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Barry- My Flush Recipe

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Barry, I'm so glad you wrote to me about this. I know some of you think I'm a

little radical for using so high quanities, but know it works. And Barry I

wanted to answer your inquiry about the problem stone and say that I'd try my

high dose recipe. Good idea for you to double 's recipe next time. And then

when I let you know how mine goes in a couple of days, maybe you can do the full

2/2 (4 drinks) cups when you are ready. I find it easier to take the 3 and 1/2

to 4 TBS of ES all at once a hour or hour and half before the drinks...and just

take it once that nite. And once in A.M. possibly another smaller drink later

A.M. if needed. Now...here's how I came about this recipe. Remember...my first

flush I did a very radical recipe using pint of olive oil and 20 lemons in 3/4

gallon water. Same ES. Well, ES did well and evacuated me, but the darn

oil,lemon, water mixture was too much! The oil sat on top of all that water and

the lemon juice didn't mix either and boy that oil made me so sick. I was a

brave little soul and downed nearly all of it over an hour, lost my " cookies "

(LOL now...not then!) And then drank more to make up for what I lost. Was pretty

sick all night, but faithfully stayed on my right side. Forgot to take any ES in

the am and suffered so bad all morning until noon when I thought to take ES

(first flush remember I didn't know what I was doing)! BINGO! The stones let

loose all day! SECOND FLUSH I tried s and didn't use enough ES. Total

Failure, remember! Gave husband my new recipe the next day and that's when he

got out tons of stones and sludge and that big huge 1 and 1/4 inch stone!

SO...I'm doing #3 tomorrow or Wed with this new recipe and expect TONS OF

STONES! BTW, if you haven't used the pink grapefruit...it's wonderful! Tastes

great and mixes with the oil very well. Sorry this is so long. Had to describe

it all. Yer a pal. of DH Oh! Neither husband or I knew we had any

stones, just didn't want GB out like mother just did! Husband did flush to amuze

me and is now a believer........


This is very interesting that you are using 2 cups of oil. I think

this weekend when I do my 4th flush I am going to double Hulga s

method and use 2 drinks of oil equaling one full cup total. Spacing

the 2 drinks 15 minutes apart while lying down in between.

Also, I'm going to go back to 4 'heaping' tblsps of Epsom instead of

the 'less then' 4 tblsps that I had reduced to for my 3rd flush. I

want to do a real " POWER " flush this time. hahaha

What prompted you to use so much oil (2cups)? Was it the pain that

you are still having from a gb stone? Something must have incouraged

you to use 4 times as much as what Hulga suggests.

(By the way, What flush # are you on again? I forget everyones

number. haha)



" People are like stain glass windows; they sparkle and shine when the sun is

out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there

is alight within. " -Kubler Ross

" Then spake Jesus again unto them, saying, I am the light of the world: he that

followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life. "

Holy Bible


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