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Re: April: Some of the stuff i have done to deal with the PTSD

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I’m not April, but a lot of what you said resonated with me. I think we all

have to go on a journey to healing that includes taking charge of our life and

health and actually doing something to bring us back to where we want to be. I,

too, got caught up in raising my family, taking care of an angry husband, taking

care of my mother and father, all while trying to work to try to help support

all of them physically and mentally. I lost me.

Then one day I looked around and realized that I didn’t like the person I’d

become. I’d always been a spiritual person, but I’d lost my spirituality. So

I decided to start reading the Bible again from the beginning.

I’d been a happy child, but I could see very little happiness in my life. I

decided to not let people effect my emotions. If what they said could bring me

down, then why couldn’t what I say bring them up. When someone said something

negative and depressing, I’d turn my answer into something positive.

By this time I had a computer so I joined a couple of Yahoo groups. I was also

pretty much bedridden with pain and fatigue by this time and on a lot of drugs.

I mentioned on one of my Fibromyalgia groups the drugs I was taking and how I

was feeling. One of the ladies asked if I’d ever looked up the side effects of

the drugs I was on and sent me a URL to check it out. I was really surprised by

what I read. The drugs my doctor had prescribed to help me feel better were

actually making me feel worse. I’d spent thousands of dollars on tests and

more drugs that were actually making me worse.

I decided to gradually wean myself off of a couple of the worse offenders. At

the same time I started to read every article that I could find about

Fibromyalgia and especially more natural treatments for it. Then on one of my

groups someone mentioned that Stanford University was conducting a trial of a

different drug for Fibromyalgia. I looked it up too and saw that it worked to

boost the immune system so that your body could naturally start to heal itself.

It also had hardly any side effects. I took the information to my doctor and he

agreed to let me try it. This was LDN and I started to notice more energy after

a couple of weeks.

I also started to read more about nutrition and tried several diets. I even went

so far as to being a Raw Vegan for a while. I feel that it did help some and it

really taught me a lot about food. I also tried the Eat Right 4 Your Type diet,

which also said that I should be a Vegetarian, but that I should have fish and

eggs. The main thing that I learned from both of these diets is that my body

needs more protein and fats than it does carbohydrates. They were a good step in

the right direction though for me on my healing journey.

Now I’m trying to follow Bee’s healing diet. I’ve only been on it for a

couple of weeks so it’s too soon to tell. The main thing I know is that my

initial decision to take charge of my own health care was the first and main

step in my healing process. Only you know your own body and what is right for


Judy H

To Health Through Knowledge

Started taking Low Dose Naltrexone on January 20, 2009 for

Fibromyalgia, Restless Legs Syndrome, Hashimotos Thyroid and PCOS


From: Joanne Ford

Sent: Sunday, January 22, 2012 8:49 PM

To: fibromyalgiacured

Subject: April: Some of the stuff i have done to deal with

the PTSD


By now you may have noticed that Bee keeps the spiritual out of the diet, and

her approach is quit clinical. I have nothing against that, in fact I see her

point, she does not get much hassle doing things her way. But to me these

illnesses require a relationship to be made between the inner selves and the

illness so that the healing can occur

It was many many years that went buy where I lived in what i can only describe

as a sorry state. I suffered much, much physical pain and disability, but also

much abuse and abandonment. I did not know that my diet was at the route of my

illness, nor did i know about the toxicity thing, I new stress was playing its

part but I had no idea what I should do about that. The things that were going

on in my life i had no power over and all the misleading information I was

receiving from doctors and the like was actually keeping me in the illness and

making things far far worse for me

It is easy to look at me now now that i am well and just assume that I went on

bees diet and that was it, but that was not it, that is far from what happened.

It is true that through her diet i did find the correct foods for me and the

correct supplements and I also found many ways to detox and heal myself, but the

torture, and that is what I will have to call it of living with fibro for all of

those years had taken its toll, not just on my physical body but on my inner

person too

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