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It sounds like there is at least one thing to look forward to with menopause-- less shaving!


Re: Rogene

> I heard on Oprah last week that another reason for hair loss on legs and> under the arms is menopause. :) Maybe your female hormones have changed?>> KendaI thought that was what was causing my hair loss in those areas! From the research I've done! I have been thankful--less shaving! :-)

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Kenda, I wish I had that problem! I still have to shave twice a day, and I'm in surgical menopause, never had a hot flash, and am still freezing all the time. lol Crocker <dwcrn@...> wrote: > I heard on Oprah last week that another reason for hair loss on legs and> under the arms is menopause. :) Maybe your female hormones have changed?>> KendaI thought that was what was causing my hair loss in those areas! From the research I've done! I have been

thankful--less shaving! :-)

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I don't have hot flashes either -- usually. :) I'm not very hairy anyway.

The only place I have noticed thinning in on my head and I don't have much

there to spare. :( If you are freezing, it could well be your thyroid



> Kenda,

> I wish I had that problem! I still have to shave twice a day, and I'm in

> surgical menopause, never had a hot flash, and am still freezing all the time.

> lol


> Crocker <dwcrn@...> wrote:

>> I heard on Oprah last week that another reason for hair loss on legs and

>> under the arms is menopause. :) Maybe your female hormones have changed?


>> Kenda


> I thought that was what was causing my hair loss in those areas! From

> the research I've done! I have been thankful--less shaving! :-)








> ---------------------------------

> Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+

> countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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Kenda, Yes, it could very well be my thyroid-I take Thyrolar 2 for my thyroid, as well as Kelp supplements, and extra Selenium and L-Tyrosine. But I always have symptoms of hypothyroidism. I saw my Endocrinologist right before my explant, and he was feeling of my neck, and he looked very concerned-he asked me if I have ever had an ultrasound on my thyroid, and I said No, and he wants to do one as soon as possible. I'm still trying to get ahold of my Gyno first, to see about the nipple discharge...it may very well be hormonally related, or it could be endocrine related, or it could be cancer. I think the first stop ought to be the Gyno though, then the Endo. God, I'm so sick of going to doctors all the time! lolKenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote: Leyna,I don't have hot flashes either -- usually. :) I'm not very hairy anyway.The only place I have noticed thinning in on my head and I don't have muchthere to spare. :( If you are freezing, it could well be your thyroidinstead.Kenda> Kenda,> I wish I had that problem! I still have to shave twice a day, and I'm in> surgical menopause, never had a hot flash, and am still freezing all the time.> lol> > Crocker <dwcrncharter (DOT) net> wrote:>> I

heard on Oprah last week that another reason for hair loss on legs and>> under the arms is menopause. :) Maybe your female hormones have changed?>> >> Kenda> > I thought that was what was causing my hair loss in those areas! From> the research I've done! I have been thankful--less shaving! :-)> > > > > > > > ---------------------------------> Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+> countries) for 2¢/min or less.

Messenger with Voice. Make PC-to-Phone Calls to the US (and 30+ countries) for 2¢/min or less.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Sorry about your arm. I had a rather positive experience a few years ago when I broke my shoulder...my fingernails, which never seemed to grow, got very strong and long due to no housekeeping duties and the calcium pills that I remembered to take every day. Not worth it but nice at the time. take it easy for now...Shirley

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Rogene,

Thanks for writing.

The air over here has been terrible, the fog the worst in years really bad.

Gosh that was scary this morning I thought "if I die on christmas eve how are my children going to feel" that's all I could think about.

Today I feel ok though my heart seems back to normal ??

I have been having a few problems though, when I walk upstairs I am so out of breath and feel really bad, I have to sit down.

I will go to my Dr after christmas just to get things checked out!

Have a wonderful holiday Rogene, you have been a very good friend to me.

I hope your arm is getting better, I often think of you.

Merry Christmas, God Bless

Love Sue.

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  • 2 months later...


I would just move, this is so double trouble for you. If you have to rent apartment or anything get away from the moldy house..... My girlfriend is so sick from that it is amazing. We both have the same exact symptoms, she had mold in house and I had implants. Good Luck

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Lea recently had to move because of mold . . .

Other people may handle a little mold OK . . . but with suppressed immune systems, we don't!

One implant sister had to literally leave EVERYTHING behind . . . not just once, but twice. The only thing she got to keep was her driver's license in a baggie. She went back the first time and retrieved her computer . . . carrying the mold to her next home.

You can have tests done to determine what kind of mold you have . . . Not all mold is dangerous. I'd recommend getting it checked out.

Unfortunately, most insurance companies have exclusions for mold coverage.

Certain types of mold must be taken very seriously . . . Some children living in moldy homes have major mental and physical issues.

If mold problems aren't extensive (behind the walls), you can do a good clean up with hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, or other non-toxic products. Chlorine is toxic if one is already sick.


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Acidopholis is probably what she recommended. . . Yogurt is great food for us . . There are also some great smoothies enriched with similar microganisms available at health food stores. Kefir is good too! . . . You can make your own there. Better yet is Garden of Life's Fungal Defense (one bottle) followed by Primal Defense indefinitely. If you suspect you are hypersensitive to silicone, get the powdered kind. You'll find them (and the Maker's Diet) on www.appleadayandbeyond.com . . .lood at the website, then PHONE in your order for the best prices. . . You can find the books (for less) on Amazon.com. and Noble may not have "The Yeast Connection", but they'll have a related book that will be just as informative. Keep in mind that sugar and refined grains (whole grains are OK) feed yeast. Especially sugar. . . The closer

you follow a sugar free diet, the better you will do. Avoid artificial sweetners (except Stevia) too. Rogene

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