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I thought I'd take a few minutes to share a recent scare I had in the hopes it

won't happen to someone else. About 3 weeks ago, I noticed a tenderness in the

area of my liver when a friend accidentally hit me there. It could've been

flukey, but it didn't seem right. Over a period of about 2 weeks after that

time, the pain increased to the point of noticeable even when not touched, and

the liver was literally hardening. My belly also bloated a little, and my gut

area was becoming uncomfortable. (I also started to have pain in one quadrant of

my gums... it was getting hard to chew food on that side.)

I kept thinking I had eaten gluten somewhere along the way. It was becoming

clearer and clearer, though, it was definitely my liver. I wracked my fibro

brain... what was new in my diet? ... did the accidental hit send a cascade of

issues in that area? etc. etc.

What occurred to me, finally, about a week ago was that I had started a new

regimen of lemon juice ... half a lemon every day in a paltry couple ounces of

water. When the same friend had brought by a huge bag of organic lemons, I upped

it to a lemon a day. To make a long story short, once I stopped the lemons, the

pain began to back off. It's now been a week of no lemons, and my liver isn't

even tender when touched. If I push in very hard, it's slightly there.

Moral of the story ... If you drink lemon juice, make sure you do that with

plenty of spring water. Carey Reams, who first touted the incredible properties

of lemon juice, recommended 1 oz. juice to 9 ozs of water followed by another 8

ounces of water 20-30 minutes later. I had totally forgotten about that

important part of the regimen.

" )

PS Google Carey Reams if you have time ... His theory re: the ionization of

the body for optimal health is intriguing.

PPS I recently read that no one should detox until the gut is put right ...

another potential reason for the clogging of my poor liver!

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