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BPD and Munchausen Syndrome related?

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Does anyone know if people with BPD are also prone to Munchausen

Syndrome (faking illness to receive medical attention)? My nada

keeps coming down with this mysterious illness that doctors can't

seem to treat or even identify the cause of. It always seems to

correspond to periods of high " stress " in her life like my wedding

shower and this coming Thanksgiving. In any case, it handily gets

her a bunch of attention and gives her an excuse to get out of

events she did not want to attend. Knowing my nada like I do, I

feel like she is either faking it or somehow inducing it herself. I

remember growing up that every single time I got sick she suddenly

got the same illness even worse. When I had a horrible stomach flu

she camped herself on the couch too and claimed she couldn't even

move (though never once vomited) and when I got pneumonia she called

the doctor and told him she had all the same symptoms and he

prescribed antibiotics without even seeing her! She was constantly

getting prescriptions for sinus infections that she never had and

taking any leftover medications when someone else in the family was

done with them claiming she had the same thing. It didn't help our

family doctor was an idiot and always prescribed things after

talking to her on the phone without actually seeing her. I'm

getting seriously concerned she may be taking something to induce

this current illness on herself.

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My nada is also very somatic. She goes to doctors all the time,

especially one allergist she really likes and is almost always on an

antibiotic for a sinus infection. I think she is taking too many

meds, and may have even gotten hooked on pain pills. Yes, I think

they like the attention. I'm sure some of them injure themselves or

make themselves sick or fake symptoms in order to get medical

attention. It always plays into the " poor me " waif/victim role.


In WTOAdultChildren1 , " m_roy82 " wrote:


> Does anyone know if people with BPD are also prone to Munchausen

> Syndrome (faking illness to receive medical attention)? My nada

> keeps coming down with this mysterious illness that doctors can't

> seem to treat or even identify the cause of. It always seems to

> correspond to periods of high " stress " in her life like my wedding

> shower and this coming Thanksgiving. In any case, it handily gets

> her a bunch of attention and gives her an excuse to get out of

> events she did not want to attend. Knowing my nada like I do, I

> feel like she is either faking it or somehow inducing it herself.


> remember growing up that every single time I got sick she suddenly

> got the same illness even worse. When I had a horrible stomach flu

> she camped herself on the couch too and claimed she couldn't even

> move (though never once vomited) and when I got pneumonia she


> the doctor and told him she had all the same symptoms and he

> prescribed antibiotics without even seeing her! She was constantly

> getting prescriptions for sinus infections that she never had and

> taking any leftover medications when someone else in the family was

> done with them claiming she had the same thing. It didn't help our

> family doctor was an idiot and always prescribed things after

> talking to her on the phone without actually seeing her. I'm

> getting seriously concerned she may be taking something to induce

> this current illness on herself.


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I know Nada to 'milk it for all it's worth' if she has a papercut...

let alone anything real. I can't even being to list them all but

I'll give you a couple of ' high points'.

I was getting ready to go to a 5 day business conference in 07. She

was (then) going to watch my son. The morning I was supposed to

leave she started in with a headache... " sorry, I " m sick... can't

watch X " . By evening (I'm still trying to figure out what to do) she

was in the ER and had convinced the Dr. there that they had

Meningitis and they were doing a spinal tap, CT, MRI, etc. By 3am

they realized NOTHING was wrong with her.. she simply had a

headache. I made some calls and took my son with me. She was mad

but caused enough 'stir' to be satisfied.

Another case, this year, she had a <1cm contained cancerous lump in

her breast. Lumpectomy recommended. She put off doing anything for

4 months til she found a Dr. (shopped through 4) who would do a

2mastectomy so she could get " new boobs. " Had the entire family

convinced she was dying. Her mother stroked 1 month after surgery.

Well, ffwd to today, chickened out on the 2nd boob and still hasn't

had the reconstruction 9 months later. Says things like, " the winter

of my cancer is over... "

Finally, when I get sick or injured she suddenly has the 'same thing'

since we're 'so close' that she much channel my pain/illness into

her. Some sort of Psychic Medical Thing (great Discovery show

potential, btw...lol). When I'm feeling 'feisty' I'll now fake an

injury (limp, start coughing) and watch her 'feel my pain'. I know

I'm going to hell for that but it's reaffirming that I'm not the nuts


I could go on with suicide stuff, etc. but I think you get the idea.

Off to the shower and then off to therapy... I'll share later if

anything MONUMENTAL comes to light...




> Does anyone know if people with BPD are also prone to Munchausen

> Syndrome (faking illness to receive medical attention)? My nada

> keeps coming down with this mysterious illness that doctors can't

> seem to treat or even identify the cause of. It always seems to

> correspond to periods of high " stress " in her life like my wedding

> shower and this coming Thanksgiving. In any case, it handily gets

> her a bunch of attention and gives her an excuse to get out of

> events she did not want to attend. Knowing my nada like I do, I

> feel like she is either faking it or somehow inducing it herself.


> remember growing up that every single time I got sick she suddenly

> got the same illness even worse. When I had a horrible stomach flu

> she camped herself on the couch too and claimed she couldn't even

> move (though never once vomited) and when I got pneumonia she


> the doctor and told him she had all the same symptoms and he

> prescribed antibiotics without even seeing her! She was constantly

> getting prescriptions for sinus infections that she never had and

> taking any leftover medications when someone else in the family was

> done with them claiming she had the same thing. It didn't help our

> family doctor was an idiot and always prescribed things after

> talking to her on the phone without actually seeing her. I'm

> getting seriously concerned she may be taking something to induce

> this current illness on herself.


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I think that you are probably right: your nada is enamored with the

attention and " power " she gets when she declares she is " sick " yet

again. I suppose it could be somatic (not consciously induced) or it

could be a totally conscious " fake out. "

That behavior my nada has never displayed, though: not hypochondria or

Munchausen Syndrome.

Mine is at the opposite end of the spectrum, none of us (herself, dad,

or us kids) were ever supposed to be sick at all. We were all taken

in for regular checkups and shots and stuff like that, so I guess nada

resented it if we got sick anyway because she had done all the right

things. We got raged/screamed at and then mostly ignored if we became

injured or got ill enough to need bed rest and nursing. Yet on the

rare occasions when nada herself has needed bed rest and home nursing

she has been a big whiny insufferable baby.

Go figure.



> Does anyone know if people with BPD are also prone to Munchausen

> Syndrome (faking illness to receive medical attention)? My nada

> keeps coming down with this mysterious illness that doctors can't

> seem to treat or even identify the cause of. It always seems to

> correspond to periods of high " stress " in her life like my wedding

> shower and this coming Thanksgiving. In any case, it handily gets

> her a bunch of attention and gives her an excuse to get out of

> events she did not want to attend. Knowing my nada like I do, I

> feel like she is either faking it or somehow inducing it herself. I

> remember growing up that every single time I got sick she suddenly

> got the same illness even worse. When I had a horrible stomach flu

> she camped herself on the couch too and claimed she couldn't even

> move (though never once vomited) and when I got pneumonia she called

> the doctor and told him she had all the same symptoms and he

> prescribed antibiotics without even seeing her! She was constantly

> getting prescriptions for sinus infections that she never had and

> taking any leftover medications when someone else in the family was

> done with them claiming she had the same thing. It didn't help our

> family doctor was an idiot and always prescribed things after

> talking to her on the phone without actually seeing her. I'm

> getting seriously concerned she may be taking something to induce

> this current illness on herself.


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I dunno about actual Munchausen...but I do know my nada once confided to me that

she used to pray and pray and pray that she could get some lingering awful

sounding illness that wouldn't make her *too* sick, but would get everyone to

feel bad for her.

Be careful what you wish for.

Ten years ago she was diagnosed with Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia...Mayo Clinic

gave her a 25 year prognosis, its that " mild " . She never even had any treatment

at ALL until 7 or 8 years after diagnosis when she had a 8 month round of chemo

(once a month, very mild...no hair loss/vomiting/etc). But oh...for YEARS she

has now enjoyed telling people in horrified, hushed tones... " I don't know if

you've heard, but I have cancer... " And it just makes me roll my eyes because

I'm like...Yeah, tell that to someone who has had to have a body part

removed...or has had full on puke your guts out lose your hair chemo. Or who

has a prognosis of months. She's fine. She's still working full time. Never

had to stop working full time because of this....but it is huge drama.

And it always is. She can't just have low thyroid...she's got to have the low

thyroid that " cannot " be treated with traditional medications because there's

some special difference. Always, always something. Can't just have a cold

now...now it's got to be a huge huge deal that could maybe kill her because, you

know, she " has cancer " . @@

I probably seem highly unsympathetic. Comes from a lifetime of my illnesses and

injuries being HER crises...which meant I had to take care of her/comfort her

instead of take care of myself.



> Subject: BPD and Munchausen Syndrome related?

> To: WTOAdultChildren1

> Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 2:48 PM

> Does anyone know if people with BPD are also prone to

> Munchausen

> Syndrome (faking illness to receive medical attention)? My

> nada

> keeps coming down with this mysterious illness that doctors

> can't

> seem to treat or even identify the cause of. It always

> seems to

> correspond to periods of high " stress " in her

> life like my wedding

> shower and this coming Thanksgiving. In any case, it

> handily gets

> her a bunch of attention and gives her an excuse to get out

> of

> events she did not want to attend. Knowing my nada like I

> do, I

> feel like she is either faking it or somehow inducing it

> herself. I

> remember growing up that every single time I got sick she

> suddenly

> got the same illness even worse. When I had a horrible

> stomach flu

> she camped herself on the couch too and claimed she

> couldn't even

> move (though never once vomited) and when I got pneumonia

> she called

> the doctor and told him she had all the same symptoms and

> he

> prescribed antibiotics without even seeing her! She was

> constantly

> getting prescriptions for sinus infections that she never

> had and

> taking any leftover medications when someone else in the

> family was

> done with them claiming she had the same thing. It

> didn't help our

> family doctor was an idiot and always prescribed things

> after

> talking to her on the phone without actually seeing her.

> I'm

> getting seriously concerned she may be taking something to

> induce

> this current illness on herself.



> ------------------------------------


> Problems? Ask our friendly List Manager for help at




> To order the KO bible " Stop Walking on

> Eggshells, " call 888-35-SHELL () for your

> copy. We also refer to “Understanding the Borderline

> Mother†(Lawson) and “Surviving the Borderline

> Parent,†(Roth) which you can find at any bookstore.

> Welcome to the WTO community!


> From Randi Kreger, Owner BPDCentral, WTO Online Community

> and author SWOE and the SWOE Workbook.

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Oh yeah.

Ninera - no need to appologize for anything you say here about nada.

This is the one place you can let out all those years of pent up

thoughts and we get it.

Whenever my siblings or I weren't doing exactly what she willed to be

done, she seemed to lose her hair. We do have a slight familial

pattern of female alopecia but usual it's hair thinning, not full

baldness like my mom gets. I have seen a bottle of Nair in her

cupboard and often wonder if it is self induced. Nothing would

surprise me at this point.

If she can't come up with an illness for herself, she seems to make a

good substitute crisis out of friends' and family's illness or

mishaps. Her friend's cancer, my brother's boss dying...whatever she

can snag for the day. She puts herself on prayer group chains so she

can pull from the prayer list chain as needed too so for awhile I was

getting emails weekly about poor ____ and so and so _______ - no one

I knew but she felt a need to use their crisis to contact me.



> >

> > Subject: BPD and Munchausen Syndrome related?

> > To: WTOAdultChildren1

> > Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 2:48 PM

> > Does anyone know if people with BPD are also prone to

> > Munchausen

> > Syndrome (faking illness to receive medical attention)? My

> > nada

> > keeps coming down with this mysterious illness that doctors

> > can't

> > seem to treat or even identify the cause of. It always

> > seems to

> > correspond to periods of high " stress " in her

> > life like my wedding

> > shower and this coming Thanksgiving. In any case, it

> > handily gets

> > her a bunch of attention and gives her an excuse to get out

> > of

> > events she did not want to attend. Knowing my nada like I

> > do, I

> > feel like she is either faking it or somehow inducing it

> > herself. I

> > remember growing up that every single time I got sick she

> > suddenly

> > got the same illness even worse. When I had a horrible

> > stomach flu

> > she camped herself on the couch too and claimed she

> > couldn't even

> > move (though never once vomited) and when I got pneumonia

> > she called

> > the doctor and told him she had all the same symptoms and

> > he

> > prescribed antibiotics without even seeing her! She was

> > constantly

> > getting prescriptions for sinus infections that she never

> > had and

> > taking any leftover medications when someone else in the

> > family was

> > done with them claiming she had the same thing. It

> > didn't help our

> > family doctor was an idiot and always prescribed things

> > after

> > talking to her on the phone without actually seeing her.

> > I'm

> > getting seriously concerned she may be taking something to

> > induce

> > this current illness on herself.

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> > Problems? Ask our friendly List Manager for help at


> > NOT Respond ON THE GROUP.

> >

> > To order the KO bible " Stop Walking on

> > Eggshells, " call 888-35-SHELL () for your

> > copy. We also refer to “Understanding the Borderline

> > Mother†(Lawson) and “Surviving the Borderline

> > Parent,†(Roth) which you can find at any bookstore.

> > Welcome to the WTO community!

> >

> > From Randi Kreger, Owner BPDCentral, WTO Online Community

> > and author SWOE and the SWOE Workbook.

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About 2 years ago my nada got all her hair shaved off and complained

she no longer had enough coordination in her hands to brush her hair

or teeth anymore. The doctor put her through a series of tests,

including a CAT scan to find the cause of the problems. According to

nada, they couldnt find anything wrong and told her it must be in her

head. She went ballistic that they could even mention such a thing. I

believed her that she still thought it was a medical problem. What

confuses me though, is that although she cries the victim and

basically refuses to look after herself (my younger brother lives

with her still and he cooks, cleans, shops and looks after the house)

she is a fan of the pre-mix bourbon drinks (with a bottle on standby

because she complains they are too weak) she will easily go through

10 or more a day. The confusing part is this - how can she lift a can

to her mouth with so much care and coordination when it is basically

the same up and down action with her hands to brush her teeth? She

seems to use her hands competantly when she wants to. As far as I

know the doctors will not do anything else about her problem. I feel

cruel but looking at her drinking and smoking all the time and then

complaining like she does, I am starting to agree with the doctor

because I feel she is competent enough to look after herself if only

she changed her mindset...



> >

> > Subject: BPD and Munchausen Syndrome related?

> > To: WTOAdultChildren1

> > Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 2:48 PM

> > Does anyone know if people with BPD are also prone to

> > Munchausen

> > Syndrome (faking illness to receive medical attention)? My

> > nada

> > keeps coming down with this mysterious illness that doctors

> > can't

> > seem to treat or even identify the cause of. It always

> > seems to

> > correspond to periods of high " stress " in her

> > life like my wedding

> > shower and this coming Thanksgiving. In any case, it

> > handily gets

> > her a bunch of attention and gives her an excuse to get out

> > of

> > events she did not want to attend. Knowing my nada like I

> > do, I

> > feel like she is either faking it or somehow inducing it

> > herself. I

> > remember growing up that every single time I got sick she

> > suddenly

> > got the same illness even worse. When I had a horrible

> > stomach flu

> > she camped herself on the couch too and claimed she

> > couldn't even

> > move (though never once vomited) and when I got pneumonia

> > she called

> > the doctor and told him she had all the same symptoms and

> > he

> > prescribed antibiotics without even seeing her! She was

> > constantly

> > getting prescriptions for sinus infections that she never

> > had and

> > taking any leftover medications when someone else in the

> > family was

> > done with them claiming she had the same thing. It

> > didn't help our

> > family doctor was an idiot and always prescribed things

> > after

> > talking to her on the phone without actually seeing her.

> > I'm

> > getting seriously concerned she may be taking something to

> > induce

> > this current illness on herself.

> >

> >

> > ------------------------------------

> >

> > Problems? Ask our friendly List Manager for help at


> > NOT Respond ON THE GROUP.

> >

> > To order the KO bible " Stop Walking on

> > Eggshells, " call 888-35-SHELL () for your

> > copy. We also refer to “Understanding the Borderline

> > Mother†(Lawson) and “Surviving the Borderline

> > Parent,†(Roth) which you can find at any bookstore.

> > Welcome to the WTO community!

> >

> > From Randi Kreger, Owner BPDCentral, WTO Online Community

> > and author SWOE and the SWOE Workbook.

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My nada has been doing this heavy panting breathing thing for over 15 years and

I would feel so guilty thinking that she was doing it on purpose. I'd think to

myself what a horrible daughter I am to even think that about my own mother. 

I couldn't imagine she could keep it up just for attention .  She would go on

and on about all of her medical conditions comparing herself to her relatives or

friends. And I would try to say ... " But, Mom, so and so had their breast

removed, or had ovarian cancer or were so arthritic they couldn't even leave the

house " and my nada would get really angry and say they had nothing compared to

all the things she had wrong with her. And if there was something wrong she

would insist I call certain people (people whom she felt didn't pay attention to

her) to tell them.  The irony is she is 85 and in better health than everybody

around her!


To: WTOAdultChildren1

Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 2008 7:23:52 PM

Subject: Re: BPD and Munchausen Syndrome related?

Oh yeah.

Ninera - no need to appologize for anything you say here about nada.

This is the one place you can let out all those years of pent up

thoughts and we get it.

Whenever my siblings or I weren't doing exactly what she willed to be

done, she seemed to lose her hair. We do have a slight familial

pattern of female alopecia but usual it's hair thinning, not full

baldness like my mom gets. I have seen a bottle of Nair in her

cupboard and often wonder if it is self induced. Nothing would

surprise me at this point.

If she can't come up with an illness for herself, she seems to make a

good substitute crisis out of friends' and family's illness or

mishaps. Her friend's cancer, my brother's boss dying...whatever she

can snag for the day.. She puts herself on prayer group chains so she

can pull from the prayer list chain as needed too so for awhile I was

getting emails weekly about poor ____ and so and so _______ - no one

I knew but she felt a need to use their crisis to contact me.



> > From: m_roy82 <m_roy82@... >

> > Subject: BPD and Munchausen Syndrome related?

> > To: WTOAdultChildren1@ yahoogroups. com

> > Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 2:48 PM

> > Does anyone know if people with BPD are also prone to

> > Munchausen

> > Syndrome (faking illness to receive medical attention)? My

> > nada

> > keeps coming down with this mysterious illness that doctors

> > can't

> > seem to treat or even identify the cause of. It always

> > seems to

> > correspond to periods of high " stress " in her

> > life like my wedding

> > shower and this coming Thanksgiving. In any case, it

> > handily gets

> > her a bunch of attention and gives her an excuse to get out

> > of

> > events she did not want to attend. Knowing my nada like I

> > do, I

> > feel like she is either faking it or somehow inducing it

> > herself. I

> > remember growing up that every single time I got sick she

> > suddenly

> > got the same illness even worse. When I had a horrible

> > stomach flu

> > she camped herself on the couch too and claimed she

> > couldn't even

> > move (though never once vomited) and when I got pneumonia

> > she called

> > the doctor and told him she had all the same symptoms and

> > he

> > prescribed antibiotics without even seeing her! She was

> > constantly

> > getting prescriptions for sinus infections that she never

> > had and

> > taking any leftover medications when someone else in the

> > family was

> > done with them claiming she had the same thing. It

> > didn't help our

> > family doctor was an idiot and always prescribed things

> > after

> > talking to her on the phone without actually seeing her.

> > I'm

> > getting seriously concerned she may be taking something to

> > induce

> > this current illness on herself.

> >

> >

> > ------------ --------- --------- ------

> >

> > Problems? Ask our friendly List Manager for help at


> > NOT Respond ON THE GROUP.

> >

> > To order the KO bible " Stop Walking on

> > Eggshells, " call 888-35-SHELL () for your

> > copy. We also refer to “Understanding the Borderline

> > Mother� (Lawson) and “Surviving the Borderline

> > Parent,� (Roth) which you can find at any bookstore.

> > Welcome to the WTO community!

> >

> > From Randi Kreger, Owner BPDCentral, WTO Online Community

> > and author SWOE and the SWOE Workbook.

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> >

> > > From: m_roy82 <m_roy82@>

> > > Subject: BPD and Munchausen Syndrome


> > > To: WTOAdultChildren1

> > > Date: Wednesday, November 26, 2008, 2:48 PM

> > > Does anyone know if people with BPD are also prone to

> > > Munchausen

> > > Syndrome (faking illness to receive medical attention)? My

> > > nada

> > > keeps coming down with this mysterious illness that doctors

> > > can't

> > > seem to treat or even identify the cause of. It always

> > > seems to

> > > correspond to periods of high " stress " in her

> > > life like my wedding

> > > shower and this coming Thanksgiving. In any case, it

> > > handily gets

> > > her a bunch of attention and gives her an excuse to get out

> > > of

> > > events she did not want to attend. Knowing my nada like I

> > > do, I

> > > feel like she is either faking it or somehow inducing it

> > > herself. I

> > > remember growing up that every single time I got sick she

> > > suddenly

> > > got the same illness even worse. When I had a horrible

> > > stomach flu

> > > she camped herself on the couch too and claimed she

> > > couldn't even

> > > move (though never once vomited) and when I got pneumonia

> > > she called

> > > the doctor and told him she had all the same symptoms and

> > > he

> > > prescribed antibiotics without even seeing her! She was

> > > constantly

> > > getting prescriptions for sinus infections that she never

> > > had and

> > > taking any leftover medications when someone else in the

> > > family was

> > > done with them claiming she had the same thing. It

> > > didn't help our

> > > family doctor was an idiot and always prescribed things

> > > after

> > > talking to her on the phone without actually seeing her.

> > > I'm

> > > getting seriously concerned she may be taking something to

> > > induce

> > > this current illness on herself.

> > >

> > >

> > > ------------------------------------

> > >

> > > Problems? Ask our friendly List Manager for help at


> > > NOT Respond ON THE GROUP.

> > >

> > > To order the KO bible " Stop Walking on

> > > Eggshells, " call 888-35-SHELL () for your

> > > copy. We also refer to “Understanding the Borderline

> > > Mother†(Lawson) and “Surviving the Borderline

> > > Parent,†(Roth) which you can find at any bookstore.

> > > Welcome to the WTO community!

> > >

> > > From Randi Kreger, Owner BPDCentral, WTO Online Community

> > > and author SWOE and the SWOE Workbook.

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I'm reading this thread with fascination, especially since my nada is

due to come home from the hospital today. Final diagnosis-lactose


Briefly, she has been ramping up her crisis health behavior over the

last three weeks. I've been working on not responding emotionally to

her and I think it's caused her to " up the ante " . Anyway, it started

with a simple bladder infection (she says). She got some antibiotics

and has been having diahrrea (which makes perfect sense if she is

lactose intolerant because she drinks a bucket load of milk...makes

you wonder, right?) Then she stopped drinking water and became

severely dehydrated...until my stepdad called an ambulance.

The rest of the story is filled with daily crisis updates and her

*almost* having about a dozen different serious ailments. Then every

test they did came back normal. Hmmmmm....

I think she feels the ground shifting underfoot in our relationship.

I didn't come up to the hospital once. I didn't crisis along with her

once. This is a big change for me since I " ve been the

caretaker/savior for 50 years.

So 5 days and tens of thousands of $$ later, nada is coming home today

with the doctors order to stop drinking milk. You should have heard

her trying to manipulate that fact into something awful...but you can

probably imagine.

What I did say to her on the phone is that it's such good news, that

all the tests are negative, and almost all her problems came from

being dehydrated which is something COMPLETELY IN HER CONTROL.

Amazingly, she needed to get off the phone then and didn't call me the

rest of the day.

I'm trying to really see her behavior as part of her mental illness

but I fluctuate between feeling relieved and completely pissed off.

My job today is to take care of my own life and enjoy my husband and

kids and in-laws and food. She's going to have to be on her own today.

That's a lot of progress for me.


> >

> > Does anyone know if people with BPD are also prone to Munchausen

> > Syndrome (faking illness to receive medical attention)? My nada

> > keeps coming down with this mysterious illness that doctors can't

> > seem to treat or even identify the cause of. It always seems to

> > correspond to periods of high " stress " in her life like my wedding

> > shower and this coming Thanksgiving. In any case, it handily gets

> > her a bunch of attention and gives her an excuse to get out of

> > events she did not want to attend. Knowing my nada like I do, I

> > feel like she is either faking it or somehow inducing it herself.

> I

> > remember growing up that every single time I got sick she suddenly

> > got the same illness even worse. When I had a horrible stomach flu

> > she camped herself on the couch too and claimed she couldn't even

> > move (though never once vomited) and when I got pneumonia she

> called

> > the doctor and told him she had all the same symptoms and he

> > prescribed antibiotics without even seeing her! She was constantly

> > getting prescriptions for sinus infections that she never had and

> > taking any leftover medications when someone else in the family was

> > done with them claiming she had the same thing. It didn't help our

> > family doctor was an idiot and always prescribed things after

> > talking to her on the phone without actually seeing her. I'm

> > getting seriously concerned she may be taking something to induce

> > this current illness on herself.

> >


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I can only imagine your personal hell on this one... wait, not I

can't.. I've lived it!

That said, " Cheesecake anyone? "

Focus on your stuff and your needs... really, this is up there with

some of the stuff I've had to put up with... at some point, it's OK

to just CHECK OUT!

With Vampires you hang garlic around your neck... maybe with your

Nada you could circle the house in string cheese and wear cheese curd

earrings? It's a thought.


> > >

> > > Does anyone know if people with BPD are also prone to


> > > Syndrome (faking illness to receive medical attention)? My


> > > keeps coming down with this mysterious illness that doctors


> > > seem to treat or even identify the cause of. It always seems


> > > correspond to periods of high " stress " in her life like my


> > > shower and this coming Thanksgiving. In any case, it handily


> > > her a bunch of attention and gives her an excuse to get out of

> > > events she did not want to attend. Knowing my nada like I do,


> > > feel like she is either faking it or somehow inducing it


> > I

> > > remember growing up that every single time I got sick she


> > > got the same illness even worse. When I had a horrible stomach


> > > she camped herself on the couch too and claimed she couldn't


> > > move (though never once vomited) and when I got pneumonia she

> > called

> > > the doctor and told him she had all the same symptoms and he

> > > prescribed antibiotics without even seeing her! She was


> > > getting prescriptions for sinus infections that she never had


> > > taking any leftover medications when someone else in the family


> > > done with them claiming she had the same thing. It didn't help


> > > family doctor was an idiot and always prescribed things after

> > > talking to her on the phone without actually seeing her. I'm

> > > getting seriously concerned she may be taking something to


> > > this current illness on herself.

> > >

> >


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You made me laugh!! I can just see myself holding two sticks of

string cheese in the shape of the cross! LOL



> I can only imagine your personal hell on this one... wait, not I

> can't.. I've lived it!


> That said, " Cheesecake anyone? "


> Focus on your stuff and your needs... really, this is up there with

> some of the stuff I've had to put up with... at some point, it's OK

> to just CHECK OUT!


> With Vampires you hang garlic around your neck... maybe with your

> Nada you could circle the house in string cheese and wear cheese curd

> earrings? It's a thought.


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Thanks for bringing my attention to this syndrome. I have never

heard of it, but in the case of my stepnada, it seems to go hand in

hand with her BPD.

Stepnada complained about being sick CONSTANTLY. She always kept a

digital thermometer by her recliner (where she basically lived when

at home - there or her computer chair). She took her temperature

continuously, annoucing to my father in her baby voice, " Daaaaaddy, I

haf a feeeevah. " Even if the readout said 98.9. She complained of

headaches and fevers most often, coughed and hacked so hard she would

make herself throw up often (she was a heavy smoker), and had cramps

every other week. Early on in their marriage she gained about 70lbs

and blamed it on Hypoglycemia, which she used as an excuse to get

very nasty with anyone nearby, and receieve food immediately. She

actually shoved me away from the microwave once, demanding that she

be able to heat her food first. Personally, I think the weight gain

had a lot more to do with her no longer snorting cocaine, and less to

do with Hypoglycemia (which I still don't believe she has).

She would really crank up the " I'm not feeling good " routine when it

was somebody else's " big day " i.e. a birthday, graduation, or if she

had had a fight with somebody or if things weren't going her way. My

sister and I recognized this pattern very early on and would predict

her " illnesses " with ease.

My stepnada seems as if she never recieves enough attention, she must

be the focus of the room at all times or else will get sick, pout

(just like a 3 year old does), or throw a fit. At least once a night

(when I was still living there as a kid) she would accuse my dad of

not loving her if he dared walk past her recliner without giving her

a kiss. In that house, the world revolves around her quite

literally, from us all being hyper sensitive to her mercurial moods,

watching what we say or don't say and how it is phrased, to my father

waiting on her hand and foot, and demading that we always apologize

to her no matter what transpired.

Thank you for bringing this topic up; it has been a long time since I

have thought of these things, and writing about this has been very

cathartic. As always, good to know I haven't been alone in

witnessing this kind of madness.

Happy Thanksgiving to all!



> Does anyone know if people with BPD are also prone to Munchausen

> Syndrome (faking illness to receive medical attention)? My nada

> keeps coming down with this mysterious illness that doctors can't

> seem to treat or even identify the cause of. It always seems to

> correspond to periods of high " stress " in her life like my wedding

> shower and this coming Thanksgiving. In any case, it handily gets

> her a bunch of attention and gives her an excuse to get out of

> events she did not want to attend. Knowing my nada like I do, I

> feel like she is either faking it or somehow inducing it herself.


> remember growing up that every single time I got sick she suddenly

> got the same illness even worse. When I had a horrible stomach flu

> she camped herself on the couch too and claimed she couldn't even

> move (though never once vomited) and when I got pneumonia she


> the doctor and told him she had all the same symptoms and he

> prescribed antibiotics without even seeing her! She was constantly

> getting prescriptions for sinus infections that she never had and

> taking any leftover medications when someone else in the family was

> done with them claiming she had the same thing. It didn't help our

> family doctor was an idiot and always prescribed things after

> talking to her on the phone without actually seeing her. I'm

> getting seriously concerned she may be taking something to induce

> this current illness on herself.


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Wow Lynnette! She certainly plays her illnesses to the hilt! A

double (well not quite) mastectomy?! My stepnada is also prone to

faking and overreacting, but never on such a drastic scale. Of

course, stepnada refuses to go to the doctor at all. She thinks they

will tell her she has cancer.

I don't know about you, but sort of like the " boy who cried wolf, "

after dealing with my stepnada always feigning illness, I could

barely muster up enough energy to fake being concerned for her. As

an adult I now find (sadly) that I tend to be suspicious of anyone

who becomes ill often, and can't seem to drum up enough compassion to

act like I care when someone gets sick. I know the people I work

with notice and think I'm cold or just plain rude, and my behaviour

is not something I am proud of. Unfortunately, I work with a bunch

of women who complain non-stop about their aches and pains (usually

headaches and stomach aches) which triggers memories of stepnada's

non-stop complaining, and I can barely work up the energy to say, " Oh

really? I'm sorry you feel X. " or, " I hope you feel better! " like

the rest of the women say. Inside I'm just annoyed and disgusted

with them, thinking that there are people out there who can't walk,

or can't see, or have cancer, REAL problems! But I'm afraid that

when someone I love actually comes to me with a serious health scare

and wants a shoulder to cry on, I won't believe them/take it

seriously, and I will regret it for the rest of my life.

> >

> > Does anyone know if people with BPD are also prone to Munchausen

> > Syndrome (faking illness to receive medical attention)? My nada

> > keeps coming down with this mysterious illness that doctors can't

> > seem to treat or even identify the cause of. It always seems to

> > correspond to periods of high " stress " in her life like my


> > shower and this coming Thanksgiving. In any case, it handily


> > her a bunch of attention and gives her an excuse to get out of

> > events she did not want to attend. Knowing my nada like I do, I

> > feel like she is either faking it or somehow inducing it


> I

> > remember growing up that every single time I got sick she


> > got the same illness even worse. When I had a horrible stomach


> > she camped herself on the couch too and claimed she couldn't even

> > move (though never once vomited) and when I got pneumonia she

> called

> > the doctor and told him she had all the same symptoms and he

> > prescribed antibiotics without even seeing her! She was


> > getting prescriptions for sinus infections that she never had and

> > taking any leftover medications when someone else in the family


> > done with them claiming she had the same thing. It didn't help


> > family doctor was an idiot and always prescribed things after

> > talking to her on the phone without actually seeing her. I'm

> > getting seriously concerned she may be taking something to induce

> > this current illness on herself.

> >


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