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Pharmacies/Dr. Frim Visit/Chiari on TV

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Howdy All -

1. Why are pharmacies in the back - while I don't doubt they want you

to impulse purchase - it's supposed to be for privacy - so everyone who

walks by doesn't see/hear what you are getting. Also, most (good)

stores, if you ask for assistance should be able to have a checker or

someone take your prescription to the back to be filled for you and

pick it up and bring it to you.

2. I had my appointment with Dr. Frim yesterday (missed the Discovery

Crew). He did so much more in depth testing than the first (local) NSG

I saw. I failed parts of the pin prick test - couldn't feel the sharpie

part on my right shoulder and neck. Also, failed the finger to nose to

finger test (which I had passed 2 months ago). So, scheduling the CSF

flow study and spinal MRI looking for a syrinx (which the 1st NSG said

I didn't have even though my MRI went only to C2). But - it's only a

matter of time - I will be having the surgery) hopefully with Dr. Frim

(I'll have to wrangle with my insurance group).

3. The Discovery Channel and all those group people were at Frim's

yesterday???? dang I missed everything good - hope they decide to air

it soon!


AMC I 13mm blah

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