Guest guest Posted September 27, 2006 Report Share Posted September 27, 2006 - , you have the same exact symptoms as a lot of us have, not only do you have the symptoms but you have also gone through the problems that are experienced with Doctors after the fact.m It is very common to be treated that way by family,doctors, and of course PS. We are here for you to walk with you and help you. Alot of women here have gotten their life back some of us are still working at it, it doesn't just come back like magic, but with explant and detoxing and choosing a healthy eating plan you can get better, I wish you well, we are here for you, Terri P -- In , " Ilena Rose " <colibrimama@...> wrote: > > *Dearest Group,* > ** > *Please welcome ... here is a series of messages we have written > back and forth so far ... any support you can offer would be so appreciated. > * > ** > *Ilena* > ** > *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* > * * > *Gallery@...* <Gallery@...>* * > ** > *ilena2000@...* <ilena2000@...>* * > *Subject: * > *I need help * > ** > *Ms. Rosenthal,* > * * > *I would like to join your support group. I have been quite ill for the last > three years and have just thought it was my body out of balance with my > hormones. I have read and researched every book and article I could find on > hormones. * > *I have gone to every specialist I could find all over the country. No one > can balance my hormones and most would give up after three visits and > suggest me seeing a psychiatrist for depression or Bipolar. I went that > route as well. Nothing helped. The strange thing is it was all affecting my > brain, my ability to concentrate, work, I could not get out of bed, I was > always tired. This was stagna for me because I have trained with weights for > twelve years with a trainer three day a week and on my own the other four > days. I also ride horses and would train my horse four days a week and show > him jumper. I also have owned my own my own business for twenty-two years > which is retail and manufacturing. I have always been hyper and full of > energy. * > * * > *Now I can barely get up out of bed. My joints and muscles hurt so bad that > I cannot move. The hardest part has been no support from family or friends. > They all just think I am lazy and don't care or that it was just menopause > and that I was over reacting. Which in it's self is infuriating because > every body is different and the hormones are controlled by the brain so if > the neurotransmitters are not connecting with the receptors your body will > not work any way? * > * * > *I have had sever acne, rashes that the Doctors could not even figure out. > They gave me strong doses of Acutane for seven months and then four three > months the second time.* > *Then the allergy doctors could not figure out what was causing the skin > rashes said he had never seen anything like it so I was given cortisone > shots.* > * * > *I have had to sell my home. I have lost about all I have and am about to > have to close my business. I have no idea what to do.* > *Are there any class action law suits or disability support or anything?* > * * > * * > Tuscaloosa, Al > ** > *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* > * Thank you so much for writing. I'm sorry for what you've been going thru. > > Do I understand that you have implants? If so please tell me more about them > too. > > I'm adding you to my support group on-line, and please visit: > > <> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* > ** > *Ileana,* > * * > *Sorry, I have been so confused with mixed emotions about thinking and > studying medicine for five years on hormones to finding out that I really > have two separate issues that I forgot to even mention I do have silicone > implants.* > * * > *I had saline by Silmed put in first, March of 2002, a month later they had > to take the right one out, scrape out the calcification and put the implant > back in. Within months they were as hard as rocks. So in May of 2003 I had > them taken out and the Doctor said he was one of a hand full of Doctors in > the country who was doing a case study on the new silicone implants by > Mentor and that they were safe and that they would not encapsulate as the > saline did. He did not do as I asked and he put them under my skin not > submuscular so seven days later I had them taken out and put under my > muscle. The Doctor was pissed, did a bad rush job and I had a lot of fluid > to be drained Also having put them under the skin the time before it > stretched the skin and made it sag therefore the nipple was at the bottom of > the implant. Exhausted from it all I could not keep driving eight hours to > see the Doctor so he referred me to a friend of his in Birmingham to monitor > my recovery and the fluid. The Doctor in Birmingham said they were never > quite right. The Doctor who did the surgery tried to say I was no longer his > patient but this other Doctors. I told him no all the other Doctor did was > monitor and report back to him. * > *Then I started to become very ill. Which I put on my Mom having breast > cancer and my daddy passing away. But I knew my body from training all those > years so I continued to research and seek answers and help. I thought it was > all a hormonal imbalance of the body and it was frightening because it was > my brain it was affecting. Nothing was working correctly and I went to one > specialist after another and nothing has worked. Side effects you could not > imagine. I aged ten years in one year. * > *The Doctor who put the implants in I called because I was never given any > information on the implants, serial numbers or warranty. That was two years > ago and I never got a response. The nurse said it was a study so there was > no warranty. I asked her if it was a research study then should I not have > been monitored, informed, followed up on and she told me it was my > responsibility to follow up. I asked her since when did I become the Doctor? > I was not doing the research study they where. I was also not informed of > such matters.* > *This weekend a doctor friend of mine went over my blood work but the first > thing he asked was do you have any silicone in your body? When I said yes he > told me to get on the Internet and read the poison and toxins I was putting > in my body. * > *It was frightening because I have had almost every symptom they mentioned. > I have been in bed for almost three years of my life gone. * > *I called the Doctor who put the implants in and he was out of town but his > nurse gave me the serial numbers and said she would send me the info on the > warranty and everything. I looked up Mentor and they say the warranty is > life time but it started in * > *2005. I asked when their silicone implants where FDA approved and I was put > on hold to be disconnected.* > *Will a blood test show the silicone poison in the blood? Do you have to do > other tests to find out? If this is what is killing me once removed will I > return to normal state I was before? Or has the silicone toxicity damaged my > organs for good?* > * * > *Thank You* > * M* > ** > *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* > ** > *Oh ... you are definitely not alone in what hell you've been > through!* > ** > *Would you like me to share your requests with our online support group?* > ** > *Genle hugs from Ilena* > ** <> > > *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* > > > *That would be great. Any help or support would be answers to a lot of my > prayers. For years I have isolated and felt I was crazy and all alone. I had > no idea what was causing any of thus.* > *Thank You * > * M* > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 27, 2006 Report Share Posted September 27, 2006 The rashes you have are classic, at least for silicone implants. I had them, and many women I have talked to had them. I can tell you they went away when I had my implants removed. Of course, I am not a medical doctor and even if I were, I could not tell you what they are without seeing you. But I do know my experience, and that of many other women. I'm so glad you wrote Ilena, and are here. > > *Dearest Group,* > ** > *Please welcome ... here is a series of messages we have written > back and forth so far ... any support you can offer would be so appreciated. > * > ** > *Ilena* > ** > *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* > * * > *Gallery@...* <Gallery@...>* * > ** > *ilena2000@...* <ilena2000@...>* * > *Subject: * > *I need help * > ** > *Ms. Rosenthal,* > * * > *I would like to join your support group. I have been quite ill for the last > three years and have just thought it was my body out of balance with my > hormones. I have read and researched every book and article I could find on > hormones. * > *I have gone to every specialist I could find all over the country. No one > can balance my hormones and most would give up after three visits and > suggest me seeing a psychiatrist for depression or Bipolar. I went that > route as well. Nothing helped. The strange thing is it was all affecting my > brain, my ability to concentrate, work, I could not get out of bed, I was > always tired. This was stagna for me because I have trained with weights for > twelve years with a trainer three day a week and on my own the other four > days. I also ride horses and would train my horse four days a week and show > him jumper. I also have owned my own my own business for twenty-two years > which is retail and manufacturing. I have always been hyper and full of > energy. * > * * > *Now I can barely get up out of bed. My joints and muscles hurt so bad that > I cannot move. The hardest part has been no support from family or friends. > They all just think I am lazy and don't care or that it was just menopause > and that I was over reacting. Which in it's self is infuriating because > every body is different and the hormones are controlled by the brain so if > the neurotransmitters are not connecting with the receptors your body will > not work any way? * > * * > *I have had sever acne, rashes that the Doctors could not even figure out. > They gave me strong doses of Acutane for seven months and then four three > months the second time.* > *Then the allergy doctors could not figure out what was causing the skin > rashes said he had never seen anything like it so I was given cortisone > shots.* > * * > *I have had to sell my home. I have lost about all I have and am about to > have to close my business. I have no idea what to do.* > *Are there any class action law suits or disability support or anything?* > * * > * * > Tuscaloosa, Al > ** > *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* > * Thank you so much for writing. I'm sorry for what you've been going thru. > > Do I understand that you have implants? If so please tell me more about them > too. > > I'm adding you to my support group on-line, and please visit: > > <> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* > ** > *Ileana,* > * * > *Sorry, I have been so confused with mixed emotions about thinking and > studying medicine for five years on hormones to finding out that I really > have two separate issues that I forgot to even mention I do have silicone > implants.* > * * > *I had saline by Silmed put in first, March of 2002, a month later they had > to take the right one out, scrape out the calcification and put the implant > back in. Within months they were as hard as rocks. So in May of 2003 I had > them taken out and the Doctor said he was one of a hand full of Doctors in > the country who was doing a case study on the new silicone implants by > Mentor and that they were safe and that they would not encapsulate as the > saline did. He did not do as I asked and he put them under my skin not > submuscular so seven days later I had them taken out and put under my > muscle. The Doctor was pissed, did a bad rush job and I had a lot of fluid > to be drained Also having put them under the skin the time before it > stretched the skin and made it sag therefore the nipple was at the bottom of > the implant. Exhausted from it all I could not keep driving eight hours to > see the Doctor so he referred me to a friend of his in Birmingham to monitor > my recovery and the fluid. The Doctor in Birmingham said they were never > quite right. The Doctor who did the surgery tried to say I was no longer his > patient but this other Doctors. I told him no all the other Doctor did was > monitor and report back to him. * > *Then I started to become very ill. Which I put on my Mom having breast > cancer and my daddy passing away. But I knew my body from training all those > years so I continued to research and seek answers and help. I thought it was > all a hormonal imbalance of the body and it was frightening because it was > my brain it was affecting. Nothing was working correctly and I went to one > specialist after another and nothing has worked. Side effects you could not > imagine. I aged ten years in one year. * > *The Doctor who put the implants in I called because I was never given any > information on the implants, serial numbers or warranty. That was two years > ago and I never got a response. The nurse said it was a study so there was > no warranty. I asked her if it was a research study then should I not have > been monitored, informed, followed up on and she told me it was my > responsibility to follow up. I asked her since when did I become the Doctor? > I was not doing the research study they where. I was also not informed of > such matters.* > *This weekend a doctor friend of mine went over my blood work but the first > thing he asked was do you have any silicone in your body? When I said yes he > told me to get on the Internet and read the poison and toxins I was putting > in my body. * > *It was frightening because I have had almost every symptom they mentioned. > I have been in bed for almost three years of my life gone. * > *I called the Doctor who put the implants in and he was out of town but his > nurse gave me the serial numbers and said she would send me the info on the > warranty and everything. I looked up Mentor and they say the warranty is > life time but it started in * > *2005. I asked when their silicone implants where FDA approved and I was put > on hold to be disconnected.* > *Will a blood test show the silicone poison in the blood? Do you have to do > other tests to find out? If this is what is killing me once removed will I > return to normal state I was before? Or has the silicone toxicity damaged my > organs for good?* > * * > *Thank You* > * M* > ** > *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* > ** > *Oh ... you are definitely not alone in what hell you've been > through!* > ** > *Would you like me to share your requests with our online support group?* > ** > *Genle hugs from Ilena* > ** <> > > *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* > > > *That would be great. Any help or support would be answers to a lot of my > prayers. For years I have isolated and felt I was crazy and all alone. I had > no idea what was causing any of thus.* > *Thank You * > * M* > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted September 27, 2006 Report Share Posted September 27, 2006 The rashes you have are classic, at least for silicone implants. I had them, and many women I have talked to had them. I can tell you they went away when I had my implants removed. Of course, I am not a medical doctor and even if I were, I could not tell you what they are without seeing you. But I do know my experience, and that of many other women. I'm so glad you wrote Ilena, and are here. > > *Dearest Group,* > ** > *Please welcome ... here is a series of messages we have written > back and forth so far ... any support you can offer would be so appreciated. > * > ** > *Ilena* > ** > *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* > * * > *Gallery@...* <Gallery@...>* * > ** > *ilena2000@...* <ilena2000@...>* * > *Subject: * > *I need help * > ** > *Ms. Rosenthal,* > * * > *I would like to join your support group. I have been quite ill for the last > three years and have just thought it was my body out of balance with my > hormones. I have read and researched every book and article I could find on > hormones. * > *I have gone to every specialist I could find all over the country. No one > can balance my hormones and most would give up after three visits and > suggest me seeing a psychiatrist for depression or Bipolar. I went that > route as well. Nothing helped. The strange thing is it was all affecting my > brain, my ability to concentrate, work, I could not get out of bed, I was > always tired. This was stagna for me because I have trained with weights for > twelve years with a trainer three day a week and on my own the other four > days. I also ride horses and would train my horse four days a week and show > him jumper. I also have owned my own my own business for twenty-two years > which is retail and manufacturing. I have always been hyper and full of > energy. * > * * > *Now I can barely get up out of bed. My joints and muscles hurt so bad that > I cannot move. The hardest part has been no support from family or friends. > They all just think I am lazy and don't care or that it was just menopause > and that I was over reacting. Which in it's self is infuriating because > every body is different and the hormones are controlled by the brain so if > the neurotransmitters are not connecting with the receptors your body will > not work any way? * > * * > *I have had sever acne, rashes that the Doctors could not even figure out. > They gave me strong doses of Acutane for seven months and then four three > months the second time.* > *Then the allergy doctors could not figure out what was causing the skin > rashes said he had never seen anything like it so I was given cortisone > shots.* > * * > *I have had to sell my home. I have lost about all I have and am about to > have to close my business. I have no idea what to do.* > *Are there any class action law suits or disability support or anything?* > * * > * * > Tuscaloosa, Al > ** > *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* > * Thank you so much for writing. I'm sorry for what you've been going thru. > > Do I understand that you have implants? If so please tell me more about them > too. > > I'm adding you to my support group on-line, and please visit: > > <> > > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* > ** > *Ileana,* > * * > *Sorry, I have been so confused with mixed emotions about thinking and > studying medicine for five years on hormones to finding out that I really > have two separate issues that I forgot to even mention I do have silicone > implants.* > * * > *I had saline by Silmed put in first, March of 2002, a month later they had > to take the right one out, scrape out the calcification and put the implant > back in. Within months they were as hard as rocks. So in May of 2003 I had > them taken out and the Doctor said he was one of a hand full of Doctors in > the country who was doing a case study on the new silicone implants by > Mentor and that they were safe and that they would not encapsulate as the > saline did. He did not do as I asked and he put them under my skin not > submuscular so seven days later I had them taken out and put under my > muscle. The Doctor was pissed, did a bad rush job and I had a lot of fluid > to be drained Also having put them under the skin the time before it > stretched the skin and made it sag therefore the nipple was at the bottom of > the implant. Exhausted from it all I could not keep driving eight hours to > see the Doctor so he referred me to a friend of his in Birmingham to monitor > my recovery and the fluid. The Doctor in Birmingham said they were never > quite right. The Doctor who did the surgery tried to say I was no longer his > patient but this other Doctors. I told him no all the other Doctor did was > monitor and report back to him. * > *Then I started to become very ill. Which I put on my Mom having breast > cancer and my daddy passing away. But I knew my body from training all those > years so I continued to research and seek answers and help. I thought it was > all a hormonal imbalance of the body and it was frightening because it was > my brain it was affecting. Nothing was working correctly and I went to one > specialist after another and nothing has worked. Side effects you could not > imagine. I aged ten years in one year. * > *The Doctor who put the implants in I called because I was never given any > information on the implants, serial numbers or warranty. That was two years > ago and I never got a response. The nurse said it was a study so there was > no warranty. I asked her if it was a research study then should I not have > been monitored, informed, followed up on and she told me it was my > responsibility to follow up. I asked her since when did I become the Doctor? > I was not doing the research study they where. I was also not informed of > such matters.* > *This weekend a doctor friend of mine went over my blood work but the first > thing he asked was do you have any silicone in your body? When I said yes he > told me to get on the Internet and read the poison and toxins I was putting > in my body. * > *It was frightening because I have had almost every symptom they mentioned. > I have been in bed for almost three years of my life gone. * > *I called the Doctor who put the implants in and he was out of town but his > nurse gave me the serial numbers and said she would send me the info on the > warranty and everything. I looked up Mentor and they say the warranty is > life time but it started in * > *2005. I asked when their silicone implants where FDA approved and I was put > on hold to be disconnected.* > *Will a blood test show the silicone poison in the blood? Do you have to do > other tests to find out? If this is what is killing me once removed will I > return to normal state I was before? Or has the silicone toxicity damaged my > organs for good?* > * * > *Thank You* > * M* > ** > *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* > ** > *Oh ... you are definitely not alone in what hell you've been > through!* > ** > *Would you like me to share your requests with our online support group?* > ** > *Genle hugs from Ilena* > ** <> > > *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~* > > > *That would be great. Any help or support would be answers to a lot of my > prayers. For years I have isolated and felt I was crazy and all alone. I had > no idea what was causing any of thus.* > *Thank You * > * M* > Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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