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Support Group Messages ... 9.11.2006

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Dearest Group,

This anniversary is very emotional for millions of us around the world.

May healing come as the truth continues to come out.

I will take this moment to welcome many new members to our Support Group ... although joining us usually means you have become one of the thousands of others with serious implant related problems. We will do all we can to provide support and sound information to those who need it.

Thank you for responding to the various requests below ... and feel free to copy me on anything you write.

I wanted to let you know too, that on September 5th in San Francisco, the Supreme Court of California heard Oral Arguments on the final Quackbuster Plaintiff against me, Terry Polevoy. Details are here

.. The case is called Barrett vs Rosenthal, although Barrett already lost all of his Appeals.

I wanted to warn you that you may hear anything about me, distributed by those close to them, some embedded in the support system. Let me know if they start up distributing their stuff again.

2 years ago, the day after the Appeals Court ruled, they published a web a page claiming I had been 'arrested for selling crack cocaine to minors in San , Costa Rica .' As desperate as their attempts to harm me are ... it is very indicative of the way they treat those of us exposing the silicone industry and their propaganda teams.

To this date, a search of my name will bring up this site, looking as if I was arrested today. Click

here to see the level they sink to. I have no idea how the Supreme Court will rule ... but I want to thank all of you who have stood by me all these years (6 in this litigation so far). Our foundation has made many, many friends in the alternative medical world, as they are also attacked by the same aggressive disinformation teams.

I have no idea what they have in store for me now ... but I will not be intimidated nor will I stop spreading the words of the very real dangers of breast implants, regardless of their efforts.

I send love and blessings to all.

Ilena Rosenthal


Do you believe any 9/11 conspiracy theories? MSNBC Poll




Inamed Silicone Implants

Dear Ilena,

In Nov, 2005, I replaced my 10-yr-old saline implants with one made of silicone. I have been terribly ill since then. (Dozens of symptoms) Anyway, I had the implants put in by a plastic surgeon at Vanderbilt in Nashville who told me thad he had put in hundreds of them over the years and never had any problems. Do you know of any problems with the new, Inamed implants used most recently?




jennifer.allen@... >

Hi, I have been in the Dow litigation for I guess 11 years now, and have just been disapproved for the disease claim because the doctor giving me the diagnosis was not board certified in the appropriate field. They did however approve four of needed five symtoms, which were inexplicately documented with lab results. Of course I have acquired many more of the symtoms over the years. I need to find a board certified Internal Med doc or Rheumatologist in the Atlanta area, who is familiar with the Dow requirements, and who hopefully is open and sympathetic. Do you know where I could find such a doc? Thanks. Kindest Regards, Atlanta


From: Alecia <


Hello. I recently had implants put in on June 9,2006. I immediately began to have problems- I began having breathing problems and pain. I could feel the plugs and they hurt. I asked my PS to take them out but he won't. I missed two appointment with him after we recently moved. I should have gone, but I figured he would just tell me that I'd be fine in 6 months. When I called to reschedule my appointment, I mistakedly " in confidence " told the phone assistant that I wasn't going to come if he was just going to say give it 6 months. I told her that I wasn't a confertational person and that if he told me to go home and give it 6 months, that I would. But then I made a huge mistake, I told her what my heart was thinking every time he said give it " 6 months " , I told her that in my head I wanted to slap him. Now, I would never slap anyway. I am 5'1 and 110 lbs. I'm the biggest chicken you will ever meet. But the doctor called back and threatened me with arrest if I ever came back there. I was in shock. I tried to explain, but he hung up on me. I'm so frightened. On top of it all, the whole reason I wanted to come in was because I recently noticed a pin sized hole on my incision line. I was at the point of tears..

The worst part in all of this...I can't afford to have them taken out. We used part of our tax return to pay for this. I'm scared and I don't know what I will do. I know the longer they are in the worst my natural breast will look when I finally get them out.

The whole reason I put these in was because I had breastfed my two kids for two years each. Which shrunk me from a C to a small B cup. How silly to think that making myself bigger would make me happier. Now I just don't know what to do...

I just needed to tell someone- thank you for letting me.



Screamin Sacs

info@... >

More options

Aug 31

Hi, my name is , my mother had implants back in the 70's and they were determined as DOW implants, she has been signed on to the Class Action since the beginning back in late 80's. She gets letters from time to time and she really has no clue as to what is going on, She has a cheesy attorney who pretty much does nothing to inform her or return her calls, he suggested she see another Doctor again, this Doctor wants my mom to cough up $1000. for an appt.

My mom just doesn't have a clue and I really wish she could talk to someone with some background who is NOT an attorney. I've tried to find her support groups but I find nothing here in Sacramento, CA.

My mother can't get the implants removed because no Doctor will remove them unless she pays for it up front and she was told by her attorney that she could get them removed and the settlement would cover the removal, but when we make phone calls to schedule appts, the Drs. staff seem very wary. I think my mom will be stuck with these for life and nothing is getting any better for her.

Her name is . If you have any helpful info for us I would really appreciate any advice you could give us, if you are unable to talk to my mother over the phone, you can email me back.

I hope I hear from you, she has this appt schedule with this " new " Dr her attorney suggested she see, I think my mom needs to get more information before she borrows money to pay a $1000 to a Doctor that is several hours away, and we have no idea why she needs to see another Doctor it has already been determined that she is to be compensated in the law suit.

Thank you




Ilena Rose <ilena.rose@...>

Date: Sep 10, 2006 9:15 AM

Subject: Good Sunday Morning

Hi Ilena,

Don't know if you were aware of this or not but one of the ladies in my group, attempted removing her implant two weekends ago. She numbed the area and took a razor blade, cut her breast and was hoping to be able to pull the damn thing out herself. All this because she had breast cancer and instead of a surgeon doing reconstruction with her own tissue, he stuck one of those damn gummy bear implants in her and now she is sick from the implant.

She posted that she cut herself because all the doctors she goes to won't remove it unless he puts a new implant in.

She is limited because of her insurance.

We are her only lifeline it seems. She doesn't talk too much about her family and we also believe that she planned on committing suicide that day. She probably would have died because she was bleeding so much. We don't know how many pills this poor woman took that day.

Kathy had her home phone number (THANK GOD!). We worked together, I had her on the phone and she called 911 and the ambulance got her and took her to the hospital.

I don't want to mention her name for her privacy. We deleted many of her posts for her privacy.

Ilena, these are the types of stories that need to be told to other women. This could happen to any of us with implants.

No, she is not crazy, just has had enough of what life has thrown her way because of the damn implants.

I hate what these implants are doing to women and can't believe that a women gets cancer and they want to stick a damn implant in there instead of trying to reconstruct the breast. I'm just very angry over this incident.

She has an appointment with a surgeon on Thursday and Kathy is going with her. This has made a huge difference in her life. She has hope again and we are hoping that this doctor can do something for her.

I hope you pass this story on to anyone you come across that is thinking about getting implants, whether they have breast cancer or not. I've heard some horror stories and this has to be the worst to date. I think that the depression 'issue' caused by the implants really needs to be addressed.

" With the fearful strain that is on me night and day, if I did not laugh I should die. " ~Abraham Lincoln

beth taylor




From: Rev. Dona Behmer <

pstrdna@...> Date: Sep 10, 2006 5:08 PMSubject: I am back


To those of you my family and friends on my regular e-mail list both senders and receivers. I have been pretty much out of touch for awhile. My pain doc did a procedure to my back in an attempt to give me some relief from the increasing pain. The results are temporary to see if I would like effects. Unfortunately, what happened instead, has left me looking forward to feeling " only " as bad as I did before. It will be another couple of weeks before it all wears off. In the meantime, all of your wonderful e-mails are sitting in my inbox and I will get to them but sitting for long periods of time is still not a great thing. If there is something I really need to see immediately, putting a red flag on it would be a good idea.

Much Love to you all!!


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