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You can look at the Older Plagio Group, there are some

pictures there.


--- In Plagiocephaly , " cartersdoc " <mamagill@h...>



> I was wondering if anyone know's of a website that offers pictures

> of children/adults who did not receive treatment with a helmet and

> were unsuccessful with repositioning as a baby. I've tried

> searching but could not find anything.


> Thanks!


> Ashburn, VA

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I think it's OlderPlag or OlderPlagio

Put that in the search box for groups.

However, I've been there and it doesn't show any useful pics, only

front views.


Colin F., 12 mos.

STARband grad

--- In Plagiocephaly , " cartersdoc " <mamagill@h...>



> I was wondering if anyone know's of a website that offers pictures

> of children/adults who did not receive treatment with a helmet and

> were unsuccessful with repositioning as a baby. I've tried

> searching but could not find anything.


> Thanks!


> Ashburn, VA

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It's OlderPlag

--- In Plagiocephaly , " cartersdoc " <mamagill@h...>



> I was wondering if anyone know's of a website that offers pictures

> of children/adults who did not receive treatment with a helmet and

> were unsuccessful with repositioning as a baby. I've tried

> searching but could not find anything.


> Thanks!


> Ashburn, VA

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  • 1 year later...

In a message dated 10/29/2005 2:16:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

johnvel@... writes:

Has anyone gone to the media to achieve services and/or answers - when

all other means have been exhausted - in an effort to obtain these? If

so, have you been successful or has it created more controversy or

reluctance for provision of assistance? (Thanks)

I would recommend using extreme caution with this. After all alternatives

have been exhausted (resolution, mediation, due process) it may be something

to consider with legal support and guidance. It will definitely not put you in

a good light with the school department. Pam :)

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In a message dated 10/29/2005 5:15:26 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

johnvel@... writes:

Hi Pam, this goes beyond the school level, into the Government... As

a parent, having been involved in a 'battle' of more than a dozen

years that appears to delivering a provision of services to foster-

care workers rather than biological families in good standing.

Then perhaps you do have a story that would be of interest to the local

reporters. Sorry if I misunderstood.

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Hi Pam, this goes beyond the school level, into the Government... As

a parent, having been involved in a 'battle' of more than a dozen

years that appears to delivering a provision of services to foster-

care workers rather than biological families in good standing.



> In a message dated 10/29/2005 2:16:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

> johnvel@s... writes:


> Has anyone gone to the media to achieve services and/or answers -


> all other means have been exhausted - in an effort to obtain

these? If

> so, have you been successful or has it created more controversy or

> reluctance for provision of assistance? (Thanks)




> I would recommend using extreme caution with this. After all


> have been exhausted (resolution, mediation, due process) it may be


> to consider with legal support and guidance. It will definitely

not put you in

> a good light with the school department. Pam :)




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I went public.. in one way.. http://news.halinet.on.ca/details

asp?NewsID=187167 & number=1 this is my son's story I had gone to the news..

to make sure that Autism awareness month was recognized.. and to highlight

how intervention and access to services can make him more independent....

this way.. if they ever mess with his placement in school.. as he gets older

.. well.. I have a connection...

People.. ( newspapers..) are much more likely to also receive you if you are

concise.. and straight forward.. willing to highlight both sides.. then..

when you have something important to say.. like a lack of services.. etc..

you sound very credible.. ( not like the raving insane momma bear you feel

like on the inside.. LOL man I remember those days.. I wanted to GO POSTAL)

I SAY GO PUBLIC!! Its hard to deny a diagnosed child when they are all over

the news!!! nothing like shining a light to make the roaches run LOL

-- Re: ( ) Question...

In a message dated 10/29/2005 2:16:32 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

johnvel@... writes:

Has anyone gone to the media to achieve services and/or answers - when

all other means have been exhausted - in an effort to obtain these? If

so, have you been successful or has it created more controversy or

reluctance for provision of assistance? (Thanks)

I would recommend using extreme caution with this. After all alternatives

have been exhausted (resolution, mediation, due process) it may be


to consider with legal support and guidance. It will definitely not put you


a good light with the school department. Pam :)

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Thanks for replying. I nearly missed your response since I did not

have a chance to read messages for the past couple of days and there

were SO many to catch up on.

I wasn't able to view the article, but could relate to your writing

about refraining from sounding like raving " momma bear. " LOL Yeah, I

sure feel that way and have to check myself!

I'm guessing you must be located in Ontario? The link took me to a

search page with Burlington, etc. (BTW I grew up in Toronto).

- Velvet


> I went public.. in one way.. http://news.halinet.on.ca/details

> asp?NewsID=187167 & number=1 this is my son's story I had gone to

the news..

> to make sure that Autism awareness month was recognized.. and to


> how intervention and access to services can make him more


> this way.. if they ever mess with his placement in school.. as he

gets older

> . well.. I have a connection...

> People.. ( newspapers..) are much more likely to also receive you

if you are

> concise.. and straight forward.. willing to highlight both sides..


> when you have something important to say.. like a lack of

services.. etc..

> you sound very credible.. ( not like the raving insane momma bear

you feel

> like on the inside.. LOL man I remember those days.. I wanted to GO



> I SAY GO PUBLIC!! Its hard to deny a diagnosed child when they are

all over

> the news!!! nothing like shining a light to make the roaches run


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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

I would like to know does your stomach ever go down after having implants,

I am tired of looking pregnant and tired of being tired

I do have a doctors appointment this month

My physician cannot help me I have to help myself

Shame that Dr.Kolb lives so far away

She is so caring and understands implant rejection

What else is everyone doing to get thier stomachs back to normal

I get very upset when people ask me when is my baby due

Bless all of you,


magneseium 500

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Guest guest

Hi Sandy,

When I move to Red Deer at the end of August, I'm going to detox with

the Master Cleanse - minimum 10 days. My stomach disappears in a few

days cuz all the guck is coming out of the intestines. After the

cleanse, it's important to change your diet - I am a semi-vegetarian -

not the fanatic kind, and when I eat lots of brown rice, some

grains, lotsa veggies and a little fruit, I feel great. That's my

goal for September....I don't have running water in the little cabin

I live in right now, and the bathroom trips are frequent, so that

wouldn't work! lol

I didn't think I could do it the first time I did, with the self-

discipline and all...but it felt great. The first 3 days you feel

kind of " fluish " then you have all kinds of energy. It's amazing!

Take care of yourself, you're worth it!

Love & Healing,

Sunny :)


> I would like to know does your stomach ever go down after having


> I am tired of looking pregnant and tired of being tired


> I do have a doctors appointment this month

> My physician cannot help me I have to help myself


> Shame that Dr.Kolb lives so far away

> She is so caring and understands implant rejection


> What else is everyone doing to get thier stomachs back to normal

> I get very upset when people ask me when is my baby due


> Bless all of you,

> Sandy~


> magneseium 500


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  • 1 year later...

here a nice story about fibro

have fibromyalgia, sjrogren's and the base illness of scleroderma.

I have been on ldn since Sept of 06. Within days of taking it, I

started to feel so much better. My son started taking it for MS at

the same time. Both he and I said the same thing—we felt like our

bodies were working correctly for the first time.

My pain level, energy level, circulation, bodily functions, mood,

everything worked better and as I have told others, many of those

things you don't think of when everything is working well so you have

to stop and think and evaluate the little changes. People around me,

as I work in the public, could see how much better I was doing. I

was also dealing with a back injury that had me in a lot of pain at

the time. Yesterday, I taught riding lessons in the cold in

Cleveland all day and had a party here after that. I was on my feet

in the cold for 9 hours straight and my legs were sore a little but I

did it, and I got up this morning and can function well. When I do

something like that, I know that before ldn, I could not have done

it. And the next day, I would have not been able to do much. I

don't even feel tired today.

I advise everyone to do what it takes to get the medication—even if

it means a phone consult with one of the good doctors this site


In my opinion, any doctor that withholds this medicine from a patient

is negligent.




> Can anyone tell me if ldn has been shown to help with fibromyalgia?


> Thanks,

> Lorna


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Maybe we could start a database of doctors that are willing to

prescribe LDN, categorized geographically. They did this on the

stopthethyroidmadness site and that's how I found someone who would

prescribe Armour for me. Perhaps we could put the list in the Files


> >

> >

> > Can anyone tell me if ldn has been shown to help with


> >

> > Thanks,

> > Lorna

> >


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Hi Everyone,

I keep an LDN Dr list of Dr’s that prescribe LDN in the US and Other Countries so if you need one please email me privately and I will email you what I have on my list in your area.

Also if anyone has a Dr that prescribes LDN and you have their permission to be added to my list then please email me their information so I can add it to my list to help others.

Also if anyone has a testimony they would like to share of their experience with LDN please email it to me so I can add it to my website and my newsletter.

Hugs & Blessings,


Crystal’s MS,TM and LDN Website


Hugs & Blessings,


LDN_Users Group Owner

Diagnosed November 2004 with Secondary Progressive MS, Transverse Myelitis and an Advocate for LDN!! 2 years & 5 months on LDN with Skip's Pharmacy.....

Crystal's MS,TM & LDN Website

Crystal's LDN Gift Shop

Crystal's LDN Support Group

Skip's Compounding Pharmacy

LDN Website

Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: question...

its already done crystal has it

Cyndi Lenz

psychrngate (DOT) . net


http://www.tdgr2pro ductions. com

On Feb 13, 2008, at 11:00 AM, marlaprendergast wrote:

Maybe we could start a database of doctors that are willing to prescribe LDN, categorized geographically. They did this on the stopthethyroidmadne ss site and that's how I found someone who would prescribe Armour for me. Perhaps we could put the list in the Files section.> >> > > > Can anyone tell me if ldn has been shown to help with fibromyalgia?> > > > Thanks,> > Lorna> >>

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Search.

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Hi Marla,A gal named Crystal maintains a list by location of doctors willing to prescribe LDN and of pharmacies that compound it. For more information, visithttp://tinyurl.com/2dfbvdSincerely,Dudley Delany

dudley_delanyFrom: marlaprendergast

Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 11:00 AM

low dose naltrexone

Subject: [low dose naltrexone] Re: question...

Maybe we could start a database of doctors that are willing to

prescribe LDN, categorized geographically. They did this on the

stopthethyroidmadness site and that's how I found someone who would

prescribe Armour for me. Perhaps we could put the list in the Files


> >

> >

> > Can anyone tell me if ldn has been shown to help with


> >

> > Thanks,

> > Lorna

> >


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Well my neuro said no and my gp said no today

Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: question...

Crystal, don't know if he would prescribe for others but my GP prescribes LDN for me, Dr Kolle, Tillicoultry, Scotland.


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That is very typical. Don't feel badly. Do you want me to send you the names of 3 different doctors that understand how good LDN is and will do phone consults with you. That is the way my husband got going and it has worked out very well for him. My husbands Nero said no 3 years ago, even after I gave her 60 stories that I printed out from Remedyfind.com. So we did a phone consult with Dr. Bihari. 3 years later I heard that same Nero that said no has 6 MS patients on LDN now. My best is that at least a few got it without her consent and she saw how well they were doing. The reason I know this is because one of her patient is our friend. She was not doing well at all with the other crab meds and finally when nothing else was working she said lets try LDN, I have 5 patients on it and they seem to be doing well. I wish she would try the LDN first and then go to the Crab meds. But one battle at a time. It is good she recognizes it at all.

Don't give up Bruce. You need to take charge of your own life. Just ask for help and we will find a way for you to get it. Mail order, phone consult doctors or a new doctor in your area. Just say the word


Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: question...

Crystal, don't know if he would prescribe for others but my GP prescribes LDN for me, Dr Kolle, Tillicoultry, Scotland.


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Hi Sylvie,This site will tell you how to obtain LDN:http://tinyurl.com/2dfbvdBest regards,Dudley Delany

dudley_delanyFrom: Sylvia Brown

Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 6:28 PM

low dose naltrexone

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: question...

My G.P. wouldn't prescribe me LDN in the past, well only as a one off, but Dr Bob Lawrence is sending him some info in the post which I am hoping will sway him. Worth a try anyway!

Sylvie x

Latest news about baby Marcus:http://www.healthdiaries.com/ms/sylvie/

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Hi Bruce,This site will tell you how to obtain LDN:http://tinyurl.com/2dfbvdBest regards,Dudley Delany

dudley_delanyFrom: Bruce

Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 6:23 PM

low dose naltrexone

Subject: Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: question...

Well my neuro said no and my gp said no today

Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: question...

Crystal, don't know if he would prescribe for others but my GP prescribes LDN for me, Dr Kolle, Tillicoultry, Scotland.


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Thanks for your reply. I think I no of a neuro that may give it. I am going on the 27th to see him give a talk.I may be changing neuros

Re: [low dose naltrexone] Re: question...

Crystal, don't know if he would prescribe for others but my GP prescribes LDN for me, Dr Kolle, Tillicoultry, Scotland.


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