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Cindy's response to the PR Machine and the FDA

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has three children who have been made ill by her breast implants . . . each more progressively ill by birth order. Her youngest child is extremely ill. . . . In addition, is also very sick herself. She's lost all trust in the medical community - even though she comes from a family of physicians. knows what she's talking about when it comes to discussing genetic triggers and breast implants! . . . It's a shame the medical establishment and the FDA don't - or we wouldn't have so many sick women and children! has given us permission to circulate this message. Rogene ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- I just wanted to say: Sounds like (the same tactics) of

what was done in Houston years ago to Dr. Lykissa... .....this type of thumbing down of researchers who are trying to uphold their oath of First, do NO harm for humanity, (for WOMEN's HEALTH) is TYPICAL in the Art of Medicine when there is a huge cover up to the truth of the harm that WAS exerted upon the general public, I believe.... I believe, a HUGE COVER UP like we all see with the chemical adjuvancy of breast implant LOT numbers , the catalysts/ platinum excesses & the time factor of exposure along with the variants of certain key genes (whatever those genes may be) that are being elevated into whatever disease risk that may present as classic disease and/or disease-like when platinum excesses are entangled with the variants of certain key genes. Seeing breast implants have never been crafted/ nor tailored to the human immune response...SO MENTOR and

INAMED (as well as the FDA) are going to always have a problem until they get with the real program which is upholding their oath of First, do NO harm with the devices that the human body can embrace...that may be embraced via the placental barrier through fetal cells as well. BY THE WAY, Dr. Lykissa & Dr. Maharaj ARE BOTH researchers who uphold their oath of First, do no harm to that highest of high standard....There are many in the medical community (physicians /researchers from all medical divisions within the USA or around the world) and/or in disease organizations who do NOT want the truth to be told about the chemical adjuvancy of breast implant lot numbers/catalysts---platinum included and that these devices over time are very capable of exerting--- "turning on" the human immune response from the chemical adjuvancy of breast implant lot numbers when the variants of certain key genes

(whatever the genes may be---far more than one or two genes as we may already understand) are entangled/elevated/"turned on".... Hey, this is why NOT EVERYONE who opts for chemo or VIOXX/BEXTRA or whatever is able to embrace it because treatment may be offending to the varaints of certain key genes and the treatment has NEVER been crafted/ nor tailored to what is in chemo or whatever else... therefore, a medical treatment (or medicines/ vaccines/dentistry/medical devices) will help some people and will NOT be of benefit to others. Maybe MENTOR /INAMED need to spend a heck of alot more money on understanding the variants of certain key genes/the genome and craft/tailor ALL breast implants/the chemical adjuvancy of lot numbers to the human immune response to avoid sensitivity, adverse reaction, the "turning on" of the human immune response and via the placental

barrier...instead of placing big money in the pockets of their CEOs...or in the pockets of whoever else within the medical community. Put the money where their mouth is. ....bad genetics? ...NO, humans are taking "hits" of bad triggers/genetically offending triggers (that the medical communty/the Art of Medicine provides to the general population as safe or with acceptable risks that the FDA approves) that will NOT be able to be embraced by the variants of certain key genes (whatever those genes may be) ....medicine, science and research NEED TO better craft/tailor medicines, vaccines, dentistry and medical devices (like breast implants) to the variants of those genes being EXERTED---TURNED ON... WE are all in the same boat here folks, not just a small group...this is about humanity... .....and REMEMBER, it is NOT good medicine to allow the chemical

adjuvancy of breast implants or any medicine/vaccine/dentistry or medical device to EXERT the immune response---"turn on" the human immune response then say, the cause is genetics...because it is NOT the cause of genetics/this is decit and twisted words for business as usual to continue---DO NOT PLACE the medically offending trigger/genetically offending trigger in the body in the first place even IF it was approved by the FDA...just because that FDA gives their stamp of approval does not mean they really know for sure things are safe or have acceptable risks... .......they don't know for sure because NO BODY in medicine/science and research has a full grasp of the human genome along with the variants of certain key genes that may be exerted-"turned on". I know I am not placing MY TRUST in the FDA/IOM/NCI/NIH or others after I have observed them ALL truly 100% bungle things

with what silicone gel breast implants are very capable of exerting within the human immune response, VIA THE PLACENTAL BARRIER through fetal cells with health issues as well as birth defects/mutations--various health problems or whatever in the offspring as well. I really believe, the FDA is approving the exerting/'turning on' of the human immune response with what they DO approve, will approve in the future & have approved in their past history--- they did it with VIOXX / BEXTRA and will do this same thing with silicone gel breast implants/breast implants when these so-called devices are approved...the medical community is USING humanity to get ahead and this bothers me to see this happen at their free will. I thought the FDA was suppose to be a gate keeper for a higher standard of First, do no harm, (guess I was incorrect) and now those gates

have been removed with the United States Senate watching like all is well, in a very dysfuctional society of "choices" being made. Also, in the Art of Medicine they may use things more often off label as a hit and/or miss treatment, then fail to FULLY track (dispassionately) what really happened or what the outcome really was....again, what a nasty deal for a patient of ALL ages who are NOT getting a true informed choice about what may really happen IF they opt for the medicine/vaccine/dentistry, medical device. This below is just more "medical words of art" in the Art of Medicine, twisted words of decit so that those opting for a breast implant NOW or in the future will not be skeptical, so that "business as usual" may continue on for the breast implant companies, plastic surgeons and anyone else who places making money first in their lives.

QUESTION: Since when is it good medicine to EXERT/induce/ 'turn on' the human immune response with a so-called medical device, like with the chemical adjuvancy of breast implant lot numbers? Bad enough that VIOXX/BEXTRA and other medicines/vaccines/dentistry and medical devices do this--exert/turn on the human immune response...but I guess with FDA approving this type of crapola to exert- "turn on" the human immune response is part of the ART of MEDICINE and how they do business to get ahead...it has worked well for the medical community for years past and in the future we ALL are going to get to witness even MORE (like what I personally care to term) sloppy medicine, science and research that exerts/ turns on the human immune response, via the placental barrier as well with sensitivity/ adverse reactions, the exerting of the human immune response and via the placental barrier through fetal cells with birth

defects, human mutations and so forth "caused" by medicine/science and research which IS the choice & clear standard of those in the Art of Medicine...all FDA approved, or not. ....but the fact is the human immune response (as well as fetal cells with the breast implant exposed offspring) who take "hits" is going to speak volumes that breast implants exert-induced- "TURN ON" the human immune response simply because NO BREAST IMPLANT (PAST, PRESENT or IN THE FUTURE) has been crafted/ nor tailored to the varaints of certain key genes (whatever those genes may be) that have been exerted--turned on,.End result-- sensitivity, an adverse reaction, the exerting process of the human immune response into disease that may present as classic disease or disease-like, via the placental barrier through fetal cells (with the process of microchimerism/chimerism), I believe in the offspring who take "hits" through fetal cells.

This US Journal / Analytical Chemistry as well as everyone else in the medical community (FDA included) need to consider with the chemical adjuvancy of breast implant lot numbers (as well as with catalysts-platinum) that: AN ADJUVANT IS A SUBSTANCE THAT CAN ENHANCE THE IMMUNE RESPONSE TO A FOREIGN MATERIAL (SUCH AS PROTEIN). REMEMBER, ENHANCE/INDUCE/ EXERT- "TURN ON' A FOREIGN MATERIAL (SILICONE) SUCH AS A PROTEIN--WHICH PROTEIN EXCESSES ARE COMMON IN MANY DISEASES, PRIMARILY THOSE THAT STIMULATE THE IMMUNE SYSTEM, SUCH AS LUPUS, MYELOMA (MM) AND SIMILAR CONDITIONS ....SIMILAR CONDITIONS LIKE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS), RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS (RA), SCLERODERMA, DERMATOMYOSITIS, OTHER DISEASES OF AUTOIMMUNITY AS WELL AS CANCERS ...THEN factor in the catalysts like platinum from the chemical adjuvancy of breast implant lot numbers and the immune response may present with classic disease

and/or disease like (because of the chemical adjuvancy of a breast implant lot number & catalysts---the platinum which NOT everyone in the world can embrace platinum) entangled with the variants of certain key genes (whatever those genes may be) .... Which ( I personally believe from observing) this whole process is not the 'cause' of one's genetics at all ...but rather the 'cause' of a trigger that should NOT be placed in the human body in the first place and NOT having the full grasp and understanding of the human genome...to better craft/tailor what should and SHOULD NOT be placed in the human body. To date, NO chemical adjuvancy of any breast implant has been crafted/nor tailored to the variants of certain key genes that will NOT embrace a breast implant, end result we are seeing from past breast implant patients exposed (as well as in offspring) IS sensitivity, adverse reactions, exerting--'turning on' of the human

immune response as well as via the placental barrier with allergies, delays in growth, delays in mental development, birth defects/mutations, and so forth (as the list of health concerns with the chemical adjuvancy of breast implants is long and the studies from Lykissa and Maharaj should NOT be dismissed) if anyone in the medical community really wishes to uphold their oath of First, do NO harm to that highest of high standard. I think one valuable lesson I personally have learned from in my own hellish experience with breast implants besides what knowlege I have gained since 1976 & what I had to say (in my above e-mail ) is that I have learned being a past McGhan/3M silicone gel breast implant patient was that: Those with all of the medical degrees and all the education can really be wisdomless, self-serving, not dispassionate and very closed minded to

what the truth really is as the human body speaks volumes. This is NOT upholding one's oath of First, do no harm but rather covering one's own tail of harm caused..."caused" first by the Art of Medicine. The end result, just so the Art of Medicine can go forth with "business as usual" while exerting---"turning on" the human immune response with medicines/vaccines/dentistry/medical devices with the seal of approval from the FDA, like the chemical adjuvancy of breast implants. But this is the standard, the "choice" the United States of America's medical community has taken...Oh well... NO, you need not agree with me. But I DO believe what I have stated in the above e-mail, no matter how others want to "twist" the truth and climb the stairs to success no matter who they may step on to get ahead. CFM/ Fuchs-sey

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