Guest guest Posted July 25, 2006 Report Share Posted July 25, 2006 Kendra do tell what natural stuff you take for yeast...I still have a touch of a yeast infection on top of all the other yeast in my body...willing to try anything. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 25, 2006 Report Share Posted July 25, 2006 Hi , Here is the protocol recommended by Their website has a lot of valuable health information and some really good supplements. You can email them with questions and they will help you choose supplements to fit your symptoms. I'll check my other computer to see if I have another protocol they recommend. Kenda CHRONIC CANDIDIASIS What is Candidiasis? Candida albicans is a form of fungus or yeast that is found naturally in many parts of the healthy body, especially in the digestive tract. Usually levels of Candida are controlled by microbes or other substances which co-exist in the digestive tract. Everyone has small amount of yeast and other negative microorganisms in the intestinal area which are basically harmless. However, when the immune system and other defense capabilities are compromised or biologically armed, these microorganisms can multiply very quickly and will interfere with digestion and elimination. If they continue to grow year after year, these parasites, along with the toxins they produce every day, can enter the bloodstream and travel to other tissue where they can weaken the body. When this overgrowth becomes chronic or excessive, its contribution to disease can be overwhelming. The ³yeast syndrome² is characterized by patients saying they ³feel sick all over². Fatigue, allergies, immune system malfunction, depression, chemical sensitivity, and digestive disturbances are just some of the symptoms patients with the yeast syndrome may experience. Many people have Candida overgrowth or candidiasis without knowing it What are the Symptoms? Symptoms of Candidiasis or Candida overgrowth can include the following, depending on severity: Fatigue and lethargy Recurring yeast infections like thrush, athletes foot, fungal nail infections, etc Recurring UTI infections, allergies, sinus problems, asthma and chronic chest congestion Abdominal bloating, gas, indigestion, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea or mucus in the stool Eye fatigue and recurring inflammation of the eye Depression, anxiety, mood swings, panic attacks, poor concentration and memory or headaches Muscle weakness and joint pain or swelling and fever Dry mouth and tongue or cracked tongue, swollen face Itchy skin, especially of the anus and other damp places of the body. Sugar and carbohydrate cravings Candida is known to release over 79 different types of toxins into the system, resulting in the symptoms above. What Causes Candida Overgrowth? A common cause of Candida is antibiotic use and overuse. Antibiotics can result in Candida overgrowth because, along with the bad bacteria they are killing, they also kill off the 'friendly' micro-organisms or probiotic flora in the intestines, vagina, and whole body (Thrush). These good bacteria are responsible for controlling Candida levels. Common Causes: Antibiotics, antacids, anti-ulcer medications and steroids/cortisones Alcohol Diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates Antibiotics Hormonal imbalance Birth control pills Stress Intestinal parasites and worms Compromised immune function Take the Candida Questionnaire and Score Assessment SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM & Recommendations for Chronic Candida Following are some products that have been really helpful in helping clients with Candida overgrowth: Colon Guard & Alli-Cinn by Pharmax Yeast Arrest Boric Acid (optional): Vaginal suppositories for chronic yeast infections. HLC Intensive caps (probiotics) and HLC Synbiotic packets HLC CandaClear probiotic suppositories (follow up to Yeast Arrest for yeast infections) Intestinal Purifier by Pharmax Echinacea Complex by Pharmax or AHCC by QOL Labs 1 & 2) Yeast Killing Phase: First, it¹s important to kill off the yeast and bad bacteria causing the infection by using: Colon Guard: (Day 1-30) 1 capsule twice daily with a meal for 2 weeks, then 1 per day for 2 weeks. (aggressive yeast killer to be used no longer than 1 month) Yeast Arrest Suppositories: (Day 1-14) 1-2 per day for 7-14 days and then as needed (i.e. 2 days during end of menstrual cycle). Alli-Cinn: (Day 30-365) 1 capsule twice daily with a meal after finishing 1 month of Colon Guard. (Maintenance yeast killer to be used indefinitely). 3) You must use probiotics during this yeast killing phase to start replenishing the beneficial bacteria in the GI as well as to prevent further overgrowth of pathogenic strains which have been found to overgrow during antimicrobial therapy. (Duration: 1-6 months+) A). HLC Intensive capsules: (Day 1-10): 1 cap three times daily after meals for 10 days Then, . HLC Synbiotic: (Day 11-18) 1 packet daily before bed (or 1Ž2 packet twice daily after meals). Can be mixed in water or taken right off the spoon for 7-14 days. HLC Synbiotic packets are the highest potency probiotic plus prebiotic (FOS) product and contain a minimum of 130 billion total L. acidophilus (two strains), B. bifidum and lactis, and L. salivarius in each packet. After 10 days of HLC Intensive capsules, the GI is ready for FOS which will feed the beneficial bacteria and help re-colonize teh GI. Each of the five different strains will attach in different areas of the epithelial tissue in the intestinal tract (small and large intestines). This probiotic is a microbial replacement program for the gastrointestinal tract intended for 7 to 14 days depending on the severity of the problem. C). HLC High Potency Powder or Capsules: (Day 19-365) Maintenence dose probiotics to be taken indefinitely. Depending on if you prefer powder or capsules, choose between these two: HLC High Potency Powder: 1/4-1/2 tsp twice daily after meals or 1 tsp before bed OR HLC High Potency caps: 2 capsules twice daily after meals. 4) Replenish good flora in your vagina after the killing phase using the Yeast Arrest Boric Acid suppositories. HLC CandaClear suppositories contain special strains of probiotics which exist in a healthy vagina and need to regrow to keep down yeast and immune system of the vagina. HLC CandaClear suppositories: (Day 14-20) Insert 1 each night before bed for 6-12 days (as a follow up to Yeast Arrest suppositories). Then, use as needed (i.e. 2 days a month prior to or after period or when flare up is likely) 5) Bind and Remove Toxins: during the yeast killing phase of month 1, you need to bind the released toxins and excrete them from your body. We suggest: Intestinal Purifier by Pharmax: one serving daily and/or PaleoGreens by DFH: 1 Tablespoon daily And a fiber rich diet with lots of green vegetables & salads. 6) Strengthen Immune Function: Restoring proper Immune Function is one of the key goals in treatment and long term prevention of Candidiasis. These supplements offer immune support: Echinacea Complex by Pharmax - 2 per day (3 weeks on, stop 1 week) AHCC ImmunoKinoko by QOL Labs - 1 per day Take the Candida Questionnaire and Score Assessment The ANTI-CANDIDA DIET Diet is extremely important when dealing with Candida. A number of dietary factors appear to promote the growth of Candida. The most important factors are a high intake of sugar (table sugar, honey, molasses, maple syrup, corn syrup, candy, soft drinks, fruit (except cranberries and lemons) , milk and other dietary products, foods containing yeast such as flour products. NO SUGAR: Sugar is the chief food source for Candida Albicans. It is well accepted that restriction of sugar intake is an absolute necessity in the treatment of chronic candidiasis. Limitation of refined carbohydrates is also a good idea (bread, pasta, cereal, foods made with flour) since they can also feed yeast. NO MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS: There are several reasons to restrict or eliminate the intake of milk. The high lactose content promotes the overgrowth of Candida Milk is one the most frequent food allergens Milk may contain trace levels of antibiotics which can further disrupt the GI bacterial flora and promote Candida Overgrowth. NO MOLD AND YEAST- CONTAINING FOOD: Patients with chronic candidiasis should avoid foods with a high content of yeast or mold, including alcoholic beverages, cheeses, dried fruits and peanuts. Check for food allergies and Sensitivities: Check for food allergies or food sensitivities since they are very common in patients with yeast syndrome. The symptoms of a food sensitivity may be so subtle that you do not know you have it. We recommend you have an IgG food allergy test done from ImmunoLabs and eliminate any food which shows up positive for 3-6 months. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 25, 2006 Report Share Posted July 25, 2006 Thanks Kenda . . . outstanding post! . . . RogeneKenda Skaggs <skaggs@...> wrote: Hi , Here is the protocol recommended by Their website has a lot of valuable health information and some really good supplements. You can email them with questions and they will help you choose supplements to fit your symptoms. I'll check my other computer to see if I have another protocol they recommend. Kenda CHRONIC CANDIDIASIS What is Candidiasis? Candida albicans is a form of fungus or yeast that is found naturally in many parts of the healthy body, especially in the digestive tract. Usually levels of Candida are controlled by microbes or other substances which co-exist in the digestive tract. Everyone has small amount of yeast and other negative microorganisms in the intestinal area which are basically harmless. However, when the immune system and other defense capabilities are compromised or biologically armed, these microorganisms can multiply very quickly and will interfere with digestion and elimination. If they continue to grow year after year, these parasites, along with the toxins they produce every day, can enter the bloodstream and travel to other tissue where they can weaken the body. When this overgrowth becomes chronic or excessive, its contribution to disease can be overwhelming. The �yeast syndrome� is characterized by patients saying they �feel sick all over�. Fatigue, allergies, immune system malfunction, depression, chemical sensitivity, and digestive disturbances are just some of the symptoms patients with the yeast syndrome may experience. Many people have Candida overgrowth or candidiasis without knowing it What are the Symptoms? Symptoms of Candidiasis or Candida overgrowth can include the following, depending on severity: Fatigue and lethargy Recurring yeast infections like thrush, athletes foot, fungal nail infections, etc Recurring UTI infections, allergies, sinus problems, asthma and chronic chest congestion Abdominal bloating, gas, indigestion, heartburn, constipation, diarrhea or mucus in the stool Eye fatigue and recurring inflammation of the eye Depression, anxiety, mood swings, panic attacks, poor concentration and memory or headaches Muscle weakness and joint pain or swelling and fever Dry mouth and tongue or cracked tongue, swollen face Itchy skin, especially of the anus and other damp places of the body. Sugar and carbohydrate cravings Candida is known to release over 79 different types of toxins into the system, resulting in the symptoms above. What Causes Candida Overgrowth? A common cause of Candida is antibiotic use and overuse. Antibiotics can result in Candida overgrowth because, along with the bad bacteria they are killing, they also kill off the 'friendly' micro-organisms or probiotic flora in the intestines, vagina, and whole body (Thrush). These good bacteria are responsible for controlling Candida levels. Common Causes: Antibiotics, antacids, anti-ulcer medications and steroids/cortisones Alcohol Diet high in sugar and refined carbohydrates Antibiotics Hormonal imbalance Birth control pills Stress Intestinal parasites and worms Compromised immune function Take the Candida Questionnaire and Score Assessment SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM & Recommendations for Chronic Candida Following are some products that have been really helpful in helping clients with Candida overgrowth: Colon Guard & Alli-Cinn by Pharmax Yeast Arrest Boric Acid (optional): Vaginal suppositories for chronic yeast infections. HLC Intensive caps (probiotics) and HLC Synbiotic packets HLC CandaClear probiotic suppositories (follow up to Yeast Arrest for yeast infections) Intestinal Purifier by Pharmax Echinacea Complex by Pharmax or AHCC by QOL Labs 1 & 2) Yeast Killing Phase: First, it�s important to kill off the yeast and bad bacteria causing the infection by using: Colon Guard: (Day 1-30) 1 capsule twice daily with a meal for 2 weeks, then 1 per day for 2 weeks. (aggressive yeast killer to be used no longer than 1 month) Yeast Arrest Suppositories: (Day 1-14) 1-2 per day for 7-14 days and then as needed (i.e. 2 days during end of menstrual cycle). Alli-Cinn: (Day 30-365) 1 capsule twice daily with a meal after finishing 1 month of Colon Guard. (Maintenance yeast killer to be used indefinitely). 3) You must use probiotics during this yeast killing phase to start replenishing the beneficial bacteria in the GI as well as to prevent further overgrowth of pathogenic strains which have been found to overgrow during antimicrobial therapy. (Duration: 1-6 months+) A). HLC Intensive capsules: (Day 1-10): 1 cap three times daily after meals for 10 days Then, . HLC Synbiotic: (Day 11-18) 1 packet daily before bed (or 1�2 packet twice daily after meals). Can be mixed in water or taken right off the spoon for 7-14 days. HLC Synbiotic packets are the highest potency probiotic plus prebiotic (FOS) product and contain a minimum of 130 billion total L. acidophilus (two strains), B. bifidum and lactis, and L. salivarius in each packet. After 10 days of HLC Intensive capsules, the GI is ready for FOS which will feed the beneficial bacteria and help re-colonize teh GI. Each of the five different strains will attach in different areas of the epithelial tissue in the intestinal tract (small and large intestines). This probiotic is a microbial replacement program for the gastrointestinal tract intended for 7 to 14 days depending on the severity of the problem. C). HLC High Potency Powder or Capsules: (Day 19-365) Maintenence dose probiotics to be taken indefinitely. Depending on if you prefer powder or capsules, choose between these two: HLC High Potency Powder: 1/4-1/2 tsp twice daily after meals or 1 tsp before bed OR HLC High Potency caps: 2 capsules twice daily after meals. 4) Replenish good flora in your vagina after the killing phase using the Yeast Arrest Boric Acid suppositories. HLC CandaClear suppositories contain special strains of probiotics which exist in a healthy vagina and need to regrow to keep down yeast and immune system of the vagina. HLC CandaClear suppositories: (Day 14-20) Insert 1 each night before bed for 6-12 days (as a follow up to Yeast Arrest suppositories). Then, use as needed (i.e. 2 days a month prior to or after period or when flare up is likely) 5) Bind and Remove Toxins: during the yeast killing phase of month 1, you need to bind the released toxins and excrete them from your body. We suggest: Intestinal Purifier by Pharmax: one serving daily and/or PaleoGreens by DFH: 1 Tablespoon daily And a fiber rich diet with lots of green vegetables & salads. 6) Strengthen Immune Function: Restoring proper Immune Function is one of the key goals in treatment and long term prevention of Candidiasis. These supplements offer immune support: Echinacea Complex by Pharmax - 2 per day (3 weeks on, stop 1 week) AHCC ImmunoKinoko by QOL Labs - 1 per day Take the Candida Questionnaire and Score Assessment The ANTI-CANDIDA DIET Diet is extremely important when dealing with Candida. A number of dietary factors appear to promote the growth of Candida. The most important factors are a high intake of sugar (table sugar, honey, molasses, maple syrup, corn syrup, candy, soft drinks, fruit (except cranberries and lemons) , milk and other dietary products, foods containing yeast such as flour products. NO SUGAR: Sugar is the chief food source for Candida Albicans. It is well accepted that restriction of sugar intake is an absolute necessity in the treatment of chronic candidiasis. Limitation of refined carbohydrates is also a good idea (bread, pasta, cereal, foods made with flour) since they can also feed yeast. NO MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS: There are several reasons to restrict or eliminate the intake of milk. The high lactose content promotes the overgrowth of Candida Milk is one the most frequent food allergens Milk may contain trace levels of antibiotics which can further disrupt the GI bacterial flora and promote Candida Overgrowth. NO MOLD AND YEAST- CONTAINING FOOD: Patients with chronic candidiasis should avoid foods with a high content of yeast or mold, including alcoholic beverages, cheeses, dried fruits and peanuts. Check for food allergies and Sensitivities: Check for food allergies or food sensitivities since they are very common in patients with yeast syndrome. The symptoms of a food sensitivity may be so subtle that you do not know you have it. We recommend you have an IgG food allergy test done from ImmunoLabs and eliminate any food which shows up positive for 3-6 months. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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