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Terri, Something that the kids seem to have is systemic fungal/yeast problems . . . Try the spit test on them . . . Diet is extremely important . . . "The Maker's Diet" is a good guide . . No processed foods, no junk, no sugar, refined grains, etc. The kids often have degenerative problems with their bones and joints . . . especially the knees. They should avoid contact/impact sports. Cognitive, digestive, skin, allergies are some of the other problems. . .Even deformed limbs. For those of you who don't know, I started 's SiliconeKids last year. It's a very quiet group . . . It's hard for the mothers to discuss their kids problems online. The problems are much more serious than they post. The horrific aspect is the guilt the mothers feel - Even though women are STILL being told it's safe to carry and nurse children with

implants by the FDA and the medical professions. . . It's not just sad, it's criminal! Everyone with affected children need to contact the FDA as well as their congressmen/women! . . . And they need to file MedWatch reports! . . . However, I don't think that even 1% of the mothers have made the connection between their implants and the kids problems. I'm excited about the ionic foot baths and detox foot pads . . . I think these may help get the toxins out of the kids bodies. . . Let's keep praying that something will be done to stop this - and soon! Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Thank you so much Rogene,

If you haven't done so already, it may be helpful to create a file in

your files section with some practical things parents can do to help

their kids. Pretty much what you list here for me with elaboration,

especially if the parents contribute their ideas.

This is all important information for everyone involved with

implants. It's a horrible, horrible tragedy that the kids have to

suffer, but criminal beyond belief that the medical profession has

gotten away with damaging human beings with no accountability for

their deception and failure to acknowledge what is happening.

So sad! Thank you for taking on this huge burden. I wish more

parents would be more forthcoming....staying silent will only allow

these atrocities to continue.



> Patty,


> Basically, I cover all the symptoms/conditions, as well as what

we've seen working in the introductory paragraph. Nobody has studied

the sick kids. All I can do is report what appears to be working.


> Other than Sue Gibben's osteopath being able to help her son, I

don't know of any medical treatments that are successful. At one

time, she said that FAR infrared was helping some.


> I feel that many parents won't go any further, so I tried to put as

much there as possible.


> Basically the diet is sugar-free, refined grains - preferably no

gluten - no processed foods. . as organic as possible. As far as I

know, Sue Gibbens, 's, 's, Shari's and Kerry's kids are

all following this type of diet - possibly eating gluten though. The

same with some other mothers who don't want their information shared.

As I see it, a very healthy diet and environment, allows their little

immune systems to deal with the issues they were born with. . . The

question is if these kids will experience muscle and joint pain as

they get older. . . We won't know until we've seen how these kids do

when they get older . . . or if someone has intuitively been

following a program like this without understanding why.


> Lana's son's improved dramatically when she removed silicone

dioxide and other silicone-related products from their

environment . . . She hasn't posted in a long time. I'm concerned

about her health. She didn't want to give up her implants.


> One woman told me her son had overcome all his problems because she

discovered this early on . . . but he was only about 20 the last time

I heard from her. According to her, he was doing very well at the

time. She wouldn't share with anyone though.


> The symptoms appear to be worse with each successive birth . . . to

be expected if implants are the cause. The most severe cases can

involve deformed extremities and sex organs, extreme cognitive

issues, plus digestive and skin disorders. Something remarkable on

the good side though . . . The kids appear to be exceptionally smart!


> is our environmental expert. She's done a lot of research

to find safe household products that she's shares with this group



> We've had some adult children post - usually only once. They've

learned that they were exposed to silicone and want to find some

answers to their health problems. . .


> What really scares me is one post that mentioned third-generation

problems. .. M says she's heard about this before . . . How

many doctors would ask about a child's grand mother's implants? The

more I learn, the more I fear that implants may cause a genetic

change that can dog a family for generations!


> When I met someone who either knows, or has children with symptoms,

I try my best to impress on them the necessity for a very healthy

diet . . . I don't know if they hear me or not . . . I suspect they

go through a period of denial before they start addressing the issues.


> I've only recently learned that many of the children are exhibiting

Autistic-like behaviors. Whether or not, this is true Autism, I have

no idea! . . . They could easily get labeled as Autistic though.


> Every Congressman/woman has been told. . . The FDA knows! -

Hundreds ofMedWatch reports describe the children's plight . . .

Themanufacturer's know! . . SOME doctors know . . . For some

unfathomablereason, the FDA prefers to favor the manufacturer's and

plasticsurgeon's over the welfare of innocent children.


> It's all very, very sad. I doubt even 1/2 of 1% of the parents are

making the connection!


> Love,


> Rogene










> Re: I'm new


> Rogene,

> I haven't checked the Silicone Kids group lately, but do you have a

> list of these symptoms/conditions that the children are showing up

> with, the time frames you allude to below, or progressions, the

> correct dietary measures to take, and other practical info like


> anywhere?


> I'm just wanting to look over some of your info without having to

> read every post. Is that info available?

> I'm curious to know what these parents are dealing with so I can

> better help the women I talk to.

> Patty


> --- In , saxony01 <saxony01@ .>


> >

> > Ali,

> >

> > I hope your kids don't have any further problems . . . I don't


> to sound hard . . . but I want to be straight with you for the sake

> of your kids.

> >

> > Talk with Sue Gibbens in this group. I don't think her kids had

> problems until later . . . joint/bone pain.

> >

> > If you'll keep sugar, refined grains (possibly gluten) and

> processed foods out of their diet completely, they will likely do

> fine. . .

> >

> > At least I haven't seen any kids with lasting problems who have

> been on really good diets. . . But we don't have any science, and

> very little history.

> >

> > After a woman has had her implants six years, or if he's

> symptomatic, I can tell her about her children's problems without

> ever seeing the child. . . Reflux is a relatively minor problem,

> compared to some!

> >

> > Still, guard those kids health like you would life itself! They

> have refused to test the sick offspring of implanted women . . .


> though there are hundreds of MedWatch reports on file with the

> FDA. . . But there are hundreds of thousands of reports about the

> women's issues on file and they haven't done anything, so, What's


> >

> > Hugs and prayers,

> >

> > Rogene

> >





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Thanks Patty,I'll think about this . . . I do need to do some work on it. . . If Nina's survey gets results, it could get really busy. . . Getting them past the first page is hard though because we really don't have much detailed information. Michele probably has collected more information that anyone regarding home environmental issues. If you have any ideas, please let me know.I feel like I'm coming alive again . . . the meds for reflux and thyroid are making a huge difference. I'm still getting crushing headaches from Coumadin, so I'm adding all the stuff they don't want you taking with Coumadin (because you might cause a bleed). Hopefully by the time I get in the target range, I

can cut Coumadin down, or eliminate it completely. In the meantime, I have to increase the dose a bit though . . . Last night the headache started before bedtime - but I'm OK this morning.The only thing I'm noticing from my ear is a rush of bad taste and a bit of dizziness when I turn around quickly too often - as in square dancing. That should get better as the rest of the swelling goes away. . . It's still early.How's the travel business going?Love,Rogene

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Hi all havent posted in some time.But im doing great!! it has been 2

years and 3 months since ive gotten my implants out. I know

everybody does different things with there healing and detoxing.

One thing i did was trust God will guide me in my healing then trust

myself. Also speaking positive words over me and my life made the

biggest differents.I had to believe i was healed in my mind and what

i said.

That was hard at first but when i told myself i feel great full of

energy it changed how i felt how i looked at my day.I also said this

chemical will not affect me.Im healed and whole.

I dont say im chemical sensitive anymore if someone has chemicals at

there house or someplace i just say i choose not to be around

that .I have to say i can still smell everything but i have no

brainfog. I love i can smell everything good or bad for me.

In my detox and healing i did it all myself .

I felt i knew myself better then any doctor. I did go to a doctor a

couple time before surgery and then a couple times after.She was a

alternative doctor.

The best doctor ive ever found she help me see things .She told me i

can heal myself what i think can affect my healing, praying,trusting

god,organic foods,herbs and supplements .It is all mind ,body and

spirit.If im negative it can affect the way my body will heal.Foods

can heal your body to.She really taught me alot.She educated me on

how doctor can be greedy and surgeon to.I couldnt believe she would

tell me things but it helped me.

BUt we need to educate or self to.I feel we need to trust are

self.She said to me if something doesnt feel right dont do it.I told

her i dont want to ever take antibiotics tell me naturally what to

do.She would or say what i was doing myself was working great.

I feel we put all are trust in doctor and not are selfs.We should

ask question about medication we need to speak up and find out the

side effects . Doctor seem to be making us sicker then we are or we

dont heal faster.

Convetional doctor and some nauropath.I wish it wasnt all about the

money.There are some great doctors out there.LIke Dr kolb She is a

blessing and the other doctor i saw here. If something feel wrong in

are gut we should find another doctor.What happen to do no harm and

not give us a million drugs and a million test just to make money.

But one thing ive learned on my journey is are gut has a immune

system 80% of are gut has a immune system so to get well we need to

heal are stomach (gut)first.Not keep treating a symptoms but healing

the gut. If you keep cover a symptom with a drug you cant get

better . You have to heal it and get the bad stuff out with


I felt probiotics garden of life the powder one helps me and if

your taking any type of medication (drugs)(the medication take the

good bacteria out of your gut) YOu need to build up the good bacteria

Garden of life came out with a new ultra probiotics and has no

silicon dioxide in it.

raw apple cider vinegar



digestive enyzme

perfect food

cod liver oil (carlson brand kits love it)no fish taste like others

I know how frustrating it can be thats the fda put things

(drugs,implants chemicals) in are environment that harms us everyday

and dont bat a eye .So what i said i need to let this anger go.BUt

what can i do to help me and others.So i feel i can talk about

implants ,drugs,foods ,chemicals and what they do to us.But i felt i

would never heal if i always got angry everytime i thought about

implants and what affect it has on us and are kids.So i wrote i

forgive everyone that has harmed me . I would say to myself you

reap what you sow.So they will reap what they have sown.But i never

wish harm on them i just pray God will show them what there doing.

I know some people are going are you crazy.

NO I just know i will not let them harm me anymore. Anger does more

harm to me.Not them.Yes we can do things to change what is happening

and save are next generation.

One thing ive learned if we keep buying there drugs and there

chemicals for are houses then they will keep making them. So i have

a garden ,buy locally buy organic products and true natural

cleaning products and beauty products.That one step can change the

world and if more people did this are world could change.

NOw that ive babbled on and on.

rogene or patty is there anything i can do to help?I can tell you

what ive done for my girls and supplements ive

I would love to help kids or the woman any areas of toxins and if

they need help find naturopath doctor,holistic dentist or where to

organic products or natural product at a lower price.

..I have lots of research i would love to share if someone is trying

to find things and just cant or to sick.

One thing i wanted to share is when the woman have surgery or pain

arnica montana will take that swelling down fast and help with

pain .I love having it on had for the kids if they fall it will take

a bruise down fast i buy the cream and the pellets of homeopathy.

take care

God bless michele

Please email me directly if you have question.I miss alot of things

ask me on here.


> Patty,


> Basically, I cover all the symptoms/conditions, as well as what

we've seen working in the introductory paragraph. Nobody has studied

the sick kids. All I can do is report what appears to be working.


> Other than Sue Gibben's osteopath being able to help her son, I

don't know of any medical treatments that are successful. At one

time, she said that FAR infrared was helping some.


> I feel that many parents won't go any further, so I tried to put

as much there as possible.


> Basically the diet is sugar-free, refined grains - preferably no

gluten - no processed foods. . as organic as possible. As far as I

know, Sue Gibbens, 's, 's, Shari's and Kerry's kids are

all following this type of diet - possibly eating gluten though. The

same with some other mothers who don't want their information

shared. As I see it, a very healthy diet and environment, allows

their little immune systems to deal with the issues they were born

with. . . The question is if these kids will experience muscle and

joint pain as they get older. . . We won't know until we've seen how

these kids do when they get older . . . or if someone has

intuitively been following a program like this without understanding



> Lana's son's improved dramatically when she removed silicone

dioxide and other silicone-related products from their

environment . . . She hasn't posted in a long time. I'm concerned

about her health. She didn't want to give up her implants.


> One woman told me her son had overcome all his problems because

she discovered this early on . . . but he was only about 20 the last

time I heard from her. According to her, he was doing very well at

the time. She wouldn't share with anyone though.


> The symptoms appear to be worse with each successive birth . . .

to be expected if implants are the cause. The most severe cases can

involve deformed extremities and sex organs, extreme cognitive

issues, plus digestive and skin disorders. Something remarkable on

the good side though . . . The kids appear to be exceptionally smart!


> is our environmental expert. She's done a lot of research

to find safe household products that she's shares with this group



> We've had some adult children post - usually only once. They've

learned that they were exposed to silicone and want to find some

answers to their health problems. . .


> What really scares me is one post that mentioned third-generation

problems. .. M says she's heard about this before . . . How

many doctors would ask about a child's grand mother's implants? The

more I learn, the more I fear that implants may cause a genetic

change that can dog a family for generations!


> When I met someone who either knows, or has children with

symptoms, I try my best to impress on them the necessity for a very

healthy diet . . . I don't know if they hear me or not . . . I

suspect they go through a period of denial before they start

addressing the issues.


> I've only recently learned that many of the children are

exhibiting Autistic-like behaviors. Whether or not, this is true

Autism, I have no idea! . . . They could easily get labeled as

Autistic though.


> Every Congressman/woman has been told. . . The FDA knows! -

Hundreds ofMedWatch reports describe the children's plight . . .

Themanufacturer's know! . . SOME doctors know . . . For some

unfathomablereason, the FDA prefers to favor the manufacturer's and

plasticsurgeon's over the welfare of innocent children.


> It's all very, very sad. I doubt even 1/2 of 1% of the parents are

making the connection!


> Love,


> Rogene










> Re: I'm new


> Rogene,

> I haven't checked the Silicone Kids group lately, but do you have


> list of these symptoms/conditions that the children are showing up

> with, the time frames you allude to below, or progressions, the

> correct dietary measures to take, and other practical info like


> anywhere?


> I'm just wanting to look over some of your info without having to

> read every post. Is that info available?

> I'm curious to know what these parents are dealing with so I can

> better help the women I talk to.

> Patty


> --- In , saxony01 <saxony01@ .>


> >

> > Ali,

> >

> > I hope your kids don't have any further problems . . . I don't


> to sound hard . . . but I want to be straight with you for the


> of your kids.

> >

> > Talk with Sue Gibbens in this group. I don't think her kids had

> problems until later . . . joint/bone pain.

> >

> > If you'll keep sugar, refined grains (possibly gluten) and

> processed foods out of their diet completely, they will likely do

> fine. . .

> >

> > At least I haven't seen any kids with lasting problems who have

> been on really good diets. . . But we don't have any science, and

> very little history.

> >

> > After a woman has had her implants six years, or if he's

> symptomatic, I can tell her about her children's problems without

> ever seeing the child. . . Reflux is a relatively minor problem,

> compared to some!

> >

> > Still, guard those kids health like you would life itself! They

> have refused to test the sick offspring of implanted women . . .


> though there are hundreds of MedWatch reports on file with the

> FDA. . . But there are hundreds of thousands of reports about the

> women's issues on file and they haven't done anything, so, What's


> >

> > Hugs and prayers,

> >

> > Rogene

> >





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Guest guest

Thanks Michele! . . . It's always wonderful to hear one of our sisters has gotten her life back and is doing great.You really, truly have found the way through all this mess . . . I'd recommend everything you've mentioned! . . . Especially letting go of anger! . . . Anger is like acid . .. It eventually destroys the container holding it!I've started going through the SiliconeKids archives, picking up links, and adding them to the archived Links and Files. You've provided many of them! . .. If you think you have time to do so too, I can give you moderator status so you can add the links directly to the archives! . . I'd certainly appreciate the help.I'm putting the word out to the

Autism groups. I expect Silicone Kids are going to be getting a lot of visitors. If the newcomers are like those there, they will do more lurking than talking . . . But that's OK too. I just want them to be able to find some answers to helping them, and their kids get well. Hugs and prayers,Rogene Re: I'm new


> Rogene,

> I haven't checked the Silicone Kids group lately, but do you have


> list of these symptoms/conditions that the children are showing up

> with, the time frames you allude to below, or progressions, the

> correct dietary measures to take, and other practical info like


> anywhere?


> I'm just wanting to look over some of your info without having to

> read every post. Is that info available?

> I'm curious to know what these parents are dealing with so I can

> better help the women I talk to.

> Patty


> --- In , saxony01 <saxony01@ .>


> >

> > Ali,

> >

> > I hope your kids don't have any further problems . . . I don't


> to sound hard . . . but I want to be straight with you for the


> of your kids.

> >

> > Talk with Sue Gibbens in this group. I don't think her kids had

> problems until later . . . joint/bone pain.

> >

> > If you'll keep sugar, refined grains (possibly gluten) and

> processed foods out of their diet completely, they will likely do

> fine. . .

> >

> > At least I haven't seen any kids with lasting problems who have

> been on really good diets. . . But we don't have any science, and

> very little history.

> >

> > After a woman has had her implants six years, or if he's

> symptomatic, I can tell her about her children's problems without

> ever seeing the child. . . Reflux is a relatively minor problem,

> compared to some!

> >

> > Still, guard those kids health like you would life itself! They

> have refused to test the sick offspring of implanted women . . .


> though there are hundreds of MedWatch reports on file with the

> FDA. . . But there are hundreds of thousands of reports about the

> women's issues on file and they haven't done anything, so, What's


> >

> > Hugs and prayers,

> >

> > Rogene

> >





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Guest guest

yes i would love to help i have lots of links i could put on here to

help others.I knew i was doing all this research for a reason.

I would love to write a book and all ive learned and info to keep us

healthy and making your own products.One step at a time.

Just not sure where to start.If you need help with autism group i

could help to.

Have you checked out Jordan rubin new book Great physician rx For



thank you all

God bless michele

> > >

> > > Ali,

> > >

> > > I hope your kids don't have any further problems . . . I don't

> want

> > to sound hard . . . but I want to be straight with you for the

> sake

> > of your kids.

> > >

> > > Talk with Sue Gibbens in this group. I don't think her kids


> > problems until later . . . joint/bone pain.

> > >

> > > If you'll keep sugar, refined grains (possibly gluten) and

> > processed foods out of their diet completely, they will likely


> > fine. . .

> > >

> > > At least I haven't seen any kids with lasting problems who


> > been on really good diets. . . But we don't have any science,


> > very little history.

> > >

> > > After a woman has had her implants six years, or if he's

> > symptomatic, I can tell her about her children's problems


> > ever seeing the child. . . Reflux is a relatively minor problem,

> > compared to some!

> > >

> > > Still, guard those kids health like you would life itself!


> > have refused to test the sick offspring of implanted women . . .

> even

> > though there are hundreds of MedWatch reports on file with the

> > FDA. . . But there are hundreds of thousands of reports about


> > women's issues on file and they haven't done anything, so,


> New?

> > >

> > > Hugs and prayers,

> > >

> > > Rogene

> > >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > <!--

> >

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