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Silica - from Lana

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Thanks for all the help, you all!!!

For what it's worth............

I'm going to take the bottle of carb blockers (with the Silica) to show my doctor so she'll maybe document that I was taking it during some worsened health issues. Not only was my thyroid swollen with half golf ball sized knots up to my chin (like I said before), but she was also even testing me for intestinal parasites because my nausea was so severe during that time! I'm always nauseous to an extent (queasy), but never like this period when I had been on the carb blockers.


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Lana Transue <lanadearest@...> wrote: From: "Lana Transue" <lanadearest@...>saxony01@...Subject: Re: SilicaDate: Fri, 14 Jul 2006 06:54:45 -0700You are not wrong! Silica is a form of silicon dioxide and simithicone, dimithicone and so on, is silicone. Look below to see what it says in the computer dictionary.Also silica forms with cellulos and creates Fiber. When these families get ill and begin to have gastrointestinal problems they are placed on HIGH FIBER diets. NOT good for a person who has a sensitivity to silica, silicon dioxide, silicone.I hope this is helpful. LanaSource: The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical DictionaryCopyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin

Company.Main Entry: sil·i·caPronunciation: 'sil-i-k & Function: noun: the dioxide of silicon SiO2 that is used as an ingredient of simethicone and that occurs naturally in crystalline, amorphous, and impure forms (as in quartz, opal, and sand respectively) called also silicon dioxideSource: Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary, © 2002 Merriam-Webster, Inc.silican : a white or colorless vitreous insoluble solid (SiO2); various forms occur widely in the earth's crust as quartz or cristobalite or tridymite or lechartelierite [syn: silicon oxide, silicon dioxide]Source: WordNet ® 2.0, © 2003 Princeton University>From: Rogene S > , Lana >>Subject: Re: Silica>Date: Thu, 13 Jul 2006 21:36:45 -0700 (PDT)>>Brigite .

..>> I'm copying this to Lana . . . She's very well versed on the different >kinds of form of silica/silicone, etc. . If I understand it correctly, the >silica very well could have been the problem. . First, see what Lana says >though>> Please let me know what you hear from her.>> Rogene>>>>KissofSadness@... wrote:> While browsing the Plastikos website and reading the Silicone >Immune Protocol, I became confused.>> Under "Level II" it says:> Homeopathic preparations prescribed for cellular detoxification. If >no silicone or saline implants are present, may use Silica 6 X, 3 granules >sublingual a week for 6 weeks.>> re: Silica> I thought Silica was bad?>> The reason I'm asking... I was taking carb blockers (this past >winter/spring) during a time when my thyroid swelled larger than EVER in 8

>years, and didn't relate the two. Then, I later read that the carb blockers >have "Silica." I thought sure that would have been why my thyroid was so >irritated. (It became LESS irritated upon stopping the carb blockers.) >Isn't Silica related to Silicone somehow? (Or is it a chemical in >silicone?) This lost me... Maybe you detox vets can find me!? LOL>> I want to know before seeing my PCP again. I had fully planned to take >my bottle of carb blockers in to her and say "Look... it was Silica making >my thyroid so bad... this increases my "silicone" argument!!!">> Am I wrong to assume this?>> Brigite>>>

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