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Re: Re: What will show.....Chiropractic

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I agree about chiropractic - I believe that has kept my joint pain symptoms from being debilitating for the last couple years. The times when my insurance wouldn't cover some of it and I had no choice but to not go were difficult - I had to be agressively active - aerobics, weights, etc - to keep the pain moderate. Ideally, you shouldn't have to see a chiropractor forever, but I know until I get these implants out, it will help. My hands get stiff, numb, tingly, stabbing pains, along with a stiff and painful neck. Most chiropractors too, will give you a discount if you see them regularly. For example, I just told mine since my insurance ran out I couldn't afford it for a few months, as I needed to save for explant - She offered to have me come and only pay my copay until insurance kicked back in. I know it releases a fair bit of toxins too. I have seen 3 different chiropractors, so they can be very different (Palmer educated is

different than other schools, for example) so I suggest 'interviewing' a few just as you would a ps. I have found I prefer to stay away from the 'sports medicine' type ones - usually big burly athletes :) who don't know alot about nutrition, etc. The two women chiropractors I had also had nutrition and accupuncture on site. That sometimes is a good indication that you'll get someone who understands how important detoxing is. Sunny <wellnessnow@...> wrote: Thanks so much, Patty, for the

comprehensive list! I just read an article about Parkinsons and MS, due to my numbness symptoms, I've been researching alot in the past few days. Adjusting the spinal column is also very important, as sll the nerves that affect the organs and make them function properly are attached to the spine.For those who are shy of chiropractors (they saved my life, treating me for 4 neck injuries--Doctors wrote me off to not live past a 2nd injury.) Physical therapy, massage therapy, keeping the nerves unpinched is crucial. Just a note on the physical side of things.Sunny :) Keep on Keeping On, you Courageous Womean!- In , Tricia Trish <glory2glory1401@...> wrote:>> ,> You may want to pick up a copy of Trudeau's book "Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About", as it has a very

thorough list of things you can do to detox. Basically, he has it pretty well laid out in terms of cleaning out the toxins that have accumulated, stop putting toxins in, addressing nutritional deficiencies, and reducing stress.> I'll give a few pointers from his lists, but you might want to do more research on each one.> > Cleaning out Toxins:> Get colonics> Do a complete colon cleanse> Do a liver/gallbladder cleanse> Do a kidney cleanse> Do a heavy metal cleanse> Do a parasite cleanse> Do a candida cleanse> Do a full body/lymphatic cleanse> Drink 8 full glasses of pure water daily> Use a rebounder 10 minutes a day> Walk one hour a day> Stretch the muscles and tendons in your body> Practice deep breathing> Sweat with an infrared sauna> Giver yourself a dry brush massage once a day> Get massages on a regular basis>

Do chi kung> Do tai chi> Do a seven to 30 day fast> Get specialized treatments as needed> > STOP PUTTING TOXINS IN> Do not eat any processed foods> Get all metal out of your dental work> Stop smoking> Don't drink tap water> Buy and use a shower filter> Eat only 100% organic food> Do not eat in fast food restaurants> Do not eat anything that comes out of a microwave oven.> Eliminate aspartame and msg> Do not eat artificial sweeteners including Splenda> Do not drink diet sodas> Do not eat hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils> Do not eat homogenized or pasteurized dairy products> Do not eat high fructose corn syrup> Use only non-flouridated toothpaste> Do not use non-stick cookware> Eat only organic, kosher meat and poultry> Do not eat farm raised fish> Do not eat pork> Do not eat

shellfish> If you can't eat it, don't put it on your skin> Get an air purifier> Use only nontoxic cleaning supplies> Do not drink canned or bottled juices> Do not use sunscreen> Do not take vitamins> Do not use antiperspirants or deodorants> Do not eat white processed sugar> Do not eat white processed flour> Eat nothing that says "fat free" on the label> Eat nothing that says "sugar free" on the label> Eat nothing that says "low carbs" on the label> Do not eat food bars> Do not eat diet or protein shakes> Stay away from public hot tubs, steam rooms, and swimming pools loaded with chlorine> Do not use air fresheners sprays or plug ins> Eliminate flourescent lighting> Reduce air conditioning> Avoid dry cleaning> Make your own beer and wine> Buy a good vacuum cleaner with a hepa filter> > DIETARY STEPS> Eat

more fresh organic fruits and veggies> Buy a juicer and use it> Eat organic nuts and seeds> Get natural sunlight> Eat an organic apple a day> Take coral calcium> Take all natural Vit E> Take colloidal minerals daily> Drink the "magic juices" (noni, goji, mangosteen, aloe vera, acai berry)> Take a whole food supplement daily > Eat organic honey, bee propolis, royal jelly, bee pollen.> Get an oxygen water cooler> Take digestive enzymes> Use organic sea salt> Eat organic dark chocolate> Take an Omega 3 supplement> Eat snacks> > Of course, there is a whole section on eliminating stress, which I have posted previously (do a message search on Trudeau and you will find it in our archives.)> Hope this helps.> Patty> > > > > > GMCLADY98@... wrote:> How any pointers on how to

start detoxing ? And when ? I was explante 9/12/06 Thanks karen> > > > > > ---------------------------------> Get your email and more, right on the new .com>

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I could not live without my massage therapist and

my chiropractor. They keep me moving with a lot less pain.


At 05:15 AM 9/19/2006, you wrote:

>I agree about chiropractic - I believe that has

>kept my joint pain symptoms from being

>debilitating for the last couple years. The

>times when my insurance wouldn't cover some of

>it and I had no choice but to not go were

>difficult - I had to be agressively active -

>aerobics, weights, etc - to keep the pain

>moderate. Ideally, you shouldn't have to see a

>chiropractor forever, but I know until I get

>these implants out, it will help. My hands get

>stiff, numb, tingly, stabbing pains, along with

>a stiff and painful neck. Most chiropractors

>too, will give you a discount if you see them

>regularly. For example, I just told mine since

>my insurance ran out I couldn't afford it for a

>few months, as I needed to save for explant -

>She offered to have me come and only pay my

>copay until insurance kicked back in. I know it

>releases a fair bit of toxins too. I have seen

>3 different chiropractors, so they can be very

>different (Palme r educated is different than

>other schools, for example) so I suggest

>'interviewing' a few just as you would a ps. I

>have found I prefer to stay away from the

>'sports medicine' type ones - usually big burly

>athletes :) who don't know alot about nutrition,

>etc. The two women chiropractors I had also had

>nutrition and accupuncture on site. That

>sometimes is a good indication that you'll get

>someone who understands how important detoxing is.


>Sunny <wellnessnow@...> wrote:

>Thanks so much, Patty, for the comprehensive list! I just read an

>article about Parkinsons and MS, due to my numbness symptoms, I've

>been researching alot in the past few days. Adjusting the spinal

>column is also very important, as sll the nerves that affect the

>organs and make them function properly are attached to the spine.


>For those who are shy of chiropractors (they saved my life,

>treating me for 4 neck injuries--Doctors wrote me off to not live

>past a 2nd injury.) Physical therapy, massage therapy, keeping the

>nerves unpinched is crucial. Just a note on the physical side of



>Sunny :) Keep on Keeping On, you Courageous Womean!


>- In

><mailto: %40> ,

>Tricia Trish

><glory2glory1401@...> wrote:

> >

> > ,

> > You may want to pick up a copy of Trudeau's book " Natural

>Cures They Don't Want You to Know About " , as it has a very thorough

>list of things you can do to detox. Basically, he has it pretty well

>laid out in terms of cleaning out the toxins that have accumulated,

>stop putting toxins in, addressing nutritional deficiencies, and

>reducing stress.

> > I'll give a few pointers from his lists, but you might want to do

>more research on each one.

> >

> > Cleaning out Toxins:

> > Get colonics

> > Do a complete colon cleanse

> > Do a liver/gallbladder cleanse

> > Do a kidney cleanse

> > Do a heavy metal cleanse

> > Do a parasite cleanse

> > Do a candida cleanse

> > Do a full body/lymphatic cleanse

> > Drink 8 full glasses of pure water daily

> > Use a rebounder 10 minutes a day

> > Walk one hour a day

> > Stretch the muscles and tendons in your body

> > Practice deep breathing

> > Sweat with an infrared sauna

> > Giver yourself a dry brush massage once a day

> > Get massages on a regular basis

> > Do chi kung

> > Do tai chi

> > Do a seven to 30 day fast

> > Get specialized treatments as needed

> >


> > Do not eat any processed foods

> > Get all metal out of your dental work

> > Stop smoking

> > Don't drink tap water

> > Buy and use a shower filter

> > Eat only 100% organic food

> > Do not eat in fast food restaurants

> > Do not eat anything that comes out of a microwave oven.

> > Eliminate aspartame and msg

> > Do not eat artificial sweeteners including Splenda

> > Do not drink diet sodas

> > Do not eat hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils

> > Do not eat homogenized or pasteurized dairy products

> > Do not eat high fructose corn syrup

> > Use only non-flouridated toothpaste

> > Do not use non-stick cookware

> > Eat only organic, kosher meat and poultry

> > Do not eat farm raised fish

> > Do not eat pork

> > Do not eat shellfish

> > If you can't eat it, don't put it on your skin

> > Get an air purifier

> > Use only nontoxic cleaning supplies

> > Do not drink canned or bottled juices

> > Do not use sunscreen

> > Do not take vitamins

> > Do not use antiperspirants or deodorants

> > Do not eat white processed sugar

> > Do not eat white processed flour

> > Eat nothing that says " fat free " on the label

> > Eat nothing that says " sugar free " on the label

> > Eat nothing that says " low carbs " on the label

> > Do not eat food bars

> > Do not eat diet or protein shakes

> > Stay away from public hot tubs, steam rooms, and swimming pools

>loaded with chlorine

> > Do not use air fresheners sprays or plug ins

> > Eliminate flourescent lighting

> > Reduce air conditioning

> > Avoid dry cleaning

> > Make your own beer and wine

> > Buy a good vacuum cleaner with a hepa filter

> >


> > Eat more fresh organic fruits and veggies

> > Buy a juicer and use it

> > Eat organic nuts and seeds

> > Get natural sunlight

> > Eat an organic apple a day

> > Take coral calcium

> > Take all natural Vit E

> > Take colloidal minerals daily

> > Drink the " magic juices " (noni, goji, mangosteen, aloe vera, acai


> > Take a whole food supplement daily

> > Eat organic honey, bee propolis, royal jelly, bee pollen.

> > Get an oxygen water cooler

> > Take digestive enzymes

> > Use organic sea salt

> > Eat organic dark chocolate

> > Take an Omega 3 supplement

> > Eat snacks

> >

> > Of course, there is a whole section on eliminating stress, which

>I have posted previously (do a message search on Trudeau and you will

>find it in our archives.)

> > Hope this helps.

> > Patty

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > GMCLADY98@... wrote:

> > How any pointers on how to start detoxing ? And when ?

>I was explante 9/12/06 Thanks karen

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > ---------------------------------

> > Get your email and more, right on the new .com

> >




>How low will we go? Check out Messenger’s low PC-to-Phone call rates.


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, et al,

I have a wonderful body worker; she's an RPT, registered physical

therapist, who has studied myofascial release and other techniques, and

she does wonderful things for me! What's really lucky about my

situation is that she is an RPT at a hospital out-patient PT clinic, so

Medicare covers essentially an unlimited amount of her services! Lucky me!


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