edit it and I really

don't know if I wrote it in a way that expresses the correct information. I was

given 1,000 words and I found it very difficult to explain what I do in that

short amount. Mostly I think people need to understand themselves. Once you

understand how we develop problems like FM you can then understand how we get

rid of them.

Lastly I'm not here to sell anyone anything. I am not proclaiming I am an

expert. I simply have dedicated myself to a healing modality that is widely

unknown and have found that it heals FM, among other things. I feel like I am a

mad scientist hidden behind a curtain who has discovered something and am trying

to tell a world, a world that is not ready to hear. Our society/culture is

about drugs and doctors, anything else doesn't fit in.

Have a great day,

Tim Bartley

> >

> > I’ve been reading all these emails with an open mind and am

finding that I am agreeing with you to a certain extent. While I disagree that

Fibromyalgia is a psychosomatic illness, I do believe that the mind can

exacerbate an illness or help to control it. I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia

in 1994 after waking up one morning unable to move because of pain and stiffness

throughout my body. I learned later that I had spinal stenosis and have since

had two surgeries to repair my lower vertebra.

> >

> > Yes, I suppose I could have blamed my Fibromyalgia on stress as I had five

young children, was working full time and was also helping my elderly parents.

However, I was also fighting physical illness as I had to have my gall bladder

removed, I developed Mono and then became Hypothyroid. In 1987

I’d had an extremely emotional year with my mother having a

stroke, my father having a heart attack and my oldest daughter having to have a

Caesarian with her first child on the same day my mother went to a nursing home.

> >

> > I attribute my Fibromyalgia however to my physical problems rather than the

mental as I’ve always considered myself a strong woman who came

from a long line of strong women. My mother’s mother had 14

children and lived to be 94. I’ve always considered her to be

my role model. I asked her once how she did it and she said,  " You

don’t think about it, you just do it.�

> >

> > I was fortunate when I was first diagnosed that there was a really good

Fibromyalgia support group in my area. There was also a woman who was teaching

Biofeedback Training. I definitely think that this helped me, especially in the

way of learning that I could take control of my Fibromyalgia instead of letting

it control me. Unfortunately my Fibromyalgia did continue to progress and three

years ago I was mostly bedridden and had to use a walker just to get around the

house. Then through the internet I learned about a drug call LDN, (Low Dose

Naltrexone). I decided to try it as I figured that I had nothing to lose.

I’d already tried all the other drugs normally prescribed by

doctors and they all gave me worse side effects. Within 2 weeks I started to

notice an improvement in my Fibromyalgia symptoms. Then they gradually begin to

improve even more until I was able to put my walker away after being on LDN for

6 months.

> >

> > LDN is a drug that helps the body produce endorphins, the

body’s own natural pain killers. It also helps to boost the

body’s immune system. This is why I say that Fibromyalgia

isn’t psychosomatic. It is more of a Neuro-immune disease.

Because of nutritional deficiencies the nerves don’t work

correctly. For me, strengthening my immune system with LDN and a chemical free

diet (no processed foods) has really made a difference in my life. I now live a

pain free, mostly normal life again.

> >

> > I do have one question for you. After reading your information on your

website, I was wondering if your technique was similar to Biofeedback training

and if not what the difference might be?

> >

> > Judy H

> > To Health Through Knowledge

> > Started taking Low Dose Naltrexone on January 20, 2009 for

> > Fibromyalgia, Restless Legs Syndrome, Hashimotos Thyroid and PCOS

> > http://health.groups.yahoo.com/group/LDNforFibro/

> >

> > From: eastlookdrive

> > Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 2:45 PM

> > To: fibromyalgiacured

> > Subject: Re: Tim Testimonies

> >

> >

> > Hi ,

> >

> > The article that I posted does not imply that you or anyone with FM has any

kind of mental disorder; on the contrary your mind is working as designed. No

one can live in this world without picking up psychosomatic problems. I have

personally been cured of a chronic sinus problem and a heart condition that

lasted 15 years.

> >

> > Let me explain how it works a little bitÂ…

> >

> > When you were born the slate was clean. As you grow up you hit events where

you are first introduced to a negative emotion. [i.e. the first time a child

finds herself alone in a crib, no one seems to be aroundÂ…

abandonment!!!] In my training this is known as the (ISE) or initial sensitizing

event. As you progress through life you hit other events that feel the same way,

(SSEs) or subsequent sensitizing events. Your subconscious mind holds these

feelings and as you continue to hit these SSEs the feeling magnifies.

> >

> > Have you ever heard the saying " Time heals all wounds? " That's true with

your conscious mind but it's the opposite with your subconscious mind. As you

hit these SSEs the feeling gets bigger. Another way to think of it is when you

hit the first event it's like a seed being planted in your subconscious mind.

Then as you keep hitting other events that feel the same way it's like someone

taking out a watering can and watering that seed. The seed turns into a tree,

and then into a really big tree. Once it gets big enough you get symptoms. Your

unconscious mind governs you physically and is a slave to the emotions that are

building in the subconscious mind. So you end up getting pain and fatigue or


> >

> > Everyone's minds work this way. What I do when working with people is much

like detective work. We track down where the feeling first was encountered and

we neutralize the feeling there. Once this is done the unconscious mind is still

reacting off of the feelings in the subconscious mind but the feelings have

changed. Therefore the fatigue and pain go away.

> >

> > This is the mind, body connection. If you feel sad the body produces tears.

Anger causes increased breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure. Embarrassment,

blood rushes to the face. The feeling of fear causes adrenaline push, hairs

stand on end, heart rate increase, possible urination, and sweating, possible

freeze in place. Stress causes skin disorders, stomach ulcer, high blood

pressure, fatigue, heart disease and SO many more physical problems.

> >

> > Fibro is just like this. In fact I also help people with IBS, RLS, CFS,

osteoarthritis, and migraine headache. Also when people have pseudo disorders it

is usually psychosomatic. I believe that every feeling causes a physical

reaction but you don't notice most of them.

> >

> > God bless you,

> > Tim Bartley

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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