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A lesson learned

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Hello friends,

I just came from a funeral. My sister's father-in-law ended his

life a few days before Christmas. It was not an easy time for them,

but they chose to celebrate Christmas with those they held dear. At

the viewing tonight, his son spoke and said this man thought no one

cared about him, but yet all of these people attended his funeral -

and he felt there was a lesson to be learned there. He was loved,

and he did make a difference. I personally knew him since I was in

high school, when my sister started dating his son (now her

husband), and he and his wife welcomed me into the family along with

my sister. He had perfect physical health but his mental health

wasn't always that good. I remember the summer of 2005, I was

sicker than I've ever been in my life, I had lost my job, my

marriage was on the rocks because of both my health issues and my

job loss, and I remember being at my absolute lowest - asking why

this was happening. I did consider putting myself out of my misery,

but when I thought about those people I would hurt (especially my

parents), I knew I couldn't cause anyone such pain. In retrospect,

I'm thankful that I had the strength to hang on, and that I was

blessed with good mental health even though my body was in rough

shape. I'm feeling much better than I was, I had my explant, we

worked on the marital issues, and I found a job (even though I'm

being downsized yet again!). What I'm trying to say is for anyone

who is suffering right now, you are making a difference in someone's

life, and even though the light at the end of the tunnel might seem

far away, you are here for a reason and you are loved.


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