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Re: New to forum - upcoming explant

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Joni, I not only saw mine, but had them at my house for years, in

containers from the hospital where the explantation occurred! They were

plug ugly suckers, let me tell you! I'm a nurse, and nothing bothers me

normally, but I could hardly look at what had been inside me! In fact,

I never really did give them a careful visual going over. It made me

feel, not nauseated, but 'sick' inside. It was fear, I'm sure. I was

looking at what was killing me! I had them in for 25 years!

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The thought of keeping my implants gives me the creeps. However, in some ways I

wish I

had had them sent to me after identification.


> Joni, I not only saw mine, but had them at my house for years, in

> containers from the hospital where the explantation occurred! They were

> plug ugly suckers, let me tell you! I'm a nurse, and nothing bothers me

> normally, but I could hardly look at what had been inside me! In fact,

> I never really did give them a careful visual going over. It made me

> feel, not nauseated, but 'sick' inside. It was fear, I'm sure. I was

> looking at what was killing me! I had them in for 25 years!



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Good girl! Not too much longer. You'll be so glad you did this.

I had Mentors too, it's been ten months since explant and I'm still healing. I'm certainly better than I was. You WILL get better, believe me. You will have to be patient and put some effort into it but you will. Keeping the implants will just make you sicker and sicker. You've had them such a short time, you'll probably bounce back quicker than most.

Don't blame yourself. You were conned, like everyone else here. No way would any of us have gotten these things if we knew they were poisonous. We all heard the same lies. I remember my PS saying right to my face, when I asked about the safety of silicone, "All of the research has shown that there are no health problems associated with silicone implants." I believed it. I wanted to believe it.

I remember my PS's assistant taking off her shirt to show me her implants and how nice they were. Well, guess what? She is no longer working for him now because she got sick! They told me she had "MS--" in other words, implant-related illness! I honestly hope she is okay, but she was part of the problem too.

When I went in to my former PS to tell him I was sick from the implants, the staff would hardly look at me. They refused to update my records for the Mentor study. They just did not want to be around someone like me, it was like I was bad luck or something, like I would jinx them! I was so angry. I was so sick I could hardly do anything and they had no compassion. It is a sick industry.

It's great that you figured out what is making you sick and can have a second chance at getting your health back.You're young, you'll get better and have a happy, healthy life.


New to forum - upcoming explant

Hello, I've had Mentor Saline implants for 6 months now. I started with hair loss almost immediately after implant and started to develop many other symptoms including joint/muscle pain, fatigue, digestive problems, brain fog, and on and on. The hair loss has been pretty extreme with no help from rogaine use and now cori-steroid foam. I saw silica being mentioned here for hailoss, and I actually think it made mine worse. I've had numerouse blood tests - all normal, and seen my pcp, dermatologists, and now rhuematoid doc every couple of weeks. My implant surgeon has the "saline implants can't be making you sick their completely safe" pitch. Anyhow, I am scheduled for explant on October 23 w/ Dr. Huang (not the implant doc). I hope she gets both complete capsules out. I'm so scared I may not get better. I know it will take time and detox efforts. This whole experience has been so humbling. Its hard not blaming myself for being so stupid for getting the implants. Anyone else have surgery w/Dr.Huang in Denver recently? Her nurse mentioned she sometimes lets the fluid drain before removing them en bloc. I was hoping to actually see the darn things that are probably making me so sick. I'm so glad I found you all and have lurked around for months, which helped me make the decision to explant so soon.God bless all of you!Joni (age 28, Denver)

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> >

> > >

, I hope you feel better soon. I was wondering if you could share

with me what kind of symptoms you've had I the last few years? I am

trying to find some comparison between myself and others

Thank you, I wish you a quick recovery


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Bindi - LOVE your idea. Yes we could make a giant 'art object' of

thousands of implants to reflect the MANY female lives disrupted by

these things.


> The thought of keeping my implants gives me the creeps.

However, in some ways I wish I

> had had them sent to me after identification.


> --- In , Crocker <dwcrn@>


> >

> > Joni, I not only saw mine, but had them at my house for

years, in

> > containers from the hospital where the explantation occurred!

They were

> > plug ugly suckers, let me tell you! I'm a nurse, and nothing

bothers me

> > normally, but I could hardly look at what had been inside me!

In fact,

> > I never really did give them a careful visual going over. It

made me

> > feel, not nauseated, but 'sick' inside. It was fear, I'm

sure. I was

> > looking at what was killing me! I had them in for 25 years!

> >

> >







> --------------------------------------------------------------------


> Get your own web address for just $1.99/1st yr. We'll help.

Small Business.


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Have them all delivered to.....Can you guess ?

Maybe a newspaper would take a picture of thier fine beauty

for all to see, as each one holds a horrifying story that needs to be

shared loud and clear so we can stop this madness and greed

Well I better stop there.....


Imagine smelling those fumes....gross/yic


Hmmm...that's really a good idea! We should have a building where you can mail your implants, and then every year, we could have a big "burning" or however we'd dispose of them-it could be a big to do, like a party that is done every year! We'd have the list of names of implants we were getting rid of....How fun! lol

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hang in there girlfriend I know it seems hard and it is not fun, but

I believe you can only get better by removing those toxic bags, I for

one felt much better, my brain fog all but disappeared after explant,

it took a few months but I had my full memory back, I just had

surgery yesterday to remove residual capsule that the explanting

surgeon left behind, and their was blu nodules in there. Most of us

here have gotten better with a change in lifestyle, mainly what we

eat and drink. I hope we can be helpful to you,

You are not alone,

Terri P


-- In , " jsandoval819 "

<sandoval.joni@...> wrote:


> Hello,


> I've had Mentor Saline implants for 6 months now. I started with

> hair loss almost immediately after implant and started to develop

> many other symptoms including joint/muscle pain, fatigue, digestive

> problems, brain fog, and on and on. The hair loss has been pretty

> extreme with no help from rogaine use and now cori-steroid foam. I

> saw silica being mentioned here for hailoss, and I actually think


> made mine worse. I've had numerouse blood tests - all normal, and

> seen my pcp, dermatologists, and now rhuematoid doc every couple of

> weeks. My implant surgeon has the " saline implants can't be making

> you sick their completely safe " pitch. Anyhow, I am scheduled for

> explant on October 23 w/ Dr. Huang (not the implant doc). I hope

> she gets both complete capsules out. I'm so scared I may not get

> better. I know it will take time and detox efforts. This whole

> experience has been so humbling. Its hard not blaming myself for

> being so stupid for getting the implants. Anyone else have surgery

> w/Dr.Huang in Denver recently? Her nurse mentioned she sometimes

> lets the fluid drain before removing them en bloc. I was hoping to

> actually see the darn things that are probably making me so sick.

> I'm so glad I found you all and have lurked around for months,


> helped me make the decision to explant so soon.


> God bless all of you!


> Joni (age 28, Denver)


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I've heard others recommend Dr. Huang, I think Lynda may have used

her or knows of people who have.

I had Inamed Saline implants (which I think are the same company as

Mentor, if I'm not mistaken), and I also had mine for six months

when I had them removed. I got sick right away as well, and I had

the same symptoms as you except I did not lose any hair. It was

quite a devastating and humbling experience for me, and I am

thankful to have the implants out of my body. I had headaches all

every day, brain fog, sore swollen joints, digestive problems,

muscle aches, my fingers and toes were numb, too, and I suddenly had

high blood pressure when I was normally low. The veins in my

fingers bulged all the time, and my fingers looked blue. I even had

a vein that swelled up and burst in my finger. It's almost a year

since explant and I'm definitely improved from how I was a year ago,

and I knew it would take me longer to get better than it did to get

sick, but it was so obvious that my body wasn't tolerating the

implants. I knew I had no chance of getting better if I left the

implants in, and I knew I'd continue to get worse.

Best wishes to you, and I'm glad you found us.



> Hello,


> I've had Mentor Saline implants for 6 months now. I started with

> hair loss almost immediately after implant and started to develop

> many other symptoms including joint/muscle pain, fatigue,


> problems, brain fog, and on and on. The hair loss has been pretty

> extreme with no help from rogaine use and now cori-steroid foam.


> saw silica being mentioned here for hailoss, and I actually think


> made mine worse. I've had numerouse blood tests - all normal, and

> seen my pcp, dermatologists, and now rhuematoid doc every couple


> weeks. My implant surgeon has the " saline implants can't be


> you sick their completely safe " pitch. Anyhow, I am scheduled


> explant on October 23 w/ Dr. Huang (not the implant doc). I hope

> she gets both complete capsules out. I'm so scared I may not get

> better. I know it will take time and detox efforts. This whole

> experience has been so humbling. Its hard not blaming myself for

> being so stupid for getting the implants. Anyone else have


> w/Dr.Huang in Denver recently? Her nurse mentioned she sometimes

> lets the fluid drain before removing them en bloc. I was hoping


> actually see the darn things that are probably making me so sick.

> I'm so glad I found you all and have lurked around for months,


> helped me make the decision to explant so soon.


> God bless all of you!


> Joni (age 28, Denver)


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Hi Joni, Thanks so much for coming forward and introducing yourself. I wish you didn't have to be here, but that's why the group was started....we know that there are many, many sick women out there, and they need help from other women who have already walked down this road. You got sick right away, didn't you? Some women take years, some only a few weeks or months. It is so unpredictable. The only thing that is really predictable is that once you get sick, you are just plain miserable and without much hope. You've probably learned alot by now if you've been lurking for some time, and I am glad to hear you have explant scheduled with Dr. Huang, who is a very good plastic surgeon and who understands our need for proper removal. October 23rd will be here before you know it. You can begin to heal! Please don't be too impatient to

get better. It may take awhile even if you have only had the implants for a few months. I had mine for a total of 9 months, yet it took me over 4 years to get better. I am not saying it will be the same for you...just saying don't be impatient. Let your body return to a better state of health as it knows how. If Dr. Huang is going to drain the implants before removing, them, ask her to hold onto the fluid in a sterile container so that you can have the saline tested for organisms if possible. Just don't let her drain that stuff if you want to have it tested..once it's gone, it's gone. Testing can help you determine what kind of problems you are dealing with (such as if it is fungal or bacterial in nature.) You wouldn't want to treat a fungal issue with antibiotics and risk making it worse! Keep us updated, okay? Patty jsandoval819

<sandoval.joni@...> wrote: Hello, I've had Mentor Saline implants for 6 months now. I started with hair loss almost immediately after implant and started to develop many other symptoms including joint/muscle pain, fatigue, digestive problems, brain fog, and on and on. The hair loss has been pretty extreme with no help from rogaine use and now cori-steroid foam. I saw silica being mentioned here for hailoss, and I actually think it made mine worse. I've had numerouse blood tests - all normal, and

seen my pcp, dermatologists, and now rhuematoid doc every couple of weeks. My implant surgeon has the "saline implants can't be making you sick their completely safe" pitch. Anyhow, I am scheduled for explant on October 23 w/ Dr. Huang (not the implant doc). I hope she gets both complete capsules out. I'm so scared I may not get better. I know it will take time and detox efforts. This whole experience has been so humbling. Its hard not blaming myself for being so stupid for getting the implants. Anyone else have surgery w/Dr.Huang in Denver recently? Her nurse mentioned she sometimes lets the fluid drain before removing them en bloc. I was hoping to actually see the darn things that are probably making me so sick. I'm so glad I found you all and have lurked around for months, which helped me make the decision to explant so soon.God bless all of you!Joni (age 28, Denver)

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