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Re: Patty - Leyna needs root canal info

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Yes, I do have dry mouth, and I certainly have dry eye

syndrome. My eyes are so dry that I can no longer wear

contact lenses, and I've had silicone eye plugs

inserted in my eyes for dryness-but they didn't help

at all! So I wear glasses and feel so OLD and ugly

now! lol

--- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:

> Leyna,


> There is another issue with root canals . . .

> Patty can fill you in on that . . .


> Basically root canals may seal the poisons in your

> body . . .


> Patty should be back soon . . .


> Women have seen their teeth rot from below the gum

> line . . . break off in bits and pieces . . . I had

> a gum infection that was eating away at my jaw . . .

> I'm not sure that was implant related though.


> One of the problems that goes with implants is dry

> mouth and dry eyes . . . Dry mouth makes one more

> prone to dental problems.


> Rogene






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Leyna, I'm so sorry you're having so many problems! . . . You're not alone by any means! . . . I just wish you would have found us sooner! Do you have diagnoses for any of your health problems? . . . Are you under medical care? . . . When you joined the group, you received a message that gives you a link to send to MedWatch to report complications resulting from medical devices/drugs . . . You can send one report for every diagnosis . . . If your doctor would sign them, so much the better - but you can do it yourself. There are hundreds of thousands of reports already filed. One of our silent sisters is working on getting these reports classified as a study so they can run the stats on the problems women are having . . . What kinds of medications are you on? . . . Hugs and

prayers, Rogene

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Hi! I don't remember a link to MedWatch...I must have

just deleted it, thinking it was just the normal

welcome message!

Well, as far as medications, I'm diabetic (for 30

years), so I'm on an insulin pump for that. I'm on

Thyrolar for my hypothyroidsm, and Lisinopril for my

blood pressure, and a Bio-Identical HRT for my


I take tons of vitamins, I eat as many organic foods

as I can afford, I excercise every day, and I take two

tablespoons of apple cider vinegar twice a day for the

detox effects, and two tablespoons of organic coconut

oil twice a day because it really helps my diabetes. I

eat two tablespoons of flaxseed every day, and I eat

10 apricot kernels because it supposedly prevents

and/or cures cancer.

I usually only drink water or organic juice....anyway,

sorry to ramble, but I'm just trying to do as much as

I can to feel better.

I grow my own Kombucha cultures too, which is an

excellant detox too.

Yeah, I have diagnosis for my diabetes,

hypoththryoidism, hypertension, Fibromyalgia, dry eye

syndrome, Reynaud's syndrome, and the female problems

that led to the hysterectomy.

I don't take anything for the Fibro because doctors

just wanted to put me on antidepressants to treat

it...and I'm not depressed, and I know how much poison

antidepressants put in a person's body. So I just

take aspirin or homeopathic meds for the pain.

--- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:

> Leyna,


> I'm so sorry you're having so many problems! . . .

> You're not alone by any means! . . . I just wish you

> would have found us sooner!


> Do you have diagnoses for any of your health

> problems? . . . Are you under medical care? . . .

> When you joined the group, you received a message

> that gives you a link to send to MedWatch to report

> complications resulting from medical devices/drugs .

> . .


> You can send one report for every diagnosis . . .

> If your doctor would sign them, so much the better -

> but you can do it yourself.


> There are hundreds of thousands of reports already

> filed. One of our silent sisters is working on

> getting these reports classified as a study so they

> can run the stats on the problems women are having .

> . .


> What kinds of medications are you on? . . .


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene




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Leyna, It sounds like you're really on top of everything and doing the best you can! . . . You certainly are in tune with what we recommend here! I have a few suggestions (of course) :-) . . . I'm concerned about the Kombucha mushroom tea . . . It has so much sugar in it . .. doesn't it mess with your diabetes? . . . I'd love to hear the sugar is transformed into something safe! I love the tea. . . But sugar feeds fungal organisms! . . . Bad news! I've learned to manage fibromyalgia to the point I wouldn't know I had it - if I follow my program . . . diet, exercise, sufficient deep sleep - I confess to taking a sleeping pill nightly, avoid letting stress or anger take over, keep moving - vigorous exercise is out - so is sitting or laying around, massage, far infrared sauna, Epsom salt baths, etc. I was taking L-Glutamine and completely

pain free for a while - until I learned that it can create it's own problems! FM goes hand in glove with a sleeping disorder. . . If you can find a way to get deep sleep, it helps immensely. Sleepy Time tea (Celestial Seasonings) works pretty good! Are you taking any antifungals? Acidopholis? . . . Most of the women who have had breast implants have a persistent systemic fungal/yeast/Candida problem. Hugs, Rogene

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I drink this drink I get at my job, (I work in a

health food store) called " Synergy " It's 100%raw

organic Kombucha. A friend I work with used that

bottle to start her own culture, and then gave me the

" mother " from it, and I've started my own cultures

from that-I haven't tried it yet, but it should be

ready soon-it's my first batch.

The " Synergy " drink really helps my Fibro symtoms for

some reason-I don't think it has much sugar in it, but

I have an insulin pump and can adjust it to eat or

drink whatever I want really-it's much easier than

just taking regular shots.

The Synergy drink is expensive though-over $3.00 a

bottle, and I drink it as much as possible and can

really tell a difference when I don't drink it.

Yes, I have Candida problems too-also goes along with

being diabetic though. I eat organic yoghurt every

single day that contains 8 billion live cultures (I

mix my 2 tablespoons of flaxseeds in with that) and I

also take acidophilous twice a day, and also this

really good Probiotic drink called " Kefir " .

I don't take sleeping pills-I avoid prescription meds

as much as possible, but occasionally I take Valerian

Root, and sometimes I get samples at work of this

herbal stuff called " Deep Sleep " that works good.

--- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:

> Leyna,


> It sounds like you're really on top of everything

> and doing the best you can! . . . You certainly are

> in tune with what we recommend here!


> I have a few suggestions (of course) :-) . . .


> I'm concerned about the Kombucha mushroom tea . .

> . It has so much sugar in it . .. doesn't it mess

> with your diabetes? . . . I'd love to hear the sugar

> is transformed into something safe! I love the tea.

> . . But sugar feeds fungal organisms! . . . Bad

> news!


> I've learned to manage fibromyalgia to the point I

> wouldn't know I had it - if I follow my program . .

> . diet, exercise, sufficient deep sleep - I confess

> to taking a sleeping pill nightly, avoid letting

> stress or anger take over, keep moving - vigorous

> exercise is out - so is sitting or laying around,

> massage, far infrared sauna, Epsom salt baths, etc.

> I was taking L-Glutamine and completely pain free

> for a while - until I learned that it can create

> it's own problems!


> FM goes hand in glove with a sleeping disorder. .

> . If you can find a way to get deep sleep, it helps

> immensely. Sleepy Time tea (Celestial Seasonings)

> works pretty good!


> Are you taking any antifungals? Acidopholis? . . .

> Most of the women who have had breast implants have

> a persistent systemic fungal/yeast/Candida problem.


> Hugs,


> Rogene




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Leyna . . . Wow! you work at a health food store! . . . Wonderful! No wonder you're so up on things! . . I'd hate to think how sick you might be if you weren't fighting back so hard! You know we're going to be lookiing to you for info regarding supplements, etc.! . . . What can you tell me about L-Glutamine? . . . One of our sisters put me onto it, along with Lipoic Acid and N.A.C. . . . All the shoulder pain I had for years disappeared! . . . I was feeling wonderful. But, I recently learned that it can accerlerate some of the aging process, so I quit. Now the shoulder pain is back . . . Is there a safe dose? I was taking a tablespoon a day. You're also in an excellent position to help women with implants who don't know why they're sick yet. . . I hope you can bring yourself to tell your fellow employees about having implants! . . . Have you heard about foot detox pads? . . . They claim to help with diabetes. I'm using Acupeds now. I'm finding that the color is gradually changing, and certain areas are consistently not reacting to the pads. , and her family are using an ionic foot bath . . . She has photos of her, and her family's results in the photo section of our archives. . . I'd love to get one of the machines . . . but for the time being, hubby's resistant, and I'm way over budget! Hugs, Rogene

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Well, I'm just a cashier-I don't work in the vitamin

department of the store, so I don't know a lot of the

herbs/supplements, just what I already take, or what

people coming through my checkout line has told me


Honestly, I don't know anything about L-Glutamine, but

I can ask someone at work tonight if you like-I've

never used it myself. What do you mean about the


Do you mean that your body ages when you use it? If

you've aged a lot, I'm wondering if it's from the

implants somehow-I've aged dramatically in the last

few years-I thought it was from my hysterectomy 2

years ago, but now I'm wondering if it's from the

implants somehow?

If you are concerned about taking too much

L-Glutamine, I do know that it's in certain

foods....beans, brewer's yeast, brown rice bran, dairy

products, eggs, fish, legumes, meat, nuts, seafood,

seeds, soy, whey, whole grains and beet root-so maybe

if you ate more of those foods, you'd still get the


--- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:

> Leyna . . .


> Wow! you work at a health food store! . . .

> Wonderful! No wonder you're so up on things! . . I'd

> hate to think how sick you might be if you weren't

> fighting back so hard!


> You know we're going to be lookiing to you for

> info regarding supplements, etc.! . . .


> What can you tell me about L-Glutamine? . . . One

> of our sisters put me onto it, along with Lipoic

> Acid and N.A.C. . . . All the shoulder pain I had

> for years disappeared! . . . I was feeling

> wonderful. But, I recently learned that it can

> accerlerate some of the aging process, so I quit.

> Now the shoulder pain is back . . . Is there a safe

> dose? I was taking a tablespoon a day.


> You're also in an excellent position to help women

> with implants who don't know why they're sick yet. .

> . I hope you can bring yourself to tell your fellow

> employees about having implants! . . .


> Have you heard about foot detox pads? . . . They

> claim to help with diabetes. I'm using Acupeds now.

> I'm finding that the color is gradually changing,

> and certain areas are consistently not reacting to

> the pads.


> , and her family are using an ionic foot

> bath . . . She has photos of her, and her family's

> results in the photo section of our archives. . .

> I'd love to get one of the machines . . . but for

> the time being, hubby's resistant, and I'm way over

> budget!


> Hugs,


> Rogene




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Thanks Leyna . . . LOL . . . we get so caught up in thinking about supplements we forget which foods we can get the real stuff from ! . . . Thanks for the reminder. Patty posted an article recently about L Glutamine . . . There was a caution that certain aspects of aging may be accelerated by it . . . I'm aging fast enough . . It's not worth taking the risk! . . . But I certainly can increase the foods that contain it! Getting a hysterectomy will speed your aging process . . . That's what you're trying to offset with the Bio-identical hormones. . . Recently I went a round with breast cancer . . . After surgery and radiation, they wanted me to take a medication that shuts down estrogen completely . . . Whew! . . . talk about speeding up the aging process. . . I felt like someone had pressed the fast forward button! . . . I'd rather have a good six months than feel like

that for 20 years! . . . Fortunately, my chances of a recurrence are only 40 in 1000 without the drug, and 20 in 1000 if I take it. Hardly worth it! I would like to know what they think about L-Glutamine . . . Not that I'll take it again . . . I just wonder how body-builders justify using it if it can be that dangerous? Rogene

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I just got home from work, and we were really busy,

and also had an almost 2 hour power outage, due to

someone hitting a generator pole thing outside our

building (knocked out power for 2 blocks I heard!),

but I was able to ask one girl in the vitamin

department about the L-Glutamine.....

She said that it's very good for you, but yes, it can

age you dramatically IF you do not take the right

stuff with it. She said that you have to take other

amino acids with it-she mentioned L-Carnitine and

L-Tyrosine...not sure if there are any others, as

customers came up and I had to check them out.

Either way, that's all I found out so far....

Yeah, supplements are great if you aren't getting the

vitamins you need in your diet. I try to eat as much

organic foods as possible, but I know I don't eat near

enough protein, and I don't get the required amount of

vegetables (I do eat raw brocolli every day, but it's

not always organic), and I don't drink enough milk

products. I do eat a lot of fruit daily at least.

So I try to make it up by taking tons of

supplents...all well and good, but ANY medicine,

whether it's prescription, vitamins, or other OTC

stuff-it's all very bad for your liver. I've been

doing a homeopathic liver detox that is very good.

It's ALWAYS better to get your nutrients by the food

you eat, rather than supplements, as it's bad on your

liver. If you use supplements, always try to get them

in liquid or chewable form if you can.

I'm like you though-I've aged enough, especially for

my age-I honestly have people ask me if I'm in my 50's

a lot, and one lady at work asked me if I was 60!! I

have people asking me if I'm my husband's MOTHER,

which is horrible. So I sure don't want to try that

stuff if there's even a remote chance it will age me

even more! LOL

--- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:

> Thanks Leyna . . .


> LOL . . . we get so caught up in thinking about

> supplements we forget which foods we can get the

> real stuff from ! . . . Thanks for the reminder.


> Patty posted an article recently about L Glutamine

> . . . There was a caution that certain aspects of

> aging may be accelerated by it . . . I'm aging fast

> enough . . It's not worth taking the risk! . . . But

> I certainly can increase the foods that contain it!


> Getting a hysterectomy will speed your aging

> process . . . That's what you're trying to offset

> with the Bio-identical hormones. . . Recently I went

> a round with breast cancer . . . After surgery and

> radiation, they wanted me to take a medication that

> shuts down estrogen completely . . . Whew! . . .

> talk about speeding up the aging process. . . I felt

> like someone had pressed the fast forward button! .

> . . I'd rather have a good six months than feel like

> that for 20 years! . . . Fortunately, my chances of

> a recurrence are only 40 in 1000 without the drug,

> and 20 in 1000 if I take it. Hardly worth it!


> I would like to know what they think about

> L-Glutamine . . . Not that I'll take it again . . .

> I just wonder how body-builders justify using it if

> it can be that dangerous?


> Rogene




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Leyna, Thanks for the info on L Glutamine . . . If you find out anything else, I'd like to know - mostly out of curiosity . . . I was amazed at how my persistent shoulder discomfort (seldom bad enough to call pain), went away with it, and came back when I quit taking it. What kind of homeopathic liver flush are you doing? . . . I've done the Espom Salt/olive oil/grapefruit juice flush a number of times . . . also one using Orthophos/grapefruit/Coke flush (I don't think they don't recommend using Coke anymore - it cut the oil) . . . I'm trying to get Dr. Shanklin's personal email address for you . . . One of our silent sisters is in contact with him . . . She doesn't know if he's still in practice . . . but he's a good man. He may be able to help you get your explant done on your insurance. Hugs and prayers, Rogene

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The detox I'm doing is not really a flush, per say,

but it's a liquid homeopathic medicine called

" Detoxifier " -it says it detoxes your liver and


My husband smokes a lot of pot, and he drank a bottle

of this stuff immediately after smoking a joint, and

passed a drug test that day! So it MUST be a good

detox because supposedly pot stays in your system for

a month! But this stuff cleaned it right out


I just do the required dosage-a few eyedrops full a


--- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote:

> Leyna,


> Thanks for the info on L Glutamine . . . If you

> find out anything else, I'd like to know - mostly

> out of curiosity . . . I was amazed at how my

> persistent shoulder discomfort (seldom bad enough to

> call pain), went away with it, and came back when I

> quit taking it.


> What kind of homeopathic liver flush are you

> doing? . . . I've done the Espom Salt/olive

> oil/grapefruit juice flush a number of times . . .

> also one using Orthophos/grapefruit/Coke flush (I

> don't think they don't recommend using Coke anymore

> - it cut the oil) . . .


> I'm trying to get Dr. Shanklin's personal email

> address for you . . . One of our silent sisters is

> in contact with him . . . She doesn't know if he's

> still in practice . . . but he's a good man. He may

> be able to help you get your explant done on your

> insurance.


> Hugs and prayers,


> Rogene




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My ex's ex-wife must have used that stuff when the court ordered a drug test because she was acting to erratic and my son was seeking full custody! . . . She freaked out when the judge ordered the test . . . then she showed up a few hours late and tested clean! Rogene

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OOPs . . . that was my son's ex wife! . .. LOL . . . I'm my ex's ex wife! . . . No drugs here! . . . . Duh! Wouldn't know that today! Rogene Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: My ex's ex-wife must have used that stuff when the court ordered a drug test because she was acting to erratic and my son was seeking full custody! . . . She freaked out when the judge ordered the test . . . then she showed up a few hours late and tested clean! Rogene

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