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I Would Like Your Opinion On Drains

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My body went into rejection immediately after saline implants

At this point I am still working on getting my capsules removed

My body is in such a weakened state that my skin is actually sagging

Although I take walks I cannot exercise because of the agony/fatigue

I have lower back pain so bad I hardly can move {I bet it's the capsules}

I am so crippled up that I barely can dress myself and tying my shoes is a chore in itself

I would think if I had drains put in, this would act as a foreign object and cause me more health problems along the way.

I understand a lot of woman are ok with drains but from day one of being implanted my body automatically went into rejection

I would like to hear everyone's opinion on this issue. I know my body will not accept anything foreign

I should have known because I never could wear earrings in my ears no matter what kind they were

After implant removal there was definitely an improvement and the pain

I am still experiencing most likely is coming from the capsules

Long before I dreamed of implants I went to an ear specialist and he gave me an allergy test

My arm itched like crazy on every test > Maybe God was whispering to me than

Do you think drains work for me?

I am to scared to put anything foreign in my body again,


Congrats on going in for your surgery,I have my residual capsuectomey sceduled this wednesday. I am going to look like a mummy when I am done, well it is getting close to Halloween, she is doing complete capsulectemy on my left, no drain just tightly bandaged, she said for fluid buid up. she doesn't want to put another foreign object like the drain in with the high chance of infection in my case. she said if we get to much fluid build up she can go in sterile with the biopsy needle and drain if it is needed, I guess all surgeons have their way of doing these procedures, I do trust her she is very caring and takes her time, on her card it says, " a great surgeon should have the eyes of an eagle,heart of a lion, hands of a woman..." I love that, anyway hope everyone else is doing ok, I probably wont be here for a few days anyway,love and alohaTerri P

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