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Re: I'm home from surgery!!!!

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Congradulations Dawn, I'm so glad your surgery went well and you're feeling so much better already! . . . Hopefully Dr. Melmed's book will be well received. . . I know he has enough material for several books! . . . I hope he will emphasize the fungal/staph problems in saline implants and describe how to remove implants properly. You should fill out in the months to come . . . Get some of that upper pole fullness back . . . From what you're saying now, I think you'll be very happy with the results! Take good care of yourself . . . drink lots of water, eat healthy and rest! Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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Congratualations Dawn and I know you are feeling " huge " relief.

If this helps any.....I was explanted on July 6th...and seem to be

larger than I was before implant. I had almost nothing before.

I had a lift with the explant and don't know if this helps or not.

I keep waiting to see if it is swelling....and if they go down. I

had the drains in for only 4 days.....so I am going to assume some

of it is still internal swelling. Plus I have incisions in the

crease....and I am sure there is some swelling from those.

I know you are glad this is over...and I agree with your husband.

Wait until you have healed and then approach your ps. I know I had

to sign all sorts of paper work that seems to release them from

surgical liability.....like " results are not guaranteed " ....etc.

Your one caveat might be the implant itself........

I don't know yet what I am going to do either. My surgeon said my

had brown fluid (I saw them and they did)...and he said that my

implanting doctor injected them with prednisone and antibiotics and

that this turns the fluid brown. Problem is...it also voids the

warranty. I may or may not go after him for this. It just


Cheers for you honey!!!

--- In , " da7ofus " <dawnsusan@...>



> Hi all. Got explanted on Thursday by Dr. Melmed. Am home and


> very well.


> What he said: easy removal -- my capsule was tissue thin, due to


> being one year old, I guess. He got it all out.

> One of my implant's seals was broken. The implants themselves look

> clear.


> He said that the left breast, which was the " deformed one " which

> pointed down and had a 2 1/2 cm lower nipple was only 1/4 of the


> under the muscle. The right breast was only about 1/2 under. He


> to do a lot of muscle work on the left. I don't know what to think


> all that, with regard to my initial surgeon. Seems VERY strange


> they would be badly placed after only 1 year, and that they would


> so differently placed. What do you guys think of that? I had some

> emotion at the thought that my implanting surgeon may have done a


> job, but my husabnd says to let it go for now, as it could impede

> healing. If we want to deal with it, we'll do it in a few

months. My

> thought is not to sue, but to get a refund. Those things pointed


> over the place from the beginning!


> I had all kinds of lumps in my breasts that were freaking me out.


> Melmed gave a nice look-see-feel when he was in, and said


> was clean and clear and the lumps I felt were all capsule. I have

> VERY thin skin and very little fat, so he said it was possible to


> a lot through my skin. Even a thin capsule, I guess.


> I do want to send these nasty suckers to a pathologist, esp since


> seal is broken. They weigh two pounds!


> I am very pleased with the results after only a few days.

> Within 24 hours after surgery I noticed full range of movement in


> neck, and the middle knuckle of my right hand, which has hurt for

> about 8 months is perfectly good. I haven't had any heart

> palpitations. It was SO GOOD getting validation about my cardiac

> symptoms. Dr. Melmed said he likens it to interference with the

> Chinese meridians, HUGE bags shoved through major channels of


> major areas that innervate the heart, and other very important


> even though some people would view that as quackly -- he says it


> sense. I believe it -- I'm starting a master's program in


> Chinese medicine and acupuncture next May, assuming I am healed,

so he

> didn't have to sell me on this idea. I've been thinking of it



> Dr. Melmed is just publishing a study on how harmful implants are


> the body. It included 500 women. He said he wouldn't be surpised


> they try to stop publication.


> As far as my boobies go -- well -- they are small! No upper pole

> whatever. But there is no puckering, or some of the things that


> scared other women. The nipples are prefectly even. They are so

> well-formed that I like them better than what I had before


> and certainly better than with the implants.


> Question: is it true that I could gain a little size, like some


> say? If I stayed where I am I would be fine, as the shape is



> Is there a chance that they will get smaller? Is all this lovely

> little roundness swelling from surery?


> Anyway, I feel SO GOOD ALREADY, and that is what is important.



> Dawn


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, Injecting implants does void the warranty . . . but then the warranty doesn't cover anything but replacement . . . If you have them removed, it's on you! Dr. Melmed's pathologist hasn't been great on finding out which pathogens are in implants - Nothing like Dr. Blais. Rogene

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Oh I know its on me.

My point is this. My implanting surgeon NEVER told me he injected

them and never told me it voided the warranty.

When I got my operative report...which was back in May or June is when

I read where he injected them..12 Years LATER!!! .

Still...I did not know it voided the warranty. I did not know this

until my explanting surgeon told me.

If nothing else....I would like to write the implanting surgeon a

scathing letter for NOT having told me.

What if one of them had ruptured...thru the years? I would not have

been able to have done anything about that .....where the warranty is


Many people have asked me why he injected them? Other than perhaps not

trusting his own sterile techniques I haven't a clue. And what good

was prednisone going to do inside the implant??? Strange....

Mine sure are brown.....while everyone else' that I see are clear.

I hope to pick them up tomorrow, call Dr. Blais and send them myself.


> ,


> Injecting implants does void the warranty . . . but then the

warranty doesn't cover anything but replacement . . . If you have them

removed, it's on you!


> Dr. Melmed's pathologist hasn't been great on finding out which

pathogens are in implants - Nothing like Dr. Blais.


> Rogene


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Unless Dr. Melmed tested your implants to see what was inside, he's really just guessing. Your is the first time I've heard of Predisone . . . There was a practice among some surgeons of putting stuff in the implants - supposedly to make them safer . . . what did the know? I suspect that, had you returned to the same surgeon with a ruptured implant, the fact that they had been injected would have magically disappeared from the report he submitted for warranty coverage. Rogene

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Oh, Dawn, that's so awesome! I am very thrilled to hear about your

surgery and on the road to recovery. Mine is coming up next week and

I'm a little jittery, but still faithful. Thanks for the info on the

meridians and heart being affected. Wow, I truly have been piecing

all the puzzle pieces together learning from you girls. I have felt

so validated. Congrats on your studies in Chinese Medicine. I am a

Holistic Healer and Educator, and just love helping people with an

alternative way. We do need everyone - without surgery I would have

died before my 30th birthday. Also, my little grandson has had

9 lifesaving surgeries and he's only 6!! Holistic to me means

including all the healing areas.

Together We Can!!

Loving kindness to you and yours...and lots of healing prayers!!

Sunny :)


> Hi all. Got explanted on Thursday by Dr. Melmed. Am home and doing

> very well.


> What he said: easy removal -- my capsule was tissue thin, due to


> being one year old, I guess. He got it all out.

> One of my implant's seals was broken. The implants themselves look

> clear.


> He said that the left breast, which was the " deformed one " which

> pointed down and had a 2 1/2 cm lower nipple was only 1/4 of the


> under the muscle. The right breast was only about 1/2 under. He


> to do a lot of muscle work on the left. I don't know what to think


> all that, with regard to my initial surgeon. Seems VERY strange


> they would be badly placed after only 1 year, and that they would be

> so differently placed. What do you guys think of that? I had some

> emotion at the thought that my implanting surgeon may have done a


> job, but my husabnd says to let it go for now, as it could impede

> healing. If we want to deal with it, we'll do it in a few months.


> thought is not to sue, but to get a refund. Those things pointed


> over the place from the beginning!


> I had all kinds of lumps in my breasts that were freaking me out.


> Melmed gave a nice look-see-feel when he was in, and said everything

> was clean and clear and the lumps I felt were all capsule. I have

> VERY thin skin and very little fat, so he said it was possible to


> a lot through my skin. Even a thin capsule, I guess.


> I do want to send these nasty suckers to a pathologist, esp since


> seal is broken. They weigh two pounds!


> I am very pleased with the results after only a few days.

> Within 24 hours after surgery I noticed full range of movement in my

> neck, and the middle knuckle of my right hand, which has hurt for

> about 8 months is perfectly good. I haven't had any heart

> palpitations. It was SO GOOD getting validation about my cardiac

> symptoms. Dr. Melmed said he likens it to interference with the

> Chinese meridians, HUGE bags shoved through major channels of


> major areas that innervate the heart, and other very important


> even though some people would view that as quackly -- he says it


> sense. I believe it -- I'm starting a master's program in


> Chinese medicine and acupuncture next May, assuming I am healed, so


> didn't have to sell me on this idea. I've been thinking of it



> Dr. Melmed is just publishing a study on how harmful implants are to

> the body. It included 500 women. He said he wouldn't be surpised


> they try to stop publication.


> As far as my boobies go -- well -- they are small! No upper pole

> whatever. But there is no puckering, or some of the things that have

> scared other women. The nipples are prefectly even. They are so

> well-formed that I like them better than what I had before


> and certainly better than with the implants.


> Question: is it true that I could gain a little size, like some


> say? If I stayed where I am I would be fine, as the shape is



> Is there a chance that they will get smaller? Is all this lovely

> little roundness swelling from surery?


> Anyway, I feel SO GOOD ALREADY, and that is what is important.



> Dawn


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Yes I did have drains. I drained some for 24 hours only -- then there

was no more. Perhaps it had to do with my implants not being in very

long, or with the thin capsule coming out so nicely, or with the

platelet-derived drug that he uses in the pocket that helps with

bleeding and to adhere the pocket back. He used to remove the patient's

own blood and take out the platelets, but now there is a drug that seems

to be great. I don't know how that would interfere with healing if

there are contaminents, but the platelets do promote oxygenation and

tissue healing, I would expect.

I also had virtually no bruising, unless there is some that I can't see

under the bandages.

I am concerned about the broken seal Dr. Melmed found. I will be

sending my implants to Dr. Blais. Dr. Melmed sent the capsules to his

pathologist, but sent me home with my huge ole' implants in a big ole'

bucket. They were so heavy I couldn't even lift them right after surgery.

Re: fluffing and whatnot. I don't have a lot to work with. Dr Melmed

did an amazing job of making the bottoms rounded. The lift was

appropriate for my age (39).

When I bend over they no longer look like tubers, but remain round-ish.

I hope that is not swelling because I like it.

They are very ballerina-ish, but definitely more than just nipples.

Like Dr. Melmed so frankly said, in his South African accent, " Yooa

brists ahh viry small. "

That's just a fact we can't get around without implants, and I'll NEVER

do that again.

But I will be a lifelong advocate for natural breasts, and I am through

hiding mine as though something were wrong with them.

My mother once told me that if she ever found out I put in an IUD, she

would come over and rip it out of me herself. That's about how I feel

about implants at this point. I have some repair work to do with my 10

and 12 year old daughters.

Thanks again for everyone's help.


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