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Re: Re: pain

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What a powerful poem, how brave of you to share it! She said she sees Adult

Children of BPD mothers all the time and they all are cutters. Cutting, yes,

I have learned it is a way to survive the pain and a signal of the need for

help. You are not alone!

My daughter's therapist was amazed that I'd never cut myself. (So am I.)

Though there have been times when I would think " this will end when I'm

dead. " And have scary thoughts. My first scary though was when I was about 6

or 7, I considered jumping out of a third story window to kill myself just

to spite my mother, who'd just been very mean to me. Then amazingly I

though, " She isn't worth it. " I guess I knew I still had more " play " in me.

Flowers in Oz

----- Original Message -----

I so agree with what people are saying in their responses to you- this is so

hard- but you are so worth it!

We are here- and please I agree talk with someone. The pain can be released

in healthier ways.

In WTOAdultChildren1 , " hellfireblonde99 "



> angeandsimon I feel for you. No you're not alone and yes people care.

> Unfortunately most of our families are not able to care for us. You must

> care for yourself and find support elsewhere. Please find a good

> therapist, and don't give up. It can get better, but you must keep trying.



> >

> > i watch the blood pop to the surface

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