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Cindy needs information from other women with MS diagnoses.

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is not a member of . . .although she is well known to a few of us who have been involved for a long time . . . I only found out about her MS diagnosis today . . . It's terribly upsetting because has been through so much. Her daughter is more affected by breast implants than any child I know - yet tells me that others are worse off. . . If you can help with information, please write to her at the address at the bottom of this message . . . Thank you and God Bless, Rogene ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a request below at the end of this e-mail: Please take the time to note it Thanks, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I have a little problem & was in need of some networking with

other breast implant exposed women who have been diagnosed with MS (classic or disease-like) who have opted for medical treatment for their multiple sclerosis. I need to network with others at this point in my life who were exposed to silicone gel breast implants, diagnosed with MS (classic or disease-like) that MS treatments/whatever medical treatments really DID reverse multiple sclerosis or help ease the symptoms. And I would also like to hear what DID NOT help them as well. This flare up (is what I have been calling it) has gone on since April 06. On June 15, 2006 (I had my fourth MRI since 1998) of the brain. Abnormal again~ but I knew the MRI would be abnormal, I did not know it would have this amount of changes with MS. This time the only reason I opted for the MRI was to make sure there was NO brain tumor which

there was none. I hope that is one thing I never experience (like so many other breast implant exposed women have experienced). I have not ever opted for medical treatment for my MS as I do not believe those within the medical community fully have a understanding/a grip on what they deal with when MS (classic /disease-like) presents itself in breast implant exposed women with health issues exerted/enhanced/'turned on' by the exposure to the chemical adjuvancy of breast implant lot numbers. So this is why I have NOT opted for any medical treatment thus far. So, with saying this I was not willing to play the lab animal again (like we ALL have with opting for breast implants) with opting for medical treatment for MS, until now.... I am looking into medical treatments for MS ONLY because I do not want to lose my ability to walk

because I need to take care of our daughter, who is sick...sick from the exposure to my failed McGhan/3M silicone gel breast implants. My multiple sclerosis is clearly worse, with swallowing problems as well. I now have permanent sensory changes/numbness. Sensory change/numbness in the face, tongue, right limbs (upper and lower). I am still walking & do not want to lose my ability to walk. Some (who are concerned about my plight) have made comments that I will probably end up in a wheel chair...but this is not good because our (who is 16 yrs old with scleroderma & the bone dysplasia & other health issues) is already in one & uses it when needed. We do not need two in our family using wheelchairs. For this concern, I made a choice to e-mail you ladies for help. Please note my request

below which you may post. I rather (my above words) not be posted. Thanks so much, . ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The reason for me sending out this e-mail was for you (who may read this) to circulate my words below to other breast implant lists.... I have a request: I am in need to network with others who have been exposed to breast implants, diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, (classic or disease-like) who have opted for medical treatment for MS. I would like to know what treatments may have helped or what treatment did not work for your MS (classic disease /disease-like). Also include, (IF you know) what breast implant(s) you were exposed to (manufacturer, lot number...) Please contact me at: Fuchssey@... Thank you, Fuchs-sey

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