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Hello everyone I am new to the group. I have been experiencing some

problems.. i want to see what everyone thinks.

Okay so here it goes. I was implanted in March 2005. I felt great

very happy and energetic until the end of October 2005. I just got

very fatigued... I didn't really like feel like doing anything after

I got off work, just wanted to come home. I just never had the

energy to socialize. My boyriend lived in California and I would go

see him often and it really lifted my mood. However just still

never had the enrgy i had before. November I had an abcess tooth

and had a root canal. The fatigue contiued... no joint pains just

fatigue. Fast foward to April 2006 my boyfriend moved in with me

and I noiteced I just didn't have the energy to do much for him. He

doesn't get home unitl 1030 pm at night so I started to atribute the

fatigue to that. However in mid May I awoke one night with a sharp

pain in my chest when i took a deep breath .... went to er and got

an anti inlamatory that made it go away. In May I ha another abcess

tooth and had trouble sleeping. To this day July 19 Things have

just gotten worse... I can't sleep through the night because i

awaken with my hands asleep and my heart jummping... I have also

had the strage thing with my chest happen one more time. Everyday I

have shortness of breath my lungs just feel very cold... I am all

messed up because of the lack of sleep.

Could this be the implants...

No joint pain



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