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as usual Rod is a over flowing foutian(of what I don't know)

of info......lol


>From: " Rod Eglin " <rodegg@...>


>< >

>Subject: Re: hotels

>Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:13:30 +0100



>Have a chance to go play in

> > Belize for a few days do not have a clue as to hotels etc:

> > any suggestions?


>Get a tent!!!!





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as usual Rod is a over flowing(of what I don't know)

with info......lol


>From: " Rod Eglin " <rodegg@...>


>< >

>Subject: Re: hotels

>Date: Sun, 24 Jun 2001 20:13:30 +0100



>Have a chance to go play in

> > Belize for a few days do not have a clue as to hotels etc:

> > any suggestions?


>Get a tent!!!!





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A hammock, bivi bag, Autan in large quantities, foot and crotch powder,

water purifiers, lots of bog roll, lomotil,more bog roll, rubber gloves, and

a ten foot barge pole.

Regards JC

Still trying to get the Battlebook out to you.

Re: hotels

>And a Mosquito net!!!!!!




> Rod.





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Hi Tom,

Wherabouts are you going in Belize? Mainland or to the cayes?? I can

recommend San Pedro/Ambegris caye - lots of good hotels there and the diving

is superb.

I was last over there in 1996 and the place had gone downhill since my

previous trip in 87/88. Not much to recommend about Belize City -

crime/murder rate increasing fast, don't drink alone at night!!


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Heading to San Pedro just for a few days. Have scratch Belize City off the

list thanks for the info. Who did you use for your Diving?


>From: " billy frew " <billyfrew@...>



>Subject: Re: hotels

>Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2001 08:37:34


>Hi Tom,


>Wherabouts are you going in Belize? Mainland or to the cayes?? I can

>recommend San Pedro/Ambegris caye - lots of good hotels there and the


>is superb.


>I was last over there in 1996 and the place had gone downhill since my

>previous trip in 87/88. Not much to recommend about Belize City -

>crime/murder rate increasing fast, don't drink alone at night!!







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You don't need the tent then?



> Heading to San Pedro just for a few days. Have scratch Belize City off the

> list thanks for the info.

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  • 5 years later...

Bindi, or those who used Dr. Melmed,

My surgery is next Tuesday, and I'm trying to get everything together

for the trip to Dallas.

Dr. Melmed's office had emailed me with a packet of fees, hotels,

etc....but I had to reformat my harddrive a few days ago, and I'm now

unable to open the email attachement with hotel recommendations, etc.

Does anyone have that information they could email me?

I just need the costs of hotels in the Dallas area that gives discount

rates to Dr. Melmed's patients....I honestly do not remember the name

of any of them!


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Ask them to resend the info. I am sure they will.


At 11:04 AM 9/19/2006, you wrote:

>Bindi, or those who used Dr. Melmed,


>My surgery is next Tuesday, and I'm trying to get everything together

>for the trip to Dallas.


>Dr. Melmed's office had emailed me with a packet of fees, hotels,

>etc....but I had to reformat my harddrive a few days ago, and I'm now

>unable to open the email attachement with hotel recommendations, etc.


>Does anyone have that information they could email me?


>I just need the costs of hotels in the Dallas area that gives discount

>rates to Dr. Melmed's patients....I honestly do not remember the name

>of any of them!





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Hi Leyna,

I did not save that packet of info. I'm sure they would be happy to email you the info again.

I stayed at Embassy Suites and it was fairly-priced and I did just fine there. It was useful to have their shuttle service, as we had flown in. WE just told them ahead of time when we needed a ride anywhere and they were always prompt. I don't remember if they gave us a discount but you could ask. During the time I was there, two other explant patients were staying there as well. I think Melmed brings them a lot of business so it won't hurt to ask them.

I would make sure and bring a list of questions to ask Melmed.

Also, I brought books and magazines and snacks I liked-- nuts, dried fruit, that sort of thing. Another thing that is good to do is take bromelain and arnica starting two days before surgery and for a week or more after-- it really helps keep the swelling and bruising down. Also, try to stay away from blood-thinning stuff-- garlic, fish oil and vit. e, from now until after you are well on your way to healing.

If you feel up to it (before the surgery, not after!), the JFK museum in Dallas is interesting. You can take the municipal transit to get there.

I almost never eat red meat, but after my surgery I craved it for some reason (blood/iron loss?) and I ate a big fat grass-fed beef steak. That's one thing you'll find all over Dallas--steak.

Don't forget, the capsule analysis is an extra fee-- one for the testing, one for the evaluation. I think it ended up costing me around $900 altogether. You'll be sent two seperate bills and the final results get sent to Melmed. You might have to remind Melmed's office to send you a copy-- I did. They will also send you a post-op report if you ask.

Let me know if there's anything else you want to know. I am so glad you are getting this done soon. You'll look fabulous and be on the road to health.



Bindi, or those who used Dr. Melmed,My surgery is next Tuesday, and I'm trying to get everything together for the trip to Dallas.Dr. Melmed's office had emailed me with a packet of fees, hotels, etc....but I had to reformat my harddrive a few days ago, and I'm now unable to open the email attachement with hotel recommendations, etc.Does anyone have that information they could email me? I just need the costs of hotels in the Dallas area that gives discount rates to Dr. Melmed's patients....I honestly do not remember the name of any of them!Thanks!

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  • 3 years later...

The more people call and request NO WIFI the better. Maybe there will be change.


From: Jennie Wassenaar <ad-inameritech (DOT) net>

Subject: Re: Re: MCS = adrenal fatigue?

groups (DOT) com

Date: Friday, February 12, 2010, 11:08 AM

This post is in comment to Rixta's post on 2/6/10. Sorry for the delay but I'm

sure you understand when I say I can only be on-line a limited amount per day

and I haven't had the opportunity to open many posts recently.

You said you could not get away for a couple of week. I had been having some

extreme reactions to EMS starting last spring , basically I could not sleep. I

do not travel often. But in September I had two weekend where I needed to

travel. I was concerned with how I would sleep - because who sleeps better in a

hotel than at home? I slept better the nights I was in the hotel than I had for

5 months. It did not take me days to see the results of not being by a cell

tower just one night.

For me I have found that I can relieve my EMS immediately by removing myself

from the source of the electromagnetic field. But for Multiple Chemical

Sensitivities it is not immediate because the toxins that have been introduced

to my body need to work their way out.

Good luck,


____________ _________ _________ __

From: Ole Alstrup <alstrup (DOT) com>

groups (DOT) com

Sent: Tue, February 9, 2010 10:21:28 AM

Subject: Re: Re: MCS = adrenal fatigue?

Hi Swetasan,

I have had adrenal fatigue since 2006, but getting better through different


I dont know if the HPA axis does as you say with regards to adrenaline and

cortisol, I never saw that described anywhere, although I was told by Dr

that when cortisol gets too low during an adrenal crash, adrenaline will

try to take cortisol's place, bu I dont know the exact biochemistry around this.

To first check whether or not you have too high epinephrine= adrenaline and / or

norepinephrine= noradrenaline or imbalances of other brain chemicals such as the

primary neurotransmitters, have this checked with a urinary test:

https://www. neurorelief. com/index. php?option= com_content & task=category &

sectionid= 12 & id=40 & Itemid=46

Brainfog can be caused by so many things. bloodsugar, food allergies, liver

toxicity, deficienci es of nutrients etc etc etc. One important thing I believe

are related to EMF exposure and the genotoxic effects (which can make adrenal

fatigue worse) is DNA methylation.

http://findarticles .com/p/articles/ mi_m0ISW/ is_262/ai_ n13675760/

http://edoc. unibas.ch/ 1026/


____________ _________ _________ __

From: svetaswan <svetaswan (DOT) com>

groups (DOT) com

Sent: Tue, 9 February, 2010 5:45:23

Subject: Re: MCS = adrenal fatigue?

Hi Ian and everyone,

I haven't been a member of this group for very long - for this reason and

because of my severe problems with " brain fog " , I haven't had a chance to read

many of the older messages. So excuse me if this is a repeat question or a

" regurgitation " of things that have been much-discussed.

But there have been several posts since I've been here that have mentioned MCS

and/or CFS, and how they are linked to electrosensitivity. Are people here of

the belief that MCS and CFS are caused by or related to a condition known as

" adrenal fatigue " ? The " experts " cite adrenal fatigue as a root cause of these

conditions - and, coincidentally (or not), I've had strong suspicions for at

least a few years now that I'm a long-time sufferer of adrenal fatigue. I've

taken a few saliva hormone tests and other tests to try to confirm this, with

mixed results (many of my results could be interpreted in a variety of ways -

this hormone issue, at least for me, has not been cut-and-dry) . But mainly,

I've tried to pay attention to my symptoms as a possible indicator of adrenal

fatigue (you treat the patient, not lab results, right?).

The biggest/most troublesome symptom(s) I deal with are mental/emotional - such

as an utter inability to handle stress. Even the " simplest " things produce a

feeling of being " stressed out " - I seem to " decompensate " under the most

mundane of stressors. My mental symptoms are such that my " shot " adrenals may be

making too much adrenaline, and not enough cortisol (this problem may " start "

with mis-signaling in the region of the brain responsible for sending messages

to the adrenal glands). I've seen a few sources that claim that when your

adrenals are " tired " or " shot " , it may be unable to generate cortisol - and

" overproduce " arenaline instead. The brain senses that not enough cortisol is

being made - and continues to send out a hormone that signals for more cortisol

to be made. The tired adrenals respond by generating adrenaline, and the vicious

cycle continues.

At first I thought I didn't have much of a problem with MCS - but upon closer

inspection, I do have a couple of problems that may point to some form of MCS. I

seem to be quite sensitive to car exhaust fumes - I could be sitting in heavy

traffic with the windows up, and still get nauseous and " foggy brained " from car

exhaust fumes (I'm sensitive to these fumes in other ways, as well). Or I could

be in a drive-thru line at a fast-food restaurant, and when I roll down the

window to place my order - I have a hard time speaking because I'm " overcome " by

exhaust fumes. And I seem to be quite sensitive to the smell of bleach

(heavy-metal chelation " expert " Andy Cutler mentions this as a sign of MCS

and/or heavy-metal toxicity).

Anyway, I have occassionally been visting adrenal/thyroid/ hormonal sites and

messageboards - so adrenal fatigue had been a concept that I'd been pretty

familiar with well-before my electrosensitivity " crisis " emerged. When I

discovered this place and other sites that discuss electrosensitivity, I didn't

expect to find discussions about MCS and (possibly) adrenal fatigue, but here I

find myself reading about the same things that I've been trying to educate

myself about for a few years now.

Sorry for rambling, but the point I'm trying to get at is that, in trying to

deal with this electrosensitivity crisis - I feel like I've come full-circle, in

a way. I find myself taken " back " to places that I started exploring a few years

ago - adrenal-fatigue, " sluggish liver " /detox problems, etc. Maybe I should take

this as further confirmation that I'm in the right ballpark in exploring my

possible adrenal problems - my electrosensitivity could be another symptom of

these problems.



> Hi Rixta,


> I would say that if you have had CFS for 16 years it is very likely that you

> could develop electrosensitivity, as they very often go together (likewise

> with multiple chemical sensitivity) . And, as you say, you will probably be

> the only person in the environment who's sick.


> However there are different types of electromagnetic fields, and different

> people react to a different extent to each one - electric fields from wires

> in walls or high voltage lines outside, magnetic fields from relays/phone

> receivers etc, microwave radiation from masts outside or cordless and mobile

> phones inside, and EM frequencies from fluorescent and low energy lights.

> For microwave radiation, a simple and cheap meter, the Electrosmog Detector,

> gives an indication if there are any " hot spots " , but it may not be

> available in Oz. It does show however where localised shielding (e.g. with

> metallised gauze) would be particularly useful.


> Some basic suggestions which you can try to reduce the effects quickly:

> - Avoid cordless and mobile phones, switch off cordless phone base stations,

> use standard wired phones.

> - Switch off any wireless networks in the house, use wired connections and

> modems instead.

> - Try replacing fluorescent and low-energy bulbs by old-fashioned

> incandescent ones (if still available)

> - See if it's possible to switch the house electric power off at night.


> Certainly these can be inconvenient to you and your family, but they are

> worth trying. Lots of ES people find all these measures help significantly.

> It then makes the task of protection and shielding easier.


> Lots of similar information in the archives of this group, but that should

> get you started..


> Ian


> _____


> From: groups (DOT) com [mailto:] On Behalf Of

> Rixta Francis

> Sent: 06 February 2010 21:26

> groups (DOT) com

> Subject: simple, cheap and easy tips requested





> Hello everyone,


> I joined this group a few days ago, because you must start somewhere getting

> information and groups like this are usually very useful.

> Brief story: I have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome since 16 years and my condition

> was always stable, but since we moved into our new house four years ago my

> health slowly got worse. And since late 2008 I have developed pretty bad

> neurological problems that no doctor has an explanation for. So I started my

> own research and realized that the high voltage wires that are all around

> our house *could* be the cause of my problems. But I don't know that for

> sure.


> So to start with I would like some tips how to find out if it's really the

> electricity that makes me sick. I don't need a meter, for I'm sure the

> electromagnetic field here is high, but I'm the only person in the street

> that's sick. So I need tips how find out in a *simple*, *cheap* and *easy*

> way if protection from the electrical magnetism will make me feel better. I

> think about something I can wear around the house, or something to sleep

> under at night. I don't know anything about these things so far, so some

> details would be helpful.

> Unfortunately leaving the house for a possibly safer place for a few weeks

> is not an option.


> Thanks for your help!


> Regards,

> Rixta Francis in Australia



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