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RE: Re: Tim Testimonies - Reply from Tim

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Tim -

You get points for stopping by again and trying to work out a sense of

understanding. However, you appear to be missing the point. Whatever level

of support you've received from Jan Chambers, dropping that name is not

sufficient to overcome the resistance and anger you incite with your

statements to the effect of fibromyalgia being a psychological condition,

however justifiable you believe that statement to be. Your article and

'cure' address a single aspect of a FMS, a complex, multi-causal syndrome.

Worse, you've chosen language that will incite the strongest negative

reaction among those of us who have years, decades even, of experience with

a medical establishment that often latches onto the psychological component

and stops there, offering only psychological treatment. Anything that can

be interpreted as 'it's all in your head' will get this reaction from the

FMS crowd. So if you want to communicate with us and offer an effective

treatment, you must communicate differently.

I also strongly suspect that you may have heard what you wanted to hear and

not specifically what Jan Chambers told you with all the side notes and

caveats that one would reasonably expect from someone well versed in the

breadth of FMS as it presents across the population. This is

understandable. It's human nature to latch onto statements that support our

strongly held beliefs and downplay the cautions. Yes, you've acknowledged

in this board the possible lack of effectiveness with PCT3 or stenosis, but

there are many other physical causes of FM symptoms, and your article does

not acknowledge any such limitations at all. Several other members of this

board have provided clear explanations and good citations you will find

helpful should you wish to put forth the effort to review the materials and

consider the larger view. I will repeat my offer of a professional review

of the article itself should you wish to contact me privately at the email

address previously provided.

From: fibromyalgiacured

[mailto:fibromyalgiacured ] On Behalf Of eastlookdrive

Sent: Saturday, January 14, 2012 2:13 PM

To: fibromyalgiacured

Subject: Re: Tim Testimonies - Reply from Tim

Hi ,

You raise several good points. When I spoke on the phone with Jan Chambers

(she is the president of the NFMCPA) she said, and I quote, " I am the

gatekeeper to all those who have FM and I don't let just anyone in, in fact

I have already spent a lot more time reviewing your materials than I usually

give to most people. "

After I had proved my therapy method to her she has endorsed me, on her

website and with this article for her magazine BUT. she does not think it

would work with people who have Cervical Cord Compression (PC3) or Spinal

Stenosis. I personally do not know if I could help these people or not since

no one who has come to me in the past mentioned this problem to me.

I am not a doctor or an expert so my credentials are very small compared,

you can't have higher credentials than being a doctor (and they can't help

you) so what do credentials have to do with it? I actually have helped many

people with FM. I helped a woman via telephone last winter who had been

suffering for 31 years, 3 sessions later no more FM. I spoke with her many

months later, she still has no FM. Same holds true with people I worked with

back in 08.

------------- SO. :o) ----------

Is there a way we can come together, get past the objections, and see if I'm

full of #$%@ or actually have something viable? :o)

Do you or anyone on this board have any ideas on how we could do this?


Tim Bartley


> >>>Tim sounded like he had the cure for fibro. If so...why not share his

client's testimonials?


> With all due respect, Tim sounded to me like just another in a very long

line of slick pitches from thinly credentialed self-described 'experts'

jumping on the bandwagon to make $$ off the ill and desperate. I am still,

at this point, willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and allow that

perhaps he genuinely believes his method is a cure based on his clearly

limited understanding of FMS and based upon a few success stories from his

clientele. Perhaps he really has had clients report full relief from their

fibro symptoms, but without full background details and case histories

verifiable by reliable third party sources, we AND HE have no way of

determining the degree of truth to this so-called cure. We cannot know

whether these clients had been diagnosed by recognized criteria or had

self-diagnosed after a few months of feeling off. We cannot know whether the

root cause of their conditions were also addressed or even guess at the root

cause of each individual's condition -- and I do believe that fibromyalgia

is a not a specific disease in and of itself, but a syndrome, a set of

symptoms produced by various other conditions. I believe this because

researchers have been able to produce fibromyalgia symptoms in healthy test

patients through sleep deprivation, and because effective treatments vary so

greatly among patients.


> And without a dialogue with Tim, we cannot begin to determine whether he's

a genuine resource or a slick pitch artist -- and I say this with the

experience of 20 years of fibro and a background as a journalist, research

analyst, and author who's been active on the internet for a very long time.

Yes, I'm professionally trained to be skeptical, and my professional history

has reinforced that skepticism. That's been a very useful tool in managing

my fibro and dealing with the root causes of my symptom since I was

diagnosed ---- and actually, in even obtaining a diagnosis beyond, " here,

take this pill. It should make you feel better. " I've gone from being unable

to hold a pen long enough to write a single check, unable to walk half a

block, to being able to carry a 50 lb. bag of feed or a bale of hay easily.


> I do hope Tim will step up and participate for the benefit of those who

might find his treatment helpful. I've personally found a great deal of

relief and greater control over fibro management through a similar form of

therapy which is directed at the stresses the unconscious mind carries. Had

that been the root cause of my fibro, I'd be cured. Had diet been the root

cause, I'd also be cured because I've done the whole ketosis, low carb, and

several others directed specifically at known gut issues and intolerances.

Because of those treatments, I'm significantly improved. I'm not cured,

though, and still am choosing among the therapies that seem to be a proper



> P







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