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Re: Post-explant symptom comparison

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Bindi writes...

> I wonder if some kind of symptom comparison chart would be a good

> idea, some way to visually see what everyone is going through?


That sounds like an idea for a research project! If we could just get

some grant money....

I'm not making fun, Bindi. It does sound interesting. I sure as heck

would like to know

what kind of time frame is involved in healing from silicone exposure.

But there are so

many variables, e.g., there are all the different kinds of implants;

then there are those that

ruptured and those that just bled; there are great differences in the

amount of time we had

implants before explantation, some women feeling ill quite soon, and

having them out, and

some either denying symptoms, or, not experiencing such a rapid onset of

reaction to the

foreign material, and not having explantation for decades!

Perhaps those who want to share could list main symptoms, e.g., main 6

symptoms, and

then along with implant date, explant date, rupture or no rupture, type

of implant, list date

each symptom began and ended, or indicate still present. It has to be a

fairly simple format

or it will be too hard to put together some kind of summary or

comparison of the data.

Are you a scientist? :-)

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Bindi, How about a poll? That would be hard though, since there are so many symptoms that we can list.....freebindi <bindi@...> wrote: I was wondering how many ladies who have been explanted for more than one year still have symptoms, and what they are, as well as what they did to get better. I think it would be helpful for some of us who are still figuring out what to do and what we have to look forward to. As for me, I am one year post explant, and I'm still experiencing many symptoms. They are definitely better than with implants (my sleep is better, and my nausea and indigestion and skin dryness and rashes are gone) but I am still feeling pretty cruddy-- pain, stiffness, brain fog, fatigue, dizziness. I have the classic "tender points" of fibro. I am about fifteen pounds over my normal weight. I eat a very clean, organic diet, take several herbs and supplements. I am trying to stay optimistic, but it is hard! Any others want to compare? I know Patty recovered in four years, after much detoxing. And Molly recovered much of her health in two years without a whole lot of detoxing. Anyone else want to chime in? I wonder

if some kind of symptom comparison chart would be a good idea, some way to visually see what everyone is going through? Bindi

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Leyna, I'm afraid that one woman's experience may not be another's . . . I was explanted over twelve years ago . . . and still have to be very careful that I don't overstep my boundaries and have a flare. There are so many factors at work that may not apply to everyone . . . sensitivity to silicone, presence of bacteria, mycoplasma bacteria, or other organisms, tissue damage, organ damage, infection, etc. - then throw in the variables of our genetics, diet, detoxing, exercise, stress, etc. . . and you end up with a jumble that would be very difficult, if not impossible to figure out. IMHO, one needs to look at getting better as a lifelong plan. You may never be as healthy as you once were, BUT, you should be able to reach a point where life is good again, and you can do almost anything you did before - if not more.

For myself, I look at other women who had silicone gel implants as long as II did, and I realize that, unless their implants were properly removed, and unless they actively took responsibility for their own health (not giving that power to doctors), they are either sicker or dead now. So . . . while I probably still have a few problems, considering where I could have been, I'm very thankful that God had been leading me where I need to go. God Bless, Rogene

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I don't have the brain fog that I had. It is gone, I have my memory

back,My concentration is way better, I still have pain in the neck,

hips, and all of the fibro points as well. my muscles are weak and

still hve muscle cramps and some spasms. The spasms are getting

better, I have only had them on the right which is the same side as

the capsule I just had removed, I used to have them all day long and

through the night. I noticed that they are getting fewer and far

between since last week. I still have fatigue.

Terri P

-- In , " freebindi " <bindi@...> wrote:


> I was wondering how many ladies who have been explanted for more

than one year still have symptoms, and what they are, as well as what

they did to get better. I think it would be helpful for some of us

who are still figuring out what to do and what we have to look

forward to.


> As for me, I am one year post explant, and I'm still experiencing

many symptoms. They are definitely better than with implants (my

sleep is better, and my nausea and indigestion and skin dryness and

rashes are gone) but I am still feeling pretty cruddy-- pain,

stiffness, brain fog, fatigue, dizziness. I have the classic " tender

points " of fibro. I am about fifteen pounds over my normal weight. I

eat a very clean, organic diet, take several herbs and supplements. I

am trying to stay optimistic, but it is hard!


> Any others want to compare? I know Patty recovered in four years,

after much detoxing. And Molly recovered much of her health in two

years without a whole lot of detoxing.


> Anyone else want to chime in? I wonder if some kind of symptom

comparison chart would be a good idea, some way to visually see what

everyone is going through?


> Bindi


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Rogene, Well said! :) Being diabetic, I was never really healthy, so it's almost impossible for me to know how I was feeling before I had my implants-plus, back then, I didn't take good care of my body like I'm doing now. But you're right-we have to do what we can to avoid flares!Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: Leyna, I'm afraid that one woman's experience may not be another's . . . I was explanted over

twelve years ago . . . and still have to be very careful that I don't overstep my boundaries and have a flare. There are so many factors at work that may not apply to everyone . . . sensitivity to silicone, presence of bacteria, mycoplasma bacteria, or other organisms, tissue damage, organ damage, infection, etc. - then throw in the variables of our genetics, diet, detoxing, exercise, stress, etc. . . and you end up with a jumble that would be very difficult, if not impossible to figure out. IMHO, one needs to look at getting better as a lifelong plan. You may never be as healthy as you once were, BUT, you should be able to reach a point where life is good again, and you can do almost anything you did before - if not more. For myself, I look at other women who had silicone gel implants as long as II did, and I realize that, unless their implants were properly removed, and

unless they actively took responsibility for their own health (not giving that power to doctors), they are either sicker or dead now. So . . . while I probably still have a few problems, considering where I could have been, I'm very thankful that God had been leading me where I need to go. God Bless, Rogene

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