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Hello Ladies,

I had silicone implants for 23 years, they ruptured and were replaced

with saline in April 2005. Almost one year to the day I began having

problems with the saline implants and have written in the past for

guidance. I went back to the PS in April when the problems arose and

he put me on Prednisone to keep my body from rejecting the implants.

I learned from the group that was not a good thing to take as it

reduces the immune system's ability to do its job and also it affects

bone density.

Until such time as I have them removed I have been able to maintain a

balance of discomfort with the various symptoms I have - none seem as

severe as some that members of the experience. Things have gone as

well as could be expected but now that I am one week away from going

out of the country for vacation things seem to be accelerating. Isn't

that always the way!

I am currently taking an adrenal complex which helped greatly with my

blood pressure. I take Inositol to help remove silicone from my

system as well as increase my stamina, I take blood pressure meds, and

several multi-vitamins for extra calcium, manganese and zinc.

What I am experiencing now is nausea, dizziness, moments that feel

like I am going to black out, lousy equilibrium, shaky insides, none

of these are constant, they come and go, each day is different. I get

twinges on the sides of my breasts, and they feel as if the capsule

may be contracting. There are times when I get a sharp pain in a breast.

I do not want to deal with the PS on this now as his answer to

everything is Prednisone. Can any of you recommend anything I can

take or do to help offset some of these symptoms to get me through my

trip. I will be gone 9 days and I do not even want to think about

ending up in a foreign hospital.

Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


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. . Welcome to . You're smart to avoid steroids! . . . It is scary, isn't it? . . . Hopefully some of the other ladies can jump in here with what helps them on a short term basis . . . My mainstay is raw, crushed garlic - 12 cloves a day is considered a theraputic dose, and Oil of Oregano. You can add Grapefruit seed extract. . . and Olive Leave Extract. Patty can tell you how she stayed well on a couple trips where others were getting sick. All of these will help with fungal issues and help fight bacteria. They're easy enough to take with you while traveling. . . You might take some steroids with you for an emergency though. Also . . . there are some water purification tablets you can put in your water. You're more likely than others to be affected by bacteria . .. Oh yes, watch out for ice! .

.. I hope you'll be able to have your implants properly removed soon! . . . Things could get much worse! Hugs, Rogene

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Thank you for your reply, Patty did contact me with some very helpful

information. And your suggestion for the water purifications tablets

will go on my list of things to get. I forgot about the ice, but I do

remember a trip to Cancun where I was really good about not drinking

the water but did use the ice. What a mistake!

Anyhow, I appreciate your help.


> . .


> Welcome to . You're smart to avoid steroids! . . .


> It is scary, isn't it? . . . Hopefully some of the other ladies

can jump in here with what helps them on a short term basis . . . My

mainstay is raw, crushed garlic - 12 cloves a day is considered a

theraputic dose, and Oil of Oregano. You can add Grapefruit seed

extract. . . and Olive Leave Extract.


> Patty can tell you how she stayed well on a couple trips where

others were getting sick.


> All of these will help with fungal issues and help fight bacteria.

They're easy enough to take with you while traveling. . . You might

take some steroids with you for an emergency though.


> Also . . . there are some water purification tablets you can put

in your water. You're more likely than others to be affected by

bacteria . .. Oh yes, watch out for ice! . .


> I hope you'll be able to have your implants properly removed soon!

.. . . Things could get much worse!


> Hugs,


> Rogene


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( ) International Travel

Has anyone traveled with a child having Asperger's internationally? My son, , 12 years old has Asperger's. He is in middle school and seeks assistance through special education only when needed.We are adopting a toddler from China and want to join us. He does have some anxiety issues and sensory issues as well. He is quite verbal and uses "coping strategies". Some of his issues include crowds, smells, and noises.This is our second adoption from China, so we are trying to prepare him for this adventure.WE are welcome to any suggestions that people might have!!!!! Farrelly

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Hi ,We have traveled to the UK, to Russia and to Mexico with our AS ds, from the time he was 6. The main thing was that we traveled with food that he would eat (mostly crackers) and didn't worry about his diet too much. He loved the UK. Lots of dogs where we were, and lots of places to run around. Russia was harder for him, because it was so different. We could always find bread and fruit juice for him to eat, so it worked out okay. I found that to be the hardest thing about traveling abroad with an ASer.If you have other questions, I can try to answer them either on or off list.LizOn Feb 3, 2008, at 3:33 PM, Suarez wrote: ( ) International TravelHas anyone traveled with a child having Asperger's internationally? My son, , 12 years old has Asperger's. He is in middle school and seeks assistance through special education only when needed.We are adopting a toddler from China and want to join us. He does have some anxiety issues and sensory issues as well. He is quite verbal and uses "coping strategies". Some of his issues include crowds, smells, and noises.This is our second adoption from China, so we are trying to prepare him for this adventure.WE are welcome to any suggestions that people might have!!!!! FarrellyLooking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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