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Silicone Hypersensitivity

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Test Name : Silicone Hypersensitivity

CPT Code :86353

I need to vent...

My physicians office called and said

I would have to go out of my network

I am fed up with all this running around

The office called some labs and they all said

they do not do this type of testing

I am to tired and weak to chase down a lab

My heart races really fast and it is scary

Maybe it's the capsules causing all this havoc

My son wants mom time, like all kids do....

My heart races faster when he wants to wrestle with me.

I already had three panic attacks, one landed me in the

emergency room hooked up to machines fighting for my life.

It's difficult because my son will never comprehend

what I am going through inside of my body....

The plastic surgeon and receptionist have all

the answers when you first walk in their office

up until the time you are implanted.

Become ill from implants.....

Then see the plastic surgeons bedside manor and how

responsive the receptionist is to your needs.

When your ill and all alone....

The few plastic surgeons that step up to the plate

and will help us, are just to far away.

We cannot get medical attention in our own hometowns ?

That's really messed up!

Hope Everyone Had A Nice Christmas,


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