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Re: Re: Tina SAD Lamp

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no problem

Its incredible how much better we all seem to feel in the warm sunny weather.

Let me know how it works for you




To: fibromyalgiacured

Sent: Tue, February 7, 2012 4:48:57 AM

Subject: Re: Tina SAD Lamp

Thankyou for the link,Ange.


> Hi Tina

> These lamps do work

> I did buy one of these for my step dad and he likes it he even brought it to

> work cause the lights at work are so bad-



QWBF & tag=hyprod-20 & linkCode=asn & creative=395129 & creativeASIN=B000F95A6A





> Ciao-

> Ange






> ________________________________


> To: " fibromyalgiacured " <fibromyalgiacured >

> Sent: Mon, February 6, 2012 12:32:21 PM

> Subject: Re: Tina SAD Lamp



> Tina


> I do think these lamps work and I would buy one if i had the money, some are

> better than others though, so might be best asking people what they think of a

> particular one you fancy


> I cannot afford one but a friend gave me a face sunlamp on freecycle. I use

> that, I just keep it on the far side of the room. To be honest if you can get

> one of these or even a SAD lamp off freecycle for free that would be better.



> like I say, the lamp helps me and I do think the SAD lamps are better


> Love joanne


> ________________________________


> To: fibromyalgiacured

> Sent: Monday, 6 February 2012, 19:03

> Subject: SAD




> As in Seasonal Affective Disorder.Has anyone ever used light therapy for



> was pricing and looking at reviews at Amazon.When it is hot and sunny,I have



> carb cravings.Now,one of the reviewers,said,her body thinks it`s sunny and has

> no carb cravings.Kind of a lot of money,but I seem to hit rock bottom,several

> times in the winter.Right now,it has been pretty warm for Feb and the sun is

> out,but,it won`t last.I think,the whole family could use it.The only thing I

> wonder about is light sensitivity.If a problem,we can wear sun glasses in the

> house I guess.I don`t have a problem with eating carbs and other junk,when



> hot and sunny,but,I do struggle in the winter.



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Wow.It came today.I just ordered it yesterday.I`ll let you know,how it goes.





> As in Seasonal Affective Disorder.Has anyone ever used light therapy for



> was pricing and looking at reviews at Amazon.When it is hot and sunny,I have



> carb cravings.Now,one of the reviewers,said,her body thinks it`s sunny and has

> no carb cravings.Kind of a lot of money,but I seem to hit rock bottom,several

> times in the winter.Right now,it has been pretty warm for Feb and the sun is

> out,but,it won`t last.I think,the whole family could use it.The only thing I

> wonder about is light sensitivity.If a problem,we can wear sun glasses in the

> house I guess.I don`t have a problem with eating carbs and other junk,when



> hot and sunny,but,I do struggle in the winter.



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That was super fast! Keep us updated on how it goes.




To: fibromyalgiacured

Sent: Wed, February 8, 2012 12:29:24 PM

Subject: Re: Re: Tina SAD Lamp

Wow.It came today.I just ordered it yesterday.I`ll let you know,how it goes.





> As in Seasonal Affective Disorder.Has anyone ever used light therapy for




> was pricing and looking at reviews at Amazon.When it is hot and sunny,I have




> carb cravings.Now,one of the reviewers,said,her body thinks it`s sunny and has

> no carb cravings.Kind of a lot of money,but I seem to hit rock bottom,several

> times in the winter.Right now,it has been pretty warm for Feb and the sun is

> out,but,it won`t last.I think,the whole family could use it.The only thing I

> wonder about is light sensitivity.If a problem,we can wear sun glasses in the

> house I guess.I don`t have a problem with eating carbs and other junk,when




> hot and sunny,but,I do struggle in the winter.



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Glad I could help I am always looking for deals. Having a rough morning but

hopeful once the sun is up I will feel better. I had acupuncture yesterday and

maybe it was too much I woke up at 5am throwing up but not too bad.

Cant wait to hear about your daughters vision therapy I hope you have a great


We are supposed to have 70 degree weather today I can not believe it!




To: fibromyalgiacured

Sent: Thu, February 9, 2012 6:22:54 AM

Subject: Re: Re: Tina SAD Lamp

Thankyou,so much for sending that link,.The one I was looking at,was way

more money.I was prepared to buy it anyway.You saved me a lot of money.I hope

you are feeling well this morning.



> As in Seasonal Affective Disorder.Has anyone ever used light therapy for




> was pricing and looking at reviews at Amazon.When it is hot and sunny,I have




> carb cravings.Now,one of the reviewers,said,her body thinks it`s sunny and has

> no carb cravings.Kind of a lot of money,but I seem to hit rock bottom,several

> times in the winter.Right now,it has been pretty warm for Feb and the sun is

> out,but,it won`t last.I think,the whole family could use it.The only thing I

> wonder about is light sensitivity.If a problem,we can wear sun glasses in the

> house I guess.I don`t have a problem with eating carbs and other junk,when




> hot and sunny,but,I do struggle in the winter.



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Please.  After you have used this thing for a few days if you still think it is

that great let us know.  At that point I would love to know where you ordered

it from.  Thanks so much and I hope the final verdict will still be great.



To: fibromyalgiacured

Sent: Thursday, February 9, 2012 7:39 AM

Subject: Re: Tina SAD Lamp


I think,the verdict is in!It WORKS.I feel like running stairs.Hi paul,i`m glad

it helped you.Seattle.My step daughter lives in Washington.Can`t recall what

city.I`m so done,spending winters in a constant state of depression and wanting

to hybernate.Curl up in a blanket and eat chocolate and donuts,and never wanting

to leave the house.Good thing,becasue i`m suppossed to take my daughter for her

first vision therapy appt.today,and I can`t wait to do the exercises with

her.Got an appt.for me and my son coming up,I hope to get some colored

lenses,with UV protection in my prescription.I hope,to get my son some,and hope

that he will leave them on.He has tactile sensitivity and sensitivity to

touch,so,have not been able to get him to keep sun flasses on,or a hat,or

mittens.but with some work,maybe,between the school and me working with him,he

will leave them on.If I could get him to use a communication device,that would

be good to.I do have cod live oil,and

started out taking it.Try to get all 3 of us to take it.Have been slacking off

on giving supplements.I try and keep them out on the counter,so I remember to

take them.Then my husband goes and sticks them all back up in the cupboard,and I

need a ladder to get up there and look for them.Going to do that now.Everybody

needs one of these things,if you live,where the sun doesn`t shine.Alaska,where

it stays dark for something like months straight.No daylight at all,I would be a



> Tina. I lived in Seattle for five years when fibro hit hard and heavy. The

full psectrum lights worked really well with SAD. I would read while looking

right into them. Now a days they say up your Sublingual vitamin D3 drops. I use

to do 20,000 IUs a day and it helps. D3 is a horomone. On this diet I've dropped

to 10.000 IUs a day during the winter months. It really helps.

> Love

> in Abq.



> ________________________________


> To: fibromyalgiacured

> Sent: Tuesday, February 7, 2012 1:46 PM

> Subject: Re: Tina SAD Lamp




> I did order this thing,maybe it will help.




> As in Seasonal Affective Disorder.Has anyone ever used light therapy for


> was pricing and looking at reviews at Amazon.When it is hot and sunny,I have


> carb cravings.Now,one of the reviewers,said,her body thinks it`s sunny and has

> no carb cravings.Kind of a lot of money,but I seem to hit rock bottom,several

> times in the winter.Right now,it has been pretty warm for Feb and the sun is

> out,but,it won`t last.I think,the whole family could use it.The only thing I

> wonder about is light sensitivity.If a problem,we can wear sun glasses in the

> house I guess.I don`t have a problem with eating carbs and other junk,when


> hot and sunny,but,I do struggle in the winter.



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I will let you know.I got it,from the link that provided,from Amazon.Met

my friend for coffee.I`m off to pick up my daughter from school,to take her to

her vision therapy appt.I feel like a knew person,I can`t even describe it.I

know,it`s only been one day.I will let you know.



> As in Seasonal Affective Disorder.Has anyone ever used light therapy for


> was pricing and looking at reviews at Amazon.When it is hot and sunny,I have


> carb cravings.Now,one of the reviewers,said,her body thinks it`s sunny and has

> no carb cravings.Kind of a lot of money,but I seem to hit rock bottom,several

> times in the winter.Right now,it has been pretty warm for Feb and the sun is

> out,but,it won`t last.I think,the whole family could use it.The only thing I

> wonder about is light sensitivity.If a problem,we can wear sun glasses in the

> house I guess.I don`t have a problem with eating carbs and other junk,when


> hot and sunny,but,I do struggle in the winter.



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