Guest guest Posted October 9, 2006 Report Share Posted October 9, 2006 Kathynye@... wrote: From: Kathynye@...Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 08:00:26 EDTSubject: POST:HADC UPDATE Kathynye@...Subj: HADC UPDATE Date: 10/9/2006 5:01:14 AM Eastern Standard Time From: humanadjuvantdisease@... HUMAN ADJUVANT DISEASE CORP. UPDATEOCTOBER 2006 MESSAGE FROM MARLENE KEELINGOct. 13th need mother's with sick children born afterimplantation with silicone breast implants to contactme immediately. This event planned for October 27 thwill only happen if we get 30 to 45 women to stepforward with information by Oct. 13th. You do notneed to come to D.C. we only need your child'sphotograph (can be one as a young child to protectidentities), only first name will be used (no lastname), only state will be revealed (no city will bementioned), and you can stipulate that you do NOT wantto be contacted by your local media (if you wish tomaintain your family's privacy). Your child'ssymptoms and diagnoses will be listed. We still needmother's to commit to travel to Washington, D.C. forthe October 27th event (we need about eight). This isa rare opportunity to focus on our children's health. If we do not get enough women – this event will nothappen. Please provide your information in the followingformat:(1) State (where you are from)(2) Mother's implant history (year implanted, typeof implant…silicone, polyurethane covered, textured,double-lumen…year explanted and status of implant whenremoved (3) Mother's symptoms and diagnoses afterimplantation (also list your health status prior toimplantation)(4) State if any children were born prior toimplantation and their health status.(5) Child's name born after implantation, birthdate, whether breast-fed and if so, for how long,symptoms and diagnoses.(6) Your contact information – name, address,phone, number, and e-mail address (this informationwill be used only by Strategies and only givento the media should you agree to be contacted byanyone in your local media wanting to do a story. We are not able to include saline-only women and theirchildren born after implantation at this event. KeelingChemically Associated Neurological DisordersP.O. Box 682633 Houston, Texas 77268-2633 281/444-0662keeling.m@... MESSAGE FROM COMMAND TRUST NETWORK, IN THE KNOW ANDTOXIC DISCOVERY October 9th DeadlineMonday, October 9 is the last day you can submitcomments to the FDA on platinum. Whether you'vealready submitted a comment or not it is imperativethat YOUR VOICES ARE HEARD! We must tell the FDA whathas happened to our health and how it has affected ourlives and the lives of our children and our families.Submitting your story is not a difficult process. Youcan do it right now, at your computer. 1) Share yourpersonal story writing a paragraph or two about yourhealth problems since receiving breast implants. Wereyou healthy prior to implants? It is important thatthe FDA be made aware of this fact. 2) If you have achild who was born after you received implants and whoalso suffers from health problems then PLEASE sharethis important information in your letter to FDA. 3)If you have been tested for Platinum then please notethis in your letter to the FDA telling them what wastested and what your levels of Platinum are. Simplystated, we don't know the cause of the health problemswe have experienced after implantation nor do we knowwhether platinum from breast implants have added toour health problems (it certainly could not havehelped). Isn't it beyond time that we learn what hascaused so many of us to be ill? Isn't it time FDAprotects the women and children of this Nation fromharmful chemicals? Go to your computers now! Writethe FDA. Encourage every woman you know that had/hasbreast implants to do the same! DO NOT CONTINUE TOSUFFER IN SILENCE! Let us finally make our voicesheard in Washington.You can submit your comment onlineat the FDA website. Go to & AGENCY=FDAand type in 2006P-0151 in the Docket ID field. Fromthere, click on the "submit comment" button on theright side of the page, fill in the fields and submityour comments. If you prefer to submit a hard copy ofyour comments, please send them to: Dockets ManagementBranch (HFA-305)Food and Drug Administration5630Fishers Lane, Room 1061 Rockville, MD 20852 Be sure toinclude the Docket ID 2006P-0151, your name andaddress, and the fact that you are submitting commentsas an individual consumer. Please submit your commentsright away. The FDA will only accept commentsthrough October 9 – NEXT MONDAY. Thank you for yourhelp in working to ensure that FDA makes safety comefirst in its decision about silicone breast implants. TOXIC COMMAND TRUST NETWORK IN-THE-KNOW MESSAGE FROM THE HUMAN ADJUVANT DISEASE CORP.FDA SCIENTIFIC FAIRNESS FOR WOMEN ACT (HR 6235)The FDA Scientific Fairness for Women Act (HR 6235)will elevate the authority of the Office of Women'sHealth in the FDA. This bill directs the FDA to reviewand evaluate scientific data on the use of emergencycontraception by females under 18 and to ensure thatdecisions about silicone gel breast implants will bemade with an understanding of the scientific questionsregarding the safety of these products.HR 6235 would require the FDA to define the life ofsilicone breast implants and require safety to bedemonstrated for the life of the device prior toapproval. It will also hold the FDA accountable forits actions if silicone breast implants are approved. It would be mandatory for the FDA to list potentialmembers of the FDA’s breast implant advisorycommittees before the meeting and not allow anyexemptions for financial conflicts of interest. Thislegislation would also require that the FDA oversee apanel of independent scientists to design and conducta study on platinum and platinum salts in the bodiesand breast milk of women with silicone breastimplants.Women exposed to silicone breast implants haveplatinum levels that exceed that of the generalpopulation. In the human body implants are exposed tostress and heat, which can cause deterioration andoxidation. The oxidation states of the platinumindicate that the exposure may be toxic. Platinumspecies remain in the body for a long time afterimplants are removed. Platinum salts have beenassociated with carcinogenicity and neurotoxicity.HR 6235 was introduced by Rep. Rose DeLauro (D-CT) andeleven cosponsors including Maurice Hinchey (NY), Conyers (MI), Sheila -Lee (TX), (CA), Hilda Solis (CA), Jim McDermott (WA), (CA), Fortney 'Pete' Stark (CA), Moran (VA), Grijalva (AZ), and Lois Capps (CA) Ask your Member of Congress to sponsor the FDA Scientific Fairness for Women & type=COThank you for your time and effort in supporting ourcause to inform others about the complicationsassociated with silicone implants. I have recentlyincluded a guestbook section at on the H.A.D.C. website for those who would like toshare their implant stories with others and for thosewho would like to offer encouragement to women withimplant-related complications. If you have a websiteor web page, you may add your link to this section.Sincerely,Pamela J. Human Adjuvant Disease If you would like to be removed from our mailing list,please compose an email tohumanadjuvantdisease@... with the word“Unsubscribe†in the subject field.If you are a member receiving duplicate messages fromthis organization please write tohumanadjuvantdisease@... with the word“Duplicate emails†in the subject field. If you have more than one email address, let us knowwhich one you prefer to use for receiving emails fromthe HADC. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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