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Re: Re: article re fibro as a psychosomatic disorder - And food documentary/diet

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Tim - If you seriously want feedback from a professional writer and research

analyst, contact me privately via email - laura at napdog.com - if you're

just looking for a pat on the back and clients, I wish you well and hope

those who consult you are successful in removing the portion of FM that is

worsened by conscious and subconscious components.


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Hello Tim,

It would be very helpful if you had some sort of documented proof from the folks

you've healed of fibo. As a current fibro person I know I'd share what or how

you helped to heal me with at least ten other current suffering people. Can you

get these healed people to write in some where and let us read their





To: fibromyalgiacured

Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2012 9:49 AM

Subject: Re: article re fibro as a psychosomatic disorder -

And food documentary/diet


Hi April,

Okay, I'll post it below. It's a bit long, I'm not sure if it will fit but I'll


Also... some people are posting about diets. I just watched the most excellent

documentary on food. It is on Netflix, it's called " Forks VS Knives " THIS IS A


Article below... I hope it fits....................

For a " Sneak Peak " - Read Below!

Fibromyalgia, is there a way to clear this problem away completely? I believe

there is, I have been doing just that for several years now. Before I can relate

to you how I do this you must first understand yourself a little bit.

Let me introduce myself first, my name is Tim Bartley, I am a certified

hypnotherapist, an author, and trainer. I have developed a therapy I call,

" Theta State therapy. " It's conceptualized from a combination of NLP

(Neuro-linguistic programming), psychology, and hypnotherapy techniques. It's a

conversation between myself and my client based in the theta brain wave state,

and uses relaxation, focus, imagery, memory, emotion, and perception shift. The

disorder is targeted in the subconscious mind and reframed.

All of the above is used to do two simple things, to find and clear away

negative perceptions and emotions. Fibromyalgia is a psychosomatic, psychogenic,

or somatoform disorder. It is based in perception and emotion, however, this

isn't to say you are mentally ill or have a mental disorder if suffering with

fibromyalgia. That is not the case. This simply proves your mind is working as

designed. All of us have these issues - you cannot go through life without

collecting them.

Psychosomatic: Bodily ailment or symptom, caused by mental or emotional

disturbance in which psychological stresses adversely affect physiological

(somatic) functioning to the point of distress.

Psychogenic: These disorders can often result from mental or emotional conflict.

In most cases, a structural or anatomical abnormality has not been identified,

as seen in an organic disease.

Somatoform: Any of a group of psychological disorders marked by physical

complaints for which no organic or physiological explanation is found and for

which there is a strong likelihood that psychological factors are involved.

We have three minds not one. They are very separate. Your conscious mind(CM) is

where your short term memory resides, it's analytical, problem solving, and the

rational part of you. It's where willpower resides. It is also where your

critical facilities reside. This is important, it only allows outside ideas or

suggestions in if they agree with your current subconscious mind programming.

Hypnotherapy gets around this blocking part.

Your subconscious mind(SM) is the real you, it's vastly more powerful than your

dull CM. This is the part of the mind that I work with. It's where all of your

memories are recorded, all the way back to the womb. In session you can recall

any of these. It's where all of your emotions reside. We are very emotional

creatures! It's where your habits reside and it tries to protect you from real

or imagined danger.

Your unconscious mind(UM) governs your body. It is a slave to the feelings in

the SM! This is important! For instance… if a person has the feeling of sad in

the SM the UM produces tears, your eyes start leaking. This is a bodily response

to emotion. If a person is stressed out, that feeling resides in the SM, the UM

produces what? Possible stomach ulcers, high blood pressure, skin disorders…

These are bodily responses to emotions. All emotions produce a bodily response,

most you do not recognize. Fibromyalgia, migraines, IBS, CFS, RLS,

osteoarthritis, and other disorders are bodily responses to emotion.

Your brainwaves also speed up and slow down. Beta brainwaves are fast and

tightly nit together, this is your regular CM awareness. Your brainwaves slow

down to Alpha. This is when you are daydreaming. Below that is Theta. Ever drive

your car, reach your destination but don't know how you got there? This is

theta. Just below this your CM shuts off, you fall asleep. This is Delta. When

you focus your mind your brainwaves slow down. So I could say that I will put

you into " hypnosis " but more accurately, I will simply slow your brainwaves

down. When your brainwaves slow down you are then connected to your powerful SM.

It knows the answer to your problem. It knows the day, what you were wearing,

who was there, and most importantly how you were feeling, even if this event

took place when you were two.

Ever hear the saying, " Time heals all wounds? " That's true in your CM. It's the

opposite in the SM. As time progresses negative feelings magnify. When they get

big enough they cause emotional, habitual, and physical disorders. It works like

this. You're a child and you hit an event that is linked to a feeling you've

never felt before. This is the ISE or initial sensitizing event. The seed is

planted in the SM. As you progress through life you hit other subsequent

sensitizing events or SSEs. The seed is watered. The SM is literal, it doesn't

think, that's what the CM does, it reacts. Every time you hit an event that

feels like the ISE it's like someone watering that seed. As time goes by the

seed grows into a tree. You are unaware of any of this consciously until the

tree gets so big that it starts to produce symptoms. Pain, fatigue, legs

shaking, depression, panic… Emotions change you physically, they change you


So how do we get rid of this then? I have you relax and focus your mind. When

you do your brainwaves slow down. I'm now building a case, I'm a lawyer and both

of us are detectives. We call out the part of you that wants to be healthy and

pain free. Then we call out the part that is causing fibromyalgia and identify

that part. We target the feeling in the FM part and follow that feeling back to

the first time you ever felt that way, the ISE. There we reframe the emotions

and perceptions of what is happening. This coupled with other techniques are

used until the emotion and perceptions are changed from negative to positive, we

clear away the FM part of you. Once this takes place guess what? The UM is still

reacting off of the SM emotions but these have been neutralized – the result -

the pain vanishes.

This process is fast, one to four sessions. I conduct session's in-office or

via-telephone, there is no difference, both are conducted the same way and are

extremely effective. I've worked with people throughout the United States,

Canada, the UK, and even in Australia. I am currently reaching out to

organizations to spread the word on this wonderful healing technique. My goal is

for all of us to live pain free, I believe that can happen.

Tim Bartley BCH





> > I have been helping people eliminate FM since 2005 and Jan Chambers,

> > the president of the National Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain Association

> > (NFMCPA) has asked me to write an article for her FM magazine.

> >

> >

> > I proved the validity of my method to Jan last year and she has

> > graciously placed me on her website under Complementary Treatments and

> > will be publishing my therapy method.

> >

> >

> > If you'd like a sneak peek/read you can find it at NoMoreFibro

> > dot org, very top of the page. I think you'll find it really

> > interesting. If you do read it please let me know what you thought

> > because I can still revise and resubmit it to Jan.

> >

> >

> > Thanks so much,

> >

> > Tim Bartley

> >

> >


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Hi again Tim,

I hope you saw Joanne's message about how Parkinson's and MS were

originally thought of as psych disorders. Doctor's also thought that about

AIDS in the beginning too before they learned more about it. They just

don't understand enough about fibro yet.


On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 11:49 AM, eastlookdrive wrote:

> **



> Hi April,


> Okay, I'll post it below. It's a bit long, I'm not sure if it will fit but

> I'll try.


> Also... some people are posting about diets. I just watched the most

> excellent documentary on food. It is on Netflix, it's called " Forks VS



> Article below... I hope it fits....................


> For a " Sneak Peak " - Read Below!



> Fibromyalgia, is there a way to clear this problem away completely? I

> believe there is, I have been doing just that for several years now. Before

> I can relate to you how I do this you must first understand yourself a

> little bit.


> Let me introduce myself first, my name is Tim Bartley, I am a certified

> hypnotherapist, an author, and trainer. I have developed a therapy I call,

> " Theta State therapy. " It's conceptualized from a combination of NLP

> (Neuro-linguistic programming), psychology, and hypnotherapy techniques.

> It's a conversation between myself and my client based in the theta brain

> wave state, and uses relaxation, focus, imagery, memory, emotion, and

> perception shift. The disorder is targeted in the subconscious mind and

> reframed.


> All of the above is used to do two simple things, to find and clear away

> negative perceptions and emotions. Fibromyalgia is a psychosomatic,

> psychogenic, or somatoform disorder. It is based in perception and emotion,

> however, this isn't to say you are mentally ill or have a mental disorder

> if suffering with fibromyalgia. That is not the case. This simply proves

> your mind is working as designed. All of us have these issues - you cannot

> go through life without collecting them.



> Psychosomatic: Bodily ailment or symptom, caused by mental or emotional

> disturbance in which psychological stresses adversely affect physiological

> (somatic) functioning to the point of distress.



> Psychogenic: These disorders can often result from mental or emotional

> conflict. In most cases, a structural or anatomical abnormality has not

> been identified, as seen in an organic disease.



> Somatoform: Any of a group of psychological disorders marked by physical

> complaints for which no organic or physiological explanation is found and

> for which there is a strong likelihood that psychological factors are

> involved.



> We have three minds not one. They are very separate. Your conscious

> mind(CM) is where your short term memory resides, it's analytical, problem

> solving, and the rational part of you. It's where willpower resides. It is

> also where your critical facilities reside. This is important, it only

> allows outside ideas or suggestions in if they agree with your current

> subconscious mind programming. Hypnotherapy gets around this blocking part.


> Your subconscious mind(SM) is the real you, it's vastly more powerful than

> your dull CM. This is the part of the mind that I work with. It's where all

> of your memories are recorded, all the way back to the womb. In session you

> can recall any of these. It's where all of your emotions reside. We are

> very emotional creatures! It's where your habits reside and it tries to

> protect you from real or imagined danger.


> Your unconscious mind(UM) governs your body. It is a slave to the feelings

> in the SM! This is important! For instance… if a person has the feeling of

> sad in the SM the UM produces tears, your eyes start leaking. This is a

> bodily response to emotion. If a person is stressed out, that feeling

> resides in the SM, the UM produces what? Possible stomach ulcers, high

> blood pressure, skin disorders… These are bodily responses to emotions. All

> emotions produce a bodily response, most you do not recognize.

> Fibromyalgia, migraines, IBS, CFS, RLS, osteoarthritis, and other disorders

> are bodily responses to emotion.


> Your brainwaves also speed up and slow down. Beta brainwaves are fast and

> tightly nit together, this is your regular CM awareness. Your brainwaves

> slow down to Alpha. This is when you are daydreaming. Below that is Theta.

> Ever drive your car, reach your destination but don't know how you got

> there? This is theta. Just below this your CM shuts off, you fall asleep.

> This is Delta. When you focus your mind your brainwaves slow down. So I

> could say that I will put you into " hypnosis " but more accurately, I will

> simply slow your brainwaves down. When your brainwaves slow down you are

> then connected to your powerful SM. It knows the answer to your problem. It

> knows the day, what you were wearing, who was there, and most importantly

> how you were feeling, even if this event took place when you were two.


> Ever hear the saying, " Time heals all wounds? " That's true in your CM.

> It's the opposite in the SM. As time progresses negative feelings magnify.

> When they get big enough they cause emotional, habitual, and physical

> disorders. It works like this. You're a child and you hit an event that is

> linked to a feeling you've never felt before. This is the ISE or initial

> sensitizing event. The seed is planted in the SM. As you progress through

> life you hit other subsequent sensitizing events or SSEs. The seed is

> watered. The SM is literal, it doesn't think, that's what the CM does, it

> reacts. Every time you hit an event that feels like the ISE it's like

> someone watering that seed. As time goes by the seed grows into a tree. You

> are unaware of any of this consciously until the tree gets so big that it

> starts to produce symptoms. Pain, fatigue, legs shaking, depression, panic…

> Emotions change you physically, they change you chemically.


> So how do we get rid of this then? I have you relax and focus your mind.

> When you do your brainwaves slow down. I'm now building a case, I'm a

> lawyer and both of us are detectives. We call out the part of you that

> wants to be healthy and pain free. Then we call out the part that is

> causing fibromyalgia and identify that part. We target the feeling in the

> FM part and follow that feeling back to the first time you ever felt that

> way, the ISE. There we reframe the emotions and perceptions of what is

> happening. This coupled with other techniques are used until the emotion

> and perceptions are changed from negative to positive, we clear away the FM

> part of you. Once this takes place guess what? The UM is still reacting off

> of the SM emotions but these have been neutralized – the result - the pain

> vanishes.


> This process is fast, one to four sessions. I conduct session's in-office

> or via-telephone, there is no difference, both are conducted the same way

> and are extremely effective. I've worked with people throughout the United

> States, Canada, the UK, and even in Australia. I am currently reaching out

> to organizations to spread the word on this wonderful healing technique. My

> goal is for all of us to live pain free, I believe that can happen.



> Tim Bartley BCH



> NoMoreFibro.org

> NoPainMigraine.org

> ThoughtBecomesReality.com


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