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Deteriating Health..............Kenda

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More than you know I wish you or someone from this group lived near me

Staying on the positive side has not been an easy journey for me

My health is deteriating and I am losing ground I have been this way

Soon after that fatal decision to have safe saline implants...grrrr

I go into a deep sleep many times, nobody can wake me up

I still work a part time job at night

My eating habits are not 100% for this battle

I did change drinking soda to water

My son alone wears my bones because he is so much work

Especially with school, his homework/projects,etc

I use all my strength to be there for him

That I find it difficult taking care of me

I am very weak and sleepy for the most part,

I was so athletic before all this crap

Scary.....My son is a lot stronger than me

I am alone taking care of both of us

My stomach is so big that it does not matter what my breasts look like anymore

I do not understand why we get this pregnant look

Strange....my hair is growing in leaps and bounds

but the rest of me is falling apart

Little at a time I am still buying stuff my body needs

exercising - just to tired and very weak

What do you think of vitamin B-12 shots ???

God Bless,


Sandy,As far a the HPV goes, you have had the virus for some time, if you have notbeen sexually active for 6 years. Your viral load has probably increasedbecause of your deteriorating overall health. This could flare the HPV up,even if you were asymptomatic since contracting it. What treatment did yourdoctor recommend for treating it? No need to fret about it, just be sure todo whatever he/she said to do.Put vitamin E directly on your son's wound to help it heal. Just poke ahole in the capsule and squirt it out and rub it in.What steps at detoxing have you begun? Even with the capsules still in yourbody, detoxing will still be effective at helping you to heal. I know youwere trying to figure out a form of exercise to help drop weight as well.Have you begun some sort of exercise program? If you are doing some gentlewalking, it will help your body drop weight because it is more than you havebeen doing, especially if you drop your caloric intake some as well. Iwished nearby and could go out and walk with you. The reason gastric bypassis so effective is that patients' caloric intake is limited by the surgery.If you can limit your intake on your own, you can achieve the same resultmuch more healthfully.Kenda



Yes, it worked for me. I took my prescription thyriod meds, and then I also took the homeopathic stuff as well, and occasionally I did the iodine painting for a few days.

I did too much at one time a couple of years ago, and my thryoid went UNDERACTIVE, something it had never been. I lost 40 pounds in less than 3 months, and was having bad panic attacks and going literally days with no sleep.

It's a trial and error kind of thing-you need to check the symptoms carefully of an underactive thyroid, so you can watch for the signs, and slack off of the other stuff-or do like me and skip a day or two of your prescription thyrioid meds or whatever.

A doctor will keep you on the very lowest prescription dosage that he can, no matter what your symptoms are. That's been my experience over the years, with various endocrinolgists.

Sometimes a person just has to take matters into their own hands and try to treat themselves-either that, or suffer with a very underactive thyriod.

Just know the symptoms of both hypo an hyperthyroidism!

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