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Re: Parasites and fatigue...

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Dear , That is great to hear that you feel good and energetic after your parasite cleanse. It's only one step forward....don't get too comfortable about your implants based on this one experience though. It is easy to be deceived into thinking that everything is alright. If you've already begun to experience immune system issues, as evidenced by more flu-like symptoms, fatigue, pain, and a host of other mild to severe symptoms, we can pretty much guess with a certain amount of accuracy that within a period of time, whether it be a few months or a few years, you may become much sicker. There have been women who have had their implants for a decade and been totally fine, only to have it all come crashing down in a terrible heap of ugly disease that leaves them nearly disabled. You do NOT want to go there. I am not trying to scare you

unecessarily....just caution you that the risks you may be taking by assuming you are not having any trouble with your implants may be very costly. Things may seem good for awhile, but you can be blindsided with illness and not really ever be able to figure out where it's coming from. But once you are sick from implants, it is a long climb back to wellness once you get them out...and not guaranteed. I urge you to review the many stories from women who are struggling with health issues from implants and ask yourself if you want to live like that. My guess is that you would not want to suffer in this way. I would certainly go ahead with the surgery. It's a protective action....and your health is by far something very valuable and worth preserving! Just make sure you are getting a proper explant! Patty <lindabirse@...>

wrote: I have an explant scheduled for November 3rd..I just happened to try a parasite cleanse a friend thought was great. I have never felt any difference as far as energy from anything I have done. I was amazed for the first time to feel good and feel energy...I am torn about doing my surgery....I can cancel if I want to by Thursday...What is your feedback. Would you do it anyway...

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, I can certainly understand your hesitation about your surgery. I guess if fatigue was the only symptom I was experiencing, I too would be second guessing having the surgery. However, if I was experiencing more then just fatigue, I wouldn't hesitate to get the surgery. My situation is so different from you. I suddenly got sick with muscle pain, weakness, and fatigue. I really had no choice in getting explanted. I also tried many things before getting explanted. Mainly because it took almost a year before I found the link between my pain and my implants. I had no relief of symptoms from anything I tried. I guess, only you can make the choice for yourself, you must live with the decision. But, keep in mind, if you do have anymore chronic symptoms similar to the rest of us, you are still are way ahead of other women. You can still make the choice to go

ahead and reschedule the surgery. You are at the right place for advice and support. Another thing you might want to think about, is what else may be going on in your body from the implants that you may not have symptoms from yet. Like I stated, I had a sudden rush of symptoms that no one could explain. But I know it was from years of my body breaking down the shell that was building up. I had some "red flags" that could have warned me of what was to come, but I didn't think to link it with the implants. My body finally gave up the fight and I lost everything I valued, my job and my nursing classes. I do wish I was in your position, where I had the support of so many knowledgable women to help me through all this confusion. I will pray for your difficult decision. Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: , I can understand your indecision . . . Please read through the messages from women who came to the group after they developed major problems before finalizing your decision . . . You may have been granted a reprieve (maybe not), but, considering how sick you might become, you will want to know what to watch for should your implants cause you health problems in the future. I wish you the best, regardless of what you decide

to do. Hugs and prayers, Rogene <lindabirseaol> wrote: I have an explant scheduled for November 3rd..I just happened to try a parasite cleanse a friend thought was great. I have never felt any difference as far as energy from anything I have done. I was amazed for the first time to feel good and feel energy...I am torn about doing my surgery....I can cancel if I want to by Thursday...What is your feedback. Would you do it anyway... -

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The effects of the cleanse will be temporary as long as you keep the

implants in your body. Getting my implants removed was the best thing

I have ever done.



> I have an explant scheduled for November 3rd..I just happened to try


> parasite cleanse a friend thought was great. I have never felt any

> difference as far as energy from anything I have done. I was amazed

> for the first time to feel good and feel energy...I am torn about


> my surgery....I can cancel if I want to by Thursday...What is your

> feedback. Would you do it anyway...


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, I've done a lot of cleanses, diets, etc. etc. I had my good days and my bad days. I had days that I felt GREAT for several days even! But the good days get to be fewer and farther in between, belive me. Pretty soon, you may not have ANY good days left! I would not cancel your surgery......!auntsisnj <auntsisnj@...> wrote: The effects of the cleanse will be temporary as long as you keep the implants in your body. Getting my implants removed was the best thing

I have ever done. Sis>> I have an explant scheduled for November 3rd..I just happened to try a > parasite cleanse a friend thought was great. I have never felt any > difference as far as energy from anything I have done. I was amazed > for the first time to feel good and feel energy...I am torn about doing > my surgery....I can cancel if I want to by Thursday...What is your > feedback. Would you do it anyway...>

Stay in the know. Pulse on the new .com. Check it out.

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