Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 In a message dated 7/28/2006 1:12:23 PM Eastern Standard Time, leyna1964@... writes: as well as the female problems Istarted wasn't until I researched breast implants that Inow know it was from my implants. Many of us also have female problems. I have PID (with no STD), Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, Cervical Polyps, Dysmenorrhea, frequent infections, etc, etc... Most of us also have Candida and Interstitial Cystis. (Bladder disease.) I swear, the more you read the more you'll find could be related to implants... Good luck! Brigite PS: Serious dental issues are also common amongst us who are implanted. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 They don't even have to be ruptured to exchange mold. I might not explain this in the right terms, but they are somewhat porous and the mold and fungus inside can come and go -if that makes sense. (I'm sure some of the board vets could better explain it.) And if that doesn't make you sick enough, yes, the silicone shell can make you sick. Either silicone or other metals and chemicals in it. You can either have a reaction to the shell itself, and/or have reactions as it breaks down into your body. Assuming one could actually be LEAKING ---a slow leak can take months, if not a year or more to notice a volume change. I had this happen from a faulty valve. So, between one or the other of all these risks that they don't tell you about -to me, it's too coincidental to ignore! Again, good luck! Stay in touch with this board. You'll learn much. Brigite PS: If you got yours 15 years ago -another thing your doctor (and mine) may have failed to tell you is that Saline Implants weren't even FDA approved at the time. Plus, many used had faulty valves... the more I learn, the angrier I get. In a message dated 7/28/2006 1:12:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, leyna1964@... writes: Yes, I'm totally disgusted by the idea that plant life can be growingin my breasts! *shudders* My breasts don't sit as high up on my chestas they used they probably have leaked some. But I thoughtthat with saline, if they rupture, then they go all the way flatwithin a couple of days. Mine are still big, although not as highup-very natural looking! So I'm confused....does the siliconecovering itself leak? Is that what's causing the Fibro, etc.? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 In a message dated 7/28/2006 2:17:26 PM Eastern Standard Time, leyna1964@... writes: Thanks for the nice reply! Yeah, I talked to myhusband about it, and he stands behind me 100% when itcomes to removal...but I guess I keep thinking abouthow he fell in love with me when I was nice and skinnywith big boobs...and all his comments over the yearssuch as ....."yeah, she would look good IF she hadboobs-she's too flat!" and stuff like that. Nothing Ican do though, except hope that I'm not deformed afterI do get them removed. Leyna, It's hard, but keep thinking that he didn't marry your breasts ---he married YOU! I've changed like night and day (including 100 pound weight gain) from the person my husband married. He's seen how sick I am, and he's just happy when I have a good day and feel well. He couldn't care less about my body or my weight. I do the best I can with what I have ---and he learns to accept it. Your breasts are a small part of who you are and what you look like. And besides... think of how played out implants are these days. Now, they are every where you look and the natural breasts are what stand out. Every time I see women in magazines with implants I picture rotting and blackened toxic bags under their skin... that isn't very sexy! Like Rogene said ---if he doesn't understand, then he's the big BOOB! (Cracked me up!!!) Brig Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 leyna hi again it is VERY disgusting, isn't it? I also had NO idea mine were leaking - they looked the same size as well... looked and felt ok too. I am not sure of your brand but one brand in particular was highly known in the 90ish era for having faulty valves... they did leak slowly or fault - depends on the valve... I had one leak completely quickly and the other two I had no idea they were leaking until they were weighed at explant and my PS told me.... the leaky valves were filled with tissue and mold growth which only let the fluid leak slowly in and out... the one I had in 99 leaked completely in several hours... the valve was open all the way... you could have leaks and not know it. Your shells are silicone even tho they are saline... it will not likely show on any test... maybe if they did an ultrasound and tried to measure the fluid and compare it to your original surgery notes but even that will be hard. I am not a doctor so I cannot tell you what is wrong... what I can say after talking with hundreds is it would seem reasonable to "think" after 15 years your would have worn down some w/ the scar capsule, etc - regular "wear and tear" as I was told and they could just have tiny leaks - stuff can get in as well causing it to be less noticeable. Also - If you check on my site for an article fromDr. Vasey... he has a TON of info out there as to what causes implant illnesses such as MS, lupus, fibro, etc.... it is the bodies reaction to the silicone and foreign substances... your body will fight any foreign object like an organ transplant sort of.... it fight and fights causing the body to produce the scar capsules around the implants ie; all the massaging... when it finally gets tired of fighting it starts to fight itself... immune issues set in there.... this is how it was explained to me by him but it would be better for you to read articles by him, and especially doc pierre Blais - a scientist that has written many articles on this and has analyzed thousands of implants for women. After 15 years without capsular contracture I am not sure about insurance issues... If you got Saline before 92 you may have a chance as there were not the same disclaimers to sign then.... if you can prove major health issues you may have a chance... it is hard to get that proven though.... my advice... I was in the same boat... took out a loan I couldn't afford and did it... Then appealed it and did get my money back but I think this is rare, can not put a price on your health. sounds crazy but it is really a small price to pay - sooner or later - at 15 years it will more than likely be sooner, they will have to come out. Do it before you are as bad off as me or some of the others is not worth any amount of $$ to look or feel like me now.... trust me - I look nothing like that pic now - it was taken 2 years ago.... I am now getting ready to make a trip out of state i am so ill- I am scared I will die... do not wait this long. also - check the files and other sections on the group as there is a wealth of helpful articles and doctor info there to read up on!! best of luck to you!!! shari Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 leyna... just saw your post on your hubby and I had to reply... mine says the same about others but he did not like my implants at all... he liked the way they looked in a top but nothing else... he was happy when I got them out - actually told me NOT to get them before we were even dating... If your huuby had to go what mine has gone thru the last three years??? he would love to have a flat chested wife - trust me.... I can't work.... can't do much of anything... sick all the time, etc... on all kinds of meds... doc appts every other is crazy. it will come to that I am afraid and he will wish for a flat chest.... let him look all he wants.... just let him also have a happy healthy wife.... he can talk to mine about that - it is very true shari Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 interesting.... I had several Cervical cysts, infections - the cysts were so large they thought they were keeping me from conceiving so they had to "remove them"... also had several bouts of ovarian cysts - several that burst...and a few uterus infections as well - non std... this was a conversation last week if you want to check the archives from that time... several people have had the same exact issues.... I have had a non-stop yeast infection for YEARS.... it has gotten better and worse but never gone away completely - it is horrible now.... Also - had my implants in when I all the above happened and when I became pregnant and had my son.. I tested positive for group B Strep.... supposedly normal... not an STD - doc said lots of women have it - just an overgrown of organisms - whatever it is.... lots of other implanted women - and a few that are not - also had it as well. Everyone I know personally that has had a baby in the last 5 years has not had it that did not have implants - my implants tested positive for strep as well. All could be a coincidence.who knows shari Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 Leyna, The body tries to get rid of foreign materials by taking them apart . . . Little macrophages eat away at the silicone envelop and distribute the stuff everywhere! . .. Some of it passes in the urine . . . so make as much as possible by drinking a lot of water! One of the problems with saline is that, on the shelf it has a two-year shelf life. . . At body temperatures, in a dark place, they're an ideal place for microorganisms to grow in abundance. . . .When they leak, these toxins travel throughout your body. . . .Some women experience toxic shock. This can make them horrible sick . . . Some lose limbs, some lose their life. . . Serious stuff! Because they have thus far refused to study sick implanted women, we don't know why all these health problems happen . . . Fibromyalgia is very common . . . You can learn to manage that . . But it will take time and (likely) detoxing before you start making really big strides. Hugs, Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 Leyna, The rash usually goes away shortly after explant . . . Stress can tip the balance from health to illness . . . so your parent's passing probably did affect you. But, it was going to happen sooner or later anyway. If your hubby knows that he stands to lose you, and that he could watch the one he loves become completely incapacitated, he'll decide that big boobies may be nice to look at, but YOU are more important! . . . If not, he's the big boob! . . . Most of the partners have come around and become very protective once they understand what's going on! Hugs, Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 Leyna, You want a doctor who will commit to removing your implants "en bloc" . .. most likely a plastic surgeon. We have a handful of plastic surgeons we highly recommend . . . Drs. Kolb, Feng, and Huang . . . The understand the seriousness of the problem and will do everything possible to remove your implants without causing further harm. Check our archives for a list of doctors our women have used and recommended. You may be able to find a doctor in your area . . . Have patience though . . . You want to find a doctor with whom you feel completely comfortable and trust . .. First call around . . . Then go in for an interview. Skip surgeons who demand a consulation fee! He/she need not believe that implants are making you sick . . . But they must respect your desire to have your implants removed "en bloc", or failing that, at the minimum, a complete capsulectomy. . .Remember they are working for you! . .. . This is your body and you have every right to demand what you want. If they try to tell you that you will be depressed, or deformed, without your implants, run! . . . They're speaking of their own skills! You can look competely natural in the hands of a good surgeon. Check the Shutterfly link at the bottom of the page. Use "implants" for the password. You'll see women who have be explanted and how they've progressed. Your insurance may, or may not cover explant. . . A doctor will have to say explant is medically necessary. . Shari's insurance company refused initially. She went ahead with the surgery, sent her implants to Dr. Blias in Canada - who found about 22 organisms in them . . . With this information in hand, her insurance company reimbursed her for the surgery. Hugs, Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 Thanks for the nice reply! Yeah, I talked to my husband about it, and he stands behind me 100% when it comes to removal...but I guess I keep thinking about how he fell in love with me when I was nice and skinny with big boobs...and all his comments over the years such as ..... " yeah, she would look good IF she had boobs-she's too flat! " and stuff like that. Nothing I can do though, except hope that I'm not deformed after I do get them removed. --- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: > Leyna, > > The rash usually goes away shortly after explant . > . . > > Stress can tip the balance from health to illness > . . . so your parent's passing probably did affect > you. But, it was going to happen sooner or later > anyway. > > If your hubby knows that he stands to lose you, > and that he could watch the one he loves become > completely incapacitated, he'll decide that big > boobies may be nice to look at, but YOU are more > important! . . . If not, he's the big boob! . . . > Most of the partners have come around and become > very protective once they understand what's going > on! > > Hugs, > > Rogene > > __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 Leyna, Actually and MRI won't be able to tell anything about your implants, except that they are there. . . With all your symptoms, you should qualify for explant - unless your policy specifically spells out that it doesn't cover complications of "cosmetic surgery" . . . Actually, it's a lot cheaper for the insurane company to pay for explant than to keep you sick. They pay for health problems from over eating, drugs, tobacco and alcohol. . . How much different are they than implants? . . . At least there are all kinds of warnings about everything else! Hugs, Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 Leyna, Actually and MRI won't be able to tell anything about your implants, except that they are there. . . With all your symptoms, you should qualify for explant - unless your policy specifically spells out that it doesn't cover complications of "cosmetic surgery" . . . Actually, it's a lot cheaper for the insurane company to pay for explant than to keep you sick. They pay for health problems from over eating, drugs, tobacco and alcohol. . . How much different are they than implants? . . . At least there are all kinds of warnings about everything else! Hugs, Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 Leyna, Think of how you would feel if you found out that his tush was silicone (yeah, they make tush's - and other things) . . . and that it was making him very sick . . . The last thing you would care about is what his tush looked like! . . . All you want is him, happy and healthy. Right? If he loves you, he feels the same way! Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 Did Lana get any takers on rights to video her explant? LOL THERE is an idea!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 Lenya, It is not just mold which is disgusting all by itself, I have staph a nasty bacteria that is all over my bottom and front and back. They are hard and cyst like that don't seem to go away , and they are painful. I was a centerfold so I know about smoking bodies. I doubt the readers of Penthouse would like to look at these nasty bumps. I had my implants out 11 months now. But that valve leaking which by the way was never mentioned as possible side effect. So you see the bacteria mold and 37 chemicals that are there are being absorbed by the body, All of the chemicals are either neurotoxins ,biotoxins or known carcinegens. Look on the internet for Chemical composition of silicone. Because even though we were told are implants were saline they are also silicone. All of them are. The chemical list I am referring to comes from The court recordsThings like acetone, or freon. Mold is almost the least of the problems. We want to spare women what we have been through but it will be up to them to decide what is more important to them. Hope this helps you we are not trying to scare you it is all true what we have been through,By the way the explant surgery was a breeze compared to the implant surgery. Terri P Hawaiileyna1964 <leyna1964@...> wrote: Actually it was 16 years ago. I got them when I was 26 years old, andI'm 42 now. So yeah, I bet I do have a faulty valve! That is sodisgusting about the mold issue....>> > > They don't even have to be ruptured to exchange mold. I might not explain > this in the right terms, but they are somewhat porous and the moldand fungus > inside can come and go -if that makes sense. (I'm sure some of theboard vets > could better explain it.)> > And if that doesn't make you sick enough, yes, the silicone shell can make > you sick. Either silicone or other metals and chemicals in it. Youcan either > have a reaction to the shell itself, and/or have reactions as itbreaks down > into your body. > > Assuming one could actually be LEAKING ---a slow leak can take months, if > not a year or more to notice a volume change. I had this happen froma faulty > valve.> > So, between one or the other of all these risks that they don't tell you > about -to me, it's too coincidental to ignore!> > Again, good luck! Stay in touch with this board. You'll learn much.> > Brigite > PS: If you got yours 15 years ago -another thing your doctor (and mine) may > have failed to tell you is that Saline Implants weren't even FDA approved at > the time. Plus, many used had faulty valves... the more I learn, theangrier > I get.> > In a message dated 7/28/2006 1:12:44 PM Eastern Standard Time, > leyna1964@... writes:> > Yes, I'm totally disgusted by the idea that plant life can be growing> in my breasts! *shudders* My breasts don't sit as high up on my chest> as they used they probably have leaked some. But I thought> that with saline, if they rupture, then they go all the way flat> within a couple of days. Mine are still big, although not as high> up-very natural looking! So I'm confused....up-very natural l> covering itself leak? Is that what's causing the Fibro, etc.?> Music Unlimited - Access over 1 million songs. Try it free. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 well - I fiond it VERY hard w/ all my issue that I am not packed full of silicone crap and it did not show up on my brain MRI recently due to my mass of seizures... I just knew they were gonna come back w/ something like a mass or chunk of something in there... all they said was noting "significan" showed up - whatever that means... had one years ago when headaches started... that report said - nothing at all was there.... hmmmm.. same lab oh well - anyways - I would be very surprised if - God forbid - they had to cut me open tomorrow and they did not find anything.... I just can not believe it isn't or I think I would be much better by now - maybe it is just the toxins and mold but it has been over 3 years... I think w/ 30% of my textured shell missing and no longer able to be found in my chest would only lead me to believe it has to have migrated somewhere.... hopefully some has made its way out but 30%? gotta be somewhere just my opinions of course.... shari Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 Personally, when a doctor tells me either that I'm the only one - or lots of other women "have it" . . . I get suspicious. The doctor who ordered the biopsy on the scleroderma on my leg told me that "lots of women have it . . . that's why they wear slacks" . . . BS! Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 28, 2006 Report Share Posted July 28, 2006 Sunny, If you have gel implants, silicone MAY show up in an MRI . . . Not necessarily . . .Even the newest Coil MRI will necessarily show silicone. The plastic surgeons and manufacturer's say they will recommend women get MRI's after getting their new implants . . . But, if the MRI doesn't show silicone, it's useless! Lana - you see info from her on occasion . . . ran an ad on ebay offering video rights to her explants . . .for an outrageous price. Not that she wanted to sell the rights, but she wanted to draw attention to the implant situation. . . She has had a number of silicone granulomas (masses of silicone) right under the skin. . She could see them and feel them . . . Yet an MRI didn't show them at all. The silicone that comes from the shell of a saline implant is going to be in very tiny bits . . . Not enough to show up at all. . . Dr. Melmed demonstrated how an implant shell degrades over time to the FDA . . . He had three implants . . . one new, one older one and one old one . . . all gel. . . Right there in front of the FDA he tried to pull the new one apart . .. nothing. . . Then he pulled on the older one . . . it stretched . .. Finally, he pulled on the old one . . . It came to pieces with silicone gel stringing out of it. . . . They called a recess to clean up the place! Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 29, 2006 Report Share Posted July 29, 2006 No . . . she didn't get any takers, but she had thousands of hits on the website and hundreds of contacts . .. She educated a lot of women. Ebay is discouraging that type of ad now. More recently a woman did get an offer to sell the rights to her story . . . by a legitimate author . . . We'll have to see where he takes it. I don't know what's listed on ebay right now . . . you can do there and do a search for "breast implants" . . . Hugs, Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 29, 2006 Report Share Posted July 29, 2006 Shari, you are really scaring me! I guess I don't really understand how a saline implant can leak over time, without deflating immediately. Or why, after 16 years of having implants, mine has not deflated at all...??? Makes no sense, but I do have all these health problems... --- halvey70@... wrote: > leyna > hi again > > it is VERY disgusting, isn't it? I also had NO idea > mine were leaking - > they looked the same size as well... looked and felt > ok too. I am not sure of > your brand but one brand in particular was highly > known in the 90ish era for > having faulty valves... they did leak slowly or > fault - depends on the > valve... I had one leak completely quickly and the > other two I had no idea they were > leaking until they were weighed at explant and my PS > told me.... the leaky > valves were filled with tissue and mold growth which > only let the fluid leak > slowly in and out... the one I had in 99 leaked > completely in several hours... > the valve was open all the way... you could have > leaks and not know it. > Your shells are silicone even tho they are saline... > it will not likely show on > any test... maybe if they did an ultrasound and > tried to measure the fluid and > compare it to your original surgery notes but even > that will be hard. I am > not a doctor so I cannot tell you what is wrong... > what I can say after > talking with hundreds is it would seem reasonable > to " think " after 15 years your > would have worn down some w/ the scar capsule, etc > - regular " wear and tear " > as I was told and they could just have tiny leaks - > stuff can get in as well > causing it to be less noticeable. Also - If you > check on my site for an > article fromDr. Vasey... he has a TON of info > out there as to what causes > implant illnesses such as MS, lupus, fibro, etc.... > it is the bodies reaction > to the silicone and foreign substances... your body > will fight any foreign > object like an organ transplant sort of.... it > fight and fights causing the body > to produce the scar capsules around the implants > ie; all the massaging... > when it finally gets tired of fighting it starts to > fight itself... immune > issues set in there.... this is how it was > explained to me by him but it would > be better for you to read articles by him, and > especially doc pierre Blais - a > scientist that has written many articles on this > and has analyzed thousands > of implants for women. After 15 years without > capsular contracture I am not > sure about insurance issues... If you got Saline > before 92 you may have a > chance as there were not the same disclaimers to > sign then.... if you can prove > major health issues you may have a chance... it is > hard to get that proven > though.... my advice... I was in the same boat... > took out a loan I couldn't > afford and did it... Then appealed it and did get > my money back but I think > this is rare, can not put a price on > your health. sounds crazy but > it is really a small price to pay - sooner or later > - at 15 years it will > more than likely be sooner, they will have to come > out. Do it before you are > as bad off as me or some of the others is > not worth any amount of $$ > to look or feel like me now.... trust me - I look > nothing like that pic now - > it was taken 2 years ago.... > > I am now getting ready to make a trip out of state i > am so ill- I am scared > I will die... do not wait this long. > > > also - check the files and other sections on the > group as there is a > wealth of helpful articles and doctor info there to > read up on!! > best of luck to you!!! > > shari > > __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 29, 2006 Report Share Posted July 29, 2006 Leyna Sorry to hear that.... I just wanted to make sure as it would be dangerous with what you have been explaining to try now if that was the plan.... - I did it with the implants before I knew they were making me ill and my son had a lot of weird illnesses when he was younger... luckily he seems to outgrown them but unfortunately I can't have anymore now either due to meds, etc., and now the epilepsy.... hopefully someday you will get to feeling better and then maybe adoption? or fostering if that is what you and hubby want to do? they are a lotta work... especially when sick.... I has been hard on me and much harder on him I am sure - not having a normal mommy.... luckily my hubby takes him places a lot as I can not.... poor little guy.. he surely has been thru hell w/ me.... 3 operations, starting when he was only 1, constant illnesses, constantly in bed w/ daddy taking off work - baby not understanding why - can not explain this to a toddler, now the seizure episode last month - I was in the hospital for days.... he was all freaked out over that. I feel so badly for him... now he is always scared and talking of me having a seizure and having to call 911.... what a horrible burden to bear for a recently turned 5 year old? he should be care free.... now he is always worried about me. so sad. shari Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 29, 2006 Report Share Posted July 29, 2006 En bloc means the doctor will remove the capsule that has grown around your implant with the implant still inside . . . This prevents contaminents from spilling into your chest cavity . . . Most doctors would like to make the incision, pop out the implant and sew you up. . . capsule and all. NOT GOOD. Most of the women we've seen who don't get better after explant had an extracapsular rupture either before or during explant - or still have their capsules. Dr. Blais is a Canadian researcher who has been examining implants and capsules. He does a much more thorough job than the pathologist. He will grow cultures to see what is in the implants. Unfortunately, he's terribly busy and runs about two months behind . . . However, if there's any possibility of a lawsuit, insurance coverage for explant, or if a woman wants to know why she's been sick . . he's the way to go. He can identify the implant down to the last detail. Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 29, 2006 Report Share Posted July 29, 2006 Leyna . .. The silicone shells never really are a solid . . . At a microscopic level, they're a bunch of silicone fibers that have been bonded together under heat and pressure . . . From the outset, there are minute holes that allow fluids to transfer back and forth between the implant and the body . . . As the implant gets older, these holes become larger, allowing more fluids. Early on, the implants were made with really thick shells. . . But they felt hard and unnatural, so they started making them as thin as possible . . .That's when women really started getting sick in large numbers . . . So they went back to thicker shells. Regardless, it's just a matter of time before the implant degrades and, given enough time, the woman gets sick. One of our members knows a lot of the show biz people . . . She tells us that the celebrities have their implants replaced every three years. Not many women can afford to do that!. Rogene Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 29, 2006 Report Share Posted July 29, 2006 Wow-every three years huh? Amazing..... --- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: > Leyna . .. > > The silicone shells never really are a solid . . . > At a microscopic level, they're a bunch of silicone > fibers that have been bonded together under heat and > pressure . . . From the outset, there are minute > holes that allow fluids to transfer back and forth > between the implant and the body . . . As the > implant gets older, these holes become larger, > allowing more fluids. > > Early on, the implants were made with really thick > shells. . . But they felt hard and unnatural, so > they started making them as thin as possible . . > .That's when women really started getting sick in > large numbers . . . So they went back to thicker > shells. > > Regardless, it's just a matter of time before the > implant degrades and, given enough time, the woman > gets sick. One of our members knows a lot of the > show biz people . . . She tells us that the > celebrities have their implants replaced every three > years. Not many women can afford to do that!. > > Rogene > __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest guest Posted July 29, 2006 Report Share Posted July 29, 2006 Ok, sounds good. So how do you get ahold of this guy? Does he have a website? --- Rogene S <saxony01@...> wrote: > En bloc means the doctor will remove the capsule > that has grown around your implant with the implant > still inside . . . This prevents contaminents from > spilling into your chest cavity . . . Most doctors > would like to make the incision, pop out the implant > and sew you up. . . capsule and all. NOT GOOD. > > Most of the women we've seen who don't get better > after explant had an extracapsular rupture either > before or during explant - or still have their > capsules. > > Dr. Blais is a Canadian researcher who has been > examining implants and capsules. He does a much more > thorough job than the pathologist. He will grow > cultures to see what is in the implants. > Unfortunately, he's terribly busy and runs about two > months behind . . . However, if there's any > possibility of a lawsuit, insurance coverage for > explant, or if a woman wants to know why she's been > sick . . he's the way to go. He can identify the > implant down to the last detail. > > Rogene > > > __________________________________________________ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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