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Re: Terri-Fibro study

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Good morning!

Hopefully they will get you on track with something, but I'd be leary of medical studies. We're all already sort of a study for whether or not "saline implants" are safer than "silicone implants" ---and look how this is turning out. :(

I don't mean to sound negative... It just reminded me of the Cymbalta trials ---which is a drug for major depressive disorder, fibromyalgia, and peripheral neuropathy. An otherwise healthy college student, who was doing the study for the money, committed suicide. "Completed suicide" is now listed as a side effect... so... when we read about side effects, we should remember that people had to be "firsts" to go through them during studies. In the end, they just see if the good outweighs the bad.

So, be leary, wise, and mindful about everything they may want you to take or do. You're putting yourself out there to be their guinea pig. They may have many guinea pigs, but your family only has one of you.

Be careful chick!

Have a good day!


In a message dated 7/19/2006 6:31:18 AM Eastern Standard Time, peaketeresa@... writes:

Hello ladies,

I went to an appointment today here in Hawaii to see if I am eligible for a medical study group for Fibro. New medication that is awaiting FDA approval. They have 900 women in the study, The medicine has been used in Europe for many years with great success for depression. They have found that it does wonders for Fibro (supposedly). I am skeptical though,funny thing they had never heard of a link to breast implants. I couldn't believe they are studying 900 women and this has not even come up. I took in alot of reasearch and some letters from online support groups I have read and they were shocked about the connection. Maybe it is just because we are in Hawaii. I did find it refreshing that they were so concerned about all of my illness. They listened to me for almost an hour before they gave me tests. I just wanted to share with you girls,

Terri P

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In a message dated 7/19/2006 6:01:38 PM Eastern Standard Time, peaketeresa@... writes:

I totaly agree with you I guess I am so desperate to get better. I haven't worked for a year I love my profession and was making 40 k a year. Here in Hawaii you need two incomes. I do feel better already just from having the implants out .But I cannot sustain my self for an actual job just stuff around the apartment wears me out dinner, laundry, cleaning and more cleaning. We want to buy a house sometime this year in our 40's and tired of payiny rent you know . Especially if when I get older and cant do much I need the security of owning something. Got to clean up all my credit issues first. Hope my settlement comes through and it is a proper amount.

Terri P


I totally feel you... same boat here. I haven't worked since 1998, and left a job making good money (for WV). Wages are low in WV. I think among the lowest in the nation, and our min. wage is still $5.15 or $5.25 -what ever the national low is. My hubby makes below the national average income, so we live on about $2,000/mo. We also rent and have mangled credit. (He has 2 disabilities, and has been with his job 18 yrs... so it's not as simple as finding another job for him. Wages are just low here unless you went to college or can do something technical.)

So, we share the same dreams! It's like when a lot of people CAN work they dream of a day when they no longer have to work... but then when you CAN'T work due to disability and you're broke---it's all you dream of.

All the prayer that comes from this board will get our lives back on track someday. We all have to have faith in God, one another, and ourselves!

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know you're not alone and many others feel your financial struggles ---and are praying for you!


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Brigete makes many wise points. I have been in several drug studies for IC

because I felt it was my duty to help myself by participating in drug

trials. I was in one study where the drug helped me tremendously but was

never FDA approved. I have holes in the backs of my upper thighs where I

injected myself with the study drug. They found out that the drug ate fat

tissue and this likely was the reason it wasn't approved. I'm somewhat

surprised they don't use it for lipo!

My personal opinion doesn't matter but as a fellow FORMER fibro sufferer, I

can tell you that most fibro patients need detoxing rather than more drugs

thrown their way. I took all of the available fibro drugs at the time and

improved with each one but it was always short term. I finally became

desperate enough to try natural medicine. Through natural medicine and

detoxing, I have been fibro free for 10 years. I'd seriously consider heavy

detoxing and immune building supplements instead of more drug treatment for

fibro pain.



> Terri,


> Good morning!


> Hopefully they will get you on track with something, but I'd be leary of

> medical studies. We're all already sort of a study for whether or not " saline

> implants " are safer than " silicone implants " ---and look how this is turning

> out. :(


> I don't mean to sound negative... It just reminded me of the Cymbalta trials

> ---which is a drug for major depressive disorder, fibromyalgia, and

> peripheral neuropathy. An otherwise healthy college student, who was doing the

> study

> for the money, committed suicide. " Completed suicide " is now listed as a side

> effect... so... when we read about side effects, we should remember that

> people had to be " firsts " to go through them during studies. In the end, they

> just see if the good outweighs the bad.


> So, be leary, wise, and mindful about everything they may want you to take

> or do. You're putting yourself out there to be their guinea pig. They may have

> many guinea pigs, but your family only has one of you.


> Be careful chick!


> Have a good day!


> Brigite




> In a message dated 7/19/2006 6:31:18 AM Eastern Standard Time,

> peaketeresa@... writes:




> Hello ladies,

> I went to an appointment today here in Hawaii to see if I am eligible for a

> medical study group for Fibro. New medication that is awaiting FDA approval.

> They have 900 women in the study, The medicine has been used in Europe for

> many years with great success for depression. They have found that it does

> wonders for Fibro (supposedly). I am skeptical though,funny thing they had

> never

> heard of a link to breast implants. I couldn't believe they are studying 900

> women and this has not even come up. I took in alot of reasearch and some

> letters from online support groups I have read and they were shocked about the

> connection. Maybe it is just because we are in Hawaii. I did find it

> refreshing that they were so concerned about all of my illness. They listened

> to me

> for almost an hour before they gave me tests. I just wanted to share with you

> girls,

> Terri P







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