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Re: yeast-linda

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Don't apologize about venting - it may help YOU get better for you daughters sake.... feel better at least to say what is on your mind.... I do my share of it... I figure people can bypass it if they do not want to read it and it usually makes me feel better to get these feelings out if nothing else. I have been here or several years and have had my ups and downs for sure.... Sorry about your daughters brain lesions but I am sure with the right treatment she can heal fine just like Patty and several others I have heard of that have had the same diagnosis... I am actually surprised that I have not had tat diagnosis yet with all of my massive headache issue as well as my seizures now.... I thought for sure that was next - and it very well could be. a lot of times the docs do not find these things right away.... that is for sure... like your daughter with the yeast/candida issue... you can go to a thousand docs and be lucky to find one that will actually try to treat you and not take your money and shove a few more pills in you as they have tried with me for years... I have no doubt this is why I am so toxic and is probably why I am taking so long to heal after explant... not having the right docs on my plan and not having enough $$ to go around the country, like I need to, until I find one that will treat me.... it is an endless battle with the doctors, insurance and disability... they fight you on everything and then the average "joe" can't make it without the insurance and disability so you pay tons of $$ for years to have the benefit should you ever need it -then God forbid then need arise that you have to use it - they try everything in their power to keep you from getting it. It is truly a nightmare... I guess if I were independently wealthy it wouldn't matter but there are sooo many out there who are not poor but are not rich either.... live a decent life but need the second income to afford a decent home. etc.... Especially where we live - in Florida - insurance and Home prices and taxes are Crazy here... we have actually considered moving away from my family and everything I know if we can not get this mess taken care of so we can afford to live on one income. My hubby does well but down here it takes more than well... especially since the hurricanes. Geez... now it looks like I have been ranting... sorry

got off on a tangent there.. sorry


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