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Re: Re: connection between saline implants & MS

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, Can you tell me more about the Guai Protocol? Do you go to a doctor for this? Thanks asskickingmom <asskickingmom@...> wrote: My daughter, (saline implants January 2004), has brain lesionsthat are typical of MS. Her spinal tap was negative for MS. I haveheard of several saline implant women having the lesions with a spinaltap positive for MS. was explanted including capsules on5/25/06. Her health is

beginning to improve and for the last month wehave been following the guai protocol for fibromyalgia.>> Has anyone had spinal taps and they came back positive and or MRI with > lesions being shown? I am curious* ( with saline implants )> > Thank you all for your imputes its been so interesting> J.>

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Wow, I am starting to think now it is these implants. I called a surgeon in my area yesterday and he said there was correlation between saline implants & MS however after reading everyone's story I am starting to think I am in trouble with these implants.I don't know what to do.


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Jackie, Did I read your post correctly....a surgeon in your area said there was a correlation between saline implants and MS? That would be amazing if so! Most doctors don't tell us things like that! (But we know it is true because of the many women we see on our group who have MS-like symptoms, or are diagnosed with MS.) Yes, it is a sad situation regarding implants, and I think you are right that you may be in trouble....eventually you will have to do something about them. Why not consider taking them out now and be done with them for good? Then you can focus on keeping your body in good health over the long run. Are you sick now? Pattyjsl2909@... wrote: Wow, I am starting to think now it is these implants. I called a surgeon in my area yesterday and he said there was correlation between saline implants & MS however after reading everyone's story I am starting to think I am in trouble with these implants.I don't know what to do. Jackie

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Jackie, Just get them out as soon as possible. Don't wait till you are incredibly sick from those things! Your health is so much more important than having big breasts! I fought it at first, when I first realized that my implants could be causing my health problems...but then I realized that I was spending my life laying in bed, complaining about feeling like crap all the time-and this was not the life I had imagined having with my nice big breasts! lol I'm so glad I got mine out before they actually ruptured!Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote: Jackie, Did I read your post correctly....a surgeon in your area said there was a correlation between saline implants and MS? That would be amazing if so! Most doctors don't tell us things like that! (But we know it is true because of the many women we see on our group who have MS-like symptoms, or are diagnosed with MS.) Yes, it is a sad situation regarding implants, and I think you are right that you may be in trouble....eventually you will have to do something about them. Why not consider taking them out now and be done with them for good? Then you can focus on keeping your body in good health over the long run. Are you sick now? Pattyjsl2909aol wrote: Wow, I am starting to think now it is these implants. I called a surgeon in my area yesterday and he said there was correlation between saline implants & MS however after reading everyone's story I am starting to think I am in trouble with these implants.I don't know what to do. Jackie All-new - Fire up a more powerful email and get things done faster.

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