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Pickled Garlic

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I have found that taking raw garlic has been very hard to swallow, especially for my kids. I have found this recipe for pickled garlic. The article I found this claims that pickling garlic softens the bite while perserving most of its antimicrobial properties. This recipe is from a herbalist named Rosemary Gladstar. 1. Combine 1/4 cup each of good-quality soy sauce, apple cider vinegar, honey, and water. 2. If yor have difficulty dissolving the honey, warm the mixture gently. 3. Place the nixture into a pint-size jar. 4. Add as many peeled garlic cloves as you can, making sure that the garlic is covered by the liquid. 5. Screw on the lid and refrigerate for at least 2 weeks before using. 6. Eat 1 or 2 cloves dainly as desired.

Pickled garlic will keep for at least a couple of months in the refrigerator. I am going to mix some up tonight, I hope it works as cold and flu season is coming up soon.

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