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to shelby

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Your " two cents worth " is worth a million dollars! Thanks Debbie OH

> >

> > > Hello ALL I am a new menber Shelby 29 North Carolina

> > no kids and divorced. I have AIH and was dx in

> > October. I am on 20 mg Predinsone and 50 mg Imuran and

> > various other meds. I am having a hard time accepting

> > this disease. Any one with some helpfull hints to

> > accept this?? Thanks much and I have enjoyed all the

> > postings.

> >

> > Shelby

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >

> >

> > __________________________________________________

> >

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Thank you all for the great information. It is really

helping me come to terms with this dx. I saw the

gastro dr today and the liver levels are all normal.

But he wont take me off predinose yet...he wants to

make sure they stay there. But I am working on

getting Dr Palmers book..it is not in our book stores

locally. I am really glad that Jerry can make jokes..I

need a good laugh. Thank you alll and keep me posted

on what is going on with you guys.



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Shelby, re Dr. Palmer's book -- you can get it easily from Amazon, on-line. I can't remember how much shipping charges are, but not a great deal.


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  • 5 years later...

hi shelby, i may have been the girl in the mtv show you watched, my name is diana, they did a show on my story. it was an aweful thing to go through, you are lucky that you found this group. i had my implants removed a couple years ago and it just keeps getting better!!!! my health has improved so much! when i had my implants i was sick all the time, no period fro two years!!!! swollen glands, weak, no energy, flu like symptoms everyday, chills nausea....it was so gross, i just wanted to die! but now iam back to my old active self, going to the gym, running, and happy to be free from the toxic crap i allowed to have put in my body, THINKING IT I WOULD MAKE ME FEEL BETTER ABOUT MY SELF????? i feel way better now than i ever have! i do feel it was a blessing to go through something like that, i have helped so many others make an informed desision. diana if you have any questions scissorstar@...


From: "fuzzheadferret" <tanflgirl@...>Reply- Subject: *new to the group* Looking for a Surgeon for ExplantDate: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 08:59:13 -0000>Hi>My name is Shelby and I have had saline implants since March 1995 ->I was 21 - thin, energetic and happy...I have been going downhill>ever since. The migraines and the neck and shoulder pain started>about 3-4 months after I got my implants, then the fatigue hit me>around 6 months after. I had a period where I couldn't work at all,>but I am back at work now, although I miss at least one day a week.>My head hurts, my joints ache and I feel like crying most of the>time. I catch EVERY cold that comes around and they usually turn>into a sinus infection, bronchitis or even pneumonia. It seems I am>ALWAYS sick.>>It never occurred to me that it was possibly my implants causing all>of this until about a week ago - I was up late one night ( a lot>like tonight - did I mention the insomnia?) watching a show on MTV>about breast implants and they featured a woman who was sick from>her implants - I immediately started researching online and had>my "a-ha moment" of horror...>I have had one consultation so far (he wasn't a winner) and have>another one scheduled in 2 weeks.>>I am scared to have them removed after 11 years, but see no>alternative if I could possibly become healthy again - or at least>HEALTHIER than I am. I am miserable. And I am miserable to be>around. I honestly cannot stand who I have become... I am happiest>in bed on my heating pad - and being left alone. Sad, huh?>>Thank you for reading this. I look forward to getting to know all of>you through this journey - I am so sorry that we are brought>together by this horrible thing we have in common...>>Big hugs,>>Shelby>>>>>>>Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care professional before commencing any medical treatment.>>"Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world." - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)>>See our photos website! Enter "implants" for access at this link:>http://.shutterfly.com/action/>>

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Shelby, Welcome! Trust me when I say you are making the right decision about removing these horrible things! I had mine for 16 years, and had them removed day before yesterday....what a relief! I'm hoping for a full recovery soon! If at all possible-go with Dr. Melmed in Dallas Texas.....I had to drive from Tennessee to use him, but he was well worth it...very cheap, professional, and quick! Good luck!diana dickieson <scissorstar@...> wrote: hi shelby, i may have been the girl in the mtv show you watched, my name is diana, they did a show on my story. it was an aweful thing to go through, you are lucky that you found this group. i had my implants removed a couple years ago and it just keeps getting better!!!! my health has improved so much! when i had my implants i was sick all the time, no period fro two years!!!! swollen glands, weak, no energy, flu like symptoms everyday, chills nausea....it was so gross, i just wanted to die! but now iam back to my old active self, going to the gym, running, and happy to be free from the toxic crap i allowed to have put in my body, THINKING IT I WOULD MAKE ME FEEL BETTER ABOUT MY SELF????? i feel way better now than i ever have! i do feel it was a blessing to go through something like that, i have helped so many others make an informed desision. diana if you have any questions scissorstarhotmail DIANA D From: "fuzzheadferret" <tanflgirlaol>Reply- Subject: *new to the group* Looking for a Surgeon for ExplantDate: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 08:59:13 -0000>Hi>My name is Shelby and I have had saline implants since March 1995 ->I was 21 - thin, energetic and happy...I have been going

downhill>ever since. The migraines and the neck and shoulder pain started>about 3-4 months after I got my implants, then the fatigue hit me>around 6 months after. I had a period where I couldn't work at all,>but I am back at work now, although I miss at least one day a week.>My head hurts, my joints ache and I feel like crying most of the>time. I catch EVERY cold that comes around and they usually turn>into a sinus infection, bronchitis or even pneumonia. It seems I am>ALWAYS sick.>>It never occurred to me that it was possibly my implants causing all>of this until about a week ago - I was up late one night ( a lot>like tonight - did I mention the insomnia?) watching a show on MTV>about breast implants and they featured a woman who was sick from>her implants - I immediately started researching online and had>my "a-ha moment" of horror...>I have had one

consultation so far (he wasn't a winner) and have>another one scheduled in 2 weeks.>>I am scared to have them removed after 11 years, but see no>alternative if I could possibly become healthy again - or at least>HEALTHIER than I am. I am miserable. And I am miserable to be>around. I honestly cannot stand who I have become... I am happiest>in bed on my heating pad - and being left alone. Sad, huh?>>Thank you for reading this. I look forward to getting to know all of>you through this journey - I am so sorry that we are brought>together by this horrible thing we have in common...>>Big hugs,>>Shelby>>>>>>>Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care professional before commencing any medical

treatment.>>"Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world." - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)>>See our photos website! Enter "implants" for access at this link:>http://.shutterfly.com/action/>>

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Dear , It is always so nice to see you popping in here to let us know you are still on the group, and I am thrilled to hear that you are feeling great and doing better all the time! I am so happy you continue to spread the word, too. Thank you so much for all the sharing you do and especially for stepping up to the plate to do the MTV show. That was awesome! Sounds like you are very active....which is wonderful! Stay in touch! Hugs, Pattydiana dickieson <scissorstar@...> wrote: hi shelby, i may have been the girl in the mtv show you watched, my name is diana, they did a show on my story. it was an aweful thing to go through, you are lucky that you found this group. i had my implants removed a couple years ago and it just keeps getting better!!!! my health has improved so much! when i had my implants i was sick all the time, no period fro two years!!!! swollen glands, weak, no energy, flu like symptoms everyday, chills nausea....it was so gross, i just wanted to die! but now iam back to my old active self, going to the gym, running, and happy to be free from the toxic crap i allowed to have put in my body, THINKING IT I WOULD MAKE ME FEEL BETTER ABOUT MY SELF????? i feel way better now than i ever have! i do feel it was a blessing to go through something like that, i have helped so many

others make an informed desision. diana if you have any questions scissorstarhotmail DIANA D From: "fuzzheadferret" <tanflgirlaol>Reply- Subject: *new to the group* Looking for a Surgeon for ExplantDate: Thu, 28 Sep 2006 08:59:13 -0000>Hi>My name is Shelby and I have had saline implants since March 1995 ->I was 21 - thin,

energetic and happy...I have been going downhill>ever since. The migraines and the neck and shoulder pain started>about 3-4 months after I got my implants, then the fatigue hit me>around 6 months after. I had a period where I couldn't work at all,>but I am back at work now, although I miss at least one day a week.>My head hurts, my joints ache and I feel like crying most of the>time. I catch EVERY cold that comes around and they usually turn>into a sinus infection, bronchitis or even pneumonia. It seems I am>ALWAYS sick.>>It never occurred to me that it was possibly my implants causing all>of this until about a week ago - I was up late one night ( a lot>like tonight - did I mention the insomnia?) watching a show on MTV>about breast implants and they featured a woman who was sick from>her implants - I immediately started researching online and had>my "a-ha moment" of

horror...>I have had one consultation so far (he wasn't a winner) and have>another one scheduled in 2 weeks.>>I am scared to have them removed after 11 years, but see no>alternative if I could possibly become healthy again - or at least>HEALTHIER than I am. I am miserable. And I am miserable to be>around. I honestly cannot stand who I have become... I am happiest>in bed on my heating pad - and being left alone. Sad, huh?>>Thank you for reading this. I look forward to getting to know all of>you through this journey - I am so sorry that we are brought>together by this horrible thing we have in common...>>Big hugs,>>Shelby>>>>>>>Opinions expressed are NOT meant to take the place of advice given by licensed health care professionals. Consult your physician or licensed health care professional before commencing any

medical treatment.>>"Do not let either the medical authorities or the politicians mislead you. Find out what the facts are, and make your own decisions about how to live a happy life and how to work for a better world." - Linus ing, two-time Nobel Prize Winner (1954, Chemistry; 1963, Peace)>>See our photos website! Enter "implants" for access at this link:>http://.shutterfly.com/action/>>

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