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health talk yesterday

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Last night I went to a health talk at my church put on by Dr. Jim Bracket.

He runs a health center near Colville, WA. It was excellent. I am sharing

my notes with some of my groups. I will NOT argue about anything that is in

the notes. Everything he taught is backed up by science. I have read it

over and over in books, heard it in lectures, read it in science papers. It

is YOUR choice whether you want to follow the info. There are some

wonderful documentaries about curing chronic illness through a plant-based

diet. Too much evidence to show it works. Again...your choice.

I have been a vegetarian for many years. It is not until I went vegan that

I was able to start losing weight and I started feeling better. Been doing

this for a month now. In the past month, I have lost about 12 lbs. Not bad

for some small changes.

Anyways, if you have questions, I will be glad to answer. I will not argue

with anyone just because they do not agree though.

Dr. Bracket will be having a special week at his clinic this coming Sunday.

I am trying to find a way to get there. His next regular session is in May.


Heart Disease/Stroke Prevention/Cure

Diabetes Cure


Dr. Jim Bracket at Hayden Lake SDA church

Runs a health clinic near Collville, WA.

Heart disease is the #1 killer in people over 30 yrs old. Cancer is quickly

taking over that position.

Imagine 10 ‘747’s’ full of people. That is how many die from heart disease

on a daily basis. We can prevent heart disease in 97+%.

Heart disease is caused by plaque which clogs the heart “atherosclerosis”

(Means mush/hard). Plaque forms only in arteries of the heart/brain. In

some rare instances it may also form elsewhere. It starts when one is


They are now finding 2 year olds with plaque in the heart.

The SAD American Diet has 6-10x too much protein. This will thin bones and

harden arteries.

Dr. did ‘The China Study’ in which he examined the effect of diet

on health.

In 1970s cholesterol was said to be high if it was over 200. Now that

number has been lowered to 150. If a person has cholesterol under 150, they

will not develop heart disease.

Framingham Heart Study. Boston. This study is long term. It has tracked the

risk factors of heart disease. We started with just a few. We now know that

there are over 200 risk factors for heart disease.

US/Finland/NZ are now competing in the highest number of deaths from


Between every cell of the body, the mortar is cholesterol. Our body will

make what we need. We do not need to consume it.

Bile digests fat. Animal fats causes body to make more bile (pure

cholesterol). Fiber will grab the chol and excretes it from the body. There

is 0% of chol in plants. There is 0% fiber in animal foods. Cholesterol is

made from raw materials in our liver.

Study between two hospitals:

One was the control group. They were put on the American Heart Assoc diet

for heart health. The other group: changed milk/butter. They replaced the

fat in the milk with soy oil. They replaced butter with margarine. The

death rate from heart disease decreased 56%. Overall death rate did not

decrease. Cancer rates rose.

Talked about how margarine is bad for us due to the processing, etc. Butter

is not good either. It is best to use neither.

Chronic disease is caused by lifestyle – not germs. We need to eat

unrefined plants. No oil of any kind to be used in cooking.

Casein turns on the cancer cells. Use nut milks for cereal or baking. Do

not drink it as a beverage as it is very rich.

In the last 20 years, we have discovered over 1000 new nutrients in plants.

Plant based fats: olives, avoc., nuts, seeds. These are high in fat.

1% of heart attacks are caused by total blockage of 95% or more. Angiograms

have shown that many heart attacks are caused by small blockages that have

the cap (top) broken due to diet/activity. The soft mush inside will ooze

out and block the artery in minutes. This is how ‘healthy’ people will die

from sudden heart attack. To have symptoms of pain, the artery must be

blocked about 95%+.

Weimar – health clinic. $6000/3 weeks. People with various chronic diseases

go there for a lifestyle change. Most are cured in short time. Some may

take up to a year. Cure lupus, fibro, MS, diabetes, heart disease, and

others. Use vegan diet and exercise. Only 10% of people who attend clinic

will carry on the lifestyle changes after they go home.

Fibro – immune system is attacking itself.

Roy Swank – dr who specialized in MS patients. He was helping them to stop

or reverse their illness by vegan diet/exercise. He also used meditation.

CRP test for inflammation.

The core plaque in the heart is dynamic. It is changing on a meal to meal

basis. Each meal we eat is either helping the heart condition or hurting it.

To reverse heart disease – plant based diet with fats lowered to 10%. This

is a therapeutic diet. Only temporary. After a while, dietary fat can be

raised to 20%. Increase exercise. Reduce fat by removing avoc and nuts from


Research has shown that people who eat nuts 5 x a week will have a 35% less

risk of developing heart disease. This is only BEFORE heart disease. IF you

already have it, need to decrease nut use until you clear the arteries

through diet.


Type 1- from the use of cow’s milk. The pancreas is unable to create


Type 2- 95% of cases – lifestyle. Over 90% of these cases the people are


Gestational – due to stress on body. Can be controlled by exercise/diet.

May show increased risk of later developing type 2.

Type insipidus – very rare, deals with thirst mechanism.

Causes of type 2 – amount of insulin made is increasing. Body apparently

needs more.

Carbs are strings of sugars. Carbs are good if unrefined. They burn clean

energy. Used an analogy of rocket fuel for space shuttle.

Too much protein/fat creates toxicity – can die. This is the drawback of

low carb diets. Atkins recanted what he taught before he died.

Gave analogy with drawing of cell. Insulin opens doors (receptors) in the

cells to allow in carbs. IF we do not eat right, there are fewer doors

made. The cell is full and not hungry to allow the carbs in. Pancreas

becomes fatigued. Blood sugar rises.

Sugar levels of 140 used to be used to dx diabetes. Now it is 125. Some drs

will use 110. This is usually pre-diabetes.

How to make more ‘doors’ in the cell – change to plant based diet and

increase activity. Walk 4 miles a day or some other activity that will use

the same amount of energy (look online). Do NOT use oil.

Pancreas can be rebuilt by eating a plant-based diet.

One is dx as diabetic because of red blood cells (RBC). They carry

hemoglobin which carries O. This is a complex protein. DPG has to be there

in the center to hold the hemo together. DPG is almost the same makeup as

sugar. Sometimes sugar gets there in the hemo in place of DPG. It is not

able to carry the proper amount of oxygen. The dr will use the A1C test.

This measures the average amount of sugar in the hemo. If you have a A1C of

6.5+ you will be dx.

A1C of 6+ will cause damage to retina – poor circulation. Thickens the

walls of the capallaries. 5.8 is when heart disease starts.

#1 killer of diabetics is heart disease.

#2 killer is kidney failure

The problem is fat. Fat has almost 2.5 times the amount of calories per lb.

You will not get well if you use refined fats in cooking.


Stevia – produces toxicity. Only use sparingly.

For those who can not walk, use water exercise.

Stress is a huge factor in auto-immune disorders such as lupus and fibro.

Plant based diet is essential, along with exercise. Must also lower stress

in order to heal.


One study – men were put on plant based diet with fat levels at 10%. In one

year, the arteries were 5.6% reduced in blockage on average. Those were

followed the American Heart Assoc diet – increased blockage by 9.6%.

By following the plant based diet diabetes can be reversed in 50% in just

3-6 weeks. Another 40% can be cured within 6 months.

Lupus usually takes a year to cure. Fibro can be cured in months.

Dr. Bracket operates a health clinic near Collville WA where he and his

wife will work with people for one week (Sun – Fri) to teach/show lifestyle

changes. The cost for one week is $600. For more information:

www.seven-secrets.org. There is also a 7 Secrets cookbook that has recipes

to use on this way

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